Ever been to a house show where a title changed hands?


Championship Contender
The closest I've ever seen was in the road to Wrestlemania tour back in '98 when the WM was already set between The Rock and Ken Shamrock for the IC title. I was at the show in Chicago and Rock tried to use a steel chair while the ref was knocked loopy. Shamrock took it from him, hit him with it and put the ankle lock and Rock tapped out. Ref called for the bell and the arena went NUTS! Pandemonium was short lived as we saw the ref give the bell to the Rock and the announcer said, '....as a result of a disqualification, and STILL...' Apparently the ref was coming to and saw Ken use the chair.

Anyways, even though the match was already set for WM, I actually suspended reality and thought that Ken won that night and on the following Raw they would have to explain it and so forth. But have you actually seen a title legitimately change hands at a house show? I remember Lance Storm telling a story of how he had the hardcore title in WCW and he was wrestling Terry Funk in his home town. Funk actually won, to please the crowd and he lost the title back to Storm the next night.
I logged on specifically to post this.

I witnessed the Steiner Brothers defeat Money Inc in June of 1993. They dropped the belts 2 nights later, only to win them back 3 days after that, all on house shows.
At I a house show I was at, Owen Hart won the IC Title by cheating, but another referee came out and restarted the match, and he lost.
I have seen the Hardcore title change hands a few times but by the end of the chaos, it went back to the original holder.

Also have seen many matches where someone would win the title but then a ref would come out and say that the persons foot was on the rope or something. One time at Nassau Coliseum, Lawler and Yankem won the tag titles but due to some of their cheating tactics, Gorilla Monsoon somehow saw this backstage and restarted the match.
When Primo and Epico won the tag titles from Air Bourne on January 2012 on a house show it was the last time a WWE championship changed hands on a house show.

But the rest of the notable changes were already said.
I've read once that The tag titles got changed hands from The Usos but I'm not sure who took it. But it didn't sustain long as the special referee for the match, Fit Finlay comes to the ringside and ordered a rematch which was eventually won by the Usos thus retaining the title. Correct me if I'm wrong and if you know who they fought, just spread it out.

technically didnt change hands in the end........but i was at a house show in Birmingham (England) in 2004 (i think) where shelton benjamin beat randy orton for the ic belt. the place went nuts only for eric bischoff to come out and change the match to 2 out of 3 falls and orton eventually got the win.
I was at the house shows on P.E.I , they came here two or three times. One of the shows actually had The Undertaker vs Yokozuna. It didn't seem like a big deal to me at the time but when I think back...those were two pretty big stars to go to a tiny corner of Canada and fight at a house show. I can't remember which show it was but I remember an announcer telling everyone at the show that Bret The Hitman Hart had just won the WWF Heavyweight Championship off of Ric Flair in Calgary or somewhere else in Canada...we all let out a good cheer for that announcement.

So does that count ? An announcement of a title change at a different house show than the house show you are attending ?
At risk of spam, I'd also like to point out that Christian won the Intercontinental title from Booker T at a house show. I remember because on RAW, Booker's music hit and Christian came out with the IC title, much to my confusion.
I've been to a couple of house shows, and while I never witnessed a title change at one, I was at a house show that later became (semi?) infamous because of the pay-per-view the next day.
I was at the house show in Detroit the day before the Montreal Survivor Series (AKA The Montreal Screwjob), and according to both Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Steve Austin (in various interviews and/or their own autobiographies), one of the ideas that was floated (in order to avoid what happened in Montreal) was for Hart to lose the title to either Foley or Austin. Of course, that didn't happen, but kind of cool that it was at least discussed.
Yeah it confused the hell out of me as a kid.

1991 Oakland Colliseum arena

Texas Tornado defeats Mr. Perfect for the IC belt.

Next week on Superstars of Wrestling, Perfect does a promo wearing the strap saying how Tornado will never take the belt away from him. I learned at a young age that house shows were utter bullshit.

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