Evan Bourne getting the Rey Push?

The Prod1gy

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
OK, I might be looking a bit to much into this, but it seems to me that the WWE is giving Evan Bourne the same or very similar push they gave to Rey Mysterio way back in 2002 when he came into the company.
How I picked this up is how when Rey first entered the company in 2002 his first real rivalry was against Kurt Angle who at the time was claiming himself to be the "best in the world" and then on PPV he had a 5 star match against Rey and it put Rey immediately over, No fast forward to 2010 Evan Bourne has just started what seems to be his first real rivalry with the WWE and it is against another wrestler who currently claims to be the best in the world at what he does and again on PPV they had a wrestling clinic that even led to another 5 star match on the night after where Chris Jericho put his career on the line!
So do you think the WWE are giving Bourne the Rey Push or not give me your thought...
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "The Rey Push," because usually a push culminates in someone winning someone kind of championship to help legitimate their status with fans. Rey didn't win a WHC until 4 years after his supposed push you are describing here, and this was only after the untimely death of Eddie Guerrero. He also won the tag belts and the cruiserweight championship, and Bourne isn't being pushed for the former and the latter doesn't exist.

So, unless you can explain this more, I don't see how this comparison is useful. Will Evan Bourne ever be a world champion? It's highly, highly unlikely, unless he has some kind of weird circumstances, like Rey and his connection to Eddie, that helps propel him to the main event.
usually a push culminates in someone winning someone kind of championship

Well actually IMO a push is getting bigger and more popular from what you used to do, in the case Bourne is going from jobber to legit contender. As for "Rey push" don't really know, but he's getting a good push none the less

Edit: didn't mean to put a second reply and for some reason it's quoting me which don't make sence, and I don't know how to change it, so sorry.
I think Bourne is getting a better push than Rey did. The difference in Rey's push and Bourne's push was that Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit who are smaller guys by today's standards didn't win championships yet. When they started getting pushes, I believe they had enough confidence in Rey Mysterio in 2006. Bourne is reaping the benefits of what is seeming to be WWE looking towards smaller guys to be world champions. The best I can see Bourne is being United States champion at least for the time being which was more than what Rey was doing in 2002.
I think Bourne will end up in a better place in the midcard then Rey did in 2002. Bourne looks to become the next United States Champion, something Rey has never had a title reign with. Evan Bourne's current push comparing to what Rey did after hos debut is two different things.

After Rey Mysterio debuted it can be said he had a bigger impact than Bourne. Because of who he feuded with, what he did, etc. Bourne did not do as many big things after he debuted. He is just recently been giving this midcard push. It seems as though this push is going to lead Bourne to the US title. Mysterio I think only got a tag title with Edge after his fiery debut.

Bourne may never win a world title, but he is line for the midcard belt. Which it seems he is going to win sooner than later. Rey Mysterio didn't win a midcard belt until he won the IC title for the first time at WrestleMania last year.
I honestly think Evan Bourne will become World Champion during his time in WWE. Why? He has John Cena backing him up. They will give him the ultimate underdog champion who overcomes tougher adversaries. His finishing move, the shooting star press/air bourne is getting dramatic effect everytime he does it (But Justin Gabriel 450 splash plause to much more epic! If Evan was a heel im sure that would add more effect lol) Yes he'll eventually get a singles title but Jericho is at the top of mid card and is trying to get him to upper mid card/ME status. It's logical to say anything can happen in the WWE, besides we have only been given young HEEL superstars for a change in the main event. Cena and Orton are the faces on RAW, Evan is now the 3rd with R-Truth trailing behind. I think this push is probably going to culminate at Money in the Bank when either him or Miz wins. If Rey Mysterio can be champion because he was upset im sure as hell if Cena says give the title to Evan Bourne that it is over 9000%! It will likely happen. Face of the company, the face of smackdown? You listen to the face of the company because no one at the moment can fill his shoes with his merchandise no matter how much he is hated. Men lie, women lie, numbers dont! If Cena was heel he should use that lol
Evan Bourne is potentially getting something even better than the Rey Push. I personally believe without the untimely death of Eddie Guerrero, Rey would've never got the World Championship. But because of it, Rey is making way for even smaller guys to look credible with the Championship. And because of him, Bourne has a better shot at recieving a World Championship even earlier than Rey did. I think, Bourne will get the US Title to test how he performs with a Championship and considering his friendship with John Cena this could definitely lead to a World Title shot sometime in the near future.
I dont know if they are giving him a similar push but i do believe they are giving him a push because of the up coming Money in the Bank PPV because who wants to see a bunch of heavyweights climbing ladders in the same speed their grandma gets off the couch!!

smaller wrestlers make for faster and better ladder matches. i wouldnt be surprised if after the PPV bourne disappears. i would like to see him stay at the top.
How the hell can this be a rey push? cuz hes short? yeah thats it. hes getting a REGULAR push, not a rey push. the only way he would get a rey push is if someone close to him dies so they let him win the rumble. LOLZ but on a more serious note. no hes not getting a rey push, hes just getting a push.
It does sound similar..I mean who would you rather have a rivalry with...Jericho!!...

So if your guess is right...then in 4 years time, I expect him to win the big 1 at WrestleMania...

The only difference between the 2 is...Rey had a big background..everyone knew him from his days in WCW(and ECW)...we knew who it was we were seeing...

Sure we will see an evan bourne push..but i don't think he will go all the way...
I honestly think Evan Bourne will become World Champion during his time in WWE. Why? He has John Cena backing him up. They will give him the ultimate underdog champion who overcomes tougher adversaries. His finishing move, the shooting star press/air bourne is getting dramatic effect everytime he does it (But Justin Gabriel 450 splash plause to much more epic! If Evan was a heel im sure that would add more effect lol) Yes he'll eventually get a singles title but Jericho is at the top of mid card and is trying to get him to upper mid card/ME status. It's logical to say anything can happen in the WWE, besides we have only been given young HEEL superstars for a change in the main event. Cena and Orton are the faces on RAW, Evan is now the 3rd with R-Truth trailing behind. I think this push is probably going to culminate at Money in the Bank when either him or Miz wins. If Rey Mysterio can be champion because he was upset im sure as hell if Cena says give the title to Evan Bourne that it is over 9000%! It will likely happen. Face of the company, the face of smackdown? You listen to the face of the company because no one at the moment can fill his shoes with his merchandise no matter how much he is hated. Men lie, women lie, numbers dont! If Cena was heel he should use that lol

as long as Cena is around, Bourne won't get the championship. Cena backs the guy because deep down, he knows Vince and the creative staff will never push him to be a title holder. Cena doesn't see him as a threat. So it helps his "fan" image by backing Bourne, but he knows he will never become anything more than a midcarder.
Personally i believe alot of people could be very let down by the way Bourne is being pushed . sure its common knowledge by now that John Cena apparently endorsed him backstage .However for me the timing seems to coincide to much with MITB . I can see Raw filling the match with big named superstars .Rumour has it i think Edge and Oeton are both expected to be involved so they are building Evan up simply for the purpose of them needing someone in that match that can do the big spot that usually happens in the MITB match.Its not like they want to risk the likes of Orton and Edge for that situation.Hopefully im wrong as i really like Bourne and think he could have a great future in the WWE .
I just think Vince refuses to see anyone that big as someone that can lead his company.
Bourne will end up getting a much bigger push than Rey, Cena has something to do with that, because i realises people like Evan have plenty of potential to be main event guys, and Bourne and Jericho's match at the last PPV was excellent and one of the best of the night.

He's been featured more on RAW and that shows signs his in line for a big push, Evan is damn over with the fans young and old, and he is in a feud with one the WWE veterans and wrestling veteran. Jericho is helping elevate Bourne's status and the matches they've had and going to have will further prove Bourne deserves this. Also anyone who criticizes Cena over endorsing Bourne, i think someone like Cena can see a wrestlers potential while helping his own image because a wrestler and worker can see a guys true worth more than Vince or most of management.
personally ive got to say the way he is being pushed dosent matter im personally glad that he is actually getting a push i dont care why he is getting the push im just so glad we are actually getting to see the only high flyer left in the WWE since jeff hardy left i dont think he needs a huge push right now but havign him on tv alot should be good as WWE has seen already evan bourne is 5 stars and rey gave them 5 stars hint hint WWE bring back the cruiserweights.

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