Edge and Jericho Tag Team Champs!


Pope of Dope
So I'm reading the live coverage of The Bash, and all of a sudden Edge and Jericho join the Triple Threat for the Unified Tag titles?!?!!? WOW WWE finally gives more credit to the tag team division! Maybe it's because TNA has been REALLY making there tag team division shine, possibly a punch for punch? what are your thoughts on this monumental swerve? Ironicly I was just posting on why Edge wasn't on the Bash's card but WOW!
Edge and Jericho.

Constant chants of Edge and Christian through out and Chris even made a comment about it during the Match to a fan that got a kick out of it. So I ask is this good for Tag-Team Division?

Personally I think this is great. This is gonna re-make the Tag Team Division into something amazing. Now they have 4 Good Tag Team (Hart Dynasty, Legacy, Edge and Jericho, Carlito and Primo) This is gonna be great because now you have 2 Main Event guys in the Tag Team Division.
I love this tandem. Hopefully this is more then just a 1 shot deal, let them hold the titles for a few months. The only thing better would have been if Edge and Christian won the belts, and did a 5 SECOND POSE!

One thing I worry about is if they give them the titles, and let them dominate the Tag division (which is very possible).
Well Edge gets his 13/14th time as a tag team champion, with his sixth tag team partner. After The Colons were given a shot to run with the title belts, they had them taken away. Could this mean that the unified tag team championships are forever? I think that this gives Christian a chance to move over to Smackdown after not winning the ECW Championship, and tag with Rey Mysterio in a feud.
As I said in the LD, I hate this.

Why? What purpose does this serve? It's oh so clear both guys just are dying on Smackdown and are in desperate need of a push. The titles could work in the Unified format, but OF COURSE we just have to have them go back on two big stars that flat out do not need them. There was no other way to set up Edge vs. Jericho? Bullshit. The booking of these are always the same and they're never worth the titles like this. It's lazy booking and even more killing of the tag titles.
Could this of been done to have edge and jericho appear on raw now to have a fued with dx when hbk returns maybe?
or even to start a fued between edge and jericho where they rip thorugh the tag division, lose the titles, break up and have a world title match at wrestle mania 26?
I have to say that I had my fingers crossed for Christian to come out. That said, I am happy for my fellow canucks. I do have an interesting theory on how things will develope. For some reason or other Jericho will turn on Edge, giving him the face turn we all expect. After that they will seperate the vacated titles and award them in either tournement style or simple championship matches. Another story that comes to mind is they each take a title and find new partners and feud with each other that way. thoughts?
I didn't like this because I didn't get to earn back 50 that I betted at the v-bookies section, and now i'm short 41 from what I originally had (100 from what I could have had).

Despite that, I'm curious to see what's going to happen on Sd! and possibly even Raw now that legacy is involved in this.
i think this is a great way to let jericho and edge bring instant credibility back to the tag team championship. i like the colons dont get me wrong, but i just cant see them being the best two tag partners in the WWE. A Champion has to be believable to me, for example i was not a fan of rey mysterio being world champ. nothing against him, hes a great worker who i have nothing but respect for. but im really getting off point, quite possibly induced from the blunt im smoking. so basically i see a few months of great tag team wrestling that i will find much more entertaining than most of this other crap im seeing. then on the edge face turn, which frankly has to happen, fueding him with jericho in what i hope will be given the same time frame as jericho's current feud with rey. Talk about potential feud of the year. imagine the promos and the great in ring chemistry. 1st post how i do?
So I got on, started reading the results for The Bash. So I saw the Mysterio win. I was dissapointed. But I marked out when I saw Edge/Jericho were in the match. And when I saw they won, well, I was nearly orgamic.

Wow, where to start. Well first off this brings credibility to the titles. I mean, don't get me wrong, the The Colons are that credible yet. Edge and Jericho, two experienced main Eventers, former World Champs, now with nothing to do (you knew whyen Mysterio took the title that fued was over) on SD! teaming up and winning the titles. It brings credibility.

This also brings credibility. Imagine the ladder matches these guys could have. Against Legacy, against The Hart Dynasty, heck against anybody. And imagine a tag team ladder match with these two against The Colons? That would be epic, at least to me. This will bring some good action back to the Tag Division.

Good work creative, you made a good dicision, I'm excited to see where this goes.
I was happy by the decision to give Edge and Jericho the tag belts. Mainly because both these guys are main eventers and since the unified tag belts are accessible to all three brands, we might be in for some good tag team matches with Legacy, Colons, and the Hart Dynasty. The best part is there is no way the WWE will keep Jericho and Edge off T.V. or rarely use them like they did to the past couple of tag champs. So we will most likely be getting some good feuds going here.
I LOVE the pairing of Edge and Jericho. Edge and Christian were great. Jericho and Christian were great. This team will be great. The only problem is that we still do not have a tag team division...and if you want to argue that we do, it's certainly not at the level it was with E+C or J+C.

Who are they really going to feud with? Remember both Edge and Jericho are two of the most decorated wrestlers in the WWE today. Would you really buy that they could lose to any current team? The Colons? Next to E+J they look like tag team jobbers. Cryme Tyme? Same thing. Leagacy. Sorry, but the way Legacy has been booked they are basically a team of Brooklyn Brawlers. They are portrayed as chumps that follow Orton and that's all. The Hart Dynasty? That's the only team that I would consider buying at the moment, but they too would seem like a weak loss for E+J.

Basically there are no superior tag teams and without in fighting between E+J I just wouldn't buy that they could lose to any team.
I think the one main thing that is a disappointment is that Legacy didn't win. They've been a team that has been heavily underminded by Creative and I thought they were finally were going to give them a push for more credibility, only to pull out at the last minute.

I think Edge and Jericho will do fine, but now comes the question of, how will they lose the belts? The only way I could ever see this happening is due to a third party ie Randy Orton. If Legacy were facing them, no way will they win unless Orton help, they're not going to do a Spirit Squad on E&J.

At least it will stop people moaning that Edge gets too many World Title shots though ;)
Done purely to get Jericho & Edge on Night Of Champions.

Good thing for the titles. Two singles superstars always get more intrest than a regular tandem. People complain about WWE not doing much with their tag division. Now they have, even if it's only for a month or so.

Hopefully it'll lead to a feud between them.
Well after watching last nights "The Bash" i was a little upset when Edge and Jericho won the tag straps bc i was hoping for Legacy to take them....

I am also usually against the idea of 2 non-tag team members to just join for no reason whatsoever....BUT ive changed my thinking...

here goes...WWE Raw needs main event players, they are out Batista, Micheals and i am not a Batista fan however those are 2 big losses. With the new tag champs they can now both compete on RAW and ECW as well as their home show Smackdown.....Secondly i am sure this will as it usually does when 2 randoms are put together to a Jericho/Edge feud with a probability of 1 of the 2 (if any i hope Egde) turning face....

let me know how you think this will help WWE more importantly RAW...
i didnt watch bash...but im excited to be able to see edge and jericho on raw, as i dont want smackdown much. i was hoping for legacy to win also, but im interested to see how this all works out. It will be 100% better than having the straps on primo and carlito
The purpose it serves to put the titles on Edge and Jericho is much like when they put the titles on Kane and Taker (the Brothers of Destruction) it makes the Tag Titles seem worth a damn, when you have two of your biggest heels in the company carrying them.

Sure they could have slapped them on Legacy, so all 3 members had gold, but would Rhodes and DiBiase be as credible as champions? Hell no, when was the last time either of them one a singles bout, let alone a tag match. Don’t get me wrong I like the concept of Legacy, and I think Rhodes and DiBiase have a good future in the WWE ahead of them, but they’ve been on a losing streak since before WM25, and due to that they don’t deserve to hold the Tag Titles.

Now back to topic of Edge and Jericho. By making them the tag champs, they can both be kept away from CM Punk and Hardy, as well as the World Title. Edge and Jericho are both well established champions and Main Eventer’s. Edge has had a major role in the last 4 WM, as well as being in the almost ever main event on a PPV in the past 2-3 years. Jericho has proven that he can start a feud and keep the fire going under it while keeping it interesting. Not to mention the fact neither of them enters into anything half assed. They’ll push to defend the titles on every brand if they have to, and bust their ass to make the tag division what it once was. They will also put over the younger teams on the roster, which is what Legacy, the Hart Dynasty, and the Colons need. Those three teams feature some of the future top talent the WWE has to offer, so working with two of the best Vets the WWE has, will only make them better long term.

As far as keep both Edge and Jericho away from the Main Event, and the World Title its simple. If Hardy is staying with the company(rumor has it at least until Summer Slam) CM Punk can have a nice slow heel turn over the next two months, that way it is not rushed, and the fans really get a chance to hate him and he can keep building on heat. It also keeps Hardy in a long term Main Event Feud and I will put money down that we haven’t see the best that CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy has to offer yet.

Also a good point is that if the bottom falls out of the Punk/Hardy Feud, it would be really easy to break Edge and Jericho up to get them back into the World Title picture. They could do this as a battle of the Egos (this is Edge and Jericho were talking about) or by pushing Jericho as a heel, and possible turning Edge face in a slow churn process.
This will be great if they do it the right way...this gives fresh matches to help put Legacy over and take them out of every main event...I do think they will get the straps but it also puts Edge and Jericho at NOC, which is great because I am going. RAW needs more star power and this is the way to do it.. I hope we see Morrison get into SD's main event picture
This has been done for 2 purposes:
1) To use the tag belts as a way to begin a feud between Edge and Jericho (obviously with Edge turning face). This wasn't done to help to tag division this was simply done to further the eventual rivalry between these two.
2) Top give Edge and Jericho a spot on the Night of champions card. Since there's going to be a Hardy/Punk re-match for the world title these other main eventers need a title to compete for so they can be on Night of Champions so BOOM slotted into the tag division. After Night of Champions the tension will really build leading to a break-up and a match at Summerslam between Edge and Jericho which will be very very good.
I think this is a very good thing for the Tag Team Division right now. We now have 4 decent to good tag teams (Legacy, The Colons, Edge and Jericho, and Hart Dynasty). I see E&J helping the younger tag teams establish themselves as legit teams.

I'm not sure who will tqke the straps from them, hopefully Hart Dynasty but, probably Legacy. Edge and Jericho will probably start having some tension between them until one turns on the other (Heel Jericho turns on Face Edge).

This would lead them to a potential feud of the year. This feud for me has been long awaited since Jericho moved to SD! We have seen this in the past but, not at the level Jericho and Edge are at now. These two would put on a literal show stopper. I think we might see an Edge vs Jericho Title match for Wrestlemania 26 but, that might be looking to far into the future.

VERY good decision by WWE to make E&J te tag team champions. This adds a whole new twist to all shows (RAW, SD!, and ECW) because, they will most likely appear on each show at least once while holding the belts.
2 all of u j-brons that want 2 edge & christian b a team again need 2 wake up and realize it won't happen. I rather see Christian b on his own then 2 be held down by edge again that team is done so get over urselves. As far as u thinkin that they're only 3 tag teams ther than the champs need a reality check. Here is a list of the current tag teams:
Edge & Chris Jericho [sd!]
Carlito & Primo (The Colons) [raw]
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (Legacy) [raw]
David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd (The Hart Dynasty) [ecw]
Benjamin & Haas (The World's Greatest Tag Team) [sd!]
Shad & JTG (Cryme Tyme) [sd!]
Goldust, Festus, Hornswoggle (The Oddities 2.0) [raw]
Mark Henry & Jack Swagger (They've teamed up a few times and r good as one) [ecw]

So that is current list of tag teams in the WWE. I hate ppl who think there is only 3 teams WWE has. Yes most of us dont get smackdown and some of u forget their tag teams
The titles could work in the Unified format, but OF COURSE we just have to have them go back on two big stars that flat out do not need them.

The stars don't need the belts, but the belts definitely need the stars. The tag division hasn't been anywhere near it's former glory in recent years, and having 2 big stars looking to care about the division makes it seem more credible. The fact they want the belts will make fans watch this division because they think of the tag titles as suddenly something bigger. And at the end we get Edge vs. Jericho. It'll be fun.
2 all of u j-brons that want 2 edge & christian b a team again need 2 wake up and realize it won't happen. I rather see Christian b on his own then 2 be held down by edge again that team is done so get over urselves. As far as u thinkin that they're only 3 tag teams ther than the champs need a reality check. Here is a list of the current tag teams:
Edge & Chris Jericho [sd!]
Carlito & Primo (The Colons) [raw]
Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase (Legacy) [raw]
David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd (The Hart Dynasty) [ecw]
Benjamin & Haas (The World's Greatest Tag Team) [sd!]
Shad & JTG (Cryme Tyme) [sd!]
Goldust, Festus, Hornswoggle (The Oddities 2.0) [raw]
Mark Henry & Jack Swagger (They've teamed up a few times and r good as one) [ecw]

So that is current list of tag teams in the WWE. I hate ppl who think there is only 3 teams WWE has. Yes most of us dont get smackdown and some of u forget their tag teams

Edge holding Christian back? I think you are mistaken. When Christian left the WWE he was a mid carder, went to TNA and had 2 TNA Title runs and remained a mid carder, then he returned to the WWE, got put on the C-show and went right back into the Mid Card. Oh and hes still a Mid Carder, jobbin it up to the likes of Mark Henry, Finley, and Tommy Dreamer

Edge was busy getting into the Main Event Picture, where hes stayed for the past 4 years. Hes was in the Main Event in the past TWO WMs, and been in the main event at almost every PPV in the past 3 years. Not to mention hes won a Major Title 9 times in the past 4 years. Hes had a number of great feuds with the likes of Cena, Undertaker, both the Hardy's, and Big Show. Lets not even talk about the greatness that was Rated RKO.

As far as your tag teams go, Shelton and Haas dont need to reform TWGTT, Shelton needs to stay as a solo wrestler, and they should keep pushing him to the upper mid card, stick Haas with Knox, and let them run as a tag team.

Goldust, Festus, Hornswoggle (The Oddities 2.0) please god no. If they are paired up as a tag, they better job every week, because they will kill the small shred of credibility the Tag Titles are gaining.

Team Henry with someone else, and move Swagger to Raw or Smackdown. He could be a much bigger star on one of the main shows.
I was live at the Bash and it was a great show. The best part was the Tag match though. Legacy is SO boring and the Colons are OK. Hopefully Jericho and Edge can bring some life to the tag division. For the people that say Legacy doesn't get enough chances you are lost. They are in damn near every main event. It was SO predictable that they were going to come out and help their buddy Randy, it ruined the main event. I am so sick of Legacy.
Putting two guys that weren't exactly com padres before the title shot doesn't seem to be the best move to me. Personally, I would have rather seen someone such as Edge and maybe CHRISTIAN win the belts. If that would have happened, it would have been the mark out moment of the entire year so far. Of course, that would be logical and that's something the WWE doesn't seem to have a concept of these days. Logic.

HOWEVER, as long as I can recall, I don't remember Jericho being a World Tag Champion in the WWE, so this adds to another accomplishment from Y2J. Hopefully, this will be a good run with the belts and create some interest in the Tag Titles. And I wouldn't mind seeing Edge and Jericho on Raw AND Smackdown, being Unified Tag Champions and all. So it could have its benefits. But not having Legacy winning the gold just proves that the WWE doesn't have faith in them putting anything into the Tag Team division. It shows that the WWE is willing to give the Tag Team division a shot in giving the belts to the two more over wrestlers on the roster. I'm curious to see how this turns out. However, they could have done a better move than putting Jericho and Edge together as Tag Champs.

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