Everest and DC vs. Disasterpiece and Bryan Denney

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Dufflebag Mod!!
Everest and D.C vs. Disasterpiece and Bryan Denney

There is only one thing on Everest mind and that is revenge. Little is known about the man Called Reaper but all you need to know is that he screws over Everest. Denney haven`t come alone he have his
Bryan “The Reaper” Denney and Disasterpiece are right outside the locker room when Leon Kensworth approaches.

Leon: Can I ask you guys a few questions?

Reaper: If you got questions then we have answers….go ahead.

Leon: How do you feel about being put in a tag match against Everest and DC at the next Meltdown?

Reaper: I think it’s hilarious. I just introduced Everest to my good friend Mrs. Sledge less than 24 hours ago. (Reaper looks at DP). Did he even get out of the hospital yet? (Disasterpiece shrugs). Either way Everest is not coming into this match anywhere near 100% and that is not a good sign for his partner DC. You see when you face a team the caliber of the DevilSpawns you need to be at full strength. With Everest as beaten and broken as I left him all you’re going to see at Meltdown is a glorified One on Tag Handicap match. Frankly, I don’t know who DC pissed off, but apparently someone wants his ass in the hospital right next to Everest.

Leon: Disasterpiece you have not wrestled for a long, long time. Do expect any “ring rust” in your first match back?

Disasterpiece: Don’t you know what I’ve been doing since I left wrestling? I was in the Army fighting in the name of our country. During my time in the Army I got bigger, stronger, faster, and I got a ton of new sick and sadistic ideas. Trust me when I tell you, the only thing you need to expect from me is whole new level of pain and violence. As for Everest and DC, if they think what happened to Everest at Civil Revolution was bad. Then they better not show up to Meltdown, because the destruction that Reaper caused alone was nothing compared to what we can do as a team.

Leon: So, Reaper. With this being your 1st official wrestling match how could you expect to come in and be a dominant force in this match?

Reaper: Leon, if anyone in this company underestimates me just because I haven’t wrestled an official match. They will pay a hefty price. You see I have been fighting my whole life, and when you grow up where I grew up you had to fight to survive. So when I step into that ring at Meltdown, it will be like I’m stepping right back into my old neighborhood and the two guys across the ring are just a couple a punk bitches that stepped on the wrong man’s turf.

Leon: Do you guys have anything else you would like to say?

Reaper: Yeah actually. Hey Everest, you keep saying that this is your world and you let us live in it. Well, by the time DP and I are done with you and that bitch you call a tag team partner your world will resemble the all those Spanish announce tables outside of the arena…BURNT TO THE MOTHER F*CKING GROUND!!
*The screen opens up in black and white with an unclear picture and a blur. There is some static and the image is jumpy and choppy, much like an antique film. The sound is distorted and muffled.

There is some more static, but the picture turns a dark color and the image starts to focus. As it comes into view, the silhouette of a hooded man can be seen. There is nothing but darkness and fog behind him.

A deep, demonic, curdling voice is heard . . .

Voice: "TheY thOugHt iT wAs oVer. ThEy thOugHt I was DOnE! . . ."

Voice: "I aM no WherE nEar fiNIsheD! . . ."

*Goes to a clip of Rios winning the title for the first time, kneeling in the ring embracing the belt celebrating in a blizzard of confetti. . . .

. . . Cuts to Titus, laying crippled in the middle of the ring. His face lacerrated and blood oozing from his mouth and nose. Rios kneeling down holding his head by a handful of hair, is yelling into the mic inches from his face. Will and Rios laughing . . .

Voice: "I haVE LeFt mY mARk! ThE RippLeS oF mY paSt exIstenCe stiLL giVe NiGhtMareS . . ."

*Clip of a wrestler crashing through the top of a Hell in a Cell, falling straight through the top and a stack of tables and ladders laying in the center of the ring. . . .

. . . A burning body falling from the top of the Titantron, all the way down past the stage, and through a pile of steel crowd control barriers . . .

. . . a wrestler getting his face Evenflow DDT'd through the windshield of a car . . .

Voice: "I haVe bEEN goNe fOr to LoNg . . . BuT i Have staRTed a nEW BeGInnIng! i haVE seEn a nEW wARRioR aRiSe!"

*. . . . Everest getting a sledgehammer shot to the ribs and then a vicious Evenflow DDT . . .

. . . Rios holding Everest in the Pedigree position, then Everest recieving a clubbing blow from the sledge over his back . . .

. . . . Bryan "The Reaper" Denney celebrating, spreading his arms out, standing over Everest's body. Rios and Will laughing hysterically with approval! . . .

Voice: "AnYone wHo stanDs in Our WaY wilL be DestRoyed! I wIll shoW No merCY, I will shOW nO RemoRsE, I wiLL shOw no Pity! mY eNemIEs wIll feEl tHe BurN of Hell FiRe oN thEir skIN aNd will TasTe the BloOD oF thEir oWn FLESh!"

*The silhouette points to the right, the camera pans to follow the direction. The image focuses, unblurs, and shows the 3 infamous tarot cards (1. Blood, 2. Fire, and 3. Death) and a large black duffle bag sitting next to it. The DevilSpawnS logo and stitching is recognized on the bag and the crowd lets out a huge pop. The fans know who this is!

Camera zooms back to the left. The silhouette of the hooded figure is still there, but now surrounded by a ring of fire. The flames pierce and rage in a circle around the figure.

. . Camera zooms full speed up to the face of the hooded man. He pulls his hood back and the orange light from the flames reveals the face of the ex-WZCW great Disasterpiece! The demonic cackle diminishes and a familiar voice is now heard.

DP:*speaking to the camera with sheer intensity*
I have returned! Reborn from the blood of war and the fires of hell! I feel Stronger! Faster! Better! My thirst for blood and flame, only grows more with every breath! DC & Everest, those two insignificant pukes want revenge?! They want to test my new power?! Come and get it jokers! You simpletons don't stand a chance against the fate that now awaits you. . . .


DP: . . . DC and Everest will be the first victims to be claimed, at the hands of the DevilSpawns, for the Dynasty, and the new era of darkness in WZCW!

*The flames rise up and overwhelm Disasterpiece. After only a few seconds the inferno goes out and DP is gone. Only smoke seaping from the ground is left behind . . . the scene goes back to black and white as the image blurs and skips. Video feed cuts out and the cameras fade away . . .
*A neck is shown on the screen. From the looks of it, the head belonging to the neck is tilted back all the way. The chin sticking straight up in the air. Without any words spoken, the head lowers as D.C.'s face is shown with his eyes shut. He opens his eyes. He is wearing a white folded bandana with his hair sticking out the top and resting down on both sides of his face. He lets out a slighty chuckle as he looks down for a second. The camera pans out to show D.C.'s full body. He is wearing a plain white T-Shirt and black cargo pants. Lindsey is standing beside him wearing a tattered shirt. He looks up at the camera.*

D.C.: I don't know what it is about WZCW. The fact, that on one hand, you have by far, the biggest personality this company has ever seen, on the other hand... you have Everest... who I don't really know all that well. Matter of factly, I don't know anyone. See is kinda hard for me to remember some things, but I do remember a few. ONE, WZCW has been denied a weekly supply of Vitamin D. TWO, anyone that doubted I still had it in me to f*** up every single person in this damn company is sadly, poorly mistaken. And finally, THREE, as said in the last two reasons, S*** is going to change around here, because D. MOTHERF***ING C., is ready, to show WZCW just what the hell I'm all about. So, F*** me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't I be allowed to be getting some revenge on Sincade, he is the one who hit me right? OR, should I be going up against, two people that I've never f***ing heard of. Who have a fetish for blood and gore, and are talking about making me eat myself....

*D.C. stares blankly into the camera.*

D.C.: Yeah, thats right, they want me to eat myself. You have Trailer Trash or Diasterass, or whatever the f*** you want to call him on one side, saying he is going to make me eat my own flesh or some s***, saying that ME being put inside of a match against his is just a test of his power. Last time I checked a**hole, smoke and mirrors can only do so much to trick the naked eye. HOW, am I supposed to take this man seriously. How am I supposed to cut a promo, against a man who gargles????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

*D.C. looks around for a second and back at the camera.*

D.C.: Your f***ing kidding me aren't you. The Devilspawns are back! WOODIDY F***ING DO! Who the hell are the Devilspawns? Am I missing something. Are you guys some kind of cult? Do you all get together on Saturdays with your Mickie Mouse hats on and parade around in frilly little skirts hailing Satan while you suck down a couple Yoo-Hoos and play D and D because your asses are so repulsive that any girl with the slightest desire to want to screw you is either paid to think that way, or is just really really really desperate? You've been gone too long? NOT LONG ENOUGH! I think someone needs a little attitude adjustment, maybe a different outlook on life. Maybe you should take all the energy you take *********ing to pictures of blood and gore, and grow a pair of f***ing BALLS!

*D.C. stands still for a second chuckling.*

D.C.:Reborn from the blood of war and the fires of hell. OH MY F***ING GOD! When the in God's name did Little Nicky become an WZCW superstar??? Shouldn't you be shoving Pine Apples up Hitler's a** you freak!? No s***, you stand in the middle of a fire, and try your damn best, to scare the bejesus out of me, but the only thing you've managed to accomplish is cause a fire hazard, and burn a couple of your a** hair off, THATS IT! Because I'm not afraid... YOU, as far as I'm concerned, are standing in MY WAY.

*D.C. stands and takes a deep breath.*

D.C.: And, then there is The Reaper... Don't Fear The Reaper... I need more cowbell for this!!! These two aren't doing it for me, I just need more cowbell. Cause if Ostrich-piece isn't enough about flames and crap. I have Reaper, who is "Mysterious" on the other side of the arm, waiting for the tag from Ass-ter. He doesn't know why I'm so pissed off, well, he must have missed the part where I was beat up. SO, without further ado. I'd like to take a moment of his time and let him know, that NO, I'm not one hundred percent. BUT, DOES IT REALLY LOOK LIKE IT F***ING MATTERS TO ME!?!?!? If anyone wants to underestimate you, its perfectly fine, because, your first official match, isn't against your run of the mill kind of match. It's against me, and... umm... Dairy Queen, Blizzard, whats his damn name... Madahorn, who cares. That guy, you know... flat top, forget about it. YOUR NOT GONNA WIN! Face facts junior. Your not fit to take me on. Your not one hundred percent either, because I can guarantee you this, you've NEVER, come across someone like me before. And if you think that I can just talk a good game... just wait until your two sorry a**es are laid out in the middle of the ring...

*D.C. looks away from the camera for a second and looks back.*

D.C.: My world isn't going to resemble a Spanish Announce Table, because last time I checked, my world doesn't look like a few broken pieces of ply wood with two Mexican's standing over it. Think about what you say before you say it Lenny...

Lindsey: Denney...

D.C.: Denny's?

Lindsey: Denney...

D.C.:Whatever... Hate it or love it... the D.C. Era is going to be reborn... this time, I'm playing for keeps... you two jokers are not the last, but you will be the first notch under my belt. And if you don't like it...

*D.C. spits into the camera as the camera guy shakes it trying to wipe away the spit that has covered the lens.*

D.C.: F*** YOU!

*The camera guy fumbles around with the camera a bit more as a blurry image of D.C. and Lindsey is shown leaving the locker room they were standing in.*
A camera is winding through the bowels of arena and comes to rest on a dark corner where Reaper is sitting.

Reaper: So D.C. if you are concerned with Sincade when you step in the ring with me and Disasterpiece you will be a whole lot worse of then when he attacked you at the pay-per-view. I have a feeling that you don't realize exactly what you are getting into so let me show you what I did to your partner at Civil Revolution.

A clip is shown of Reaper's annihilation of Everest which cost him the Heavyweight title.

Reaper: If I were you I would get your priorities straight and your head right. If you don't this might be the shortest comeback in the history of wrestling. You see, my plan is to inflict as much pain on you as humanly possible. I've gone back and watched the tapes of your matches. You know a recurring theme I'm seeing is you knocking yourself out and you losing. Well come Meltdown the only, and I mean only one that's going to be knocked out is you in the middle of that ring, and when the smoke clears and all is said and done the DevilSpawns will be victorious. Honestly the best thing for you to do is come to the ring, lay down, and accept defeat. That maybe the only way that you walk out of Meltdown. I swear, if you choose to fight us and yes I mean fight cause we're not here to wrestle. The only way you or your partner are getting out of that ring is in a stretcher.

Reaper turns around and takes a large object out of a black duffel bag. He then turns back to face the camera.

Reaper: Do you see this sledgehammer. Look at it well because the blood that stains it is that of your partners. If you get in the ring with the DevilSpawns I promise you that your blood will join his. So consider this fair warning of whats to come. If you make the most foolish decision of your life and get in the ring at Meltdown you put your career at risk, you put your life at risk, and last but most importantly you put your soul at risk. I will take from you everything you hold dear and you will only have to blame yourself. But hey, I'm not telling you something you don't already know. So when you're looking up at the ceiling with blood pouring from your head in buckets you won't hear the crowd, you won't hear Everest, hell you won't even hear the medics. The only thing you will hear is....

A ominous bell sounds in the background and echos through the bowels of the arena.

Reaper (in a dark, deep, evil voice): Hells......Calling!!!!!

The whole screen turns blood red and different yet still dark, deep, evil voice is heard.

Voice: Blood, fire, death...The DevilSpawns are coming...Blood, fire, death...You better start running...Blood, fire, death...The DevilSpawns are coming...Blood, fire, death...The Darkness is coming.

On the screen still backdropped in blood red a large message appears in black.
*The camera flashes on and the scene comes into focus as we see a flat panel LCD television and we see the end of the Reaper’s latest interview. As the screen goes black, The WZCW’s resident fan favorite, Everest, is seen standing just to the right of the screen watching with a puzzled look. He shakes his head for a moment and flips the DVD that is in to another spot and is seen watching a clip of DC from his latest interview. After several seconds he turns the Television off and picks up his water bottle and turns around and walks right into………Becky Serra. Everest, using his expert agility and quickness grabs Becky around the waist before she falls completely to the floor, kind of holding her in a dip move (think ballroom dancing) his face just inches from hers.*

EVEREST: (With his ever present flirtatious smile intact)
Hmmmm, Honey I really would love to know what you’re thinking right now.

BECKY: Well, actually, I’m …. Ah .. well … actually your breath stinks!

*Everest quickly lifts Becky up while turning to his left, reaching into his workout pants and pulling out a box of Tic Tacs, popping several into his mouth in a hurry*

EVEREST: Well, ….. Alright then. Somehow I’m betting that our running into each other wasn’t just a coincidence. I’m betting that the WZCW resident hottie has a few questions for yours truly.

BECKY: Of course. If you don’t mind.

EVEREST: Do I ever?

BECKY: Fair enough, let’s start with Civil Revolution. You and Joseph Rios, Last Man Standing. You held your own until the champ’s entourage arrived to mess up the evening. The “Dynasty” put you out pretty good, would you like to talk about that.

EVEREST: (the infectious smile now gone, Everest is now very serious and not all that happy)
Oh Becky, Becky, Becky. Civil Revolution was supposed to be the Pinnacle of WZCW. It was supposed to be the time when Everest reached the top of the mountain, showed Joseph Rios who the real champ is.

I said in the beginning that I wanted that cage match because I knew, hell everyone and their brother knew that Rios wasn’t going to come alone. He couldn’t come alone. If he came alone he knew the outcome. He knew he wouldn't walk out with his precious title.

I won’t lie to you though, I won’t make excuses. Yes I got beat at Civil Revolution. One – Two – Three ………. Four – Five – Six – Seven….ah you get the idea. That’s all the record books will say. Joseph Rios beat Everest at Civil Revolution in a Last Man Standing match. That’s all it will say. The thousands of people in attendance and the millions upon millions of WZCW fans who watched the show on PPV know the truth. They know it took 3 people, 3 PEOPLE to take Everest out. It took a sledgehammer, it took the Champ and his cronies and their weapon to take out one guy. Don’t worry though Rios, I’m coming back up the mountain, I’ll get another shot, either from Sincade or Myles and when I do, I will be ready.

*Everest slowly sips from his water bottle as Becky points to the television*

BECKY: If you don’t mind me asking, you were watching a clip of something when I came around the corner, can I inquire to what it was you were watching?

*Everest picks up the remote and turns to the television on to DC’s interview*

EVEREST: Well Becky actually I was just finishing up this copy of DC’s latest interview. You see I don’t know too much about the guy except he’s got a pretty big chip on his shoulder towards these two Devilspawn characters. That and he has a severe case of the potty mouth. I mean Damn the man said some words in their that would make a sailor blush. I’m sorry that you had to hear that Becky but he makes some dang good points. It seems that our new owner Sincade may have given me a partner with some balls. Come Meltdown we’ll just have to find out.

BECKY: Well speaking of Meltdown, it seems that you and the aforementioned DC will get your first shot to exact a little revenge on Reaper and Disasterpiece.

*While Becky is talking Everest has cued up the Television to a part of the Reapers interview and hits play*

A ominous bell sounds in the background and echoes through the bowels of the arena.

Reaper (in a dark, deep, evil voice): Hells......Calling!!!!!

EVEREST: That’s right Becky, this Monday on Meltdown I’ll get my chance to exact a little revenge. Reaper you talk about your sledgehammer like it’s your little puppy, like the family dog. You protect that thing like it’s the family jewels, which wouldn’t surprise me considering it’s probably the only set you’ve got.

Bottom line is, Reaper you keep your trusty friend handy, because I’m going to make damn sure that Monday, that hammer will be your only friend. When you wake up after the Rock Slide that’s been delivered, you’ll be able to take solace in the fact that your little sledgehammer is still around, cause your manhood damn sure won’t be. You flat out pissed me off Reaper and that’s a hard thing to do. On Monday you’ll see that it’s also a very bad thing to do.

Oh and Disasterpiece, don’t think for a minute that I’ve forgotten about you. No, no, no. You see at Civil Revolution you didn’t just cost me a match, you cost me the World Title and that is something I won’t forget and I won’t forgive. You talk about defending our country and fighting through hell – fire and brimstone or whatever the hell your calling it, but it’s time for you to get back into a WZCW ring. Monday night you’ll go one on one with the Pinnacle of Perfection. Well quite honestly you probably won’t, you’ll probably tag in Reaper every time, or double team when you can, or attack from behind or any other underhanded, back stabbing, punk inspired tactic you can come up, but that’s fine. At some point we’ll come face to face. The result won’t be what you want Diasterpiece. I guarantee it.

*With that Everest’s cell phone rings, he grabs it off his bag and flips it open*

EVEREST: Hello, … yeah this is he. No I’m quite happy with my long distance plan, thank you.

No, I don’t want to switch to Digital cable.

No, I said I’m happy with my long distance service. Yeah, alright, thank you. Yeah you too. Take care. Bye.

*Everest flips the phone shut and looks at Becky*

EVEREST: Sorry about that Becky, apparently that was Hell Calling!

*Becky just stands there kind of smiling at the joke at Reaper’s expense*

EVEREST: I’ll tell you Becky, the bottom line is Monday Night, WZCW fans are going to get to see a milestone of the match. Think of all the things that are going to make this match historical. The return of WZCW icon DC, the return of WZCW’s resident soldier, Diasterpiece. The in-ring debut of Sledgehammer loving Reaper, and finally and most importantly ………. Everest’s Revenge. Monday night will be bittersweet. DC and I are going to put the Dynasty members down for the count.

And then Rios, once your cronies are dispatched, I’ll make my way toward you, and I’ll get what is rightfully mine. The WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

At the end of Monday Night, our little Dynasty of WZCW will realize what so many have already found out.


*With that Everest picks up his stuff, smiles at Becky and promptly walks off and around the corner out of sight*
Reaper is laying down in his hotel bed when he hears Everest talking to Becky.

Everest's cell phone rings and he answers it.

EVEREST: Hello, … yeah this is he. No I’m quite happy with my long distance plan, thank you.

No, I don’t want to switch to Digital cable.

No, I said I’m happy with my long distance service. Yeah, alright, thank you. Yeah you too. Take care. Bye.

Everest flips the phone shut and looks at Becky

EVEREST: Sorry about that Becky, apparently that was Hell Calling!

Later in the interview...

EVEREST: That’s right Becky, this Monday on Meltdown I’ll get my chance to exact a little revenge. Reaper you talk about your sledgehammer like it’s your little puppy, like the family dog. You protect that thing like it’s the family jewels, which wouldn’t surprise me considering it’s probably the only set you’ve got.

Bottom line is, Reaper you keep your trusty friend handy, because I’m going to make damn sure that Monday, that hammer will be your only friend. When you wake up after the Rock Slide that’s been delivered, you’ll be able to take solace in the fact that your little sledgehammer is still around, cause your manhood damn sure won’t be. You flat out pissed me off Reaper and that’s a hard thing to do. On Monday you’ll see that it’s also a very bad thing to do.

With that Reaper hits the tv with his sledgehammer, leaves his room, gets in his car, and starts driving. He stops the car infront of a local tv station building. He walks in and when the attendent tries to stop him Reaper gives him an Evenflow DDT. He gets up and walks to the elevator and hits the button labeled "News Room". He exits the elevator and sees that there is a live broadcast going on. He starts to look for the fuse box. He finds it and kills the lights. He procedes to knock out the news team, and when the lights come back he is the only one sitting at the news desk.

Reaper: Breaking News!!! I am in control. Your regularly scheduled programming will return when I'm fucking finished here. It appears as if one of my opponents has a problem with me kicking his ass all around the damn ring last night. I mean I whooped this man's ass so bad he couldn't walk out of the ring. He lost so much blood that he needed two blood transfusions. I'm surprised they let his ass out of the hospital this early.

However, I'm not mad about it. You see, I have always finished what I started. Tonight at Meltdown this idiot is going to be having a feeling of Deja Vu. Sure, he can sound confident and he can make jokes about my catch phrase, but the bottom line is that he is fuckin' scared shitless.

You see, when he was bent over before I gave him the final shot with my sledgehammer I saw the look in his eyes. He thought I was going to END him right then and there. I could have too, and you know maybe I should have. I guess my love of torture took over my common sense. That is not a mistake I will make twice. This time Everest if I get my shot to end you, I will do just that.

You say that I pissed you off. I'm glad I pissed you off, as a matter of fact, it makes things easier for me because if you're seeig red the whole damn match that means that I'll get to inflict more damage to you. After last night you know better then anyone else how much I like to inflict pain. So please bring every ounce of strength and resiliancy you can muster, because as many times as you get up the DevilSpawns will be standing there, waiting to knock your ignorant ass back down to earth.

The new Dynasty of WZCW is going to rule with an iron fist. Nobody is safe from us. We will now and forever hold every piece of gold this company has to offer. The domination begins tonight with the end of D.C. and Everest. When we are done with them and have ended their careers and then we will find others until there is nobody left standing. We are the most devestating group to have ever graced a professional wrestling ring. We are men amoung boys and we will destroy anything or anybody that tries to stop us. Joseph "The Main Event" Rios and "The One" Big Will have already made their mark on this business. It's time for the DevilSpawns to make ours. Unfortunately for D.C. and Everest they are the first lambs to the slaughter. They will be made an example of and after tonight there won't even be an arguement of who is in control.

Reaper walks over to the camera and gets right infront of it.

Reaper: Everest and D.C. you guys think I need a fuckin" hammer to take you out. You are DEAD wrong! I am going to beat the living hell out of youwith my own two hands. I am going to punch through you and pull out ur still beating hearts and hold them in my bare hands and then shove down your fucking throats! I want to see you try to defend yourselves. Just so I can show the world how really fucking pathetic you really are and how undeserving you were to even get a title shot to begin with you insignificant, little bitch! I live in your world huh! WELL FUCK YOU AND YOUR WORLD!! So you are the pinnicle of perfection...well if your so damn perfect how were you lying on your back with blood pouring from your body. Your not perfect, you're an idiot. I knowcked you so fucking senseless that you want more. I'll give you more, much more. So much more that if you leave the ring with your life you'll be fucking lucky. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Blood, fire, and death...The darkness has arrived!!

Reaper then knocks over the camera and gives the camerman Hells Calling. He then lies infront of the camera on the floor.

Reaper: You may now return to your pathetic programming.

Reaper leaves the tv station and heads to the arena for Meltdown.
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