Epico & Primo

Wrestling Mind 300

Dark Match Winner
With the recent clips of these two in purto rico acting as tour guides, one can only asume a return is imminate along with a repackaged gimmick, which probably spells the end for los matadores.

Questions i want to ask is what on earth do you think creative have in store for Epico and Primo?

Is a push for the tag titles a possibilty?

Is Carlito coming back? :p
I'm not really sure what the direction is for Epico & Primo. Their characters, based off the vignettes, seem to suggest that they're upper class, elite Puerto Ricans who view their country, their culture, their women, etc. as superior to that to the rest of the world. Even though Puerto Rico is a United States territory, the feeling I get is that they're going to be the arrogant foreigners who feel they're superior to Americans.

For me personally, I don't see Epico & Primo headed to the tag team title picture anytime soon. Ultimately, I think they'll help bolster the mid-card tag team scene, and that's a good thing, because there's just too many other teams right now that I don't think a whole lot of fans are going to want to see them pushed ahead of. Gallows & Anderson have already generated buzz, Enzo & Big Cass are already over with the fans, the Vaudevillains are making solid, steady progress, the New Day continues to be entertaining & doing a great job as champions, you've got veteran tag teams like the Usos & the Dudley Boyz on the scene, you could potentially have Erick Rowan formally return to the tag team division once Luke Harper returns from injury, or you could possibly go the route of pairing Rowan with Strowman. In NXT, there's a ton of positive buzz and excitement surrounding American Alphas, Blake & Murphy have a lot of potential & could be brought up at any time, same with the Revival.
Another version of a tag team that can't get past boring. Here is what, the third gimmick try with these two wrestlers to try and refresh them. They might be interesting for one episode then fall right back to boring.
With the recent call ups of the Vaudevillains and Enzo & Cass I really don't know why WWE have chosen now to bring these two back. I would have though it much more sensible for them to go down to NXT for two or three months first to see if this new gimmick catches on.
With the recent clips of these two in purto rico acting as tour guides, one can only asume a return is imminate along with a repackaged gimmick, which probably spells the end for los matadores.

Questions i want to ask is what on earth do you think creative have in store for Epico and Primo?

Is a push for the tag titles a possibilty?

Is Carlito coming back? :p

I think it is a known fact that Los Matadores is history. There was a story out a few months ago on the main page saying they were getting a new gimmick. Hence that's why we are seeing vignettes of them playing by the looks of all things, travel agents. At least I what I think.

To answer your first question, we've already seen what their gimmick is, and no idea what creative has in store. I believe that JH is right that they won't be going for the titles anytime soon. Just become part of the division, but you never know with the WWE.

Carlito turned down an offer and then ended up doing a small show here in Southern Ontario. What he was smoking when he made that decision is anyone's guess.

EDIT: As good as they are as a tag team, the Uso's are in desperate need of a new gimmick. Great team in the ring, but never though I would see them getting boo'd. They've become stale.
I think it is a known fact that Los Matadores is history. There was a story out a few months ago on the main page saying they were getting a new gimmick. Hence that's why we are seeing vignettes of them playing by the looks of all things, travel agents. At least I what I think.

To answer your first question, we've already seen what their gimmick is, and no idea what creative has in store. I believe that JH is right that they won't be going for the titles anytime soon. Just become part of the division, but you never know with the WWE.

Carlito turned down an offer and then ended up doing a small show here in Southern Ontario. What he was smoking when he made that decision is anyone's guess.

EDIT: As good as they are as a tag team, the Uso's are in desperate need of a new gimmick. Great team in the ring, but never though I would see them getting boo'd. They've become stale.

The Usos have become very stale. They're like a tag team version of Sheamus. This new gimmick with Epico and Primo is different so im looking forward to seeing what sort of an impact they make with it on their return. I agree with the fact that there are so many other tag teams people would much rather see but you never know.
I asked this same question just a few topics ago when talked about flooding th tag division. Their stepping into a pond with a lot more fish in it.when the bull fighters left there was basically only 4 teams. New Day, Los Madadores, Usos, and Lucha dragons.... Nw you've got.
The New Day
Enzo and Cass
The Vaudvillans
Gallows and Anderson
The Usos
Lucha Dragons
Social Outcasts (to an extent)
Golden Truth
The Dudley's Byz
The Ascension (once Konnor is back)
Prm and Epic

That's 11 teams . I love tag matches but dang...
I don't really see why WWE is reintroducing Primo and Epico to the main roster when they've just brought up Enzo & Cass and The Vaudvillians from NXT, plus we've seen Gallows and Anderson debut. It's obvious that there is not going to be enough time to give all these teams the attention they deserve and some will fade into obscurity pretty quickly- and I'm pretty sure it'll be Primo and Epico.

There's better teams on the main roster already, their previous 2 gimmicks failed and NXT has just lost 2 of their top teams...I'd much rather see Primo and Epico go down to Full Sail and work on their gimmick there so it's proven infront of an audience before trying it out on the main roster. I'm honestly surprised that these 2 still have contracts, they could have been cut a long time ago.
I'd much prefer if they brought them back with Carlito at the helm as a heel stable, sometimes doing tag matches, sometimes in the mid/lower card singles stuff. And Carlito can be the upper mid carder for the stable.

I just can't see any amount of natural charisma in Primo and Epico that can rival what the WWE is putting out right now.
This thing will only pay off if its end with Carlito back in WWE.

Carlito is a GREAT heel, and can work with anyone on the roster, im all for a heel state with Carlito as the leader.
I don't know they are wasting time trying to repackage Primo and Epico. The Los Matadors gimmick has ruined them and they are dead in the water. As others have mentioned they already have a stacked tag division with all the recent call ups from NXT. They need to do some spring cleaning and put these guys out to pasture.

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