Eric Young Finished with TNA (For Now)

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
According to various reports from dirt sheets, now ex-TNA performer Eric Young is officially finished with the company (for now). His contract reportedly expired at the end of October, and he refused a deal offered to him that was apparently "much worse" than the one he was working for. As a result Young declined the offer and told officials he'd explore other options.

Thoughts on the loss of EY?
It's not that big of a loss for TNA. They weren't exactly using Young for anything, and he had been used so inconsistently and written so contradictory over the past few years that I can't really care that he's gone. He's a good talent, but they clearly had no real plans for him so it's worth a chance for him to go somewhere else and see what other options he has. I have a feeling you're going to see a lot more of this happening now, with the financial state TNA is in right now and them watching money and their talent roster more closely.
Yeah this means nothing. Eric has been a comedy character for a long time now and no one really seems to care about him. Is there anything he can really contribute to the company? His last appearance was what, in a sketch with nothing but gay jokes? This isn't a loss for TNA and gives the roster some much needed breathing room as there is no point to having him there for just comedy stuff. Not a loss in the slightest.
this dude had his head in Orlando Jordan's lap like a week ago. cant say im gonna be sad to see TNA's Santino go. kinda sad tho, EY was once teamed up with the outsiders, (yea, a decade past their prime, but the FUCKING OUTSIDERS!!)
This is No Loss for TNA I like him but he is not valuable to TNA right now he is just a Comedy Character nothing more. He really has nothing to contribute to the product except for comedy and that's not needed right now. Not a Loss at All.
Some people do like Eric and he was pretty good as the leader of world elite. But on the whole its not too big of a loss. There are too many guys in TNA who are doing exactly nothing. Eric was one of them. But if you look at his entire career, you'll see that he has not done much. He's been a comedian, and I do not think it will matter much if Santino gets fired from WWE tomorrow. He's a good wrestler but again there are quite a few of those in TNA.

But then if they had to fire someone, then why not Orlando Jordan? He's simply worthless.
I like EY, he is a decent talent, but this really isn't a big loss for TNA. He went from the leader of World Elite, to hanging out with Hall and Nash, to being a comedy act with Orlando Jordan. Not enough consistency there for me to invest and care for the EY character. He'll explore his options and we'll probably see him back in TNA at some point, and maybe when we do, TNA maybe can give him a consistant role.
My concern would have to be whether this is a result of the reported financial trouble of TNA, or is this only because of the position that eric young is in, ie you can draw parallels between himself and santino. Is it because he is a throw away character that they have given him a worse re-signing deal. I am personally quite unhappy because I like eric young, he's one of the best funny guys in TNA, and whilst not necessary they are very welcome change of tone from the seriouslness of most situations. But I hope that he has a look around and decides to stay or that preferably TNA make a better offer for him.
I definitely agree that in the big picture of things this is not a huge loss for TNA. I still consider the departures of Petey Williams and Christopher Daniels to be huge losses. But, Eric Young's character has been abused to the point of no value.

I feel bad for EY because he was a team player. He went from Team Canada, to begging for his job, to solo comedy jobber, to superhero, to leader of the World Elite, to Outsider lackey, and finally ended up in a tongue and cheek parody with Orlando Jordan. :disappointed:

I always found EY to be solid and entertaining in the ring and hope to see him wrestling again soon. But I really can't blame TNA. He was given more of a shot than others.
I was actually starting to like EY for the first time, I thought him and Orlando worked well together... kinda reminded me of rock n sock, Def don't NEED EY I guess, but still, thought they had somethin nice for him (and OJ) this time... oh well
I wonder if EY was TNA Anonymous. This was probably the best for both parties. There was nothing left for Eric Young to do in TNA except be a comedy jobber. If TNA needs to cut expenses and can't afford to hire anyone new, then its good they are trimming the fat. They have to cut costs and the best way to do that is get rid of talent that isn't used.
Like KB noted, it means nothing. Eric Young isn't really that big of an asset to TNA wrestling currently. He has been featured as comedy act as of late, the Santino of TNA if you will. And sure both are somewhat popular, it still matters nothing to the overall production, popularity and interest in TNA.

Eric will be back eventually, or he'll be in WWE. Either way he'll be doing something without a doubt, cause he's certainly not talentless, and I'm sure he could be a decent addition to any roster.
It would be a great story if this is a work (the similarities between these events on EY's way out and Nash's are interesting). If not it is just business. They paid EY last time like they were going to establish him higher on the card. Now reality is setting in and maybe EY is in denial a little bit. I think EY will actually be back in TNA sooner than later. Either it is a work or a negotiation tactic and I am not sure he has other options better than even a lowball offer by TNA.
Vince will easily hit the guy up for a managerial/tag team nxt role as he has the attributes to work as a counter to some of the less mic skilled guys in WWE... I could easily see EY as a manager to a heel stable in the mould of the Heenan family... Guys like heel JoMo, Ziggler, Sheffield could all benefit from a guy like Young at their side...
Mr Young was ok, his heel work sucked and i hated him as World Elite leader it didnt suit him at all! On the other hand I loved his comedy gimmicks! thats what he was best at but that wont get him any higher then mid-card status! He was boring in the ring most of the time and wrestled like most WWE stars do(Boring!). I've wanted him gone for the last two years now And i finally got my wish. But the sad part is he recently won me over with his skits wif orlando, they've both had me in stitches the past couple of weeks...Ow well not really a loss and with Team 3D and Sabu gone TNAs roster is getting better! and im getting more of the roster i want lol Now my next wish is for Shark boy to be gone and Benjamin,Hass and Carlito to join TNA! I dont care if there WWE rejects there 3 of my fav wrestlers! And TNA will do a better job with them then WWE ever did!.
Good. I like EY and everything, but it's time for TNA to cut some losses. First EY, then Orlando Jordan. Hoo wee!

Not a big loss for TNA. Trimming the fat is always a good thing.
Honestly, if the internet wasn't around, no one would have really cared or noticed on Thursday. The guy has talent and is decent on the mic and what have you, but the fact of the matter is that TNA doesn't have anything for him. I understand it, too. What could he realistically do that would make sense for him?

Hopefully, his loss will free up some money that will allow TNA to sign some different acts.
I totally understand the whole "he was doin nothing but comedy" opinion that most of you have here. But is that really his fault, that thats all TNA gave him to do?

I just wanna make a list of the guys currently on the TNA roster that I think are less entertaining then Eric Young. Some may be better "in-ring" but IMO not overall.

Tommy Dreamer- lacks actual wrestling ability
Stevie Richards- if he was younger, he wouldnt be on the list
Shannon Moore- mic skills are bad
Amazing Red- never heard him talk
Gen Me(both)- no mic
Jessie Neal- s.moore w/o wrestling ability
Rhino- past his time
Rob Terry- huge, but horrid in and out of ring
Robbie E- havent seen enuff of him. but as of now- hes on the list
Orlando Jordan- hes OK. but hes older & too far over the top for me
Kiyoshi- this guy still works for TNA? Im on roster page- WOW!
Kaz- I just hate this guy for some reason. I called him yesterday: a very poor mans Lance Storm

Thats 12 guys I woulda sent packing before EY. Obviously im a firm believer: that mic skills are HUGE in pro wrestling! That should be appparent by my list.

But as most of you have said already: not having him rightnow isnt going to hurt Impact. Because TNA isnt/wasnt using him anyway
i like EY but he was only relevant for about a year out of eight because they didnt know how to use him. When he was used as the leader of World Elite then as a bad ass he was great, but then they went back to using him as comedy and that ruined it. TNA had no direction for him, so this has been coming since he split from Nash. I believe that this will be happening a lot more coming up and TNA will trim it's male roster to about 35 and female to about 10, maybe less for both of those numbers. Overall not a huge loss in the big picture for TNA.
Tommy Dreamer- lacks actual wrestling ability
Dreamer lacks everything. I agree with that one.

Stevie Richards- if he was younger, he wouldnt be on the list
Pretty sure he would. I like Stevie, but I wouldn't want him on my TV every Thursday. Only way I see him staying in TNA is as Dr.Stevie, managing Daffney like he used to.

Shannon Moore- mic skills are bad
Keep Moore. Ink Inc. is a fine little tag-team. TNA needs them at this point because they're not MCMG but they ain't that bad either. However, if Moore is on his own - can his ass. I don't even see this guy in the mid-card.

Amazing Red- never heard him talk
I agree. Keep him ONLY if you're planning on adding more people to the X-Division. The guy is GOLD in the ring. If not, he should pack his bags and go to ROH. He'll do amazing stuff there.

Gen Me(both)- no mic
Hell no. Gen Me should stay no matter what. All they need is a wardrobe change. These guys are awesome in the ring. I'm willing to cope with their bad mic skills and Matt, I mean, Max's pedo smirk.

Jessie Neal- s.moore w/o wrestling ability
Same thing I said about Moore applies for Jessie. Go back Navy if you're not in a tag-team.

Rhino- past his time
Rhyno could've been something. Key word - could've. Too late for Rhyno now. He should go.

Rob Terry- huge, but horrid in and out of ring
Send him to WWE, Vince will pop a boner. He loves them gigantic, talentless guys that can't talk.

Robbie E- havent seen enuff of him. but as of now- hes on the list
I'll keep Robbie E. Give him a chance, see what he can do. Too early.

Orlando Jordan- hes OK. but hes older & too far over the top for me
I'm a fan of his edginess and how different he is, and he ain't no bad wrestler but I don't see OJ having any future in TNA. I don't see him winning belts of any kind, going over top names. So no future -- no job, imo.

Kiyoshi- this guy still works for TNA? Im on roster page- WOW!

Kaz- I just hate this guy for some reason. I called him yesterday: a very poor mans Lance Storm
I'll keep Kaz until Fourtune seazes to exist, or if TNA reforms the X-Division. The guy's a real good wrestler, he sells like a motherfucker, and he's not THAT bad on the mic but he's just like OJ -- no future. But hey, if they can find something cool for him to do -- fine with me.
I like EY, but he really isn't a money player for TNA. He doesn't make a good heel, he's just too teddy-bearish. They have been lost as to how to use him for a while...I just hope they don't do a 'fired' angle they are so obsessed with. Why does everyone who leaves the company have to lose a "you're fired" match on air? It's been done to death...he may find his way back someday, hopefully there will be a different creative team that has an idea of what to do with him.
I do like EY, but yes he doesn't really make money for TNA but has anyone given him a chance? MoneyMack I agree with most your list except the Red and Kaz options, I'd say put Red on the X-division title and bring Kaz as Suicide again *so we don't have to see his face when he wrestles*... I think TNA are scared of doing this because their X-Division can CERTAINLY steal the show from their World-title division and probably be more well known and stuff than the World-title *i.e. more prestige*, so is their Tag Division. Whoa now I come to think of it it seems they are just protecting their World title... the X-division and Tag division can OBLITERATE the current main event wrestlers so... ROFL! <-- TNA you baboons emphasize on your X-division and Tag division *and maybe women's* the two aspects WWE haven't perfected!!! ffs...
I dont like this, but my reasons are not because I'm an Eric Young guy. This is not the only time this is going to happen due to $$$ issues. While there are times cuts need to be made to save $$, cuts like EY are because TNA has spent money like they are a 17 year old with their first pay check. Look at all the $$$ TNA has wasted just in talent that is already gone in 2010 alone; Moorley, Bubba, Hall, Waltman, Nasty Boys, J Woww, the ECW talent that didnt sign deals after Hardcore Justice, and I'm sure that isn't everyone who was there since Jan 4th and already gone. This alone has cost TNA Homicide, Daniels, EY, and Kong. All of which have had much more tenure and position in TNA over the YEARS than any of this group of wasted $$$$. The money issues were first reported months ago and Bischoff said they were fake, and as usual EB was proved to be a liar. This is a bad state of affairs for TNA right now, and little cuts like this will follow. Its only a matter of time before the next cut or departure is someone alot bigger than EY. It makes you wonder how much longer mommy and daddy will let little Dixie play with her washed up 40 + year old friends before they pull the plug on the $$$. Janice is already in control of the funds which is definitely not a good thing. ROH probably isnt the best fit for EY so I could definitely see him in WWE with some FCW time then a spot on SD.
I totally understand the whole "he was doin nothing but comedy" opinion that most of you have here. But is that really his fault, that thats all TNA gave him to do?

They gave him more to do and he came up short even before they started damaging him further with booking issues. I enjoy Eric but he is midcard unless something noticeably changes.

Tommy Dreamer- lacks actual wrestling ability
Stevie Richards- if he was younger, he wouldnt be on the list
Shannon Moore- mic skills are bad
Amazing Red- never heard him talk
Gen Me(both)- no mic
Jessie Neal- s.moore w/o wrestling ability
Rhino- past his time
Rob Terry- huge, but horrid in and out of ring
Robbie E- havent seen enuff of him. but as of now- hes on the list
Orlando Jordan- hes OK. but hes older & too far over the top for me
Kiyoshi- this guy still works for TNA? Im on roster page- WOW!
Kaz- I just hate this guy for some reason. I called him yesterday: a very poor mans Lance Storm

Personal opinion of these guys aside the real problem is that Eric was making more money than these guys and TNA wants to pay him more like this group. Cutting Kiyoshi does not give you enough to pay eric, while paying eric a pope salary just to do midcard stuff costs you the chance to sign another pope. That is what it comes down to. I suspect they eventually settle somewhere inbetween but closer to TNAs offer.
I really hope he comes back. When I started watching TNA he was one of the first characters I really loved. He just has that natural feel in the ring and draws the crowd in with his goofy antics. Loved the time he went to a mini mart to buy condoms and James Storm showed up to harass him. He always seemed like a character people could connect to. Regardless of his average ring ability, he can deliver on the mic, face or heel. I'll defiantly miss Eric and hope he comes back to be better appreciated.



Thanks IDR.

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