Edge & Christian Reunion.


Dark Match Jobber
Ok so just putting out there. What do you think would happen if E&C were to reunite?? Would or could this ever happen. I think it would go a long way to fixing the tag division.

If you were making the reunion how would you do it??


I would make a tag title match at WM26 which is about the time of Edge's return. Make it a 3 way elimination tables match. After the match Jericho gets on the mike and starts running his mouth. thats when Edge comes out and he says he sick and tired of hearing Y2J voice and that you can be the best with out beating the best. Christian comes out of the crowd and attacks Jericho. Edge then joins him to double team Y2J and slam him through the last table in the ring.

This would also give jeff a good reason to come back after a little break.
I think it would be awesome if they reunited and I think we will see it, when and how though, who knows. While I like your idea, I don't think they will be paired up again right off the bat. First off Christian has to get off of ECW and go to Smackdown or Edge has to go ECW upon his return. While I am sure since we have easily six months left before Edge returns, I am sure Christian will be moved by then. However they will tease us for a while about then teaming up again. Edge will return and at some point Christian will find him in the back and offer his hand and say he's glad to see Edge back. Then they will do some more minor stuff like that. Edge helping Christian out and vice versa, but not actually teaming yet. Then maybe after a few months, maybe they'll have a few tag match together... then we will likely see them reunite for a while again. That's what I think will happen. Either way I'm gonna MTFO when it happens.

Good post, keep it up and hopefully you'll be out of here soon my man.
If they were to reunite it would be epic for the tag team division. Imagine E&C vs Y2J & Big show in a TLC match for the tag titles. Bring a little bit of the( in my opinion) golden age of Hardcore tag teams.
I said this on another thread, but...

The scenario I would run for this reunion would be Regal winning the ECW Title first due to interference from Jackson and Kozlov. Then the next night on ECW, Christian challenges Regal’s Team with a mystery partner. I’m sure you can figure out the rest. This makes a smooth transition for Christian to drop and stay away from the ECW Title and Edge can say, “I helped you with your issue, now help me with mine and let’s take the Tag Titles from Big Slow and Christina. Promos for E & C would be Instant Rated R Classics!! Now for those with the benefit of flash photography, here is the Unified 5 second pose...

Heres how I hope it happens. Y2Show dominate all the way to Wrestlemania, and they have to face Edge and a mystery partner in a TLC Match. It is indeed Christian and E&C reunite.
"for the benefit of those with flash photography"

Not for those with the benefit of flash photography.

Sheesh, and you call yourselves E&C marks.
I never said I was an Edge and Christian Mark. Edge and / or Christian aren’t even in my own Top 10. I said I was a SMark and I said I was a fan of E & C, but I’m not and E & C Mark.

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