Employee Of The Month [August]


Lord And Master
Staff member
A month is a mere 30 day (mostly). But in wrestling, that can be a long time. Mostly one PPV airs per company. And over the course of all that, stories centered on that unfold. However, like any good workplace, one particular worker stands out. It's simple. In the world of pro wrestling, who's the employee of the month?

It's an open question asking you who you think was the most outstanding performer during the month. No real criteria needed other your choice being influenced by what happened this month. Just state your belief as to why. To avoid spam and all that.

I have various choices as I wanna leave this as open as possible:


"Cowboy" James Storm

Had it not been for this man, the lead up to Hardcore Justice would be nothing but BFG Series matches a Roode/Aries segment and dullness inbetween. Through the month of August, the story about James Storm being the man behind A's & 8's drove various guys in the BFG Series to take a crack at him in order to "stop" him while he found himself persecuted by the roster constantly. Through the month of August, he was the reason Impact had a main storyline and bridged the gap between the X Division Showcase and the start of Bound For Glory.


CM Punk

For nearly a year, he's been playing second fiddle to John Cena. And people have noticed. Now it's the focus of Raw. John may be the poster boy, but when I hear the old "earn the respect" line I can't help but ask if he's being stupid about this. Meanwhile, Big Show is just acting like an unwanted 3rd party. The spotlight has shifted from John Cena to Punk as he tries to make a point out of reality and so far, it's more entertaining than what the other guys are doing.​

My picks. Now make your own.
Daniel Bryan. Not sure if I have my dates straight but the way he has worked the crowd over the past month has been something I have never seen before. The smark crowd love him but they still for the most part give him a heel reaction. His matches have been highly entertaining with Kane, Sheamus and Cena.

I never thought I would be saying this but he is currently the guy I look the most forward to seeing in or out of the ring.

Jericho and Cena are probably my other two favorite guys of the past month.
Chris Jericho.

He ends his run on a high note. That's right I said high note. It's not about wins or losses with him or championships, it's about putting the good younger talent Dolph Ziggler over. He showed just because you're a veteran with lots of money and accolades doesn't mean you can't put the next guy over and you don't have to steal the spotlight. You can put on a good performance help the other guy tell a story make him look good in the process in which everybody wins.

Jericho's job put the younger talent over and he did his job well. My employee of the month.
Daniel Bryan. Not sure if I have my dates straight but the way he has worked the crowd over the past month has been something I have never seen before. The smark crowd love him but they still for the most part give him a heel reaction. His matches have been highly entertaining with Kane, Sheamus and Cena.

I would have to say ditto. This version of Daniel is damn entertaining as he gets personal with the fans. He's yelling face to face with people, tearing up their signs all the while looking like a complete nutjob! His backstage segment a few weeks ago with the pshycologist was pure comedy. His win over Kane was huge at Summerslam. right now in TNA or WWE nobody has the reaction that Daniel Bryan is getting, whether it be negative, positive or in his case, annoying. Fans love to annoy Daniel Bryan. I'd pick him for Employee Of The Month because he is definitely one guy I look foward to seeing and he stepped his character's game up within a matter of weeks!

Good post, you should give us choices every month...:worship:
I agree with Daniel Bryan. He seems to be the guy that is getting the most from the crowd right now. Everyone loves to get under his skin. He got a big win over Kane at the PPV, and I look forward to seeing him each week more than any other wrestler. His promo with the Doctor was great, and love the tweek of his character with him being kind of a nut.

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