Edge or Cena

Who is better?

  • Edge

  • John Cena

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Pole Smoker

Pre-Show Stalwart
So theres been a big debate of me vs the world on who is better. Edge or Cena. Who do you all think is better and why based on:

Mic skills
In ring ability
Ability to entertain YOU

Amongst anything else you can add.

I go for Edge and here's why:

First off I have loved Edge since starting watching in 2001. A personal favourite of mine.

Mic skills - I have always loved Edge on the mic. Especially as a heel from around 05-09. He used to make his feuds interesting and put a lot of energy into it.He gained great heat as well and was hated. He can funny as hellon the mic too.

In ring ability- Edge can put on a much better match than Cena. Cena matches bore the hell out of me. Whereas Edge matches are usually good. I love his style.

Character - Cena's character bores me but Edge has been great as a heel (very entertaining) and a dude type guy in his team with Christian. Even gace Edge of 2011is better to me.

Entertaining - Edge has always been one of the reasons I tune in. He entertains me and keeps me interested 90% of the timeandI think he's great.

Amongst other things. I only like a handful of Cena matches whereas I like loads of Edge matches.

This is not based on money made for the WWE either. You should not care about how much money they make but rather how good the show is to you.

Oh and don't pick Cena just cause you hate me lol. :p

I don't care if Cena wins. Edge will always be better to me. I just want to see what other peoples opinions are.
I fully believe that wrestling is subjective. What's good is what entertains me. As much as I enjoy Cena's work (I firmly believe he is one of the best in the world), I've always been a bigger Edge fan.
Im an EdgeHead so fuck Cenation xD

Just kidding, but i always thought that Edge was a good entertainer!!
SPear > AA (FU)
Thought the thread had more potential than this.Trying to make good threads because of the advice Horace gave me. It'd be good if you gave reasons as to why one is better than the other.
It's a tough one, I think Edge may be better in the mic area. But Cena is probably better in the ring, well...Edge is good in the Ring. I don't like Cena's patriotic/I love kids character, but and I do like Edge's ultimate opportunist gimmick.

They both entertain me equally, I don't think I'm going to vote.
This is a tough one for me. I think Edge has better mic skills and better in-ring skills; however, as much as Cena annoys me, I find myself entertained more by Cena. Cena's mic work is a bit too over the top for me. There are times when he seems like a kid in school being bullied and he's putting out this bravado, but it looks like he's about to cry.
Mic skills
In ring ability
Ability to entertain YOU

EDGE and heres why..

In ring ability Edge was always a fantastic wrestler.. performer whatever you want to call it. Cena has the 5 moves of doom, they get a pop but to true wrestling fans it means nothing but dragging pro wrestling through the mud. No matter who Edge got in the ring with he made it a fantastic match, but he could adapt to almost any style.

Character All of Edges heel characters, and early face character were supreme. He was always changing, editing or modifying his characters too which is a great thing to stop your character from going stale, but John Cenas Chain Gang and Soldier gimmicks I liked so on character it is close.

Mic Skills Edge has this department owned ove Cena, especially as a heel becuase the entire promo/or interview he had me drawn and very entertained, I miss that about wrestling. Cena in real life, and in his 2006 and 2007 days had very good mic skills in my opinion but today... well hes gone fruity shall we say?!? 5 questions were awesome so he can talk the talk.

Ability to entertain ME EDGE!!
Mic skills

Cena hands down! No contest. One of the best mic workers of all time. Edge is very good on the mic, take nothing away from him, but Cena is really one of the best ever.

In ring ability

Hmm, I enjoy both guys in ring work. Cenas' had better matches then Edge, but I still love watching Edge work. So slight edge to Cena.


Edge hands down. I like Cena a lot but Edge to me is more interesting. I loved his ultimate oppurtunist gimmick.

Ability to entertain YOU

Tie here. Can't pick one over the other.

So Cena wins by a hare.

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