Elite X #1 contender match

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Dufflebag Mod!!
Elite X #1 Contender match

Gus Vs. Nate Thrope

Keep all Rps in here
All Rps are due Dec. 14 2007
*Gus wakes up, in his bed, for the first time since Civil Revolution, he is home, he looks over to his side, where Heidi used to sleep, theres no body there, he lets out a huge sigh, he gets up, gets ready, and hops in his Mustang, he starts it, the radio turns on, he hears,
"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean, she was the best damn woman that i've, ever seen..." Gus' facial expression changes completely from solice to anger as he punches the steering wheel*

Gus: AAAHHHH!!!!!

*Gus rips the volume knob off of his radio*


*"She had the sightless eyes telling me no lies
Knocking me out with those American thighs"*

G: FUCK!!!

*Gus takes a deep breath, turns off his Mustang, walks over to his garage, the door lifts up, and Theres a restored '68 Camaro, he gets in, turns down the volume knob before turning it on,and drives away*

G: *To Himself* Will, you son of a bitch

*Gus arrives at the arena, he looks over to the passenger seat, but nobodys there, he lets out another sigh, he walks in, puts his stuff in his locker room, he walks past Sincade's office*

Sincade: Hey Gus, come on in here

*Gus walks in to Sincades office, with a blank stare in his eye*

Sincade: This week on Meltdown, you're going to go one on one with Nate Thorpe, in #1 Contender's Match, since well, quite frankly, you cost him his chance at The Elite X Championship

Gus: (Blankly) Ok, thanks Sincade, i mean, Mr. Sincade

*Gus walks out to the hallway, he sees Will and Heidi walking away, when Joe and Kenny appear in front of him*

Joe: Gus, now is not the time

Kenny: Yea dude, just wait, i'll bet you that after we destroy the Diaperspawns, that the rest of Dyansty will come out, so just wait, you can get Will then

Gus: alright i guess you guys are right, I better save my energy for Thorpe

Joe: Thorpe, why are you facing him?

Gus: Sincade says because i cost him the Elite X Title last week on Meltdown

Kenny: Well, whatever dude, me and Joe are going to go find this Jesse kid who we're teaming with this week, see you dude

Gus: See you guys,

*Gus walks back into his lockerroom where he sits down on the couch, before starting to cry*

*He stops, and then starts to yell*

Gus: Will, you bastard, you better pray that I dont win this match and face you for The Elite X Title, because if I do, i swear you wont walk out of the match the same as you walk in...

*Gus looks up, and you can see a more determined look on his face*

Gus: Thorpe, you are one very unlucky person, for 2 weeks now, you are in the way of me getting to Will, Thorpe, i have no problem with you, as well as I have no problem walking all over you if it means getting to Will, so good luck to you, I will not be held responsible for what happens on Meltdown, and I apologize in advance for any bodily damage that I may inflict on you in this match...

*Gus gets up and leaves his lockerroom*
[Showtime is seen in church with his family, the Sunday before Meltdown. Showtime walks up to the front to give a sermon for the congregation, but he's not wearing a shirt. There are several people in the congregation holding up Showtime 3:16 hand fans, and wearing aviator shades.]

Thorpe: Gus, you dropping into my match was highly unwarranted, and now it's got you something you don't deserve. You coming outta the woodworks wasn't what I expected, but what else can ya say to a guy who lost his chick in front of the world? You can't even keep your attention focused long enough in a match to get the gold, so you make other people feel the same thing you felt, just so you can get your "revenge?" Is she that important to you that you can look past the fact that she cost you the title and f*cked the winner? Before AND after probably?

Congregation: Amen!

Thorpe: These people know what I mean. You know what, Gus? Personally I think you're mad at the wrong person in the situation...you're hating on Will...cause wha? Your girl can't keep her pants up and he capitalized? Man...you know what else Gus? And I think this might help you out with your whole situation...and I think the choir can help me when I say this...don't put the pussy on a pedestal. Hit it!

[Showtime point to the pianist and choir who start singing barber-shop style.]

Choir: Don't put the pussy
On a pedestal.
She'll cheat and still she'll love you
I bet you'll go mental!
She'll ask you please to be your wife
And then she'll ruin your whole life
Cause one she reels you in, man.
She'll fuck your next of kin!

Thorpe: Hit it, men!

Men's Section: I had an old lady
She always cooked my food
I came home from work and
I caught her in the nude!

Now, we do this from time to time
And normally it'd be just fine
But this'll will ruin my whole life
My uncle's with my wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife!

[Choir repeats and ends the song.]

Thorpe: Gus, take my advice, and after this Sunday, stay out of my way, thanks. I now turn the congregation over to the Preacher for his closing sermon. Praise the Lord!

Congregation: Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

[Showtime returns to his seat beside his family.]

Preacher: Praise the Lord indeed-ah! Today's sermon will be about many naysayers in the path of the bright, shining lights-ah. You see, there have been many people in our beautiful land that have been look down upon-ah! Many people that have been held down in our society that suffered-ah, many people who starved-ah, many people who craved-ah, who quit-ah, and who fell to the dark path-ah. AMEN!

Congregation: Amen!

Preacher: There are also others born of jealousy...and hate-ah. Those who loathe-ah, those who envy-ah, those who stalk-ah, those who sneak-ah, and those who prey on the staaaarrrrrong-ah! They desire to take from others what isn't rightfully theirs-ah, and the light of the Lord will STRIKE thee down-ah! Halleujah, praise the Lord-ah!

Congregation: Praise the Lord, halleujah!

Preacher: Now that our light is here, he shall GUIDE us, no he shall LEAD us...to the gold-ah! Now...Gus...What you did to our bright light Showtime was an act of jealousy-ah, and act...an act of malice-ah, and the light of the Lord shall NOT stand for it!

Lady #1: Uh-huh, I heard that!

Lady #2: Praise him!

[Showtime stands up, puts on his aviator shades and raises his hand up towards the ceiling and smiles while hearing the praises rain upon him.]

Preacher: And next Sunday, in front of all of his friends, family, and Showtimers, he will show us WHY HE IS more than just a Savior-ah!

Congregation: Amen!

Preacher: He will show us WHY he's more than just a survivor-ah!

Congregation: Amen!

Preacher: He will show us WHY he's more than a wrestler-ah!

Congregation: Amen!

Preacher: Ladies and Gentleman he will show us WHY he deserves the praise-ah, and will show us WHY he deserves to be the #1 Contender, and he will show us WHY...he deserves to become champion to become our one and only Golden Light-ah. These and all our praises we send with Showtime in His name we pray. Amen.

Congregation: Amen.
*Gus leaves his lockerroom, goes out to his car, and starts to drive, he turns on the radio, the church station is on, he hears Thorpes sermon*

Gus: Thorpe, who do you think you are to tell me what to do with my life, I found out the hard way that women will hurt ya, but the thing is, unlike you, I'm not a horny minister who likes to touch men and little boys. And you're right, after Meltdown, dont worry i'l stay out of your way, the only thing is, I'LL be the one facing Will, not you. As far as I see it, I'm next in line for The Elite X Championship, not you, I was screwed out of the title at Civil Revolution, and I want revenge against Will, he ruined this stage of my life, I dont just want a match against Will I DESERVE a match against Will.

*Gus arrives at his hotel, he is enraged, but tries to be cool with checking in.*

Hotel Lady: Hello, do you have a reservation?

Gus: Yes, under last name Gustafson

Lady: Hmmm... room for 2?

Gus: uh, yea, could have that changed to one?

Lady: Why?

Gus: Lets just say i'm single now...

Lady: I'm sorry to hear that, let me make the changes, ok, all set, BELLHOP!

Bellhop: Yes??

Lady: Gustafson is here,

Bellhop: let me call Lenny, since there's two peoples luggage,

Lady: actually its only one now, he's single now...

Bellhop: Oh, I know you, you're Gus!!!

Gus: You...a fan?

Bellhop: As if, check this out...

*The bellhop lifts up his sleeve, there is a Dynasty tattoo on his arm*

Bellhop: You suck!!!

*Throws a punch at Gus*

Gus: You son of a bitch!!!

Lady: Guards... Guards!!!

*Gus starts pummeling on the bellhop, the security guards storm in, Gus turns around and hits haymakers on the security guards, knocking them down, Lenny, a 7ft tall man, whos easily 300 pounds, comes in, and grabs Gus, lifts him up, Gus rolls through and locks the Lenny in the figure 4 leglock, Lenny is screaming*

Lady: Gus, stop!!!

*Cracking Sound*

Lady: Oh my god!!!

Gus: Don't mess with me now, just give me my key to my room

Lady: Ok, ok, we wont press charges if you won't

Gus: I want that in writing, and MY KEY!!!

Lady: Yes, of course

*Gus walks up to his room, drops off his luggage, and heads outside*

Lenny: Gus, i'm sorry Doug tryed to start something

Gus: I'm sorry i like broke your leg

Lenny: It's alright

*Gus gets into his car and drives back to the arena*

Gus: Thorpe, you had better watch out on Meltdown, your fate has been sealed, It will be I who faces Will for The Elite X Championship, you are just a speedbump on the way to my first Elite X Title reign

*Gus arrives at the arena*

Leon: Gus, Gus, can i have a few words,

Gus: I guess, whats up?

Leon: How do you feel about your match with Thorpe on Meltdown?

Gus: How do I feel? How do i feel? I was screwed out of The Elite X Championship at Civil Revolution, and last week on Meltdown, I tried to exact some revenge, but Thorpe got in my way, this week, I take care of Thorpe, win an OFFICIAL match for The Elite X Championship, and make Will and Heidi pay for pissing off Gus!!!

Leon: Ok, How do planon defeating Thorpe?

Gus: I plan on causing him so much pain and misery that he will never step foot inside of a WZCW ring again, and when the match is over, when my hand is raised, I will go to the back, find Will, and finish what I started last week, when Meltdown is over, I will be the #1 Contender for The Elite X Championship, Thorpe will be finished, and Will will be destroyed, and when I face Will for The Title, It will be I who will be holding up The Elite X Championship!!!

Leon: Thank You for your time Gus

Gus: You bet...

*Gus walks back to his lockerroom*

Gus: Thorpe, like I said, I had no problem with you, but you're in my way from getting The Elite X Championship, and a speedbump on my way to exacting revenge on Will, so before you go to Meltdown, say goodbye to your loved ones, and amke sure you regret nothing in your life, because I Guarandamntee that I will walk out The #1 Contender!!!

OOC: I didnt finish formatting it to finish before the deadline it is 8:55 right now as im posting this...
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