Everyone Officially In A Party In The Election Read This


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The next step of the election process has begun. The forums have again gone dark for the sake of allowing people in the parties to conduct their business. We will begin the debates within the next 24 hours, mainly so I can come up with some questions.

The format of the debates:

There will be two in total, one this week and one next week. Due to the time aspects, there won't be a set time for this to happen. All three candidates will have a week to answer each question and respond to other answers. I'm thinking there will be ten questions each and I'll tweak the process as needed for the second debate. There will be a mixture of silly questions and serious ones. Some will pertain directly to the office that each candidate is running for and some will be general. Some will be about the forums, some will be about wrestling, some will be about random topics. If more questions are needed, I'll add more. As you can tell, I haven't really mapped this out that well but I'll certainly adjust things if they don't work.

Now there are some other things to consider: campaigning. We're going to have ways to advertise for your candidate of choice. Here are some of them:

1. Yard Signs (Sigs). If you want to have a sig for a candidate you may. However, this will come at a price. If you want a sig for your candidate with whatever you want to say on it, you will have to pay a price of 1500 rep points. You MUST MUST MUST PM me to tell me you're going to be putting up a sig. If not, you'll be penalized with removal of that sig and you'll lose 200 points. You can ask some of our sigmakers to make them if you'd like but don't be offended if they say no.

2. Campaign Ads. The same as above: you can make ads and blast other candidates, but this will cost you 1200 rep points per day. The ad will be stickied in the Election forum. There will be a maximum of two per party, but you can swap them out for a new one at any time. It can say whatever you like and have in it whatever you like (following forum rules of course). Again you must ask for my permission before making ANY sort of ad.

3. Campaign Commercials. This would be made by any candidate and can say whatever you like. It would be a post they can make, available for the low cost of 2500 rep points. They will be deleted 48 hours after they're posted. They may be nice, evil, absurd, or whatever you like. Again following forum rules of course. The same commercial can be run as many times as you like, provided you can afford it.

Again, EVERY single one of these must be approved by me and me alone. You can ask me through a PM and get my approval.

Remember that this is a popularity contest, meaning PMing people for votes is encouraged. Basically there aren't many rules. Just don't take it seriously and have fun.

Oh and one more thing: if a Party wants to combine points to pay for this, that can be arranged.

Any questions?
Wow. 1200 rep points, 1500 rep points, and 2500? I'm assuming that you just red rep them until they pay in full, right? But that seems like a steep price.
Does this include sigs already on display prior to the beginning of this thread? The reason I'm asking is, I've had an ABC sig since early in the election and the current one since DD was announced ABC candidate. If there's no charge for existing sigs, I'll leave it but the charges are too high for my meagre rep total if they apply.
So can I make extensive and eloquent threads outlining how Dagger is a complete moron without having to expend capital, or will that result in a fine?
Give it up, man. It's not worth it. It's Chinatown.

If I make numerous posts in the WWE section with an analogous connection to the election, am I breaking any rules?
So basically participating in this election in any fashion beyond voting and PM spamming costs rep?
Overlooking that the thing that's been the most effective campaigning technique so far is something you don't charge for (PM solicitation of support), I feel the need to point out that if this were really a proper popularity contest then the question of who can amass the most rep should be a non-issue. And this is coming from somebody who has a war chest of rep at his disposal. Everyone's stepping up to the plate for me on the rep front and I could easily squander their goodwill, but the endorsement threads that have come about thus far (which would essentially be ads and commercials now) have yielded ho-hum results. Conversely, PM-bombing no-names has proven wildly rewarding. I don't know why you're charged for what's proven to be a terrible campaigning technique in an election like this. If you acknowledge that logic as sound, why handcuff anyone at this point? Candidates have little to gain from you letting them take the gloves off, but someone interested in keeping the board as active as possible is sitting on what is a potentially divisive goldmine.

What says you to that?
That I thought of this in about 5 minutes last night while doing other things and didn't really put a lot of thought into it when I initially put it up.
I see. Should I be expecting an almost immediate amendment or abolishment of the rules laid out in this thread?
I'd think there will indeed be some major changes to them before the week is over or even before the day is over, yes.
Hi, I would like to start my own election party. My strengths include communication, team work and organisational skills which I currently have into action due to being part of the WWE Creative Staff.

Vote for Kevin Eck.
I've read some of his WWE.com articles and can vouch for his communication skills. What's that worth to you?

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