Evan Bourne should have a title match at Summerslam

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
So last night although Evan Bourne was not in the Beat the Clock challenge, he won his match in the quickest time against Swagger. It was a little over 3 minutes. Beat the clock is unfair, and I'm not saying Evan Bourne should be a main eventer, but my thought is that its unfair that because he wasn't included in the 5 competitors that he doesn't get a shot, when he won his match in the quickest time. Your thoughts please...
Agreed I also believe that if you are able to beat one of the "contenders" that you should at least have your time be eligible for the time to beat. Not saying of course that Cena wouldn't have found a way to beat that time but still his time should have mattered. perhaps than you wouldn't have Masters get counted out perhaps he would have went for the win as well. This however makes Swagger look really weak in the ME picture. If you can't get over someone in a beat the clock challenge than do you really belong there and IMO Swagger should be getting a push but because his name isnt John Cena he may not get one for a while which is dissapointing.
They made it clear the whole night that only 5 guys were in the Beat the Clock Challenge and everyone else were just "spoilers." I guess it isn't fair, but who cares? That's the way it was booked, there was no way Bourne was getting a shot a Orton's title since he wasn't even good enough to be in the Beat the Clock challenge. I see nothing wrong with it.
I sorta agree. At the same time, Swagger was coming off a major win over MVP, so all Bourne really did was reduce Swagger's standing rather than put himself in the mix. Bourne is a little bit higher on the pecking order because of the win, but not high enough to go against Orton at SummerSlam. Swagger was well above Bourne on the pecking order and had thus earned his shot in the BTC thinger. But guys like Miz, Carlito, or Masters? They're done little of significance ever or are returning and are untested in the 2009 wrestling landscape. Surely if a guy like Masters got the fastest time, logic wouldn't dictate he be thrust into the main event scene... He'd have dragged MVP down and put himself at a higher level, but all the way to top contender status? No.

Do yourself a favor and don't think too hard about it.

The real question is why Triple H's loss was the only one worth replaying before Cena's match. I can't answer that one.
Bourne probably deserves a shot at the United States Championship. I want to see WWE get in the full habit of getting all of their talent go through the Midcard titles first, before going on to the Heavyweight Championships, like in the old days. I really wish the Intercontinental Title was on Raw, as that is simply my preference, but since that isn't the case and Bourne is on the Raw brand, I would advocate a US Title match against Kofi.

Bourne defeating Swagger is certainly reason enough to take him seriously as a contender.
I'm not gonna say he deserves a WWE Title shot but he definitely deserves a US Championship title shot. He's been in the mix in the Kofi/Big Show feud and he has beaten Kofi Kingston while he was the US Champ and has beaten a contender for the WWE title, Jack Swagger (Since he was put into the BtC match). So Bourne definitely deserves a US Title Shot ASAP.
how do you see nothing wrong with it. thats terrible booking. y would you make it so that even if you win the match you cant have a chance. it doesnt make anysense. of course bourne wasnt going to actually go to the ME. everyone knew it would be cena. but come on. at least give the "spoiler" a chance to make an impression. it makes for bad matches.
I think the point of the OP was more of a complaint about Beat The Clock challenges than a suggestion that Bourne is #1 Contender's material. I agree, I've always thought this about Beat The Clock, like when Kennedy tried to bribe Super Crazy to lay down for him, and Super Crazy nicked the win.
It's a bit pathetic the way it is, because then shock victories are worthless, and it's essentially saying the five "spoilers" are definitely not as good as the five competitors (which true or not isn't the best message to put across.)
It defeats the purpose of having a match if before the match it's made clear that one person will win, it's just a case of how long it takes him to...
I was surprised by the win by Bourne. I loved how it ended because I really like Bourne but I was expecting Swagger to continue his push. He shouldn't be in the main event but it was a hell of a win.
how do you see nothing wrong with it. thats terrible booking. y would you make it so that even if you win the match you cant have a chance. it doesnt make anysense. of course bourne wasnt going to actually go to the ME. everyone knew it would be cena. but come on. at least give the "spoiler" a chance to make an impression. it makes for bad matches.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. The point is not whether Bourne is a main eventer or not, its the fact that he competed in the match and he won so wtf kind of logic is it that he doesn't get a time. Think about it wtf is the point of competing in the match if you get nothing out of it but your opponent does? That's like having the WWE title vacant, and having a match between HHH and Miz and if HHH wins, he gets the belt but if Miz wins he doesn't get jackshit.....wtf??????? I'm not saying that Bourne should have one and gotten the title shot which he obviously shouldn't have, but he should;ve at least gotten a time to make the contest feel more realistic and competitive. This would also give Bourne a bigger push because he almost could've ME'd Summerslam and gotten his 1st title shot... And saying Bourne shouldn't be in the competition because he isnt a main eventer is absolute bullshit because Swagger, MVP, and Henry aren't main eventers either...

Overall...my point is everyone should be legible to win because there's no fuckin point of being in the match if u have nothing to gain, while your opponent does. All this contest does is kiss ass to the 5/6 superstars that are in it and make their opponents look like shit.
They made it perfectly clear that only the 5 wrestlers actually competing in the Beat the Clock challenge were legit. Their opponents were simply trying to keep them from beating the clock. So there you go. Miz said it best. "I don't have to win...I just have to keep him from winning in 6 minutes, 49 seconds."

Now, Bourne's win against Swagger was to get Bourne over as the dude who kicked Swagger's ass in 3 minutes with a roll-up or whatever the fuck he did. Now Bourne should have more of a reaction from the crowd, instead of the silence he's been getting on his way to the ring. And Swagger can go around complaining, getting more heat. Everyone wins, even without a title shot.

Besides, to say that Bourne deserves a title shot at Summerslam is silly. He's not nearly ready for a title shot against Orton at a A level PPV. Send Bourne to the US title after Kofi drops it to Swagger and there you go. That'll be his title shot.
The way Bourne was celebrating suggested he thought that he was the current leader.
Would have been great to see Bourne in the main event of SS but clearly too soon.
Having Swagger in the challenge itself contending for a #1 spot is a push. You don't see Carlito/Primo getting those spots do you.
And it is not bad booking as it lets Bourne get a quick win over a good star establishing him, and doesnt hurt Swagger much because he just lost because he lost his focus and this shows that Swagger is still young and sometimes lets his confidence get the best of him.
So WWE booked this right.
If Swagger won with a clean pin over Bourne while Cena still won, people would be complaining how Bourne got buried...
Seriously... there is no pleasing some people
Bourne now has 3 wins over Mark Henry, 1 over Swagger, and if I'm not mistaken he beat Big Show a few weeks ago?

The guys got talent, and hopefully they don't miss use him. He's had some pretty outstanding matches since returning and prior to his injury. He does deserve to be in a title picture, but not the WWE Title Picture. He's a top contender for the US Title, and should get a shot at it at Summerslam
Like its been said before he isn't saying Bourne is a maineventer. It could have been anyone beating Swagger and he would have had the same thread with there name in it. He makes a good point and so do the others. I mean what do you get out of beating them. Nothing really expect the fact you stopped someone from getting a title shot. WOW how awesome is that of you. I think that they should have it like this. Have the 5 people going for the match at the PPV. If one of the 5 get beat the person who beats them gets a Title match in the furture. That way if a midcard guy wins they can build them up for awhile and then push them to the ME to get there title shot. Rather it be on Raw to save PPV time or putting it on a smaller PPV so not to waste the big PPV time. But clearly the people should get something.
If the BtC "spoilers" had a shot at the title they wouldn't be "spoilers" now then would they, also if that were the case then there is no way in hell Bourne would have been booked to win the match, which means the shit you are all complaining about is completely irrelevant

And Bourne was celebrating because he just scored the biggest win of his career, he beat a former ECW champ and contender for the WWE title in 3 fucking mins., now next week Swagger will come out cut a promo about how Bournes win was just a fluke and the two will feud for a bit, pretty obvious really

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