End of the Hart Dynasty?


The King of Swing
during a match on tonights old school raw tyson kidd turned on david hart smith. attacking him in the middle of their match verses slater and gabriel. now everyone saw this comming but i feel it occured far too soon. the hart dynasty was one of the few credible tagteams left in the wwe. so whats next for these two and how do you see this feud panning out?
This is so sad. Kidd and Smith were one of WWE's better tag teams. They were a true tag team, they had a good look, and they had The Hart name behind them. Now they're going to be put into a feud against each other, and I don't think too many people will care about it. Although, this really doesn't surprise me because WWE's tag team division has been in a pitiful state for quite some time. I don't know how long this will last. Maybe Kidd and Smith will have more than one match, but I don't see this feud going for too long. I'm not too crazy about Kidd turning heel, because I think DH Smith would be better suited for that role. I think Smith could play the intimidating big man, but we'll have to wait and see if Kidd can pull this off.

Kidd and Smith aren't bad in the ring. Kidd is quick and fluid, Smith is more of a power guy. After this is over, I think both guys might get a shot at the US Championship some where down the line. They'll wrestle a bunch of random matches, and they will be stuck in the mid card for a while. I don't see either of these men getting near the WWE Championship. And you just know one of these guys are going to be going to Smackdown when the draft rolls around.
well i hope they keep them together cause as of right now the number 1 contenders for the tag titles is santino and kozlov that a joke really the usos should be the number 1 contenders but o well wwe doesnt care about their tag team division
Which is a huge shame since Hart Dynasty is one of the best WWE tag teams (Although Nexus is a stable and another one), but first, Cryme Time split up and it was a huge failure, then the tag team division is just 2 people in a random team. Now i could see that Hart Dynasty is more of a true tag team
This sucks. The hart Dynasty is like Cryme tyme, they're good together, but when they're in singles compitition, its what Michael Cole calls, "A cure for insomnia." now , they will probably feud for a month or so, and after its over, Kidd will probably be released and Smith will just be a jobber. much like Carlito and Primo
i hope this is a better feud than the cryme tyme "feud". but i think both of these guys are pretty good in the ring and i could deffinately see Smith moving to the ME in a year or two. tyson kidd just seems like another mid-carder to me but i think smith has the look and lineage the wwe likes.
here comes another fued no one gives a damn about. Im a fan of both but splitting them and having them fued is pointless. They'll have 1 ppv match, a series of matches on Raw, then go do nothing until they get sent down or released, unless magically WWE is high on one of them and gives them a run at the US title.

I think its safe now to officially declare the WWE Tag Division dead.
While I don't agree that separate they both are terrible. I think David Hat Smith needs to be in a tag team. I just dont think he will be very good on his own. Kidd however is pretty amazing. Does people have that short of memories? Remember when he was on ECW? That Kidd is pretty darn good. I actually thought he had toned his style down being in a tag team.

But with that being said, I think it is a huge mistake to break them up. As everyone else has said, they are one of the only "real" tag teams left in the WWE. I dont see how breaking them up would be an advantage to any future storylines. Maybe it gives them a fued for the next few weeks, but after that, its pointless. Bad, bad move doing this unless of course there is some other Hart out there that would fit into the Hart Dynasty name better than Kidd, because lets face it, he just trained with them, but he isnt a Hart...
What happens with them will be the same thing that happened to Cryme Tyme. They will have a feud that no one cares about, and then have some random matches before falling off. While I liked them as a tag team, I still wasn't that into them. And judging by when they came out to the ring week after week, neither does the crowd. Sso we weren't into them as a tag team, hard to see being in them as singles.

I admit, though, it is a shame that these guys are now broken up. While I didn't care for them, they were a legit tag team, and were good in the ring. This is just another example of how right now, tag team wrestling isn't important in the WWE.
You can tell my the crowd's reaction both to when they came out and when the shocking heel turn happened, nobody really gave a rats ass. I'd imagine most in the crowd doesn't know who DH is and who Kidd is.

For the most part they are both incredibly bland and I really doubt we'll see this feud go on much further then a single PPV match if that.
Pretty stupid move here. I get that the WWE thinks the tag team division should be used as a springboard towards singles stardom. I disagree with it, but I understand the thought process. However, neither of these guys are anywhere near ready to become singles stars. Its just way too early. This is going to end up worse than breaking up legacy, which, imo, has turned out to be a disaster.
Who cares if they break up? They have no chemistry and neither Kidd or Smith have any mic skills or charisma. They are doomed to midcard city now.
I see this as a bad thing on a couple of different fronts. For one thing, the tag division is in danger of becoming (if it isn't already) completely and utterly useless and even non-existent. This is one of the worst mistakes I've seen the WWE make, under-rating the audience's interest in the tag division. If they were to create some exciting teams and then couple those teams with some well thought out an planned storylines, the tag team division could once again draw interest as well as (dare I say?) maybe even some PPV buys. I can remember being younger and totally wanting to watch certain PPV's simply for the "storylines" and matches that had to do with the tag belts!

Secondly, neither of the two have the Charisma to succeed on their own just yet. Why not let these guys build on their personas while still in the Tag division? Remember when Bret and Anvil used to cut promo's as a team? Granted Bret never acheived greatness on the mic, but I'd venture to say those early promos were a launching pt. to him becoming at least good enough on the stick to be incredibly releveant, even dominate, in the main event. Why not let his successors do the same? At this pt., Kidd and Smith will have a lackluster fued, that we will barely care about, and then either fade into obscurity or HOPEFULLY gain enough interest to be a main stay in an already overly crowded mid-card. I just don't get why they wont put some thought, energy and GOD forbid money into the Tag division.
I'm a little torn on what to think of this. On one hand I'm absolutely thrilled about it due to the fact that I think David Hart Smith has a big solo future ahead of him, most likely as a mid-card champion. However I don't exactly see anything going for Tyson Kidd. Especially considering both his size, as well as the fact that he obviously left off looking like the heel of all people.

Why would they want to make Tyson look like the heel? He's obviously the in-ring talent, but he has absolutely nothing else going for him. He won't have anything to accomplish in the mid-card because he's most likely gonna end up like a replacement Evan Bourne. Mid-card jobber who's made to look good. So why launch it off by what seems like a heel turn?

However, David Hart Smith could actually gain some good momentum as a face in the mid-card. However I think he could've easily made it work as a heel, I don't necessarily see him getting any direct heat instantly. Yet he could probably easily get some sort of face reaction. For now I just hope they decide to use David properly, and make him some sort of a proper force in the ring. Perhaps throw him to Smackdown and have him take the belt off Ziggler after a few months on Smackdown, or a longer period of time for feuding.
Why split up the last true tag team in WWE? Oh wait, they have the Dudebusters. Ok, let me rephrase that. Why split up the last true tag team in WWE that actually wins matches? It's bad enough that the tag team division is full of randomly paired up teams just to keep it alive. Teams like the Hart Dynasty are needed to keep it what it is. It's the TAG TEAM division, not the Randomly Paired Duos division. I think that Smith will end up winning this feud in the end because Tyson doesn't have much to gain at the moment, while Smith as the face could try to convince Tyson that they should get back together. This is one team that I do not want to see permanently split up anytime soon. They should reunite after the feud, the division needs them.
Stupid move. As the tag divsions are right now whats the point of a tittle at all??? Recently they split up 3 or 4 tag teams and now all they leave us with are the Uso's Santino and Koslov then you have Nexus. What a lame weak ass tag division.
:suspic: Why in the HELL did they disband the only actual tag-team that was worth anything? I think this was a flash-in-the-pan move that one day WWE will reconsider and put them back together. I don't see any real future for Smith or Kidd outside of tag team wrestling. I just don't. In singles action they have been the proverbial jobbers with little to no personality. But once they were The Hart Dynasty they were at least watchable.

It's like breaking up the Dudley Boyz in TNA. Just a bad move I think. At least they had a long prestigious career as a team. Dynasty had what; one title run?
Can someone tell me where the fuck this makes sense? The Cryme Tyme split up didn't work. The Carito and Primo split failed. Why in the blue hell do you think The Hart Dynasty split will work?!? Just because Miz and Morrison have done pretty well (well mostly Miz, but Morrison is coming around), doesn't mean it's going to work every time. So let me get this straight. You make NEW WWE Tag Team Titles, put them around one of the few credible teams you have, and then just a few short months later, you want to split them up?

This makes no sense what so ever. These two make a GREAT "team". Smith went nowhere when he was a singles competitor, and Kidd was just dragging his feet around in the now defunt WWECW. Niether really has mic "skills" and I really can't see anything more than a month long feud at best coming out of this whole thing. It's really sad and pathetic if this all goes down. I just hope Bret Hart returns on screen and does something with these two and helps get the Hart Dynasty back on track. These guys should be the flagship team for 2 or 3 more years. It can be done and it plays to their strengths.

Just makes me want to throw the remote sometimes when stuff like this happens. You bring back Bret, release a new DVD, remakes the Tag Titles and now want to break one of the few credible teams your company has, all in under a year? Just a bad move yet again by Vince McMahon. Idiot.
I like Tyson Kidd. He has the personality of a fish finger but he is great to watch in the ring. Maybe turning him heel will aid his awful personality? Playing heel and getting booed is much easier than playing the babyface. DH Smith is the one I worry for. He doesnt have as much going for him as TK. I really cant see him going anywhere as a singles competitor.

Breaking them up was too early. Maybe 1 last run as Tag Champs then split them up and see what they are capable of. Fortunately, Uncle Bret is still pretty tight with WWE so I doubt either will be shown the door anytime soon. Suppose while Bret is still around and making appearences, this is their window of singles opportunity. If it doesn't work, put them back together - they did a similar thing with Bret and Jim back in the late 80s.
Ok, it's not bothering me at all, I'll tell you why. All I have to say is;

The whole thing is shit, none of the teams are legit, even The Uso's, who are pretty much the only Team who actually should exist as a team.

TNA's Tag Team I care about, much like their womens division.

But seriously, message to WWE. Sort it out, or leave it out. For good.
Before I explain why I'm not worried about the future of the Hart Dynasty I'd like to post a couple of videos.



We all know that when tag teams split up they'll end up having a couple of matches with eachother. These two have worked with eachother for over a decade (not an exageration) and as such have a lot of chemistry in the ring. When they do face off it will be in a match where they'll be able to show off more than they currently get a chance to. Whether either of them will get over is anybody's guess, but their chances of doing it solo are better than their chances as a tag team.
I can see where the Cryme Tyme comparisons are coming from. The only difference (for me at least) is that the Hart Dynasty is a better overall tag team. They have a good look, great in-ring abilities, and as mentioned earlier they have the Hart name. As a tag team, they really could help revitalize the ailing tag team division if booked correctly. However, breaking them up only helps drive home the popular belief that WWE doesn't care about their tag team division. I'm usually not one to be a pessimist but currently, I see these guys having a feud that will probably culminate at a PPV which will follow with both of these guys falling into obscurity. I'd like to think that this will help put both of these guys over since I like Kidd and Smith but I just don't see that happening. Time will tell, I guess but right now I'm not very optimistic.
It's funny in kind of an ironic way....a lot of posters have stated that this is a shame since they were one of the best current tag teams (agreed) but it also seems like whenever I read through a post made by someone who attended a raw or a house show a common theme seems to be that the crowd is dead with respect to these guys.

Now that the break is official, I think the problem is that unless DH Smith gets repackaged in a very creative way, he's only a few steps from the door. I honestly think he should have been the one to turn heel, and then repackage him to be some dominant ass kicker. I don't really see what else can be done with him right now that will give him some sort of longevity.

Kidd might make it a little longer, maybe even feud with a face US champion at some point down the road, but eventually I'm predicting he'll be thrown back into a tag team with someone else at the lower midcard level who also needs something to do. Maybe ryder or something.
So I just recently watched WWE Superstars and the main event for the show was a first time showdown between former Hart Dynasty members, Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith. The two put on a great encounter, albeit odd ending, which the crowd was really into from start to finish. However, many believe that the only way these guys can be succesful is if they are in the tag team divsion together. Another negative aspect of this break up was that the WWE chose to make Smith a face (an imposing heavyweight) whilst Kidd was picked to be the heel (a small cruiser style wrestler).

What I was thinking was: do these men have a future with the company as singles stars or will they be released in the near future and can they excel in their chosen roles? Now both recieved new attires (different tight designs/colours) as well as new music and trons to accompany it, so this could be a sign that the WWE wants them around for the near future.

Now my questions to you are:
Do you believe that both Kidd and Smith will be succesful singles stars and avoid being released?
Did the WWE pick the correct roles for both men ie. Smith being face, Kidd being heel?
Do you believe that both Kidd and Smith will be succesful singles stars and avoid being released?
Well my answer for that is simple, i see them both having a good run as single stars maybe even having Kidd going to SM due to the fact Raw needs abit more faces and Smith as a face will do good for that even going in for a tribute to his father.

Did the WWE pick the correct roles for both men ie. Smith being face, Kidd being heel?
Yeah i do agree with you with the roles WWE has made for the face/heel choice, i cant pick them better, since Kidd came out in ecw/smackdown, ive always seen him as a cocky young guy who is a better heel when bret wasnt around

Now this is a question i ask you #1peep, where does this leave Natalia

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