Ever been so drunk...

Dowdsy McDowds

Sally was here
...that after suppressing the need to throw up on a train for 20 minutes or so, you heartily and happily do so moments getting off said train while half-asleep. Then, after such energy being put in to said vomit session, you decide it wise to curl up on the platform for a quick power nap?

Waking up some time later, you wander from the station back through town wondering if one of the fast food places will still be open as it surely can't be past midnight yet. While mulling this over and still fighting off the need to sleep again, you hear the town bells start ringing and it turns out its 3am. Shit.

Heartbroken by the lost prospect of a post-vom pizza or cheeseburger, you continue your saunter home, taking several wrong turns along the way including the final one where you walk into a garden gate that you don't remember having. Nope, not your garden Dowds, you've overshot your home by 10 houses you mong.

So yes, I had a good if not totally respectable night last night. How was everyone else's Friday?
Back in my younger days I've had adventures similar. I had a thing where I had to go on long walking journeys when I was out drinking. I've arrived home full of dirt, leaves and soaked with water.
I've been pretty close to this before. I missed my stop on a train, somehow ended up off the train in a town 15 minutes away. Thankfully i got picked up by a family member, although i still had enough time to throw up and nap on a bench at the platform.

There was also another time where i threw up in the train toilet before we left, slept all the way until about 5 minutes before my stop thanks to the conductor checking tickets, threw up all over the floor of my seat, then stumbled off the train, lied down on the bench while i waited for my lift home, throw up a little more and then go home.
I can hold in vomit ye, dont get hangovers just feel tipsy the next day too so...

I have started blacking out though but like I will function normally, raise hell but have absolutely zero memory when I wake up the next day.

It's a bit of a nuisance.
...that after suppressing the need to throw up on a train for 20 minutes or so, you heartily and happily do so moments getting off said train while half-asleep. Then, after such energy being put in to said vomit session, you decide it wise to curl up on the platform for a quick power nap?

Waking up some time later, you wander from the station back through town wondering if one of the fast food places will still be open as it surely can't be past midnight yet. While mulling this over and still fighting off the need to sleep again, you hear the town bells start ringing and it turns out its 3am. Shit.

Heartbroken by the lost prospect of a post-vom pizza or cheeseburger, you continue your saunter home, taking several wrong turns along the way including the final one where you walk into a garden gate that you don't remember having. Nope, not your garden Dowds, you've overshot your home by 10 houses you mong.

Yes, once.
There was that one time (two weeks ago) I was pretty drunk and my friend kept giving me shots. I was doing OK until he gave me a shot of tequila. Told him no, forced me to have it, 30 seconds later I'm throwing up
I've had it where I thought I was walking down a road near where I lived when I was younger and I must have been walking for about 2 or 3 hours and I jumped over garden fences and over motorways and shitand when I got in a taxi and started seeing the road signs I realised I was in the next city. Didn't have a clue why, how or what I was there for.
...that after suppressing the need to throw up on a train for 20 minutes or so, you heartily and happily do so moments getting off said train while half-asleep. Then, after such energy being put in to said vomit session, you decide it wise to curl up on the platform for a quick power nap?

Waking up some time later, you wander from the station back through town wondering if one of the fast food places will still be open as it surely can't be past midnight yet. While mulling this over and still fighting off the need to sleep again, you hear the town bells start ringing and it turns out its 3am. Shit.

Heartbroken by the lost prospect of a post-vom pizza or cheeseburger, you continue your saunter home, taking several wrong turns along the way including the final one where you walk into a garden gate that you don't remember having. Nope, not your garden Dowds, you've overshot your home by 10 houses you mong.

So yes, I had a good if not totally respectable night last night. How was everyone else's Friday?

They're not open at 3am? On a Friday night? The fuck?
Not like that but after a few weeks of moving to another city I went to a party. I was pretty drunk and my uncle had not lived far from the party (mine was a half n hour train ride away after a good hour and a half walk, something I wouldn't of been able to do in my state) so, I thought I would go to his house and sleep on his lawn. I obviously didn't think the night out to well but that was the only place I felt like would be the best for me to get showered/food/good night sleep before my journey home the next day. After about an hour of walking I realized I had gone completely the opposite way of which I had to go because otherwise I would have been there already. After another hour and a half of walking I gave up because I was at some jetty hotel thing. Decided to sleep in an elevator thinking it was the safest place to not get my stuff stolen. 3 hours later woke up more sober and ready to go on the worst 3 hour walk to a train in history of hungover 3 hour walks to train stations.
Everything in that message has happened to me in exactly that order, except I only overshot my house by 3, not 10.

It does seem like we live remarkably similar lives though 😉
I was recently so drunk while hanging out with Teddy Hart, that I couldn't get out of his car when we stopped for food. Then I end up at his place, barely able to make it inside, it's about 1:30am, but my phone/alarm/maps is dead, I have to be at work at 7am. I some how manage to wake up on my own. The sun wasn't up yet, but I could see that it was getting ready to start soon. I'm surrounded by about a dozen cats, because he is a huge cat fanatic, reeking of booze. I grab my stuff and run to my car to find out it is just past 6. I know what town I'm in, but no idea where in that town. I know that I don't have enough time to go home and get ready. So I pull into a gas station, buy a toothbrush, and ask for directions to the nearest highway. Made it to work on time smelling like booze and cats. Great combo.

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