Edge Retains World Championship


Dark Match Winner
I am so disappointed that Edge retained. Edge is so selfish. He had what? 15 World Championships? And now he is selfish enough to retain? Seriously??? Edge needs to put people over because he doesn't need the title anymore.

1. Do you like Edge retaining?
2. When do you think Edge will lose the title?
3. Will Del Rio win it from him?
1. Do you like Edge retaining? I loved Edge retaining, was one of the better points of WM
2. When do you think Edge will lose the title? I give it a month or two
3. Will Del Rio win it from him? I highly doubt it. If Del Rio couldn't win it from him at WM, why do it on a lower level PPV?

I'm beyond glad that Edge retained. Especially against Del Rio. Royal Rumble was a huge disappointment for me because of Del Rio winning it, so Del Rio losing at WM made up for it.
1.It doesn't bother me, I think it would have been cool to see Del Rio win it tonight, I just hope WWE has something else big in store for him right now because I feel he's a great talent.


3.I think if he was going to win it from Edge it would have been best to do tonight as the match was first and it seemed alittle rushed, i wouldn't exactly be excited to see this match again unless they had more time to do their thing.

The fact that this match was at the start of wrestlemania in the first place was pretty disappointing.
I didn't really think Del Rio was going to walk out of Mania as the champ anyway but I promise you he will win that title very soon. However, I do see why you would be upset about Del Rio losing. Consider the fact that he won the Royal Rumble match. The biggest Royal Rumble match in history, as WWE likes to call it. I don't think it would have hurt to give Del Rio the win and give more meaning to being Royal Rumble winner IMO. I mean, when was the last time a Royal Rumble winner actually won their match at WM? 2007? The honor of being RR winner has somewhat lost credibility due to the fact that its winners haven't won in years. But that's just my view.

In all honesty, I don't see Edge holding the belt for very long especially with reports regarding Edge's looming retirement. I would love to see him and Christian feud for the belt at least once before he does leave. Not necessarily have Christian win the title from him but just contend for it.

Personally, I see Del Rio ultimately being the one to take the title off Edge. Maybe.
I don't think it would have hurt to give Del Rio the win and give more meaning to being Royal Rumble winner IMO. I mean, when was the last time a Royal Rumble winner actually won their match at WM? 2007? The honor of being RR winner has somewhat lost credibility due to the fact that its winners haven't won in years. But that's just my view.

The Rumble will never lose credibility. It's the Royal Rumble. Everyone looks forward to it and for most people it's probably one of their favorite matches of the year and favorite ppvs of the year outside of Mania itself. Yes the Rumble winner has now lost 4 straight years at Mania, but take into account that before that the winner had won the title at Mania 7 straight years. Instead of these long streaks of one or the other, I'd like to see more variety. Of course this isn't always possible as every year is completely different and I'm sure not planned a year or two in advance. It's just the way it goes.

As for Edge winning, I have no problem with it. I was actually expecting Del Rio to win due to the fact that the Rumble winner hasn't won at Mania in awhile, but it's still fine. I'm sure he'll win the title between now and Summerslam at some point. I would have liked for the match to be given longer, Christian to have been inserted, or something though.
The Rumble will never lose credibility. It's the Royal Rumble. Everyone looks forward to it and for most people it's probably one of their favorite matches of the year and favorite ppvs of the year outside of Mania itself. Yes the Rumble winner has now lost 4 straight years at Mania, but take into account that before that the winner had won the title at Mania 7 straight years. Instead of these long streaks of one or the other, I'd like to see more variety. Of course this isn't always possible as every year is completely different and I'm sure not planned a year or two in advance. It's just the way it goes.

Hm. Yes, fair enough. You do have a point and I do believe the same thing can be said about MITB in the sense that more variety would be welcome (in the sense that a MITB winner will finally lose his title shot).

In all honesty though, having Del Rio win the world title at his first Wrestlemania isn't something I really would've expected anyway. I think he still has awhile before that happens. Perhaps this time next year, he'll win his first world title at the latest.
I am so disappointed that Edge retained. Edge is so selfish. He had what? 15 World Championships? And now he is selfish enough to retain? Seriously??? Edge needs to put people over because he doesn't need the title anymore.

1. Do you like Edge retaining?
2. When do you think Edge will lose the title?
3. Will Del Rio win it from him?

I didn't realize Edge was the one in charge of making such a decision. I would have much preferred Del Rio winning the title. He seemed like he was built up very strong and should have walked out with the gold. The guy is a WWE natural and would make a great champion. So while I agree that Edge should have lost, blaming him and calling him selfish is ridiculous.
I personally would have preferred Del Rio walk out as World Heavyweight Champion, but I'm not overly concerned about it to be honest. Del Rio is a man that has the talent. The man's an absolute star and I think you'd have to be a downright fool not to be able to see it.

I believe that Del Rio will be World Heavyweight Champion before this year is out. I fully expect that he'll have it by at least the end of summer if not sooner. It would have been nice to see Del Rio get the title at the biggest show of the year but as long as he winds up getting the title when it's all said and done, it's all good.
I really really don't understand all of the praise for Alberto. He's solid in the ring, sure, and his mic work is passable at best. But dude, why the hell would they pull the trigger on him so soon? Despite what everyone seems to think, he isn't over. At all. I was at Smackdown! on March 15th, and the dude got fucking crickets upon his arrival. Mind you this was in a crowd that was more than dominated by the Latino fan base, and they still didn't give a shit about him.

He has the tools to make it, but he's not ready yet. One plus that I see here is that we should certainly be getting the big Triple Threat Match with Christian added to the mix at Extreme Rules, but even then I'll be pulling for Christian. Then maybe after he held the title for a couple of months, then Alberto could take the strap.

Ultimately, he's just not ready. I think they made the right decision tonight.
1. Do you like Edge retaining? - Nope, he's had it for a while and is boring me. Let new talent have it, Del Rio has been pushed so far then they wasted him.
2. When do you think Edge will lose the title? - Yes at the next PPV.
3. Will Del Rio win it from him? - I hope so, Del Rio is one of the best up and coming stars and deserves it.
I really think that Del Rio isn't ready yet for the title. Wrestlemania exposure having him actually challenge for the belt is wonderful. It shows that he can be champion one day, but I just don't believe he's ready. It hasn't even been a year since he's been in the WWE, and shit, I don't think any of us want to see another Swagger situation.

1. Do you like Edge retaining? - Loved it. Del Rio doesn't deserve to win the title at Mania YET. I don't really like Edge as a face champion, but it's better than an early Del Rio.
2. When do you think Edge will lose the title? - Hopefully at either the next PPV or the one after.
3. Will Del Rio win it from him? - Who else is there? I mean there's Christian, but I don't see that happening. Maybe Del Rio takes it off Edge, then a triple threat arises and Christian wins it.

One day Alberto.. One day.

Who does Edge feud with now?

Christian? Del Rio? Dare I say.. Cody Rhodes? I'd say Wade Barrett but he's IC champion and is coming off a loss.

I'm going to take a guess and say Christian and Edge are in ring celebrating either tomorrow or SD and then Christian asks for his title opportunity. Whether it's done by face vs face (doubt it), face vs face vs heel with del rio added again, or face vs heel with Christian turning on Edge - I think one of these will happen.
Come on man, Edge is far from selfish if they said your losing to del rio he definitely would, he lost how many times in a row at mania? And dropped the world title there the last two times he defended it, so no edge is not selfish he is actually the opposite WWE just decided to let him keep it, i guess you werent listening when they said he had never retained a world title at mania, the guy is at the end of his career and has put on great shows and sacrificed a lot and worked very hard to entertain us all, let him have his mania moment, especially since he isnt going to be around much longer. Sorry about the rant, anyways:
1. I loved Edge retaining, one of my favorite parts, i like Del Rio too, but i can understand waiting to give him the title.
2. Maybe a few months, he might feud with del rio more, or christian or mcyntire even..
3. Uhhh idk, i dont think he will, but del rio will win it probably later in the year
Who does Edge feud with now?

Christian? Del Rio? Dare I say.. Cody Rhodes? I'd say Wade Barrett but he's IC champion and is coming off a loss.

I'm going to take a guess and say Christian and Edge are in ring celebrating either tomorrow or SD and then Christian asks for his title opportunity. Whether it's done by face vs face (doubt it), face vs face vs heel with del rio added again, or face vs heel with Christian turning on Edge - I think one of these will happen.

I think the Triple Threat is pretty much a lock. I can see it happening. Edge comes out to open Smackdown this week. He gets interrupted by Christian who just wants to congratulate and ask for a rematch. Then here comes Alberto who demands a rematch, setting up the the Number 1 contenders match. Then of course, we get the Double DQ Dusty Finish(TNA Style) and the match is made into a Triple Threat. Easy as pie.

But there is one aspect that I failed to realize at first but now, I hope this comes to fruition more than ever. Remember, the next PPV is Extreme Rules where we always get Hardcore gimmick matches. What better way to have a Christian Edge Title match than in a Ladder Match!?! You can't really lose here either, because if Christian wins, you can bet your bottom dollar that Alberto will ultimately be the one to take the belt from him. But if Alberto wins, how massive of a rub does this guy get from beating 2 of the most skilled Ladder Match specialists at their own game at the same time?

Although I don't care much for Del Rio, this would be a massive way to put him over.
1. Do you like Edge retaining? Yes I do. I'm a huge Del Rio mark but I would rather have seen Miz win. It happened. I had an internet/cable outage for the first four matches of Wrestlemania. I want that Del Rio moment to be special. I want to see it before my very eyes. Thankfully he didn't win because I wouldn't have been able to see it.

2. When do you think Edge will lose the title? Hopefully very, VERY soon. I am so sick of this guy and how annoying he is by winning every fucking match.

3. Will Del Rio win it from him? There is a chance. I think it'll most likely be someone gets drafted from RAW. Christian could challenge, also maybe Cody Rhodes but I think in the end the next WHC is currenty on the RAW roster.
Edge is going to ldrop the belt to ADR in a TLC match at Extreme Rules.

I think Edge is probably destined to go back to RAW in the draft, for one final run on RAW before hanging up the boots.

I have no problem with him retaining the title at Wrestlemania. I don't think he has any problem putting anyone over. If Vince wanted ADR to win the belt at Wrestlemania, Edge would have jobbed.
1. No problems with Edge winning. I like ADR and his time will come.
2. Probablly with in a month or two.
3. Hopefully not. I would love to see an Edge vs Christian feud with both staying face and having a friendly rivilrary. With Christian going over in the end. It would make him look legit by getting the clean win over Edge.
Then Christian and ADR could resume their feud for the title with ADR maybe winning after a decent long feud.
Why is the OP complaining about Edge being selfish? Did he book himself to retain? Has he ever had a problem losing at WrestleMania before? No, and no. Edge retained because he was booked to retain, let's not take shots at the man's personal character because of this.

Now that that's out of the way, I have absolutely no problem with the actual outcome. I've been enjoying Edge's latest face run tremendously ever since the horrendous Kane feud ended, and I'd like to see him finally get a semi-long reign with the belt. He's had eleven, yes, but most of them have been ridiculously short and I don't think he's ever had one that lasted more than four months. He also hadn't won a match at WrestleMania during the last four years before this one. You can say what you want about wanting Alberto Del Rio to get his moment, but just because it didn't happen at WrestleMania doesn't mean that it won't be special when it does. That match, as well as the aftermath, was a classic example of the face champion finally giving the arrogant heel his comeuppance. At a WrestleMania with a massively disappointing ending, and the second least wrestling time of any WrestleMania in history, Edge winning should be the least of anyone's complaints.
i was disappointed that del rio did not win the title but i understand why. Del rio's huge momentum push may have been too rushed to win a title at WM. he is talented but i think he needs more time before he can win a world title. i think he will win the title at extreme rules. i hope that edge takes it in stride and forms a tag team with christian and bring some prestige to the tag team division.

Also, it is not edge's fault that he retained, WWE management controlls that, he may have influence but not that much.
Alberto Del Rio was very impressive in his debut. He took out Rey Mysterio, and sidelined Christian. He then provided a high profile feud with Rey, and eventually found himself in the WHC title picture. After winning the Royal Rumble, everyone was sure that ADR would walk out of Wrestlemania with the WHC, but what happened?

Why not let ADR win, hasn't Edge run his course as champion? Would it hurt to give ADR the WHC at Wrestlemania since so much was already invested into his presence?

Also, with Edge & Christian destroying his nice car at Wrestlemania, does it mean no more nice car entrances, (as seen on Raw).

What do you think ADR will find himself doing in the next few months?

The obvious guess is that he will eventually pick up the WHC, but do you think maybe creative has other plans for him?
First of all, I would say that I feel that it was a huge mistake not to have Del Rio win the title at Wrestlemania. That blunder added to what was, for me a Wrestlemania not deserving of the name.

He is one of the most compelling characters introduced in quite some time and I think the best move would have been to continue his meteoric rise.

Who knows? Maybe the front office didn't like his less than enthusiastic comments about the big signing of Sin Cara? Either way, it was a bad decision and one I hope will be corrected soon.

No offense to Edge as I amd a fan of his, but I think the title does considerably less for him at this point than it would for Del Rio.
The thing is, while I am somewhat disappointed that Alberto lost, I am also a little relieved.
The WWE has fallen in the trap of pushing young kids too quickly. Youth is good, but what do you do with a guy who already has done everything after one year in the company? It used to be that you pay your dues for a long time before even making it to the WWE. And once you are thee you have to pay your dues all over again for a couple of years. Then, after proving that you are the real deal, you get the push you deserve.
Then, when they do reach the top, they appreciate it. They know how much blood , sweat and tears went into it and therefore do a credible job of portraying this achievement as the greatest of their lives - because it is.

But every now and then - especially in recent years - some guy walks in the door and is the World Champion five minutes later. It hurts the company, and on the long haul it also hurts that performer.

Take Sheamus. He is the current U.S. Champion - clearly a step backwards from where he used to be. He is now catching up on all the midcard stuff he should have done before reaching the top. And his character is suffering from it.

So Alberto won the Rumble (a feat greater than winning any belt anyway) and fought for the title at Wrestlemania. Truth told, that's plenty. His time on top will come. There is only one first time for a performer to become the champ, and the longer it takes, the more special it becomes. It's actually a good thing they didn't spoil it for Alberto.
1. Do you like Edge retaining? I'm glad, Edge destroyed the overrated Alberto Del Rio, who happens to be not so good in the ring, but good on the mic. WWE eliminated his lucha libre moveset, which makes him another Miz.
2. When do you think Edge will lose the title? I hope he loses it to Christian soon, honestly, Christian deserves it. Alberto Del Rio made an impression, but many WWE wrestlers been in WWE too long to be ignored for this guy. Even young guys like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, and Evan Bourne.
3. Will Del Rio win it from him? Seeing that WWE likes, I think so. But the reign will just be another Swagger or Sheamus reign, WWE really doesn't know how to push young babyfaces anymore.

I really really don't understand all of the praise for Alberto. He's solid in the ring, sure, and his mic work is passable at best. But dude, why the hell would they pull the trigger on him so soon? Despite what everyone seems to think, he isn't over. At all. I was at Smackdown! on March 15th, and the dude got fucking crickets upon his arrival. Mind you this was in a crowd that was more than dominated by the Latino fan base, and they still didn't give a shit about him.

He has the tools to make it, but he's not ready yet. One plus that I see here is that we should certainly be getting the big Triple Threat Match with Christian added to the mix at Extreme Rules, but even then I'll be pulling for Christian. Then maybe after he held the title for a couple of months, then Alberto could take the strap.

Ultimately, he's just not ready. I think they made the right decision tonight.

Everything you said, I agreed with
The thing is, while I am somewhat disappointed that Alberto lost, I am also a little relieved.
The WWE has fallen in the trap of pushing young kids too quickly. Youth is good, but what do you do with a guy who already has done everything after one year in the company?

You realize Alberto Del Rio is an 11 year pro right and is 33 years old? I would hardly call him a "young kid". That's 7 years more expeirence when Cena won his first title and 6 years younger, and Austin won his first world title 8 years in business and the same age Del Rio is now.

Because of this I actually don't see Del Rio green at all in fact you can tell with his in ring skills and promo work that he is very seasoned in his craft.

Oh the questions

1. Do you like Edge retaining? - I won't loose sleep over it, but I felt Del Rio lost a bit of momentum loosing at WM especially his Royal Rumble win.

2. When do you think Edge will lose the title? - I think once his feud with Del Rio ends. All signs point to Christian turning on Edge and costing him the title ( this should have happened at WM).

3. Will Del Rio win it from him? - Yep
This was the perfect decision, to be honest.

As for Edge being selfish and this being his 15th championship, the answers are "he doesn't book matches, and this is title reign #11. And in retrospect, its brilliant booking by WWE. Let me explain.

In my area, the SyFY voiceover guy is advertising Christian vs Alberto Del Rio in a # 1 Contenders match for the WHC at Extreme Rules. Well, if I was Christian, Id have a SLIGHT problem with that, seeing how I beat ADR 2 weeks in a row on Smackdown. Shouldn't I obviously be next in line?, Id ask? Further, theres no reason to have this match unless ADR is both winning the match, and taking the title from Edge at Extreme Rules. Edge had his Wrestlemania moment in that hes walked in several times as champion and has lost each, so this is a "defining moment" for him, since he's done everything else but win or retain the title at Wrestlemania.

This also sets up a Christian heel turn, and him costing Edge the title at Extreme Rules. Christian has taken a beating at times sticking up for Edge at ADR's hands and he's rewarded with having to beat Del Rio, again? A loss would greatly frustrate the best of us, and even if it appears to be inadvertant, he can cost Edge the title at Extreme Rules. Del Rio gets the title, Christian and Edge get to have the feud we've all been clammoring for since Christian returned to WWE.

I think I answered your questions without using those damned bullet points I hate so much!

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