Hey Look! It's A Gimmick Match...Again...

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Another thread brought to you by MRC, by way of NSL.

Even as a huge mark for TNA, I can't help but notice that the gimmick matches that used to be used sparingly, are starting to become overused. Not quite to the extent of Falls Count Anywhere, or Last Man Standing in the "E", but it's getting bad. The Ultimate X is the match for TNA, and they gave it away on free TV just a week after Bound For Glory. Six Sides Of Steel was mainly used in huge tag team matches, and now it's used for just about any feud big enough to warrant a cage.

While the Six Sides Of Steel being used more often may not seem like a big deal, it does create a problem. A match needs to fill the void it left as a "feud ender", and there's not that type of match anymore, now that the other gimmicks are being used frequently. The Monster's Ball hasn't been the same since they dropped the lock-up period, and Full Metal Mayhem is just a fancy way of saying "Tables, Ladders, and Chairs". Steel Asylum is a fun match to watch once in a while, but there's obvious downsides, one being that not everyone can actually escape that thing (see: Homicide).

I think TNA needs to tone down the amount of gimmick matches they use, and try to work to giving them a higher profile, like they used to have. It will keep the long time fans happy, and it will make each gimmick seem bigger to the newer fans, if they're not seeing it at every pay-per-view, or talked about in every segment.
I agree that TNA should not use the gimmick matches as often as they do. "Ultimate X" should only be at the "Destination X" PPV and Bound For Glory, that's it. That makes it more of a special match, and more of a reason to buy the PPV's that it comes on. Same goes for "6 sides of steel" that should be exclusive to Lockdown as the entire card is that type of match.

Giving away these gimmick matches on tv for free does TNA no favors because the fans will think "why pay for this on a PPV when they can show it again soon on tv?". They can have gimmick matches every now and then on tv, but it should be rare. The less a gimmick match is seen (and this goes for every single type of match), the more likely people will want to see it and pay for it on PPV. It would be a great way for TNA to increase their PPV buys and make more money.

The gimmicks for these matches will seem more important and more interesting if we see them less. The interviewers and announcers can hype the match when one is coming up, but that doesn't work out in the end if the matches are done too frequently.

What it comes down to in the end is that TNA should make more of their gimmick matches exclusive to certain PPV's because then they will seem like more of a big deal to the fans once it comes time to have that type of match again.
When I proposed this thread, my idea was more along the veins of "How can TNA use these ridiculously convoluted gimmick matches to attract new fans?" Let's face it, A King O"f the Mountain Match or an Ultimate X match or a Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match, whatever the hell that is, is something thats fresh and hasn't been seen by someone who is used to the WWE's programming. It's funny that we find gimmick matches mundane these days when their very purpose was to break up the mundanity in the first place, yet a steel cage match hardly raises eyebrows these days.

TNA could use these matches to attract fans who have never seen this type of match before, and use it as a special event that you'll only see if you order our product, because WWE isn't X-treme enough. (see what I did thar?) But are TNA overusing these? Of course. As Dagger Dias said, these particular matches should only happen at these events. Elimination Chamber at No Way Out, that sort of deal. If you don't overuse it,then you won't have to think of a new ridiculously stipulated match to satisfy the fans in the impact zone and kill Consequences Creed.

Or better yet, build a story around your wrestlers and their feud. Actually have a point and a climax to build to so that when a gimmick match pops up, it makes sense. So that it's not just an outlet for lots of spots. How about you book a gimmick match between each other not just because they can do 450 splashes off a ladder but, Oh I don't know, because a normal match can't contain their anger towards each other, because they want to beat each other and kill each other. If you put on a match where you just have flippy things, It just sullies the X division. And it sullies the match, because it's just a scheduled match, not something out of the blue and wild and a last resort. (See: HIAC PPV)
TNA certainly has a novel approach to booking these matches. I never thought I would see an Ultimate X promoted as a reason to go to a house show because it is the one of the signature matches of the company; something that WWE cannot match really boast about (I'd put HIAC on the same level but it's now lost its lustre in PG programming).

I would like to see TNA restrict the gimmick matches to once a fortnight for special and deserving feuds and they should continue that by not overbooking them on PPV. If they can do this then it will give the matches the reputation they deserve and need.

However they screwed up by having Steel Asylum as the opener last week. While I like the imagery of Hardy atop the cage (it was brilliantly done) seeing Homicide struggle in the dome was sad. They could have accomplished the same effect in a four way Six Sides of Steel match and it would have been less of a clusterfuck.
With the reported end of the 6-sided ring, perhaps it would be better and mean more if they only used it for the 6-sides of steel at the annual Lockdown PPV.

As for the live Impact, TNA missed the boat by going with the Steel Asylum match (not even taking into account the stupid ending and the fact that Homicide could not climb out of it). It was shot poorly and didn't come off well on TV. The bars were too thick and they spent too much time showing a straight shot of the entire structure instead of using more of the camera shots from the cameras at ringside filming between the bars.

TNA should have done an Ultimate X match instead for the X-division title. It would have come off better on TV, production wise, and it would distinguish TNA from the WWE, who has nothing even close to it. A casual viewer flipping through would see the Steel Asylum and think that it's just another cage match with a funny looking cage.

However, flipping through and seeing the X-division title hanging high above the center of the ring by 2 crossed ring ropes and no ladder peaks interest in how the wrestlers will get the belt down. Think how well the Ultimate X match was at Bound for Glory and that's how I'm picturing it. Tell me it would not hook the casual viewer in watching that match with the crowd chanting "Please don't die!"

As for the other gimmick matches, those will probably be cut down not the Hogan is in charge. He wants to go back to a more old style wrestling and let's face it, most, if not all the old guys couldn't even handle some of the gimmick matches that TNA has.
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