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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
AKA assisted suicide. How do you feel about it? ith me it's pretty cut and dry. If somebody is ill, suffering, and isn't going to get better then I don't have a problem to it. If a loved one of mine was dying, and doctors wouldn't do it themselves, I would. People might say that you have no right to end somebodys life, no matter how ill they are. But I don't care. So long as the patient is aware of what's happening, and wats it, is it really that big a deal?
I'm for this. If I was ill and in a lot of pain, knowing full well this is how the rest of my life was going to pan out, I'd definately go for this. Or, if I wasn't exactly in pain but if I was paralysed so that I couldn't do anything for myself. The day I can't go to the toilet myself is the die I'll die. Dignity means a lot to many people, and they should be allowed to go out with dignity. Not being fed, washed, clothed etc by someone else. I never want to be dependant on anyone else, and many others don't either.
Agreed. I think when a time comes when there is no hope of cure or treatment, and a suffering person says they just can't take it anymore, then the option to pull the plug should be their's.

I cannot say what I would do if I was in that much pain. I don't think anyone, unless they've actually experienced great suffering, can say for sure how they'd react.

All I'm saying is that if I wanted to die, I should have that option.

I also don't like it when someone specifically requests to be terminated, and the family tries to stop it. That is the height of selfishness. Our bodies are about the only thing that the Government, Police or the world in general cannot take from us, and we should be allowed to decide when that body is finished.
Whats happens if a cure is created after they die and they might have lived to use it?
I dunno but it all seems like Nazism to me.

The other type of this is when you are forced to die for the greater good and have no choice that means people would be deciding how much quality of life you have and honestly who the fuck says we have the right to choose who dies and dosnt.

Assisted suicide is stupid because what if they wanted it one day and you killed them whats to say they didnt want to die the day after?
What if i said i wanted my life ended and i had fuck wrong with me?
What if i people didnt know it could be cured and killed the person?

What if in a country you couldnt afford treatment does that mean you should die?

Involuntary euthanasia was conducted by Nazis and i hope they never consider it as a viable option.

As a Catholic it goes against my religion.

It amounts to genocide, sure treatment that might save you but could kill you is acceptable but speeding of death is kinda well morally unjustifiable.
Whats happens if a cure is created after they die and they might have lived to use it?
I dunno but it all seems like Nazism to me.

What if's? Sometimes what if's aren't enough to make someone continue living in that much pain.

The other type of this is when you are forced to die for the greater good and have no choice that means people would be deciding how much quality of life you have and honestly who the fuck says we have the right to choose who dies and dosnt.

I believe here we're talking more about people who are in so much pain they make the decision to die. A person should have a choice to end their own life.

Assisted suicide is stupid because what if they wanted it one day and you killed them whats to say they didnt want to die the day after?

No offence but this is a completely stupid argument. They'd be dead, there is no 'day after' where they decide they want to live.

What if i said i wanted my life ended and i had fuck wrong with me?

This isn't Euthanasia. If you want to kill yourself with no medical reason, you just want to commit suicide.

What if i people didnt know it could be cured and killed the person?

Again, not euthanasia.

What if in a country you couldnt afford treatment does that mean you should die?

No one should die. We're not forcing people to die here. It's all about giving someone that choice.

Involuntary euthanasia was conducted by Nazis and i hope they never consider it as a viable option.

Involunatry Euthanasia is a little more tricky. However nothing like Nazis. Involuntary Euthaniasia is usually an option when someone close to the ill person has good reason to think they would choose death, and they are too ill to communicate.

As a Catholic it goes against my religion.

It amounts to genocide, sure treatment that might save you but could kill you is acceptable but speeding of death is kinda well morally unjustifiable.

If someone is in such pain, or losing their dignity and feel they cannot live that way anymore, I see nothing 'morally unjustifiable' in them having the choice to end their life.
Still humans are too stupid to make this work it would end up as genocide or having people being allowed to die even if they arnt in pain.

Futurama Suicide Booths anyone?

It basically comes down to should we be allowed to kill ourself?

Prolonging death is cruel like making them take medication when they are going to die and be in pain is cruel but to allow them to get someone else to kill is just the same as murder except your allowing it.
Again who are we to deem quality of life? It just gives people tremendous power they should not have.

Voluntary euthanasia would never work it raises to many moral dilemmas when we could be out curing diseases and helping people in there final hours.

I mean if we are going to say voluntary euthanasia is okay then why not just kill everyone over a certain age i mean why let them have a decreased quality of life for say the 30-20 years of their life.

Sure i know its for people who have terminal disease ect but it really dosnt work we need to finds cures for them.
I understand the basic concept of leaving people in pain and how you feel but it simply cannot work.

Its like using half Frankenstein creation of human and animal stem cells for research i mean its impossible in natural creation and your creating unnatural life and then killing it for research. I personally feel if we cant find an acceptable solution to the moral questions leave it alone.
Still humans are too stupid to make this work it would end up as genocide or having people being allowed to die even if they arnt in pain.

No, it wouldn't. Look up facts on what people who are for Euthanasia say. We don't just decide someone is too ill so must die.

Futurama Suicide Booths anyone?

It basically comes down to should we be allowed to kill ourself?

Tough question, and I wish no one was ever in the position to want to kill themselves. I at times think it's selfish if someone has a family to look after and just leave them, but then I realise people who kill themselves are often mentally ill, and probably wouldn't have done so if they'd got help.

Prolonging death is cruel like making them take medication when they are going to die and be in pain is cruel but to allow them to get someone else to kill is just the same as murder except your allowing it.

No, it wouldn't be anything close to murder. Seriously, just look at what Euthanasia would mean. The person would be in complete control, they're just asking for an easy and gentle death.

Again who are we to deem quality of life? It just gives people tremendous power they should not have.

People should have control over their own lives.

Voluntary euthanasia would never work it raises to many moral dilemmas when we could be out curing diseases and helping people in there final hours.

Voluntary Euthanasia isn't instead of curing diseases. It's to help those that are going to die soon anyway, keep dignity, and die happier than they would have done.

I mean if we are going to say voluntary euthanasia is okay then why not just kill everyone over a certain age i mean why let them have a decreased quality of life for say the 30-20 years of their life.

This is bordering stupidity now, it's not what euthanasia is about.

Sure i know its for people who have terminal disease ect but it really dosnt work we need to finds cures for them.
I understand the basic concept of leaving people in pain and how you feel but it simply cannot work.

It can work. And yes we need to find cures, but a terminal illness is just that; you will die from it. As you said earlier prolonging death is cruel. If someone wants to stay alive as long as possible, it's their choice. But euthanasia should also be a choice.

Its like using half Frankenstein creation of human and animal stem cells for research i mean its impossible in natural creation and your creating unnatural life and then killing it for research. I personally feel if we cant find an acceptable solution to the moral questions leave it alone.

I don't understand what you're getting at here?
I had a big post but stupid WZ made me need to log in again and i lost it because i forgot to copy it.

I did say tho that millions might die if this happened, millions might choose to die.
If terminally ill patients can choose to die why not ones with a cold or ones who dont want to live with only 1 arm or summit.

IF they are told they cant have voluntary euthanasia because they do not meet criteria or are not considered sick enuf it would go against the choice of it all.
It would just be the same as involuntary in principle.

Imagine being asked to kill yourself to save some money.

If some gets terminally ill and its there own fault should they be allowed the choice.

Deciding who gets the choice and who dosnt goes again it all really but then again not having limits would be genocide.
UK law means that if a doctor helps a patient comfit suicide it is accounted as murder.

What i mean earlier was that, one person says suddenly the pain is unbearable i want to die whats to say if they where alive they might change there mind the next day?
Anyone can kill themselves at any point. It's the sad truth. Euthanasia is there to offer an easy death, to someone who otherwise would be suffering. No one is being killed, no one is being forced to die, or not to die. All it is, is someone being given the option to die peacefully instead of a different death.
Euthanasia is a great idea, but not one that will ever be legalized and rightly so. It's still murder any which way you look at it, and there's really no getting around that. The only way this idea could function would be if it were done by the state, similiar to executions. And that right there is exactly what the Nazi's did. Don't think we should be taking any cures from Nazis, especially when this "Euthanasia" process done by the Nazis that everyone keeps talking about is really just another way of saying the Holocaust, AKA forcing people to their deaths. Which is then nothing more then state-sponsored murder.

Good idea, sure. Plausible as a legal institution and right to a patient? Not a chance.
Euthanasia is fine if someone signs their rights away. If someone is diangosed with something terminal, then i don't see a problem with doing this. I also say this full well not having any religious beliefs hampering my statement and no so called "moral" outrage eating at my soul.

My 93 year old grandmother has now been diagnosed with her second bout of Luekemia (sp?) and she is chosing not go go through the treatment again. Now is this a form of suicide? No it's a choice to let things happen that are going to happen. If a grown person decides that they don't want to live and struggle with something, it's their own decision.
no thats fine not going with the treatment thats not euthanasia really
euthanasia is like giving people a suicide capsule or an injection to kill them

we catholics believe if the treatment will have little benefit it is possibly better to not take it

for example if medical treatment will only advance peoples lives for a few months or if someone dosnt want treatment we catholics would feel fine in doing so and help them through the last days of there life

in many religions it is forbidden to know when ones death is
Euthanasia is a great idea, but not one that will ever be legalized and rightly so. It's still murder any which way you look at it, and there's really no getting around that. The only way this idea could function would be if it were done by the state, similiar to executions. And that right there is exactly what the Nazi's did. Don't think we should be taking any cures from Nazis, especially when this "Euthanasia" process done by the Nazis that everyone keeps talking about is really just another way of saying the Holocaust, AKA forcing people to their deaths. Which is then nothing more then state-sponsored murder.

Good idea, sure. Plausible as a legal institution and right to a patient? Not a chance.

It isn't 'forcing' people to their deaths. We're not forcing anyone to die here. It's simply giving people the choice to have an easy and gentle death, rather than a painful one.

There's two types of Euthanasia; voluntary, and non voluntary. I struggle to see what is wrong with Voluntary Euthanasia. Suicide is no longer a crime in the UK, and voluntary Euthanasia is just that, someone deciding they want to die. And when faced with extreme pain, or indignity, who are we to say that person should not have the right to choose to die?

Non voluntary Euthanasia, I can see where the problems lie with that one, and it is more complex. There would have to be many laws regarding this, and I'd have to see what those would b before having an opinion on this.
no thats fine not going with the treatment thats not euthanasia really
euthanasia is like giving people a suicide capsule or an injection to kill them

we catholics believe if the treatment will have little benefit it is possibly better to not take it

for example if medical treatment will only advance peoples lives for a few months or if someone dosnt want treatment we catholics would feel fine in doing so and help them through the last days of there life

in many religions it is forbidden to know when ones death is

But I cannot get my head around you feeling this right, or humane, compared to Euthanasia. This is just prolonging a life, which often may be in pain, or suffering. Which may have lost dignity due to the fact they cannot do anything for themselves. If the person knows they're going to die anyway, what's the problem with allowing them more peace, and to die not in pain, earlier?
It isn't 'forcing' people to their deaths. We're not forcing anyone to die here. It's simply giving people the choice to have an easy and gentle death, rather than a painful one.

Did you even read my post and what I was referring to as forcing people to their deaths? I was referencing the Nazi's form of "euthanasia" which was forcing people to their deathes.

There's two types of Euthanasia; voluntary, and non voluntary. I struggle to see what is wrong with Voluntary Euthanasia. Suicide is no longer a crime in the UK, and voluntary Euthanasia is just that, someone deciding they want to die. And when faced with extreme pain, or indignity, who are we to say that person should not have the right to choose to die?

If Euthanasia is going to be legalized, then suicide itself would have to be legalized. Same thing you're essentially arguing for here. What if someone is in great "emotional" pain, by your logic don't they too have the "right" to die? People make stupid fucking decisions sometimes, and learn to regret them. Suicide is something you can't regret later on, because you're dead.

Further more, why again should we trust the opinion of someone who's body and mind is being ravaged by disease? OF COURSE THEY WANT THE PAIN TO END, no SHIT. Junkies who are in withdrawal say the SAME EXACT THING. They're in a terrible amount of pain and begging to die. Should we kill them right there and then because they asked us nicely? No, they aren't in a right state of mind.

Again, great idea to let people choose to die if they're in extreme disease-related pain, but it's simply not logical in the slightest bit. Can you even begin to comprehend the public outrage that would erupt if Euthanasia were legalized? The topic of abortion would seem tame in comparison.

Non voluntary Euthanasia, I can see where the problems lie with that one, and it is more complex. There would have to be many laws regarding this, and I'd have to see what those would b before having an opinion on this.

Non-voluntary Euthanasia is a fancy word for fucking MURDER. Whether it's consensual or not, IT'S STILL MURDER. Anyone else remember that famous case a few years back in Germany in which a man was convicted and sent to prison because he cooked and ate a man who volunteered to be aten?

This isn't some liberal vs. conservative or Religious vs. Agnostic issue, it's a simple logical issue. You don't kill people. End of fucking story. So they want to die with dignity? I'm sure the man in the alleyway who was raped and stabbed to death wanted to die with dignity as well. Choosing when or how you're going to die is simply an idiotic idea, for many, many reasons.

Sorry, but you don't have the "right" to die. No where is a person granted that right.
Did you even read my post and what I was referring to as forcing people to their deaths? I was referencing the Nazi's form of "euthanasia" which was forcing people to their deathes.

Yes, but you're comparing the 2, when the only thing that's similar is what the name is.

If Euthanasia is going to be legalized, then suicide itself would have to be legalized. Same thing you're essentially arguing for here. What if someone is in great "emotional" pain, by your logic don't they too have the "right" to die? People make stupid fucking decisions sometimes, and learn to regret them. Suicide is something you can't regret later on, because you're dead.

Well I'm pretty sure suicide is legal here in the UK. Rightly so, you can't punish someone for being so down they feel they have no option other than to end it all.

Some people do make stupid decisions, but this argument could be used for every decision we make. And this isn't just one day you choose to die. Doctors have to authorise, there would be regulations on it.

Further more, why again should we trust the opinion of someone who's body and mind is being ravaged by disease? OF COURSE THEY WANT THE PAIN TO END, no SHIT. Junkies who are in withdrawal say the SAME EXACT THING. They're in a terrible amount of pain and begging to die. Should we kill them right there and then because they asked us nicely? No, they aren't in a right state of mind.

Many diseases don't damage the mental side of someones brain, they can still think as they always have. And euthanasia is/should be only an option when the person is terminally ill. In so much pain they're going to die anyway.

Again, great idea to let people choose to die if they're in extreme disease-related pain, but it's simply not logical in the slightest bit. Can you even begin to comprehend the public outrage that would erupt if Euthanasia were legalized? The topic of abortion would seem tame in comparison.

Abortion is legalised despite people being against the idea. Many people against Euthanasia are so because they understand little about it.

The thing is, euthanasia is legal in some parts of the world. So really all someone has to do is go to that place for an east gentle death. However why should they have to do that? And then it discriminates against the poorer peopel who cannot afford a trip like that.

Non-voluntary Euthanasia is a fancy word for fucking MURDER. Whether it's consensual or not, IT'S STILL MURDER. Anyone else remember that famous case a few years back in Germany in which a man was convicted and sent to prison because he cooked and ate a man who volunteered to be aten?

Euthanasia would be controlled. The patient would need to sign, doctors would etc. It's not just going around and killing someone if they ask nicely. There's a big difference.

This isn't some liberal vs. conservative or Religious vs. Agnostic issue, it's a simple logical issue. You don't kill people. End of fucking story. So they want to die with dignity? I'm sure the man in the alleyway who was raped and stabbed to death wanted to die with dignity as well. Choosing when or how you're going to die is simply an idiotic idea, for many, many reasons.

Sorry, but you don't have the "right" to die. No where is a person granted that right.

Once more, if someone is in so much pain, they should be allowed to die peacefully if that's what they choose. Instead of trying to commit suicide themselves painfully.
Yes, but you're comparing the 2, when the only thing that's similar is what the name is.

Well I'm pretty sure suicide is legal here in the UK. Rightly so, you can't punish someone for being so down they feel they have no option other than to end it all.

Suicide, yes, Euthanasia, no. The Human Rights Act of 1998 states that every person has the right to life, and that anyone who assists in or helps someone commit suicide will be charged for murder. Because that's what it is. Put as many fancy words on it as you like, but it's still murder.

Some people do make stupid decisions, but this argument could be used for every decision we make. And this isn't just one day you choose to die. Doctors have to authorise, there would be regulations on it.

Regulations? How exactly does one measure the amount of pain someone is feeling? Not possible. Can you even begin to imagine how illogical of an idea legalized euthanasia is? Do you understand how many MILLIONS of lawsuits would arise from this? How many millions upon millions of dollars that will be needed? There is not a single positive reason to legalize euthanasia, not one. You want to die and can't do it yourself? Go have someone smother you in your sleep, you don't need a fucking doctor to give you a stamp of approval.

Many diseases don't damage the mental side of someones brain, they can still think as they always have. And euthanasia is/should be only an option when the person is terminally ill. In so much pain they're going to die anyway.

If you're trying to argue with me that extreme physical pain doesn't affect someone's mental status, you're wrong. Extremely wrong.

If they're going to die anyways, whats the rush? Why not just let nature take it's course? Because they're suffering? They want to die with dignity? Then kill yourself. Not physically able? Get your buddy to kill you. There is no reason that you need a doctor to kill you painlessly with a needle or have a court authorize your suicide. All that will do will create endless problems.

Abortion is legalised despite people being against the idea. Many people against Euthanasia are so because they understand little about it.

What is it that I understand so little about Euthanasia, and what is it that the masses of people are just so unintelligent and obviously not on your high level of thinking that they just COULDN'T POSSIBLY understand euthanasia? It's not a hard idea to grasp. Someone wants to die. Someone helps them die. I understood this concept at 10 years old, and so does anyone with half a brain. If anyone understands so little about euthanasia, it's clearly you. You haven't even begun to think of the repercussions of legalizing assisted suicide. It's not only unrealistic, it's downright idiotic.

The thing is, euthanasia is legal in some parts of the world. So really all someone has to do is go to that place for an east gentle death. However why should they have to do that? And then it discriminates against the poorer peopel who cannot afford a trip like that.

An "easy, gentle death"? I thought these people were in such horrible pain that they couldn't stand another moment of life. Aren't these the same people who can't even kill themselves and so need someone else to do it for them? And these people are going to travel to Switzerland or one of the other VERY FEW countries that have legalized euthanasia?

You can't discriminate against someone's right to die, IF THEY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIE. Which they DON'T. No country on Earth has granted their citizens the "right to die". You aren't entitled to euthanasia or assisted suicide, so you're not being discriminated against.

Euthanasia would be controlled. The patient would need to sign, doctors would etc. It's not just going around and killing someone if they ask nicely. There's a big difference.

Again, how exactly is this doctor going to measure the amount of pain that the patient is feeling? They can't. How exactly are they going to decide who gets to die and who doesn't? And how is deciding who gets to die and who doesn't not similiar to fascism again?

Once more, if someone is in so much pain, they should be allowed to die peacefully if that's what they choose. Instead of trying to commit suicide themselves painfully.

So let me get this straight, this pain they are feeling is just so overwhelming that they just HAVE to end it, and yet they don't want to commit suicide because it hurts? I'm I reading this correctly? Swallow 500 aspirin pills then if you don't want to die painfully, jump out of a window, slit your wrists, I don't care how you do it but if YOU want to die, then YOU can damn well do it yourself. If they aren't physically able to? Ask your son to smother you in your sleep. Easy and effective without ever having to create a nationwide euthanasia program.

Am I the only one here that sees how mind-bogglingly selfish it is of someone to ask for someone else to kill them, without even thinking for a second of the effect that it might have on the person killing you? But what do you care, you'll be dead right, and all that matters is that instant satisfaction, fuck how anyone else feels right?
There is only one word for people who would use suicide as a way out, coward. No excuse i just cant see why someone would want to kill themselves. I just dont see why anyone would want to end there life no matter what. You just cant kill yourself its a fucking cowards way out.

If someone in the family died you killing yourself would sorry the memory of that person. I mean if you are in debt face up to it, you can get help nowadays for most things like mental health problems and you can get financial help.

The only exception is when you kill yourself and it is due to mental health problems this is an uncontrollable factor.

ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS THE PAIN FACTOR AND THIS IS WHAT 0.0000001% of people this applies to?

Why is it a basic human right to kill yourself whenever you want, go on explain?

If it is up to us when we die how come so many people die of natural causes?
Why should we be able to know our time of death and how we die?

You dont own your body your BORN with it, your stuck with it and it is your burden. Another way of looking at it is, you did not choose to be born thus it is not your life to take away.

If you let one person choose others are gonna want the choice until people will be able to kill themselves at will for no apparent reason and this is the most selfish act possible by a human being.
Basically everyone should die a natural death speeding up death by medical intervention is something i cannot agree with. Its euthanasia and its all bad.

They keep prolonging life and for what reason.

If someone has a terminal illness when would you decide to kill them for example some people are born and will only live to there teens.

You playing like a God and its stupid.
Basically everyone should die a natural death speeding up death by medical intervention is something i cannot agree with. Its euthanasia and its all bad.

They keep prolonging life and for what reason.

If someone has a terminal illness when would you decide to kill them for example some people are born and will only live to there teens.

You playing like a God and its stupid.

You've got the idea of Euthanasia wrong. It isn't about me, or anyone else deciding who should die. That's almost like the death penalty, but without people deserving it. Generally, people shouldn't have the right to choose who should die. I mean, I wouldn't go to someone with terminal cancer and shoot them.

However, what it is about, is someone having the choice to end their own life in a gentle, painfree way, rather than live in pain and without dignity. Some people would prefer to stay alive, whatever was happening. With others, not so much. It's really just about someone being able to choose what's best for them.

There is only one word for people who would use suicide as a way out, coward. No excuse i just cant see why someone would want to kill themselves. I just dont see why anyone would want to end there life no matter what. You just cant kill yourself its a fucking cowards way out.

Well then you're lucky. Many people have been in the position where they could want to commit suicide because something in their life was that bad. Euthanasia is different to suicide though.

If someone in the family died you killing yourself would sorry the memory of that person. I mean if you are in debt face up to it, you can get help nowadays for most things like mental health problems and you can get financial help.

It's not always that easy. I'm not condoning suicide, it's just with things like debt, mental health problems, bereavement, you can often see no way out, even when there is. So I do understand why people commit suicide, even if I wish they hadn't.

The only exception is when you kill yourself and it is due to mental health problems this is an uncontrollable factor.

Many factors are uncontrollable, to that person at least.

ALL YOU CAN THINK ABOUT IS THE PAIN FACTOR AND THIS IS WHAT 0.0000001% of people this applies to?

What are you talking about? Many people who look into Euthanasia are in a lot of pain.

Why is it a basic human right to kill yourself whenever you want, go on explain?

If someone is feeling that bad due to illness, since when is it right for them to be forced to stay live? Truth is, most could commit sucide. But Euthanasia is an easy and gentle death, something suicide isn't.

If it is up to us when we die how come so many people die of natural causes?
Why should we be able to know our time of death and how we die?

It's not something everyone should 'know' in general. But if someone can kilkl themselves, why no give them euthanasia as an option?

You dont own your body your BORN with it, your stuck with it and it is your burden. Another way of looking at it is, you did not choose to be born thus it is not your life to take away.

You don't own your body? Of course you do. Who else owns it?

If you let one person choose others are gonna want the choice until people will be able to kill themselves at will for no apparent reason and this is the most selfish act possible by a human being.

What? People can kill themselves at will now. It's called SUICIDE. Yet i don't see people killing themselves for the fun of it, do you?
What I have seen thus far has been one of the best and most spirited debates I have seen in a long time between HBK and XFear, with disappointing "speed bumps" of Kieran mixed in. Now it's time I stepped up, since this is a topic I feel strongly about.

I agree with HBK in principle. Living in terminal pain is no way to live. Whenever I debate Euthanasia with someone, I always bring up the dichotimy for Life vs Quality of Life. If somebody is dying in a slow, painful, undignified way, creating an emotional and financial drain on family and friends, I feel they should have the right to end it quietly and painlessly. Religion CANNOT and SHOULD NOT come in to play here. If it does, it violates any form of separation of church and state that should exist - let the individual decide if religion and spirituality is to be the moral compass that guides THEIR INDIVIDUAL DECISION.

That having been said, XFear is also absolutely correct that there are SO MANY FLAWS in an institutionalized mercy killing system.

1) Terminal Illness often attacks the nervous system and affects the brain, resulting in dimentia, alsheimers, short and long term memory loss, etc. One of the caveats of Euthanasia is the existance of "Sound mind and body." And even that can be bypassed with blanket power of attorney. It may appear that someone is of sound mind and body, but if there is any dissention, then Mercy Killing becomes a charge of murder.

2) Financial Considerations. Money screws it all up. Someone close to me is going through years of court battles over the estate of a deceased relative, and even though all documents show that the people I am close to have every right to a great deal of the estate, the other party is claiming the deceased wasn't of sound mind at the time the will was drawn up. If there wasn't a few million dollars involved, nobody would care. But what if the person in pain is also filthy rich? Too many financial considerations here to think that someone wouldnt try to use Euthanasia to speed up estate distribution. It's sickening, but people do and think sick things when copious amounts of cash are involved.

3) Cost of Insurance. For a procedure that walks such a fine line between medicine and murder, what doctor would EVER step up to do this knowing that malpractice insurance looms over them like a sword? Not me! It would take a state or federal move to protect the doctors FROM the malpractice suits to create a staff of capable physicians to carry out this medical procedure, but that will NEVER happen in the US - even in Oregon. Oregon has laws in place that require a certain citizen tenure to be eligible for Euthanasia, and who can blame them? Do you think Oregon wants to be known as "Where Americans Come to Die?"

We have a long way to go before Euthanasia is culpable in society at large, but even still, given the positives, I think it is something we should look in to.
I think neglecting euthanasia when the terminally-ill patient wishes to be released from their suffering is selfish on the part of those prolonging him/her. There's no consideration for what the suffering is going through. Don't they have a choice? If it will ultimately lead to death, then I see no point in further suffering before the passing. What I hate is hearing people make excuses such as "it's not for us to end a person's life" which is irrelevant to this kind of situation. There is consent involved!
I prepared this while i was banned, i do not wish to discuss the ban.

*Euthanasia is against the word and will of God, as a catholic i cannot go against Gods will.
*Euthanasia weakens society's respect for the sanctity of life
*Voluntary euthanasia is the start of a slippery slope that leads to involuntary euthanasia and the killing of people who are thought undesirable
*Proper palliative care makes euthanasia unnecessary
*It's not possible to regulate euthanasia because not every human has the same set of morals, morality is described by society and personal experience
*Do Not Resuscitate orders are more commonly used for older people and, in the United States, for black people, alcohol misusers, non-English speakers, and people infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. this suggests that doctors have stereotypes of who is not worth saving
*The last few months of a patient's life are often the most expensive in terms of medical and other care, shortening this period through euthanasia could be seen as a way of relieving pressure on scarce medical resources, or family finances
*It's worth noting that cost of the lethal medication required for euthanasia is less than £50, which is much cheaper than continuing treatment for many medical conditions
*Some people argue that refusing patients drugs because they are too expensive is a form of euthanasia, and that while this produces public anger at present, legal euthanasia provides a less obvious solution to drug costs

People with disabilities don't agree, They say:
*All people should have equal rights and opportunities to live good lives
*Many individuals with disabilities enjoy living
*Many individuals without disabilities don't enjoy living, and no-one is threatening them
*The proper approach to people with disabilities is to provide them with appropriate support, not to kill them
*The quality of a person's life should not be assessed by other people
*The quality of life of a person with disabilities should not be assessed without providing proper support first

-Allowing euthanasia will lead to less good care for the terminally ill
-Allowing euthanasia undermines the commitment of doctors and nurses to saving lives
-Euthanasia may become a cost-effective way to treat the terminally ill
-Allowing euthanasia will discourage the search for new cures and treatments for the terminally ill
-Euthanasia undermines the motivation to provide good care for the dying, and good pain relief
-The diagnosis is wrong and the patient is not terminally ill
-The prognosis is wrong and the patient is not going to die soon
-The doctor is unaware of all the non-fatal options that could be offered to the patient
-The patient is getting bad medical care and their suffering could be relieved by other means
-The patient's request for euthanasia is actually a 'cry for help', implying that life is not worth living now but could be worth living if various symptoms or fears were managed
-The patient is depressed and so believes things are much worse than they are
-The patient is confused and unable to make sensible judgements
-The patient has an unrealistic fear of the pain and suffering that lies ahead
-The patient is feeling vulnerable
-The patient feels that they are a worthless burden on others
-The patient feels that their sickness is causing unbearable anguish to their family
-The patient is under pressure from other people to feel that they are a burden
-The patient is under pressure because of a shortage of resources to care for them

-Euthanasia exposes vulnerable people to pressure to end their lives
-Moral pressure on elderly relatives by selfish families
-Moral pressure to free up medical resources
-Patients who are abandoned by their families may feel euthanasia is the only solution
-The patient requests euthanasia because of a passing phase of their disease, but is likely to feel much better in a while
-If euthanasia is available, the sick person may pressure themselves into asking for euthanasia
-People who are ill and dependent can often feel worthless and an undue burden on those who love and care for them. they may actually be a burden, but those who love them may be happy to bear that burden
-Family or others involved with the sick person may regard them as a burden that they don't wish to carry and may put pressure on the sick person to ask for euthanasia
-If there was ageism in health services and certain types of care were denied to those over a certain age, euthanasia could be seen as an extension of this practice

-Since doctors give patients the information on which they will base their decisions about euthanasia, any legalisation of euthanasia, no matter how strictly regulated, puts doctors in an unacceptable position of power
-Doctors would have the power to decide who to pressure more and what way to pressure patients to go when thinking about euthanasia
I prepared this while i was banned, i do not wish to discuss the ban.

*Euthanasia is against the word and will of God, as a catholic i cannot go against Gods will.
*Euthanasia weakens society's respect for the sanctity of life

That's fine for the reasons you wouldn't get involved in euthanasia. However just remember not everyone believes in your God.

*Voluntary euthanasia is the start of a slippery slope that leads to involuntary euthanasia and the killing of people who are thought undesirable

No. There is a clear line between the 2. Killing those who are 'undesirable' will never something that will be legal in the UK. However allowing people an easy death if that's what they want, should be.

*It's not possible to regulate euthanasia because not every human has the same set of morals, morality is described by society and personal experience

Everyone has different morals, yes. Which is why everyone should have the choice of Euthanasia, but those who disagree with it don't take it. It's the same as abortion.

*Do Not Resuscitate orders are more commonly used for older people and, in the United States, for black people, alcohol misusers, non-English speakers, and people infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. this suggests that doctors have stereotypes of who is not worth saving

What are your sources on this?

DNR is often a patients choice. If not the patients, someone very close. It is only used by a doctor when the patients ultimate end will not change, and the disease will stay the same. It is used to not prolong suffering. Alcohol misusers are more at risk of life threatening diseases, fitting into the circumstances. Same with people with HIV. They have a disease which fits into this. They have most likely chosen not to prolong suffering. Not the doctors.

*The last few months of a patient's life are often the most expensive in terms of medical and other care, shortening this period through euthanasia
could be seen as a way of relieving pressure on scarce medical resources, or family finances

Euthanasia is not the choice of the medical practitioners, so the cost to them means nothing to the patients choice. The patient chooses whether they want to die peacefully, not the doctors.

*It's worth noting that cost of the lethal medication required for euthanasia is less than £50, which is much cheaper than continuing treatment for many medical conditions

See above.

*Some people argue that refusing patients drugs because they are too expensive is a form of euthanasia, and that while this produces public anger at present, legal euthanasia provides a less obvious solution to drug costs

And again.

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