Evan Bourne: Top Notch Entertainer?


Equal Opportunity Poster
I don't usually either care to or I don't remember to watch ECW but I'd always looked favorably on Evan Bourne.

Well, tonight in his match with Kidd, I re-recognized what it is that he does that makes me find him so entertaining. The kid's got some really cool looking moves like that crazy ass roll up he does where his arm is twisted up and then, of course, his Shooting Star. But so, while he may be a spot monkey, I think he might very well be one of the most entertaining entities in the company.

I don't necessarily mean in terms of marketability or the like but in terms of ENTERTAINMENT, I think Evan "Air" Bourne (a nickname I could live without hearing on air) is a top notch performer and one of the best WWE has right now.

However, while extremely fun to watch, I can fully understand his being restricted to ECW. Nevertheless, he might very well be the most fun to watch on at least ECW.

What do you all think?

Please keep in mind this thread is intended to discuss his level of Entertaining.
I think with Bourne, they have to be careful what they do with him. Like you said, his offense jumps off the page at you and immediately you think to yourself, "this guy is different." Different almost immediately makes him at least interesting as people are naturally interested in things they haven't seen 100x times before. However, as was said already, he needs to stay either on ECW or pop up every now and then as a special attraction. That's what causes so many issues in WWE: they find something that works so they figure more of it will work even better. They're found something that works with bourne, so they need to keep it at the right levels to keep it entertaining. he could stay as something very special for a long time if he's not exposed too much, which knowing WWE, means in a year he'll be worthless or fired.
Ultimately he'll replace Rey when he is done. Bourne is a natural in the ring, and he reminds me of the late Eddie Guerrero when he was younger. Granted Bourne didn't just graduate High School, but he is something to look forward to in the late future.
If you look at the early careers of some current main eventers (Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Edge) they all offered something new and entertaining to get the crowd going.

I have a feeling he is future main event material, however, it may take him longer to get there, much like the example persons I noted earlier because of his size.
Evan Bourne is a phenomenal performer who has a future in the WWE if he's marketed correctly. The WWE is doing a great job of building him up. The announce team makes the viewers believe that Bourne is second coming of Christ. Bourne has some very unique moves (although his moveset has been watered down a good bit by the WWE) and he delivers them in a fashion that is very different from other high flyers.

Evan Bourne has the potential to be a main event guy. Yes, he is smaller than your typical WWE star, but there have been several smaller guys who have been able to break through that barrier. Bourne has the talent to do this, as well, but he can't be billed as a one trick pony. Bourne is much more than the guy who does the really kick ass shooting star press. Bourne can flat out wrestle. He is technically sound and has the awareness and ability to mat wrestle. Unfortunately, that's not what people are paying to see right now. If RAW or SD! is in Bourne's future, he needs to be able to show all facits of his game.
I think Bourne is a future world champ in the making. They need to build to that slowly though. Let him run wild in the mid card for awhile.

The only thing i see that can hold him back is his mic skills (or lack there of)

When he talks it sounds like a 10 year old reading cue cards....he needs to work on that if he's going to make it to the main event.
I really like Evan as is apparent by my signature, and I encourage everyone to add that line of text to theirs. I think that he will become ECW Champion sometime before WM27. But, as has been stated, he has ABSOLUTELY NO MIC SKILLS!

Just as a tip to WWE, just call him Air Bourne, that sounds cooler than Evan "Air" Bourne.
I think bourne is a very talented. He has an aerial offense that usually makes people's jaws drop. He is also very young, but he has experience from different companies. He is also versatile. He can wrestle diffrent styles with diffrent people. I think bourne has a very bright future.
I like Bourne, I really do, I liked his earlier ROH/TNA work, and he's only about 25/26, the guy has a bright future. Whilst he is a bit spotty, it's different to what we usually see (especially in WWE) howver he does need work all round and cement this. I also hope the IWC don't push him to the best thing ever, or else I will just be bored of him.
Evan Bourne is coming along nicely in ECW. They don't use him as much and his match with Matt Hardy at Cyber Sunday was one of the better matches in the past year. With more time and grooming, he can become ECW Champion. If he is drafted to RAW or Smackdown next year (hopefully Smackdown) then I can't see him being elevated into the main event for the next 3-5 years.

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