Evan Bourne poll

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I don't mean to spam or anything, I asked this question on yahoo answers wrestling section and I also wanted to ask here because posters here are really knowledgeable and I just want more opinions.

1.which in ring name do you like best of his-
Sui-Sydal{When he was a backyard wrestler as a kid}
Lance Sydal{St. Peters wrestling federation as a teen.}
MATT{GCW-wrestling school and monthly show on PPV, got his license at age 17 on year under the legal age, that's how good he was in the ring just as a teenager. 2000-2004}
Matt Sydal{ 2004-2007}
Evan Bourne{ 2008-present}

2. He has exactly 142 moves in his entire arsenal{I have a list} and WWE cut him down to 88 moves what is your opinion on this?

3-Which part of his in ring ability do you like the best, I like the first 2 the best personally.-
1. his educated feet
2. his technical ability
3. his dazzling cruiserweight moves
4. his highflying manuavers
5. his in ring pyschology{he's been a wrestler for 11 years}

4. He mixes american pro wrestling, lucha libre{latino wrestling} japanese wrestling, gymnastics, martial arts and highschool wrestling into his in ring work and has been in the biz for 11 years now,
does that impress you or not, and if not why not?

5. which feud that was in in WWE was/is the best-
John Morrison
The Miz
Chris Jericho
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder

6. which person was/is his best tag team partner-
Kofi Kingston
Yoshi Tatsu
Rey Msyterio
John Cena

7. in WWE he has only won 2 slammy awards and was nominated last year which one is the best in your opinion.
1. Best Finisher{Air Bourne/ssp}-2008
2. Best in ring Attire{2009}
3.nominee for HOLY . . . . moment{ Air Bourne into RKO}

8. based off his tenure in the whole entire wrestling business I feel he should be garuanteed a spot
in the main event and he showed in his feud with Chris Jericho that he is able to hold an upper-midcard, main event spot, his only downfall is mic skills, he excels in every category{ tone of voice,
facial expressions, saying his lines correctly} but akin to Rey Mysterio he's just not convincing, do
you think he should be in the main event because he is a young veteran & a fan favorite or held back because he isn't like "The Rock" on the microphone?

9. He has so many people behind him who want him to be pushed based off this should he or do you agree with Vince's opinion.

John Cena-twitter, interviews
CM Punk-interviews
Chris Jericho-interviews
Ted Dibiase jr & Cody Rhodes-interview
The Miz-interview
Bret Hart-interview
Randy Orton(they both grew up in St.Louis Missouri, I read in WWE Mag the orton family scouted
Evan/Matt when he was learning to wrestle}
It's been highly rumored since last year that Triple H & Stephanie have said he could be the next Jeff Hardy without the drug problems but Vince only sees him as just a midcard talent and that he
is way to small.

10. do you consider him too small? he's 5ft9 .

11. He is EXTREMELY humble, he said in a podcast with Colt Cabana and I quote
" I don't get cocky about wins or losses, my main goal every show is to go out and have the best match of the night, I'm in WWE for the long run". Do you commend/respect this humble side of him
or not?

12. WWE often mistakes humbleness for laziness{IE. Shelton Benjamin} is that fair in your opinion?

13. He has a degree in business and marketing should WWE bank on this
14. Should Evan Bourne be Future Endeavored? YES.

He really doesn't do anything for me. In fact, I had forgotten he was even on the WWE roster until you brought it up.
Im not sure why people are attacking you and your post. I guess that's the savage ol' internet for you. I don't care if people dislike your post. There are Bourne fans out there, and we have just as much right to discuss Evan Bourne as a HHH mark has to discuss HHH.

Anyways, I think your post was very informative, very well laid-out, and you bring great questions to the table.

1. Definitely Evan Bourne. It corresponds with his look and demeanor very well. Not to mention it goes along with his finisher well.

2.I think it's disappointing to see that they slimmed down his arsenal, to be honest. However, I'm sure they had their reasons, but seeing as I'm not a huge follower of wrestling, Im not sure what they should be.

3. I like Evan Bourne because his matches are never boring, in my opinion. All of the things you listed are great examples of what makes Bourne entertaining. He's got some truly spectacular moves, and like you said, his technical ability is truly dazzling. He's also very charismatic.

4. 11 years? That's pretty awesome. That does impress me, because that shows dedication and passion. He's doing what he loves, and that's gotta be a great feeling. I appreciate his passion and desire to be out there and entertain us.

5. I'm not sure. I haven't followed any of his feuds to a great extent.

6. Same as question 5. I don't remember him tagging with Mysterio, but that would have to be a great tag-team!

7. His nominee for Holy S@!t Moment of the year was well deserved. I remember that happening, and then I remember the following paper view was some kind of ladder match where the second Orton RKO'd someone, Bourne nailed Air Bourne on Randy as he landed. Those were some awesome spots!

8. In my honest opinion, as awesome as Bourne is, I just can't see him in the main event. He wouldn't be a credible champion against guys like Cena, Orton, Kane, etc. Those are all big guys, and it'd be really hard to see Bourne beating these types of wrestlers cleanly.

9. I agree that he should see more tv time, but basically my answer for this question is the same as #8.

10. "too small" isn't the wording I would agree with. I'd agree if someone said he "isn't big enough."

11. I do respect the humble side. I'm a humble person myself, so I really relate to guys like him and Cena, who arre genuinely caring and nice people. Unfortunately, most wrestling fans are men ranging in all types of age, and we all know that there is practically no such thing as a nice guy anymore, so people who try to do good things, or be humble, as you say, just don't stand a chance. I mean look, Cena is hated by almost every guy in the arena, save little boys and dads. These guys claim they dislike Cena because of his repetitive moves, and his lame jokes, but I'd be willing to bet they just don't like his good guy character, because most of these guys are just plain assholes who cheer the bad guys and boo the good guys.

12. I have no concrete answer for this.

13. No idea
Sorry but i dont really care for bourne as much as you do hes impressive in the ring thats all i havw to say cuz the only fued i can barely remember him being in is the 1 with jericho. Plus he isnt gonna look like a crediblw champion he looks more like a chaser than a champ anyways
I'd rather see him than Rey Mysterio. I mean if people are willing to accept that Rey can beat out Batista for the WHC then why can't Bourne? I actually don't have much of a problem with Rey in general except they seem to think this whole David vs Goliath thing needs to be done to the nth degree. Sorry I just can't see Rey, or Evan for that matter beating someone like Kane on a regular basis. But boy does Rey have a hell of a record against the big red machine.

Evan is exciting, and it's situations like his that make me sad that ECW was gone. Over there he was an upper mid-carder and he held his own just fine. Yeah he could use some polish on the mic, but once again so could Rey. As far as his matches go, the only ones I don't enjoy watching are the ones where he's cannon fodder for someone to look like a bully.

Thing is, I can see him in legit contention with somone like Kofi or Dolph. By the same token I can see Dolph being able to hang with Cena, but I have a hard time seeing Evan vs Cena. But going back to my original complaint, I've never been able to see Rey as the WHC, but with this stupid tournament that just happened it's looking like we just might end up with that goofiness again.
I am impressed by him and admire what he does in the ring but his style of wrestling is not really my favourite. I am more a fan of big brawler type wrestlers with good gimmicks but I do enjoy watching Evan in the ring. I really hope the WWE bring back a cruiserweight division because they have enough talent at the moment to make it really interesting. I can't ever see him as WWE Champion and I would not be for that ever happening but that does not mean it will not seeing as Rey made it all the way to the top (I like Evan far more than Rey who I have never been a fan of).
I'm a huge Bourne fan and after colts podcast I was an even bigger fan. Now his matches are always one of the biggest of the night crowd reaction wise IMHO. I would love to see him with the US or the IC on SD. But like a few others said I don't see him as a credible heavy weight champ... But I could live with a 2 day transitional champ al a christian before MITB. At least as a thank you for his deduction. But then again with punk and christian as champ the little guy with the gold might not be too far fetched. And remember people once said jericho was too small and now he's a multi time world champ and the first undisputed champ he beat both austin and rock in the same night to do that....so I think I rambled enuff and didn't answer half the question lol.
I like Evan Bourne and I think the dude defiantly has all the tools to get it done IN THE RING.

He could use some work with his microphone skills, but I really don't give a damn about microphone skills... I believe their over rated.. considering only like 2/3 people get to talk on the stick per 2 hour show..

With the right booking, he could easily get over.. in fact.. he was pretty damn over before his injury. I think he's defiantly one of the more popular superstars these days. He's a little bit below Kofi on my list.
1. Matt Sydal, it sounds the closest to being an actual name rather then just a bad stage name. Sure there's guys like CM Punk and The Rock that have outlandish things but those work better rather then just ripping off the Bourne movies.

2. I highly doubt he has 142 moves, hell I couldn't even name you 20 that he actually uses in the WWE. Either way, not a big deal everyone's moveset gets limited in the WWE and the ones with real talent make it work (See CM Punk)

3. The fact we only see him in the ring for 5-10 minutes a night.

4. Not really, I haven't seen anything from Bourne that impresses me. You can go ahead and use your flashy highflying moves and lackluster kicks but I fail to see anything from him that I actually like.

5. Evan Bourne's been in feuds?

6. Don't really have an opinion on this one.

7. Nomination for Air Borune-KO. I'll admit that it was mostly Bourne that made that move but it's always going to be Randy getting any kind of recognition for it.

8. I think he should be a mid-carder because Evan isn't believable as a main eventer. He proved that to me when he got the chance by teaming with Cena, he just looked out of place in the ring with those guys.

9. I for one haven't seen any of these interviews and/or tweets that say Evan Bourne should be a main guy in the "E" but I agree with Vince in putting him in the mid-card. For a reason you can refer to my last answer.

10. If Rey-Rey isn't too small then Evan sure as hell isn't, he just looks like too much of a schoolboy and not a serious competitor that's my only problem with his look.

11. I think Bourne is a stand up guy and he respects just being able to be in the WWE and I do respect him for that, but it's been said before if your not in the WWE to be the best then your in the wrong business. Sure I already said I don't see him as a main event start but he needs to get a little bit of an ego and try to go out there and make his Ws and Ls mean something.

12. No the WWE sees laziness as laziness. Shelton might have been humble and respectable but you can't tell me that he wasn't starting to get lazier in the ring near the end of his time in WWE.

13. How exactly do you expect them to do that? Give him a smart ass accountant gimmick? They clearly don't need any help in the backstage aspect of running the WWE because you see just how many people buy the merchandise.
1.which in ring name do you like best of his-
Matt Sydel sounds coolest. I don't guess it really matters.
2. He has exactly 142 moves in his entire arsenal{I have a list} and WWE cut him down to 88 moves what is your opinion on this?
Is this including basic moves like the irish whip and his variations of kicks? Who cares? It's not likely Evan Bourne will ever do 142 moves in a single match so I could care less.
3-Which part of his in ring ability do you like the best,
I've always been a feet guy. I love any wrestler who can throw a good kick and Evan Bourne can better than most of the current WWE roster.
4. He mixes american pro wrestling, lucha libre{latino wrestling} japanese wrestling, gymnastics, martial arts and highschool wrestling into his in ring work and has been in the biz for 11 years now, does that impress you or not, and if not why not?
Not really. Plenty of guys have been wrestling longer and has had more success.
5. which feud that was in in WWE was/is the best-
He hasn't really had a memorable feud so none.
6. which person was/is his best tag team partner-
Rey Mysterio is the best at putting over young talent. Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio's styles would mesh well.
7. in WWE he has only won 2 slammy awards and was nominated last year which one is the best in your opinion.
Air Bourne into RKO. I don't ever remember marking our that hard for a wrestling manuver...ever.
8. based off his tenure in the whole entire wrestling business I feel he should be garuanteed a spot in the main event and he showed in his feud with Chris Jericho that he is able to hold an upper-midcard, main event spot, his only downfall is mic skills, he excels in every category{ tone of voice, facial expressions, saying his lines correctly} but akin to Rey Mysterio he's just not convincing, do you think he should be in the main event because he is a young veteran & a fan favorite or held back because he isn't like "The Rock" on the microphone?
If you suck on the mic, you better make up for it somewhere else. Evan Bourne needs to get super over. The only way he can do that is wrestle someone who can match his abilities. He hasn't done much so a main event run is a bit out of the question right now.
9. He has so many people behind him who want him to be pushed based off this should he or do you agree with Vince's opinion.
I do think he's a bit small. Just because a few guys say push him doesn't mean he should be.
10. do you consider him too small? he's 5ft9 .
Guys like Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho made it possible to be a normal sized guy and still make it in the wrestling business. Why not Evan Bourne?
11. He is EXTREMELY humble, he said in a podcast with Colt Cabana and I quote
" I don't get cocky about wins or losses, my main goal every show is to go out and have the best match of the night, I'm in WWE for the long run". Do you commend/respect this humble side of him or not?
What's that gonna do for him? You gotta force your way to the top.
12. WWE often mistakes humbleness for laziness{IE. Shelton Benjamin} is that fair in your opinion?
Yes. They will push who they want. Would you rather push someone who garentees a win or someone who doesn't care if he loses?
13. He has a degree in business and marketing should WWE bank on this
Lol, why? In other words no.
1. Sui Sydel is pretty cool and catchey
2.its not like hes gonna use all 142 moves and if u have a list of all his moves im sry but u need a life man
3.im always up for sum crusierweight acon so thats gotta b it
4. no many other grets have done so 4 him
5.nothin rlly memorable but the mini 1 wit Y2J was kinda good
6.i guess Mysterio purly because when there togather there awesome
8.Mic skills pretty much reflect your chrasmia 2 b a guy like evan has 2 have charisma wich he lacks.
9.Not now but soon mayb when Rey is gone because they always seem 2 want a main event high flyer and if Rey leaves and Sin Cara dosent return hes next in line
10.No wrestler should be considered "too small" if u want 2 wrestle you should be allowed 2 without a problem
11.heres wat i think be friendly when u want 2 but when your in the ring turn from friendly 2 deadly unless u dont want a job in pro wrestling
12.no shelton was a great athlete who should have been world champ but wwe dosent give a crap
13.um.......... not sure how thats supposed 2 b involved in this
Just because you internet wrestling fans don't like him doesn't mean he's not a good wrestler. It's not his fault he's not being used, but he works hard and never complains. (at least that's what many wrestlers have said in interviews) I hope he gets a push again down the road because he's fun to watch.
my answers are as followed
1. Matt Sydal
2.i think wwe did it obv for a reason to be fair to other wrestlers mabye idk
3.i think 2 and 4 are the best
4.i dont really care i think it's cool but there's tons of other superstars like chris benoit eddie guerrero rey mysterio etc that have done way more than that but it's okay
5.prob jericho cause it kinda gave him a boost until jericho kinda left him to go back with the undercards but he got like 3 ppv matches then the raw mitb so prob y2j
6.prob rey cause their styles are their same and they just wowed audiences with their highflying styles and their very decorated backgrounds
7.Best finisher i guess i dont really know which one basically there all the same so idk
8.it's not his mic skills i think he's kinda like rey he can be a wwe title guy but he's mainly just fighting everyone wwe throws at him mason ryan jack swagger sin cara etc
9.look at 8 pretty much i guess
10.no i obv don't.think about tyson kidd rey mysterio sin cara lol
11.i respect his humble thoughts that's just very classy
12.i don't know
13.no no no bad idea i have a feeling in about 2 years he'll be in roh or tna or japan
thanks for reading
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