Everything Punk said about Hogan was true


Occasional Pre-Show
I hope I dont offend anyone or dissapoint anyone, but what Hogan & Bischoff ar edoing with TNA is disgusting. This is coming from a wrestling fan not a WWE fan. Look I love wrestling I have been watching since I was five years old. I have seen the good, the bad & the ugly. This we are witnessing is ugly. Hulk Hogan has gotten TNA and made Hogan Pro Wrestling. He is giving time to guys like Bubba, Hall, Nash, Pac, The Nasty Boyz & old WWE rejects. Taking away time from the future of the Business and releasing quality wrestlers. He goes on a radio show and call his best women wrestler a female dog, the most unprossional thing I have seen. Decide to make Daniels job. Doesn't give Samoa Joe a match at the PPV and is surronding TNA around himself.
Im sick to my stomach and it is driving TNA right to the ground. We had hope Hogan would come in a rid TNA of all the old guys with maybe a Flair, Foley, Anle & Sting here and there. I had hope he would bring in guys like Cabana & Hero after they tried out for TNA, but no. I have to see the Nasty Boyz, I have to see the Outsiders, I have to see Orlando Jordan in a fued with DeAngelo Dinero, after Dinero was actually making progress. I have to see Val Venis bin Daniels one of the best wrestlers today. I have to see Ken Anderson beat Abyss and as a true wrestling fan it hurts me.
As much as we critize Vince, he knew if he didn't start developing new stars he was gonna drive the WWE to the ground & what have we gotten. We have CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre & hopefully more. Vince is starting to sign guys from ROH like Bryan Danielson & we could have even seen Nigel if he had past his test. Im not trying to make the WWE sound like it is better, because they themselves have there own flaws. What Im saying is that if TNA is not gonna develope young talent they are done.
Everyone wants to see Styles, Daniels, Joe, Wolfe, Dinero, Sabin, Sheley, Beer Money, Generation Me, Red & the Divas Division. Why couldn't Hogan do that. I tell you why it is cause he is selfish. He wants his own nursing home buddies & thinks by giving WWE rejects a push he is gonna better TNA.
I say BS and if there is not a change TNA will be driven to the ground. You thought Kong & Flash leaving were bad. Wait to they can convice Joe or Daniels to stay.
Been said in plenty of other threads. Most of the older guys are there to help TNA and it's younger generation. When their jobs are done so will be there time with TNA. Just wait and see. How many pople have to be reminded that it's been 3 fucking weeks. WWE didnt become the global empire in a month people. Damn needey people who need thier instant gratification. Try crack, seems to work pretty fast nowadays.
Yeah, he's running it right into the ground.

Better production values: Yup.

Higher ratings: Yup.

More cogent storylines: Yup.

Better reviews for their shows: Yup.

More PPV buys: We don't know yet.

Pushing younger talent?: Styles, Morgan, Hernandez, Beer Money, Young BUcks (Generation Me), Pope, Desmond Wolfe...all have received pushes to one degree or another, so yup.

Are you complaining without any real basis in reality? Yup.
So firstly you think Evan Bourne is a new star? He's a jobber. Sheamus is a green rookie who was jobbing to Goldust a few months ago and has suddenly been pushed because he's tongued HHH's balls week in week out. Let's take a look at TNA instead:

Beer Money beat Nash and Syxx-Pac at Genesis. Generation Me have had one match so you have no iea how they're being used. The Knockouts are still getting plenty of time on Impact. Chris Daniels lost to Sean Morely which will lead to a feud giving Daniels more face time this is called a "push". AJ is Champion and he's always being shown on TV. Wolfe and Dinero are upper mid-card at the moment and both put on an excellent match at Genesis. Your argument is ******ed, all of these people are getting face time. They can't show everyone on the roster week in week out, there's no time in any wrestling company for that much exposure.

How is Hogan giving WWE rejects a push? He's using Orlando Jordan and Sean Morely as enhancement talent for the TNA wrestlers to get over with the new audience TNA is pulling in. Ken Anderson has had one match against a Gimmick Wrestler so he's hardly burying anyone. And if Jordan and Morely can still go (and they can) then why should they be shoved off to the side? Answer; they shouldn't. TNA is building new stars, this takes time. You should be thanking Hogan and Bischoff that they aren't dumb enough to push an unknown directly to the top because doing that kills the credibility of your entire roster.
How long has Styles, Joe & Daniels been with the company. They are well known around the wrestling world and very well known in the impact zone. Why the hell should they step back for guys like Hall, Nash or Waltman. Why does Hogan have to rip the Montreal Screw Job that was doen years ago. Why do I have to watch two fat slubs in the Nasty Boyz when they have Team 3D or see Daniels lose to Venis. Im sorry maybe in the long run it will work and I will eat my words, but right now it is bad and like I said Im wrestling fan. Im not trying to bash TNA I actually want to see them succeed.
Robi, the 'future' isn't going to draw until the old school pick up the viewers. It is as simple as that. Personally, I have never found TNA more interesting than I do right now. I'd personally rather see The Nasty Boys v. Team 3D than Morgan-Hernandez v. The British Invasion. I'd rather see Scott Hall beat up Mick Foley backstage than see Samoa Joe wrestle Kurt Angle for a half hour. Obviously just one guy's opinion, but that's my point. One man's garbage tv is another man's must see.
Styles and Daniels are well known to TNA and Indie fans. Not to WWE fans which is whom they are trying to attract more of. They need pushes and that comes with feuding and beating guys like THe nWo and stars of the past. And winning every match is not a push. Just like losing every match is not a burial. It's annoying when people think if a guy loses one match "They are being buried." No it's called progression. If you cant figure that out by now you have not been really watching wrestling that long. Hogan ripped the screwjob to get under the skin of fans like you who are looking for any reason to crucify him. I bet he and Eric are ont he phone right now laughing at how much attention this is getting. And if they are reading....Hi Eric, Hi Hulk! But I digress. You dont have to watch them, there is a fun little button that changes the chanel you are watching. It's funny how people say they want them to succeed but just bash and rip everything they have after 3 WEEKS! Here's a challenge....Do it better or shut up and enjoy the show.
How long has Styles, Joe & Daniels been with the company. They are well known around the wrestling world and very well known in the impact zone.
They're well known by TNA fans and smarks, that's about 10% of the wrestling audience. John Cena is a household name do you think Samoa Joe is? If you do then you're stupid.

Why the hell should they step back for guys like Hall, Nash or Waltman.
So being world champion is a step back to three former maineventers who are jobbing to a midcard tag team?

Why does Hogan have to rip the Montreal Screw Job that was doen years ago.
Why does WWE get to do it every year?

Why do I have to watch two fat slubs in the Nasty Boyz when they have Team 3D or see Daniels lose to Venis.
Because the Nasties and 3D are fighting eachother which keeps both teams away from the tag titles and the younger teams. And becase Sean Morely and Daniels are going to feud with eachother.

Im sorry maybe in the long run it will work and I will eat my words, but right now it is bad and like I said Im wrestling fan. Im not trying to bash TNA I actually want to see them succeed.

So you want them to put out the same product they put out the past 7 years that hasn't really got them anywhere beyond a 1.3 all time high in the ratings? Hogan and Bischoff are changing things up, they're adding credibility to the TNA stars, they're bringing in new viewers, they're making new storylines. What would you rather?
Eventhough we really could deal without The Nasty Boys I feel like TNA is doing alright so far. It's very true Morely and Jordan can still go, not to mention they were very underused in WWE(well at least Morely towards the end where I feel he had way more to offer still). Also what's wrong with Mr. Anderson winning matches? He's still a young and popular wrestler with a lot to give so why should he be an enhancement talent. The guy was on the verge of becoming World and WWE Champion in WWE before his injuries and then release so far him to be Jobbing to a nobody like Abyss would be asinine(sorry but Abyss has fallen far from grace.).

Now I do believe that the Motor City Machine Guns should be the TNA Tag Team Champions instead of Hernandez and Morgan but hey still young people in that title picture. In fact there is not a single WWE reject ruining that division at the moment. Also I would rather Daniels be Global Champion than Eric Young but at least a TNA original is still holding a major title(okay maybe not so major).

Also I can't say I would mad if Nash continued to get push cause he is still an interesting character that can put on a good match when he wants to.

Now I do get what your saying. I mean it does look like Hogan is using TNA as his own personal fed to help his boys. Now I think he is to an extent but he's not stupid enough to make the same mistakes that him and Bischoff made in WCW. I think you'll see the Nasty Boys eventually fade after Against All Odds unless some fans start buying into them or they just get used as Tag Division Jobbers/Enhancement Talent. I don't see Hall and Waltman lasting long unless hey clean up their act. I really think TNA is scared to actually put serious storylines into them seeing as they are doing something important but can easily be pulled from the scenario.

So I'm just saying lets show a little patience for just a moment. Now if things haven't shaped up significantly or look like there heading in the right direction by Slammiversary than maybe we should be a little worried.
Don't even try to talk sense into them OP. Won't do any good. This is WCW all over again. When Vince does something bad, he's a piece of shit and his shows are crap (they are), but when TNA does it, it's fresh it's to get under our skin, it's only been three weeks blah blah.

Excuses excuses excuses. When Vince redid the screwjob it was horrible, and got bad reviews, because it was horrible and deserved bad reviews. When TNA does it, it's ha ha and to get under our skin.

"WWE never pushes anybody new" yet the World title match at RR is two heels going at it, with Kofi lingering close by.

Meanwhile TNA's supposed "change" involves a fat out of shape Hall, a never was Suxxpac, 4 fat men in a street fight, Val Venus, and the guy who Benoit beat in under 20 seconds.

Tell ya what Hogan. Give me a fantastic X Division, a breathtaking knockouts division, give me MCMG, give me the Joe of 4 years ago, give me the Modern Day HBK without a screwjob.....you can keep the change
Did some you guys see Genesis or tonight's show. Genesis was bad, Tonights show was horrible. In less then two weeks I have seen Sean Morley & Orlando Jordan beat two of the best young stars in the Business in Dinero & Daniels. You want Dinero & Daniels to get over then you have both squah this two nobodies.

Who the hell remembers Morley he left his persona in the WWE and he looks nothing like Val Venis. Orlando Jordan are you serious the guy looks like a Japanese import of Booker T, oh and I thought Lashley was suppose to be the new Booker T who knows anymore. DeAngelo says it best when calls Jordon Whoopie.

So Beer Money beats Nash & Hall,good. But why the hell was it not with a clean finish, why do they have to bring out a drunk messed up Hall that causd Nash the match, pure BS.

The Nasty Boyz match made me want to throw up.

The WWE has done the Montreal screw job twice once with Hart & something similiar with Punk and they were the one who created it they can do it as many time as they want and if he is gonna do the screw job do it right. Dont have Angle say he quits and he is on next week show. Hogan is copying them and it makes it seem like he has no crediblity.

Don't even try to talk sense into them OP. Won't do any good. This is WCW all over again. When Vince does something bad, he's a piece of shit and his shows are crap (they are), but when TNA does it, it's fresh it's to get under our skin, it's only been three weeks blah blah.

Excuses excuses excuses. When Vince redid the screwjob it was horrible, and got bad reviews, because it was horrible and deserved bad reviews. When TNA does it, it's ha ha and to get under our skin.

"WWE never pushes anybody new" yet the World title match at RR is two heels going at it, with Kofi lingering close by.

Meanwhile TNA's supposed "change" involves a fat out of shape Hall, a never was Suxxpac, 4 fat men in a street fight, Val Venus, and the guy who Benoit beat in under 20 seconds.

Tell ya what Hogan. Give me a fantastic X Division, a breathtaking knockouts division, give me MCMG, give me the Joe of 4 years ago, give me the Modern Day HBK without a screwjob.....you can keep the change

Could have not have said it any better.

They talk crap, but let me remind you the WWE is doing one hell of a job pushing young stars. Lets see Punk is a monster heel, The Miz is on his way to becoming another monster heel ( who would have thought about that), Sheamus is improving and is one mean MF, John Morrison has future HBK written all over him, Kofi Kingston amazing, Evan Bourne getting closer & closer every week to up setting the champion, Drew McIntyre one mean Scotish with good mic work & a sick finisher. Danielson is one his way & like I said if Nigel would have past his test would have been there too. The one negative was they let go of Dinero, but it has done him very good cause he is better now then in the WWE.
You guys talk crap about Sheamus, but he is improving every week. The Miz is becoming one of the best FN heels in the Business
Wolvdog. I love how you come here and trash TNA, then try to trash the people who try to defend it. Again you just complain and bring nothing positive to the table but still get told by everyone on here. If WWE Sucks I will say it sucks. If WWE is great I will say that as well. Same with TNA, ROH, PWG, and any other fed I come across.

Did some you guys see Genesis or tonight's show. Genesis was bad, Tonights show was horrible. In less then two weeks I have seen Sean Morley & Orlando Jordan beat two of the best young stars in the Business in Dinero & Daniels. You want Dinero & Daniels to get over then you have both squah this two nobodies.
Genesis was good. Not great but good. Once again as I have stated before. They are feuds. Daniels & Dinero will go over Jordan and Morely. Will you complain then...probably. If they squash them, it makes everyone look bad.

So Beer Money beats Nash & Hall,good. But why the hell was it not with a clean finish, why do they have to bring out a drunk messed up Hall that causd Nash the match, pure BS.
As I said in another topic (might as well jsut merge them so I can explain this to you both in the same page) they did this so there is reason for a possible rematch which BMI can go over clean. Patience people.

The Nastys.....hell I agree. Cant stand those two

The WWE has done the Montreal screw job twice once with Hart & something similiar with Punk and they were the one who created it they can do it as many time as they want and if he is gonna do the screw job do it right. Dont have Angle say he quits and he is on next week show. Hogan is copying them and it makes it seem like he has no crediblity.
More than that....Rock/Mankind Survivor Series 98 (a year later). And just cause they created it doesn't mean they can do it over and over and over and it's suppose to be ok and be "over". It was dumb when they did it, and it made no sense for TNA to but it happened. Fucking deal. Angle quitting is no differnet than when Goldust quit then came back a week later as Dustin Rhodes. It's no different then when Mick Foley quit then returned as Cactus Jack a week later. Dont try to tell me that there were different characters therefore two people so it works. No it doesn't.
Here is your lovely roster you guys love

Jordan (Whoopie T)
The Nasty Boyz
Jeff Jarrett
Team 3d ( They are old as hell

Does anyone see a problem, probably not to the supporters. To me it should be called Total Nursing Home Action. Do the math and you might get to over 1,000 year in old age and to think some of you see an improvement. If Hogan wanted a change he would hired Paul Heymor as the main booker & kicked Vince Russo to the curve and stripped the ROH roster, Instead of signing all these old farts to wrestle. I would have not mined a little Sting here and there, maybe a little Flair & some Foley. NAsh & Hall in the back with Heyman booking behind the cameras, no problem with that. But the Nasty Boyz, Jordan & Morely & Pac make me puke.

Also why not have Daniels fued with Foley or Sting or Nash. Why not have Dinero fued with the guys I just mentioned. Guys who are well known champion sin this business. Who the hell remembers Venis or Jordan. You tell me Daniels & Dinero are gonna be Main Eventers cause they beat two guys we have not seen in year, forget about it. He wants to make TNA in to the Hogan Tour and if you guys do not realize it now, you will soon.

Good Night.
Not to be an ass but in the 12+ years the wwe only did a few "screw jobs"

1) Survivor Series(1998)
2) 2003 No Way Out(2003)
3) Saturday Night's Main Event(March 18, 2006)
4) Breaking Point(2009)

It was an exaggeration and still the WWE can do it 3 times in the past decade but when TNA does it, it's unoriginal and lazy booking? Please. The argument being made here is ridiculous.

Here is your lovely roster you guys love

Jordan (Whoopie T)
The Nasty Boyz
Jeff Jarrett
Team 3d ( They are old as hell

Does anyone see a problem, probably not to the supporters. To me it should Total Nursing Home Action. Do the math and you might get to over 1,000 year in old age and some of you see an improvement. If Hogan wanted a change he would hired Paul Heyman kicked Vince Russo to the curve and instead of signing all these old farts stripped the ROH roster. He wants to make TNA in to Hogan Tour and if you guys do not realize you will soon.

Good Night.

Right, so what was the point of posting fuck all of the roster? Oh you're trying to say they're old? Or were in WWE? Who gives a fuck? Let's see number of those wrestlers who are currently in TNA's main event? 1 (Angle).
Number of guys who came to TNA with Hogan? 9. And 4 of them don't wrestle, so 5. This is why you're an idiot; look at your "solution" to make TNA better; "Hire Heyman an use a bunch of unknown ROH wreslters?" Oh yeah that's gonna bring in the viewers. Because American Wolves and Chris Hero are such well known names among the general public and I mean Paul Heyman definitely has experience in getting a young company to improve their ratings................oh wait a minute. It's funny how you completely neglect the other 2/3's of TNA's roster and how you neglect that not one person on your list is holding a title. Well done idiot.
Wow you really wnet through the roster and picked the guys you want to try to prove a bad point. By the way genius, Jordan is still young. May not be great int he ring but he is still young. How about I help ya out on the other end....
Machine Guns
British Invasion
Lethal Consequences
Beer Money

Now seeing how five of your people dont even wrestle kind of kills your argument that TNA is nursing home. They have just as many young guys and girls if not more than the older vets. Have fun sleeping tonight but dont worry this willbe here in the morning to start your day off.
You're a mark. They are deliberately playing up to the WCW II or WWE wannabe angle. Once again they put over old guys, and recreate the Montreal Screwjob ripoff. Utterly crap television, but still the message boards are buzzing with TNA activity. They are getting the name out there by any means. Smart man, is Bischoff. Controversy creates cash, remember that.
It was an exaggeration and still the WWE can do it 3 times in the past decade but when TNA does it, it's unoriginal and lazy booking? Please. The argument being made here is ridiculous.

wcw did the whole screw job thing as well, they did it kind of at Starrcade 1997 and again at Starrcade 1998. I remember thinking at the time that-that was ridiculous for them to do that, and 13+ years later it's ridiculous to see it again by both wwe and tna. Anytime it's done, I don't care what company does it, its cheap heat that goes away in a few weeks anyway.

Also I really wish that tna would of vetoed the change to the ring, I thought they were all about being different. They were different for 8 years and now it looks there turning into a watered down version of there self.
wcw did the whole screw job thing as well, they did it kind of at Starrcade 1997 and again at Starrcade 1998. I remember thinking at the time that-that was ridiculous for them to do that, and 13+ years later it's ridiculous to see it again by both wwe and tna. Anytime it's done, I don't care what company does it, its cheap heat that goes away in a few weeks anyway.

Also I really wish that tna would of vetoed the change to the ring, I thought they were all about being different. They were different for 8 years and now it looks there turning into a watered down version of there self.

Yes and you're one person. Also at Starrcade 97 it was a reference to it but Sting actually won the title he wasn't screwed out of it. Also if you're going by references then you can add about a 100 to WWE for everytime Michaels has been in Canada or feuded with a Canadian.

As for the ring there's already a thread for that. But I'll put it simply 1.) TNA had a 4-sided ring during their early days. And if the shape of a ring bothers you that much then you should probably stop watching altogether because it's pointless trying to entertain someone who'll nitpick everything.
Wow you really wnet through the roster and picked the guys you want to try to prove a bad point. By the way genius, Jordan is still young. May not be great int he ring but he is still young. How about I help ya out on the other end....

Now seeing how five of your people dont even wrestle kind of kills your argument that TNA is nursing home. They have just as many young guys and girls if not more than the older vets. Have fun sleeping tonight but dont worry this willbe here in the morning to start your day off.

since when did 38 become young?

anyways Hogan is going to kill TNA, how can you say he is enhancing TNA's talent when the only TNA guy thats truly being pushed is AJ, Dinero has lost twice in two straight shows once was respectable to Wolfe but then he comes back and jobs to the talent lacking Orlando Jordan?

the only "young guys" that Hogan has brought in are Hardy and Moore and no one is really certain what Jeff's status is at this point in time for the long run.

right now TNA's product is as bad if not WORSE than WWE's which there is at least a glimmer of hope with the new guys that look to be on the cusp of making it big
I think what Hogan and Bischoff are doing is what they think is good for the business. Outside of bringing in Hall, Pac, and the Nasty Boyz, the wrestling community would generally consider Hogan's version of TNA a success. I agree that Hall and the Nasty Boyz are not that great in TNA, however if they'd use Pac right he'd fit right in the X Division. Morley, Orlando Jordan and Ken Anderson are nice additions to the roster imo. Jordan and Morley, given the right set of circumstances can become stars in TNA w/o taking a huge amount of the spotlight, and Ken Anderson is...or should be a MAJOR star in TNA and if not, he could be huge in WWE. Ken "Kennedy" Anderson could be the boat that WWE missed cause the guy has phenomenal mic skills and unparalleled wrestling ability.
Did some you guys see Genesis or tonight's show. Genesis was bad, Tonights show was horrible. In less then two weeks I have seen Sean Morley & Orlando Jordan beat two of the best young stars in the Business in Dinero & Daniels. You want Dinero & Daniels to get over then you have both squah this two nobodies.

Who the hell remembers Morley he left his persona in the WWE and he looks nothing like Val Venis. Orlando Jordan are you serious the guy looks like a Japanese import of Booker T, oh and I thought Lashley was suppose to be the new Booker T who knows anymore. DeAngelo says it best when calls Jordon Whoopie.

So Beer Money beats Nash & Hall,good. But why the hell was it not with a clean finish, why do they have to bring out a drunk messed up Hall that causd Nash the match, pure BS.

The Nasty Boyz match made me want to throw up.

The WWE has done the Montreal screw job twice once with Hart & something similiar with Punk and they were the one who created it they can do it as many time as they want and if he is gonna do the screw job do it right. Dont have Angle say he quits and he is on next week show. Hogan is copying them and it makes it seem like he has no crediblity.

While I am going to try really hard not to be an a**hole to you, I believe you are not understanding any of this. From what I have read from you so far, you have no idea how a big time wrestling promotion works. Your solution to TNA's problems were the problems they had before. They have NOT ONE household name, not ONE. AJ is great, I'll give you that, but outside of the people who show up to the impact zone for every taping, and those who watch on Thursdays...NO ONE KNOWS HIM! WWE fans have heard of him, but the casual fan (Who Hogan and company are trying to attract) has not.

This shouldn't be very difficult to comprehend, so just read carefully. THEY ARE TRYING TO BECOME MAIN STREAM!! If the talent they already had was getting the job done and taking the company to the top, and some of them will make damn good FUTURE superstars, they wouldn't have needed Hogan/Bischoff at all. They would have cruised along, made it to Monday nights, and competed. But they weren't. Hell, they weren't even close, and this really isn't up for debate. The name Hulk Hogan attracts new (some of the older) viewers, and that is what TNA wanted, no matter how much that pisses off someone like you.

TNA, storyline wise, was garbage before Hogan. Their storylines were weak (even weaker than the crap WWE give us every week). TNA had wayyyy too much going on at one time for just one show per week. They have way too much going on all the time. They have a storyline that consists of like 2 or 3 at the same time. Take AJ/Kurt Angle just this past month. Was there any reason for Tomko to be involved? Do you think those two guys, the best in TNA, needed him being masked and taking out AJ? No, not at all. He wasn't even running with Kurt, it was pointless. That is what pre-Hogan/Bischoff did (And yes, before you say it, I understand that Tomko revealed himself while Hogan was there, but it started before he got there, couldn't just not deal with it), that was how it went.

Things are changing. Now, I agree with you about the Nasty Boys. If it weren't for them being buddies with Hogan, they would still be retired, as they should be. But Morley CAN wrestle, and you are wrong that no one remembers him. And yeah, Hall/Nash didn't tag at Genesis, Nash and Waltman did. Hall and Waltman are for talking only, their angle is almost done in TNA. And as for Jordan beating DeAngelo, it is SETTING UP AN ANGLE!! You still can't understand that? Who knows who creative likes better, maybe it is Jordan, but WE DON'T know that yet. You really seem to have a problem understanding how to set up a good storyline. Like someone said earlier, instant gratification is what has RUINED wrestling. Just wait and see what happens, MAYBE it won't be that bad.

And by the way, the WWE didn't "create" the Montreal Screwjob. And they didn't "do it WITH Hart." It was a real scew job, he got screwed for real, it was not a storyline, so it holds a little more weight than the Punk/Taker angle. Please do wrestling fans, past and present, the courtesy of never comparing what happened with McMahon/HBK/Bret Hart to fictional recreations.
anyways Hogan is going to kill TNA, how can you say he is enhancing TNA's talent when the only TNA guy thats truly being pushed is AJ, Dinero has lost twice in two straight shows once was respectable to Wolfe but then he comes back and jobs to the talent lacking Orlando Jordan?
Losing a match is a job now.....wait so that does that mean that the nWo are job guys now. So no one has any reason to complain about the older guys since they are clearly jobbers. I mean Nash lost two straight matches. Am I right?

the only "young guys" that Hogan has brought in are Hardy and Moore and no one is really certain what Jeff's status is at this point in time for the long run.

Kendrick? He's still young. Besides did you expect him to just fire anyone over 35 and hire all the young up and comers in the indie feds? Yeah that would get TNA noticed. "Come watch TNA wrestling where guys you never heard of take on guys you'vebarely heard of. We have no one you've ever actually sit down and watched but we are gonna make stars out of all of them, Brother!" Yeah that will help. There is a place for young up and coming talent to show off and it's called ROH. But even they are not the superstars people make them out to be. I love those guys but it's true.
I hope I dont offend anyone or dissapoint anyone, but what Hogan & Bischoff ar edoing with TNA is disgusting. This is coming from a wrestling fan not a WWE fan. Look I love wrestling I have been watching since I was five years old. I have seen the good, the bad & the ugly. This we are witnessing is ugly. Hulk Hogan has gotten TNA and made Hogan Pro Wrestling. He is giving time to guys like Bubba, Hall, Nash, Pac, The Nasty Boyz & old WWE rejects. Taking away time from the future of the Business and releasing quality wrestlers. He goes on a radio show and call his best women wrestler a female dog, the most unprossional thing I have seen. Decide to make Daniels job. Doesn't give Samoa Joe a match at the PPV and is surronding TNA around himself.
Im sick to my stomach and it is driving TNA right to the ground. We had hope Hogan would come in a rid TNA of all the old guys with maybe a Flair, Foley, Anle & Sting here and there. I had hope he would bring in guys like Cabana & Hero after they tried out for TNA, but no. I have to see the Nasty Boyz, I have to see the Outsiders, I have to see Orlando Jordan in a fued with DeAngelo Dinero, after Dinero was actually making progress. I have to see Val Venis bin Daniels one of the best wrestlers today. I have to see Ken Anderson beat Abyss and as a true wrestling fan it hurts me.
As much as we critize Vince, he knew if he didn't start developing new stars he was gonna drive the WWE to the ground & what have we gotten. We have CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, The Miz, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre & hopefully more. Vince is starting to sign guys from ROH like Bryan Danielson & we could have even seen Nigel if he had past his test. Im not trying to make the WWE sound like it is better, because they themselves have there own flaws. What Im saying is that if TNA is not gonna develope young talent they are done.
Everyone wants to see Styles, Daniels, Joe, Wolfe, Dinero, Sabin, Sheley, Beer Money, Generation Me, Red & the Divas Division. Why couldn't Hogan do that. I tell you why it is cause he is selfish. He wants his own nursing home buddies & thinks by giving WWE rejects a push he is gonna better TNA.
I say BS and if there is not a change TNA will be driven to the ground. You thought Kong & Flash leaving were bad. Wait to they can convice Joe or Daniels to stay.

Today's word for the IWC is: patience.

If, six months from now, the Nasty Boyz have given their rub to Team 3D and whatever other young(er) team(s) they decide to throw into the mix for their version of TLC (I guaran-damn-tee you it'll happen), and then dropped off the radar, your concerns will seem rather unfounded, right?

If, six months from now, The Band has passed the torch to the next big faction and moved on from TNA, you'll look slightly stupid, right?

As a matter of fact, AJ Styles is being made to look like a STRONG champion now, as opposed to before Hogan/Bischoff came on TV. Hernandez/Morgan and British Invasion all got ring time at Genesis, Beer Money went over The Band, Styles vs Angle got almost 30 minutes.

And these are just from the top of my (very tired) head. There's so much up in the air right now, I doubt anyone who's not directly involved in the creative process (and possibly not even all of them) can tell where anything is going to land. That makes for compelling programming!

God damn it, we get the best iMPACTs in YEARS and people are whining because their little pet spotmonkey hasn't gotten 20 minutes of mic time so obviously Hogan and Bischoff are holding every original down and will NEVER EVER invest in the young, homegrown talent.

What's with the fucking ADD attitude? Give it some time. Have some faith.

Yeah, he's running it right into the ground.

Better production values: Yup.

Higher ratings: Yup.

More cogent storylines: Yup.

Better reviews for their shows: Yup.

More PPV buys: We don't know yet.

Pushing younger talent?: Styles, Morgan, Hernandez, Beer Money, Young BUcks (Generation Me), Pope, Desmond Wolfe...all have received pushes to one degree or another, so yup.

Are you complaining without any real basis in reality? Yup.

Are the OP, most of the IWC and the TNA smarks being worked? Yup.
Hogan is changing to much to quick hes changed the logo, the ring the, roster and i wouldnt be surprised if he changes the name of the company as well. Enter TNH Total Nonstop Hogan or WCW 2 (Wheel Chair Wrestling) either one works. (and i fuking hate that damn ramp)
Hogan is changing to much to quick hes changed the logo, the ring the, roster and i wouldnt be surprised if he changes the name of the company as well. Enter TNH Total Nonstop Hogan or WCW 2 (Wheel Chair Wrestling) either one works. (and i fuking hate that damn ramp)

I'll disregard the lame ass attempts at smarky humor here and address the main point... Hogan is changing too much too quickly. Yeah, maybe. But it's all things that needed to be changed if TNA ever expects to be anything more than a glorified indy fed.

Sure he could have changed a little at a time... the logo now, the ring 6 months from now, the ramp a year from now, etc etc but then that just restarts all this bitching like you're doing here all over again every time he changes something. This way, getting it all over with up front, you guys get your bitching out of the way all at once and we can all move on with our lives.

This, too, will pass.

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