End of the Six Sides of Steel?


Dark Match Winner
I've been wondering since TNA has changed back to the tradional 4 sided ring will this mean no more Six Sides of Steel?

I hope not.I love this match and think its one of TNA's best match types.They can't have 4 sides of steel.Ring wold be to smal unles they made it only 6 people or 4 people.

Also what about the Steel Asylum?Thats a great match even though its only been done 3 times.You can't deny its awesomeness.Like at Hard Justice when everyone did an awesome move on each other.

So does this mean the end of Six Sides of Steel and the Steel Asylum
It would tend to take out the lethal lockdown matches but I still think that the Steel Asylum would work out seeing as it's built around the ring
I'm 100% certain they'll erect a six sided ring for the sole purpose of 6-Sides Of Steel Match. It's not just a cage match, despite what some of the haters say. It's a 6-Sided cage match. It benefits the X-Division wrestlers when they're doing flips and jumps and without the extra two sides great matches like Cuffed To The Cage & Queen Of The Cage just wouldn't work.
It would tend to take out the lethal lockdown matches but I still think that the Steel Asylum would work out seeing as it's built around the ring

Yea but then that would just be a steel cage match that WWE does.Maybe Y 2 Jake is on to something and they will put a 6 sided ring for it.The way i see it a Steel Asylum in a four sided ring would be two crowded.
I think it would be a good move to bring back the 6-sided ring for the Lockdown PPV. It would throw a bone to the TNA fans who liked the 6-sided ring and it would make it seem more special.

TNA could then build Lockdown as the yearly PPV home of the 6-sides of steel. Similar to the Elimination Chamber or Hell in the Cell in the WWE. They could sell the fact that 6-sides means more steel to throw your opponent into.
I've been wondering since TNA has changed back to the tradional 4 sided ring will this mean no more Six Sides of Steel?

I hope not.I love this match and think its one of TNA's best match types.They can't have 4 sides of steel.Ring wold be to smal unles they made it only 6 people or 4 people.

Also what about the Steel Asylum?Thats a great match even though its only been done 3 times.You can't deny its awesomeness.Like at Hard Justice when everyone did an awesome move on each other.

So does this mean the end of Six Sides of Steel and the Steel Asylum

I can think of at least 4 Steel Asylum Matches off the top of my head but unless they had one on a random impact thats all of the steel asylum matches they have had

I believe I heard after the first Live iMPACT that the Steel Asylum would likely be scrapped because none of the wrestlers could actually climb out of the cage, which is actually why they booked the lame DQ finish on that show
Six sides of steel R.I.P at least until hogan realises what a mistake he's made.
there is no way the match can be salvaged now. Hogan will certainly not bring back a six sided ring especially for one PPV. sorry i got to say that it is the end of the six sides of steel............for now.
I hope they don't bring back the 6-sided ring for cage matches, but I'd like to see them keep the 6 Sides of Steel somehow, possibly by modifying the set and having the cage around the entire ringside area, not just the ring. It'd be really cool (dangerous, but cool) to see some of the X-Division guys jump not just from the top of the cage, but from the top of a cage that's also 10 feet away from the ring...it'd be like Hell in a Cell, I guess, but without a top (except for Lethal Lockdown?) and with 6 sides.
I doubt they'll bring back the six sided ring at all tbh.

Although it's kinda silly that they spent so many years saying how much tougher and stronger the 6 sides or steel was compared to 4 sides.
Who gives a shit? What does two extra sides of a cage add that four sides can't accomplish? It's the exact same structure with two extra facets – nothing more.

Yes, the "six sides of steel" are gone. Who cares? It's still Lethal Lockdown, and it's still a PPV dedicated to every match being under steel cage stipulations – works just fine for me.

The last thing I want to see is the six-sided ring brought back in some gimmick match at a PPV, just for the appeasement of a small minority of disgruntled fans from the Asylum who are mad because the small-market wrestling organization that was so cool to them before because no one knew about it is now going big-time.
Who gives a shit? What does two extra sides of a cage add that four sides can't accomplish? It's the exact same structure with two extra facets – nothing more.

Yes, the "six sides of steel" are gone. Who cares? It's still Lethal Lockdown, and it's still a PPV dedicated to every match being under steel cage stipulations – works just fine for me.

The last thing I want to see is the six-sided ring brought back in some gimmick match at a PPV, just for the appeasement of a small minority of disgruntled fans from the Asylum who are mad because the small-market wrestling organization that was so cool to them before because no one knew about it is now going big-time.

It's ridiculous to think that the only ones who want the 6 sided ring are only from the Impact zone. There are alot of TNA fans who liked the 6 sided ring and the 6 sides of steel and they're not just confined to the Impact Zone.

The six-sided ring is gone, but why not bring back something that was a big part of TNA's past once a year for the Lethal Lockdown PPV? It adds an extra dimension to the event, making it seem more special. You call it a gimmick match, which it is, but the entire PPV is a gimmick PPV, so what's the difference?

By your line of thinking, who should care about 'Hell in the Cell', it's just a cage with a roof on top.
It's ridiculous to think that the only ones who want the 6 sided ring are only from the Impact zone. There are alot of TNA fans who liked the 6 sided ring and the 6 sides of steel and they're not just confined to the Impact Zone.

The six-sided ring is gone, but why not bring back something that was a big part of TNA's past once a year for the Lethal Lockdown PPV? It adds an extra dimension to the event, making it seem more special. You call it a gimmick match, which it is, but the entire PPV is a gimmick PPV, so what's the difference?

By your line of thinking, who should care about 'Hell in the Cell', it's just a cage with a roof on top.

Because there's a difference between Hell in the Cell and the six-sided nonsense. Yes, the HIAC is just another cage on top, but it's built on top of the traditional four-sided ring. It doesn't deviate from the focal point of the show in any way – it only adds to it.

A six-sided ring would only confuse quite a few people who happened to buy that PPV only to see a six-sided ring when a week prior on iMPACT! they saw a four-sided ring, and the very next night on iMPACT! they'd see a four-sided ring again. It makes no sense. It's appeasement – nothing more.

Six sides is dead. You can rally and chant for it all you like, but it's never coming back, and rightfully so. Four sides is the direction of the company. No need to mutate that for any one-night event.
Because there's a difference between Hell in the Cell and the six-sided nonsense. Yes, the HIAC is just another cage on top, but it's built on top of the traditional four-sided ring. It doesn't deviate from the focal point of the show in any way – it only adds to it.

A six-sided ring would only confuse quite a few people who happened to buy that PPV only to see a six-sided ring when a week prior on iMPACT! they saw a four-sided ring, and the very next night on iMPACT! they'd see a four-sided ring again. It makes no sense. It's appeasement – nothing more.

Six sides is dead. You can rally and chant for it all you like, but it's never coming back, and rightfully so. Four sides is the direction of the company. No need to mutate that for any one-night event.

I agree that the 6-sided ring is dead, however since the Genesis PPV I have not seen, heard or read about anymore chanting for the 6-sided ring, so I don't know where you've heard that.

Yes some people would be confused in your scenario and it would be dumb for TNA to just throw it out there for the PPV without advertising it. However, with proper build up and selling, TNA could make it seem like a special event. Play up the fact that it's the one time during the year that feuds will be settled in the '6-sides of Steel'. People will become interested because of the uniqueness of the event.

WWE has their 'Elimination Chamber' PPV coming up. There is no reason TNA couldn't hype the 6-sides of Steel as something unique in the same fashion. I don't think fans are going to be confused because a different structure is being used on a PPV than is used during the regular TV tapings. You hype and celebrate the fact that you are using the different structure to try to entice people to buy the PPV.
I agree that the 6-sided ring is dead, however since the Genesis PPV I have not seen, heard or read about anymore chanting for the 6-sided ring, so I don't know where you've heard that.

Yes some people would be confused in your scenario and it would be dumb for TNA to just throw it out there for the PPV without advertising it. However, with proper build up and selling, TNA could make it seem like a special event. Play up the fact that it's the one time during the year that feuds will be settled in the '6-sides of Steel'. People will become interested because of the uniqueness of the event.

WWE has their 'Elimination Chamber' PPV coming up. There is no reason TNA couldn't hype the 6-sides of Steel as something unique in the same fashion. I don't think fans are going to be confused because a different structure is being used on a PPV than is used during the regular TV tapings. You hype and celebrate the fact that you are using the different structure to try to entice people to buy the PPV.

Once again, the Elimination chamber still does not deviate from the fundamental four-sided traditional ring. Changing what surrounds the ring is one thing – changing the ring itself is entirely different.

The EC provides a gimmick to the four sided ring. The HIAC provides a gimmick to the four-sided ring. The Ultimate-X provides a gimmick to the four-sided ring. A six-sided ring doesn't provide anything more to the product than a four-sided does, so six-sides of steel does not provide anything more than four sides do.

You're taking gimmicks applied to a standard and just lump-summing them into the same category as altering the ring itself as a gimmick. Even WCW's War Games still used two four-sided traditional rings set side-by-side, once again not deviating from the norm.
Whilst I was never a massve fan of the 6 sided ring I wouldn't have a problem with them bringing it back for one night a year. I can't see it happening though, Hogan has been quite open about the fact that he doesn't like it, and has openly refered to it as a 'playpen' ring on PPV.

I quite like the idea of building the 4 sided cage around the whole ringside area, the trouble is there isn't much room, they would have to build it right up against the guard rail which would mean the fans would be a bit too close. They would also need to redesign the ramp which goes right up to the ring now.

I don't love the idea of every match being in a cage anyway as it dilutes the effect of having a cage match anyway, but if they are going to do it then I think its going to have to be a straight up 4 sided cage structure.
When they first announced the 4 sides I was against it mostly because I thought it was hilarious how the crowd got on Hogan and how he had to react. About the only thing I thought a positive would be is that the steel cage matches would be better. I always thought TNA's cage lacked space and functionality (way the door worked was really dumb). Lethal lockdown was fun but it is hardly only possible with 6 sides. I have come to realize how right Hogan was about the 4 sides and it looked like they cleared up the ringside space issue at the last PPV. It also would not surprise me to see them tweak Lockdown to not be all steel cage matches anyway. Maybe one big one in the main event still or a few. But I have my doubts about them going that gimmicky based on the edict to put the emphasis on wrestling.

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