ERS - Week 5

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The not-so Great Khali

Fireworks go off in the arena as Extremely Raw Smackdown begins!

JR: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Wednesday night ERS. We’re less than two weeks away from our first ever pay-per-view, Total Havoc, as we come to you live from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan. Sitting right beside me as always is Jerry “The King” Lawler.
King: Thank you JR and what a show we’ve got lined up tonight. Women’s Champion Melina will face Michelle McCool in a non-title match but if Michelle wins then she will face Melina for the title at Total Havoc as well as the no.1 contender. And don’t forget the no.1 contender will be named tonight. Plus the Brothers of Destruction, Kane and Undertaker, will take on Shelton Benjamin and Mad Shad Gaspard of Black To Reality.
JR: And you have to remember that Jonathan Coachman and Booker T are expected to be ringside during that match. So basically it could turn out to be a 4-on-2 handicap match.
King: JR don’t forget we’ve also got Rob Van Dam versus Randy Orton for a place in the World Heavyweight Title tournament final.
JR: Now how can you forget a match with such huge importance.
Randy Orton’s music hit the arena. He casually walks to the ring. He grabs a microphone as the crowd chant “you suck”.
Orton: Yea that’s right, I suck. Well let me tell you Detroit dumb wits something. After I beat that square Rob Van Dam tonight I will be heading to Total Havoc. And at Total Havoc, regardless of who my opponent is, I will walk out your new World Heavyweight Champion. (crowd boo) So, (crowd stop him from talking) hey shut up! Now I’ve come up with a simple solution to get me that belt before next Sunday. You see all Teddy Long has to do is walk out here, get his stupid little butt into this ring and hand me the title. It’s real simple. Wham, bam, thank you mam.
Rob Van Dam’s music hits.
RVD: Hey Orton I think your forgetting one very important thing.
Orton: And what’s that?
RVD: Me!
RVD runs down to the ring but while he slides in the ring, Orton starts stomping away at him. Orton turns his back on RVD and takes off his shirt. He turns around and is hit with a spinning wheel kick. RVD steps back and waits for him to get up. But when Orton does get up he hurries out of the ring and jumps over the barricade. RVD stands in the ring as his music plays again.


JR: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen and from what we’ve just seen tonight’s main event will be an all out brawl.
We see a replay of what happened before the commercial break.
King: Randy Orton was out here boasting about becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion when his opponent for tonight RVD came out and they traded punches.

Backstage we see Mickie James, Maria and Torrie Wilson walking down the corridor;
Suddenly, Randy Orton comes running past them. He pushes past them and trips over. He quickly gets up and continues running.

JR: It looks like Randy Orton Is making a quick exit from the building.
King: I bet he is back in time for his match later on tonight.
JR: And speaking of later on tonight, Melina will take on Michelle McCool in what is Michelle’s big chance.
King: Exactly, if she wins she’ll be in the title match at Total Havoc.

Lita’s music hits as she makes her way to the ring. Torrie Wilson comes out next. Maria follows and last is Mickie James.
Torrie, Maria and Mickie all go after Lita. Lita ducks and runs across the ring. Mickie leads the other two to go after Lita. They back her into the corner and start slapping her, taking turns. Torrie and Maria hold her while Mickie steps back. She goes to attack Lita when someone holds back her leg; it’s Melina. Mickie leans over the ropes and Melina hits her with the Women’s Title. Melina gets in the ring and hits Maria with the belt. The ref calls for the bell.
Match ended a no contest
Torrie hits Melina but to no affect. Melina uses the belt against her as well. Melina then picks Lita up irish whips her out of the ring. Melina then holds her title up in the air, boasting that she’s the best.

Teddy Long’s music hit.
Long: Hey I though I told you not to interfere with this match. Now because you did your match with Michelle McCool will now be a title match and it starts right now!
Michelle McCool music plays as she comes out to the ring. She signals the belt across her waist.

Melina and Michelle lock up in the middle of the ring. Melina slaps Michelle in the face. Michelle slaps her back. Melina then pulls Michelle’s hair. The referee tells her to stop it but she doesn’t so he administrates the count: 1...2...3...4... Melina let go of the hair and kicked Michelle in the gut. She then hit a ddt. Melina started taunted the crowd and trash talking. Melina pinned Michelle: 1...2... Michelle kicked out. Melina looked pissed off. She stomped on Michelle. Melina screamed to herself before picking Michelle up. However, Michelle refused to get up. She resisted Melina and rolled her up: 1...2... Melina kicked out. Michelle picked Melina up but Melina punched her in the face. Melina irish whipped her into the ropes but bent down to early. Michelle kicked her in the face. Melina dropped to the mat and Michelle covered her: 1...2... Melina kicked out again. Melina started holding her face and complained to the referee. Michelle came running over but Melina moved at the last minute. Melina grabbed Michelle’s head and bashed it into the ring post before slamming it onto the mat. Melina rolled Michelle up whilst holding onto the ropes: 1...2...3 Melina used the ropes to get the pin.
Melina def. Michelle McCool (retain)
Melina rolled out of the ring and grabbed her Women’s title, before rolling back into the ring. She held it up before running at Michelle McCool and smashing it across her face.

Teddy Long’s music hit.
Long: Congratulations Melina. You beat Michelle McCool. However, you once again interrupted the no.1 contenders match. So I am making all four of those lovely divas your no.1 contender. But I am sick and tired of you cheating your way out of title defences so I’m making an extra special stipulation to your match at Total Havoc. Not only will the winner win the title, whoever loses, loses their job. That’s right, the diva who gets pinned gets fired! Holla, holla, holla.
King: Wow. Did you hear that JR? I can’t believe it.
JR: I most certainly did King and come Total Havoc, all five divas will be praying to save their jobs.
King: I will be as well as it means one less set of puppies.


Backstage Todd Grisham interviews Hardcore Holly;
Todd: Ladies and gentlemen standing with me is the Hardcore Champion, Hardcore Holly.
Holly: (in a sarcastic manner) Ladies and gentlemen with me is the Hardcore Champion blah blah blah. How the hell did you get a job here with that girly voice?
Todd: Argh……
Holly: Shut up and listen. Now ever since I won this title I have tasted my own blood, drank my own tears and kicked every single ass in my way. Our General Manager Teddy Long informed me earlier today that I had to put my title on the line at the upcoming pay-per-view, Total Havoc. So I have decided to have a two-week rest period starting……………… now.
Holly walks off down the corridor.

JR: What was that all about?
King: I guess Hardcore Holly is taking a two week vacation. And you know what JR, that’s a pretty smart move if you have to defend your title at a pay-per-view.
JR: Well what I want to know is who is challenging him for the Hardcore Title?
Rey Mysterio’s music hit as he made his way down to the announce table. He is welcomed by JR and King.
King: Look who it is JR.
JR: I can see who it is King. Rey welcome.
Rey: Thanks JR, thanks King. It’s good to be here.
Big Show’s music hit.
JR: And Rey that is the man who you are going to face at Total Havoc.
Rey: I know and every time I look at him, he seems to be larger and larger.
King: Well he is the biggest athlete in sports entertainment.
Rey: You call that an athlete King?
Big Show looks over to Rey as Chris Benoit’s music hit. He makes his way to the ring.

Big Show continuously looks over at Rey. Benoit starts punching Show in the face. He then slaps him in the chest. Benoit has backed Show into a corner with his relentless assault. The crowd cheer Benoit on with every shot. Show begins to tire and falls to the mat. Benoit stomps on his head. Benoit then pulls Show towards the middle of the ring, before climbing the ropes. Once on the top rope, Benoit signalled the ‘cut throat’ sign towards Big Show. Benoit goes for the head butt. But at the last minute, Shot rolled out of the way. Benoit struggles in agony. Show covers him: 1...2... Benoit kicked out. Show got to his feet and stepped away from Benoit. He waited until he got up. Then, Show hoisted Benoit up into a choke slam hold. However before he could slam Benoit to the mat, Benoit reversed it into the cross face. Show struggled for a while but he eventually got to the ropes. Benoit stopped applying the submission move. Benoit went near Show’s feet. He stomped on them twice, before kicking Show in the groin. Benoit then tried to apply the sharpshooter. Show resisted and Benoit was unable to apply the hold. Show kicked Benoit away. Benoit then ran towards Show but Show caught him by the neck. Show hit a choke slam on Benoit. He went to cover him but Rey stood up from the announce table. They stared at each other, before Rey slowly walked nearer to the ring. Rey stood about an inch from the ring. Big Show started talking trash to him when out of nowhere Benoit turned him around and irish whipped him into the ropes. Benoit put Show in a sleeper hold. He tightened the hold. Show tried to fight it but he couldn’t. Benoit got Show down to his knees. Show then fell to the mat. Benoit let go and climbed the top rope. He hit a head butt. Still in pain, Benoit pinned Show: 1...2...3 Benoit got the win.
Chris Benoit def. Big Show
After the match, Mysterio got in the ring. He and Benoit picked Show up and threw him into the ropes. Benoit placed a steel chair in front of Big Show’s face. Mysterio hit a 619 on Show. They cheered and left the ring together.

JR: Rey Mysterio looks like he can’t wait for Total Havoc to arrive. He wants to give Big Show a taste of his medicine tonight.
King: Yea but he did have Chris Benoit by his side.
JR: Well when you look at the size of Big Show you probably need someone by your side, not to mention Rey’s arm isn’t fully healed yet.


Backstage Todd Grisham interviews Robbie and Rory McAllister;
Todd: Fellas, how does it feel to be the Tag Team Champions?
Rory: It feels great. But what makes it even sweeter is the fact that we beat not one, not two but three other teams to win them. You see me and my cousin Robbie……
Robbie: Robbie.
Rory: As I was saying, me and my cousin Robbie are the toughest tag team on the scene and nobody can stop us.
Armando Alejandro Estrada and Umaga walk up behind them.
Estrada: Is that so. Well then let me introduce to you the Samoan bulldozer, Uuuumaga!
Umaga looks ready and focused. Robbie sniffs him but he doesn’t like the scent.

JR: If I were Robbie I wouldn’t put my face that close to Umaga. He’s a savage and a monster.
King: He might be a monster JR but he’s not quite as scary as the Brothers of Destruction. There’s two of them.
JR: That’s right and both Kane and Undertaker are as freaky as each other.
Black To Reality’s music hit. Jonathan Coachman walked out first, closely followed by Booker T, Shelton Benjamin and Mad Shad Gaspard. The latter two were in their wrestling gear.
JR: Right now two of those four men will face Kane and Undertaker in tag team action.
King: Be quiet JR, Coach has something to say.
Coach: Now we all know that Shelton and Shad are going to face Kane and Undertaker tonight, but I have something to say regarding Total Havoc. You see this all started a few weeks back when I politely asked one man to join us. That man was Bobby Lashley. (crowd cheers) Now not only did Lashley reject my offer, he also interfered in Booker’s match with Undertaker, costing Booker victory. Then we had a monsters ball reunion putting their noses in our business. That’s why Shelton and Shad will destroy them in a little while. But the man standing to the left of me (Booker T) has some unfinished business with Bobby Lashley. So Lashley, he is challenging you to match at Total Havoc; one-on-one without your cronies there.
Booker: Do you here Lashley. Me and you at Total Havoc.
Brothers of Destruction’s music hit as the lights went out. Kane and Undertaker appear at the top of the ramp way. They slowly make their way to the ring.
King: Did you hear that JR, Booker T has just challenged Bobby Lashley to a match at Total Havoc.
JR: Yes I did King and I’m pretty sure Lashley will accept the challenge.

Kane and Gaspard start the match. Gaspard moves around the ring before locking up with Kane. He then lets go and breaks free from Kane. He goes back for another lock up. Again he backs out of it. Gaspard goes to lock up for a third time but Kane hits him with a hard uppercut. Gaspard quickly tags in Benjamin. Benjamin reluctantly steps in the ring. He runs at Kane and Kane lands a spine buster. Gaspard comes in the ring and Kane gives him a sidewalk slam. Undertaker enters the ring and clotheslines Benjamin. The ref tells Undertaker to get out of the ring. Kane picks Benjamin up and takes him to his corner. He tags in Undertaker. Undertaker grabs hold of Benjamin by the arm and takes him old school. Undertaker irish whips Benjamin into the corner before splashing into him. Undertaker then done the same thing but in the opposite corner. Benjamin bounces back near the centre of the ring where Undertaker caught him be the neck. He choke slammed him and covered him: 1... Gaspard breaks it up. Kane enters the ring and chases Gaspard out. Kane runs after Gaspard around the outside of the ring, where Booker T was waiting. He landed a scissor kick on Kane. However the ref didn’t see it because Coach is distracting him. Back in the ring, Undertaker is giving Benjamin digs to the mid-section when Gaspard comes into the ring and low blows him. Coach jumps down from the apron as Gaspard leaves the ring. Benjamin covers him: 1...2...3 And he gets the win.
Shelton Benjamin & Mad Shad Gaspard def. BoD
Gaspard, Booker and Coach all get in the ring and start kicking Undertaker. Benjamin joins in with them. Then suddenly Bobby Lashley comes running into the ring and pulls Coach away from Undertaker. He gives him a dominator. Gaspard then attacks Lashley and they go at it in the corner. Booker and Benjamin are still attacking Undertaker. Kane then enters the ring and catches Booker by the neck. Booker kicks Kane in the mid-section and goes for a scissor kick, but out of nowhere Lashley spears him. Kane irish whips Benjamin into Gaspard and splashes them. Kane gets Benjamin by the neck as Undertaker grabs Gaspard by the neck. They both hit choke slams. Lashley stands in between them as all three men pose.

JR: By god, how dominant are those three men. They completely tore into Black To Reality.
King: There so good, it’s frightening JR.


JR: Welcome back folks and in a match just made by our General Manager Teddy Long, next week it will be Brothers of Destruction and Bobby Lashley versus Black To Reality in a six-man tag team match.
King: Wow that’s gonna be huge. All six men in the ring together.
JR: That sure is King.
D-Generation X’s music hit as Shawn Michaels and Triple H made their way to the ring.
JR: But so are these two men. They’ve won so many titles between them it’s untrue.
King: And at Total Havoc they’re facing Redneck Wrecking Crew in a street fight.
Triple H (to audience): Are you ready?…… I said are you ready? Then, for the thousands in attendance, those two punks Cade and Murdoch and the millions watching at home. Let's get ready to suck it!
Michaels: And if you're not down with that, then we got two words for ya…………
(crowd): Suck it!
Carlito’s music hit. He walked down to the ring with an apple in his hand. He placed it on the mat in a corner of the ring. Michaels got out of the ring and cheered on H.

Carlito and H lock up in the middle of the ring. H irish whips Carlito into the ropes but he put his head down too early and Carlito reversed it into a ddt. Carlito dropped his knee on H’s face. Carlito taunted the ‘DX crotch chop’. Carlito then trash talked to Michaels. When Carlito turned around, H hit a running high knee. H picked Carlito up and back flipped him. H walked Carlito over to the corner and climbed the middle rope. He started punching Carlito in the head as the crowd counted. After ten he got off the ropes and Carlito fell to the mat. H picked him up and threw him out of the ring. H taunted Redneck Wrecking Crew before going outside the ring. He threw Carlito into the steel steps. The referee started counting them out: 1...2...3...4... H got back into the ring. Michaels picked Carlito up and threw him back into the ring. Carlito stood up and walked right into a pedigree by H. He pinned him: 1...2...3 H got the win.
Triple H def. Carlito
Michaels rolled into the ring. They both taunted Redneck Wrecking Crew to come out but nobody did. H picked Carlito up and Michaels hit sweet chin music on him. They both signalled crotch chops over the motionless Carlito.
JR: That was an impressive display by Triple H.
King: I wonder if that will be the result at Total Havoc?

Backstage we see Redneck Wrecking Crew watching the match on a TV;
Cade: You know Trev, they won’t have a chance next Sunday because I’ve got a fail-proof plan.


JR: Welcome back folks and next week we will be in Las Vegas, Nevada.
King: With only one week away from Total Havoc I wonder which superstars will gamble and which will play safe?
JR: Well John Cena will face Batista to see who meets the winner of Rob Van Dam and Randy Orton.
King: And that match is happening now.
Rob Van Dam’s music hit as he walked to the ring. Randy Orton’s music hit. It played a second time and finally Randy Orton came out.
King: It looks like Randy is playing mind games with RVD.

RVD does his pose as Orton looks on. RVD does it again and Orton attacks him from behind. He punches him in the head. Orton back breaks RVD. Orton then does his pose. (crowd boo) Orton stomps on RVD’s head. Orton hits an elbow drop. He then goes to the top rope. When RVD gets up, Orton hits dropkick on him. He covers him: 1... RVD kicks out. Orton covers him again: 1... RVD kicks out again. Orton stomps on RVD. Orton goes to pick RVD up but he blocks the attempt. RVD starts kicking out at Orton. He stands up and continues to kick Orton. He also punches him. RVD drives Orton to a corner. He carries on hitting him until Orton rakes his eyes. RVD holds his face for a minute then goes back to Orton. Orton jabs him. Orton goes for an rko but RVD pushes him into the turnbuckle. RVD runs up Orton and kicks him in the head. Orton falls to the mat. RVD climbs the ropes. He jumps off and goes to hit a five-star frog splash, when Orton rko’s him in mid-air. Orton covers him: 1...2...3 Orton is in the final.
Randy Orton def. Rob Van Dam
He stood in the ring celebrating.

JR: What athleticism by Randy Orton. He caught Rob Van Dam in mid-air.
King: I thought Rob had the win then but what a move that was by Orton.

Teddy Long’s music hit.
Long: Randy Orton congratulations, you’ve reached the final of my tournament. See you at Total Havoc.
Orton: Thanks. I told you I’d do it. Because I am the legend killer, Randy Orton.
Long turns his back starts to walk back behind the curtain.
Long: Hold on a minute playa. I just remembered something concerning your match at Total Havoc.
Orton: What’s that Teddy?
Long: You see I’ve decided to add a little bit of T’Lo spice to the mix. Now just like you received a bye into the final, the two men scheduled to fight next week have also received a bye into the final. That means next week it won’t be Batista versus John Cena for the opportunity to meet you at Total Havoc, it will be Batista versus John Cena versus Randy Orton at Total Havoc. (crowd cheers)
Orton: No, you can’t do that.
Long: And it will be a ladder match. (crowd go ballistic)
Orton: Hey, I earned my place in the final. What the hell did those two punks ever do?
Long: Well, between them they have defeated the ‘Rated R Superstar’ Edge, the ’Nature Boy’ Ric Flair, the ’Homicidal, suicidal, death-defying’ Sabu and the ’7ft tall, 500 lbs’ Big Show.
Orton: That’s nothing compared to what I’ve had to go through. I not only had to defeat Shawn Michaels, but Triple H was there as well. And just now I defeated Rob Van Dam. I’ve had just a difficult route as they have.
Long: I know that’s why next week I’m letting you pick your own partner for your match.
Orton: What match? You just said your see me in a couple of weeks.
Long: Randy, listen to me playa. Next week it’s going to be you and your partner of choice versus John Cena and his partner of choice……
Orton: What about Batista how comes he gets the night off?
Long: Versus Batista and his partner of choice.
Orton has a strop in the ring, kicking the ropes and pacing up and down in frustration.
JR: Oh lord, what a match that will be.
King: You know JR, I had a feeling something like this would happen. It makes for great TV.
JR: It sure does King but we’ll see you next week for that match and more. Goodnight.

Updated Total Havoc card:

World Heavyweight Title - Triple Threat Ladder Match
Batista vs John Cena vs Randy Orton

Street Fight
D-Generation X vs Redneck Wrecking Crew

No-Disqualification Match
Big Show vs Rey Mysterio

Hardcore Title
Hardcore Holly (c) vs ?????

Women's Title - Loser Gets Fired
Melina (c) vs Lita vs Maria vs Mickie James vs Torrie Wilson

Please review my show.

Also check out the website for my show:
Your best show so far I really enjoyed it good promo's and soild matches, can't wait for PPV.
Thanks for that review. There's just 1 show left before the PPV. I think it's really shaping up to be an entertaining show. Plus there will be more matches announced this week for it.
yo that show is awesome! When are you posting the ppv? I can't wait that "Loser loses their job" match is going to be cool.
P.S. my shows coming 12/3/07

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