Evan Bourne and a Push, yeah right!!


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I wanna know who is voting for Evan Bourne on the poll on the homepage, because all of u who are are a bunch of damn fuckin marks. We dont need another small ass guy winning matches that they never ever should, we already have lil Rey for that, and its freakin pathetic that hes won titles, and might even get the victory over Batista. Bourne is a jobber and should stay a jobber til they either create a cruiser division or let him go, otherwise there is nothing for him. he cant talk, his in ring work is choppy, other than his high flying which he doesnt do that much of, but thats prb the part all u marks like. its guys who have the look of a champ like Swagger are the ones who need the push, even Ziggler deserves it more than Bourne, if you people really think that a dude like Bourne is the future u have something seriously wrong with you.
Out of that list on the main page, if I was voting, I would probably go for Dolph Ziggler. However, that's not to say I would object to Evan Bourne being pushed. I wouldn't say push him to the heights of the World or WWE title but a feud with the Miz over the US title, for example could be good in my opinion. They had a few matches on Raw which makes me believe a feud could be effective, basically I would like to see Evan Bourne being involved in a program that actually utilizes his abilities in a positive way. An actual program would afford him the opportunity to develop his mic skills and add depth to what little character his has. Like it or not, the general wrestling fan is probably wowed by the moves Bourne pulls off, I know that I enjoy watching him wrestle (I apologize if that makes me a mark:suspic:) and from the crowd reaction he normally recieves I think he is sufficiently over enough to at least warrant a feud. I'm not saying he's the future face of WWE but I would like to see him do something other than job on Raw every other week, yes indeed.
I think Bourne needs some character development first. I have no problem with him receiving a push, but Hell, how many times has he actually talked and cut promos? Just points to a huge problem in WWE today, which I've discussed often.

Unfortunately, all of this is out of his hands, and is in the hands of our "friends" in the Creative Team.

However, if they do give him a chance to connect first with the fans, and do some promo-cutting, I wouldn't have a problem with pushing him to the US Title. He probably should be about a year to two years away though from that point, as of right now.
The main problem with Bourne is that he has little to no character development. What exactly is Bourne supposed to be? Rey Mysterio has character and personality and Bourne has struggled to find his. Some of the blame has to fall on the feet on creative because they've basically given him zero promo time. Let him talk on the mic and cut a promo and see what we're working with. What you do in the ring can get you only so far before fans start to tune out.

Sure there have been a few who have gotten over without needing to speak much like Benoit or Lesnar but Bourne doesn't have a manager to be his mouthpiece so he has to do that on his own. I could easily see him being a contender for a U.S. or Intercontinental championship down the road but creative needs to take that first step and let Bourne do the rest.
His matches are entertaining and he gets a pretty good crowd reaction. I wouldn't mind seeing him in the U.S title hunt. But I do think he is too small for creative to consider him a world champion.
Bourne can certainly wrestle but he hasn't had a chance to endear himself to the fans so how can anybody know exactly what he will be if he has never had a chance ?

Creative is clearly only interested in developing content for the awesome guest hosts they get, as well as DX. Its really irrelevant, neither Bourne or anybody will get pushed, and even if they do creative will fail like they have done for quite some time.
I think it's pretty obvious the poster doesn't like smaller wrestlers in general. When you doubt Rey Mysterio that becomes clear. There are still people who to this day think both Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart should never have been champions because they were relatively small. Evan Bourne shouldn't get a push yet, but he should keep getting upsets out of his ass every now and then, and maybe be put in a tag team in the near future. Who knows what he's capable of? Give him time. He's an amazing athlete.
I don't think Bourne really needs to talk because he is very entertaining in the ring and he's over. And that's enough.

This guy should be u.s champ or be the next u.s champ and surprise everyone. He was awesome in ecw. I was hoping he would make a big impact on raw, but just like guys like shelton benjamin, wwe just don't see the real wrestling talent these guys have. I hope Bourne makes it in the WWE, if not next will probably TNA.
This guy should be u.s champ or be the next u.s champ and surprise everyone. He was awesome in ecw. I was hoping he would make a big impact on raw, but just like guys like shelton benjamin, wwe just don't see the real wrestling talent these guys have. I hope Bourne makes it in the WWE, if not next will probably TNA.

OK, first and foremost, I like Shelton Benjamin. I've always enjoyed watching him wrestle. He's amazingly talented.

And amazingly boring.

Like painfully boring.

And that's not WWE's fault. They've tried time and time again to give the guy pushes, but he doesn't have the natural charisma to get -- and stay -- over with the fans. If they're going to give him any sustained push, he needs a manager. Period.

As for Evan Bourne, he's a small guy, undoubtedly, but he's also extremely skilled. To make him seem like a legitimate contender, they should put him in the ring with guys like Matt Hardy, The Miz, John Morrison, etc. None of these guys are hulking specimens, which would make him look puny by comparison. Instead, they're men who could engage him in matches which would showcase his in-ring abilities and high-flying acumen. He'd probably get over without ever having to say a word!
he has been easily squashed by everyone on the roster, Miz and Swagger both have destroyed him within 5 mins, and some of u think he could be a US title contender, the only place for him is in a cruiser division, and i dont know wat u guys are talkin bout with his in ring work, the last few matches hes been in he gets in little to no offense, and it wasnt super impressive, hes done an x pac esque spin kick, diving knees from the top rope, a hurricanrana, and thats really it. the only good thing i can say about his ring work is that he by far does the best shooting star, Billy Kidman doesnt have shit on him when it comes to that move. I like that u bring up Shelton too, because the guy is absolutly amazing in the ring, but is boring as a sack of fuckin potatoes, they tried giving him a mouth piece in Mama, but that was a mistake, and then they give him this gold standard gimmick and he has to dye his hair, no thanks, he is someone who deserves a push. and as for the two good ones, Miz and Swagger, i wanna see one of the two of them getting a real big push, i know its Kofi's turn which i am happy about, but we have a face champ, so let some of these great mid card heels get a shot at him, Swagger vs Cena was good the one time we got to see it, and i cant imagine how much better it can get.
he has been easily squashed by everyone on the roster, Miz and Swagger both have destroyed him within 5 mins, and some of u think he could be a US title contender, the only place for him is in a cruiser division, and i dont know wat u guys are talkin bout with his in ring work, the last few matches hes been in he gets in little to no offense, and it wasnt super impressive, hes done an x pac esque spin kick, diving knees from the top rope, a hurricanrana, and thats really it. the only good thing i can say about his ring work is that he by far does the best shooting star, Billy Kidman doesnt have shit on him when it comes to that move. I like that u bring up Shelton too, because the guy is absolutly amazing in the ring, but is boring as a sack of fuckin potatoes, they tried giving him a mouth piece in Mama, but that was a mistake, and then they give him this gold standard gimmick and he has to dye his hair, no thanks, he is someone who deserves a push. and as for the two good ones, Miz and Swagger, i wanna see one of the two of them getting a real big push, i know its Kofi's turn which i am happy about, but we have a face champ, so let some of these great mid card heels get a shot at him, Swagger vs Cena was good the one time we got to see it, and i cant imagine how much better it can get.

Who is in the U.S. Title picture now? Miz and Swagger. That's two heels and Bourne can be one of the faces. He has decent offense and I think he would be good as a champion if creative can take that step and let him cut promos and talk on the mic. Benjamin has been better since his face turn and I look forward to him possibly being ECW champion by mid-2010.
Evan Bourne is to the WWE as Kaz is to TNA. They both can wow the crowd (despite those who think Kaz sucks... I think he's entertaining), but they both need some hardcore character development. I don't hate Bourne, but there's a pretty lengthy list of people that deserve pushes before him. I'd rather break up Cryme Tyme and give JTG a push before Bourne. Sure he's flashy, but I can't see a guy that small really getting over in the WWE.

Yes, Mysterio and Jeff Hardy are some outlying examples... but look how long that took. It took Hardy over 10 years in the E to get to the top. But he's still not as small in stature as Bourne. Mysterio had already built quite a career in ECW and WCW... and then a good number of years in the E before he saw the big one. He also was probably just a champion as a result of Eddie's death. We know that. That isn't news.

But Bourne is going to need to do a lot more to be taken seriously even in the mid-card. If Bourne would have shown up 3-4 years ago, he would have been a little better off. I believe he and Gregory Helmes could totally OWN a light heavyweight division. I wish Vince could suck it up, rid the E of 75% of the Divas (no matter how nice they are to look at), and bring back the light heavyweight title, I would love it. I'm not the only one that would love it either. Or hell... don't get rid of the Divas, but feature the light heavyweight title on ECW. However... as a US Champion and IC Champion... those titles need to be kept for some possible future big players in the company like Morrison, Ziggler, Swagger, Miz, and yes... Santino. I believe he'll be taken seriously one day. Bourne needs to be paired with another explosive superstar (big or small) and "dominate" the tag division. That will give him some face time. But right now when the crowded mid-card is actually very interesting with Ziggler, Morrison, Miz, Swagger, etc... Bourne doesn't have a spot there. Nor will he for some time.
I agree with the original poster. I hate seeing little guys compete in these matches and actually win against people like Jack Swagger. Come on. If jack swagger actually wrestled Evan Bourne he would crush him...almost instantly too. I would say US title at most for evan bourne.
Yes i will agree with you 100% the most he should win is the US title or tag team titles... other than that Bourne sucks.. Don't get me wrong.. his in ring skills are incredible but the guy has NO CHARISMA and i have never heard him talk before. He is just some guy to go against for mid card people to step on him on the way up.. i wouldn't quite call him a jobber but he is walked on, on the way up for the miz jack swagger .. i wouldn't be surprised if Sheamus ends up beating him up in the next couple weeks
Everytime I see Evan Bourne, I think to myself... that he is nothing but an Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin rip off in the ring and style wise... I think Vince wants Bourne to look weak against against bigger guys as some sort of dig towards TNA. It seems like they want him to lose alot and when he wins it is because of some other person.

The only reason Rey Mysterio made it in the WWE is because he was a major talent in the WCW. I doubt we will see another guy with similar style will be allowed to make it to the top of the WWE again.

Look at all the smaller guys that are jokes; Greg Helmes, Chavo, Jamie Noble, and every other small guy previous.

Jeff Hardy developed body wise and style wise to the point that had to push him but It always seemed like they were never fully behind him.

As far as even Bourne goes, I don't think his career in the WWE will be that long because they are not going to push him. Eventually he will end up in TNA.
Everytime I see Evan Bourne, I think to myself... that he is nothing but an Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin rip off in the ring and style wise... I think Vince wants Bourne to look weak against against bigger guys as some sort of dig towards TNA. It seems like they want him to lose alot and when he wins it is because of some other person.

If this is the case, and Vince is thinking that, then I pray that you're right, and Evan Bourne comes to TNA.

I can't speak on his mic skills, as I haven't ever heard his voice, but he's phenomenal in the ring, and would do wonders for the X Division. He'd fit in every gimmick match, and matches up well with every other member of the division.

Vince needs to wake up, and realize that "exciting" is a good thing. So what if Bourne's not 6'8 and weighs 300+? People like watching him, and he's worked well with just about everyone they've put him against. Give him a push, at least to the mid-card full-time.
If this is the case, and Vince is thinking that, then I pray that you're right, and Evan Bourne comes to TNA.

I can't speak on his mic skills, as I haven't ever heard his voice, but he's phenomenal in the ring, and would do wonders for the X Division. He'd fit in every gimmick match, and matches up well with every other member of the division.

Vince needs to wake up, and realize that "exciting" is a good thing. So what if Bourne's not 6'8 and weighs 300+? People like watching him, and he's worked well with just about everyone they've put him against. Give him a push, at least to the mid-card full-time.

The weird thing is that he has only been allowed to speak only a handful of times on camera. He actually did pretty good. It just seems like Vince likes hoarding talent and holding them down. I really don't think that Sheamus should have gotten a push while there are guys who actually can entertain the crowd like Bourne who have earned it more so.

What I find funny is that the announcers always talk Bourne up like he is great while he ends up being squashed or making him look like a weak when he wins.

I would love for him to leave WWE for TNA where his style is accepted against everyone. Some day where he could get a World Title Shot like Styles or Daniels.

I just don't see anyone he can feud with currently in the WWE. It just seems like Vince is going with a handful of guys that are playing the same character (Miz, Swagger, Dolph)...

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