Eddie Guerrero - The Untold Story

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
November 13, 2005---It’s been 5 years since that fateful day. The day that one of the greatest wrestlers to ever walk inside a squared circle had passed away. We all loved him; we all cheered for him; we all marked out for him; we were all saddened by his abrupt death. I am talking of course, of none other than the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie Guerrero was one of those wrestlers that would only come once in a lifetime. There was just something about his charisma and personality that would make it hard for anyone to hate the guy. Always joking around, wanting to make people laugh, easy-going, out-going, you name it; Eddie was the definition of great man. To the same time, his passion for wrestling was immense. Always striving to entertain the fans at any cost; always delivering. I find it hard to believe how anyone could ever hate Eddie.

Unfortunately, came his untimely death. A death that [quite possibly] no one had foreseen coming. Before he died though, it was told that he was scheduled to be the leader of the Survivor Series team. There were also rumors that spoke of Eddie being scheduled to win the World Heavy-weight championship in the near future. Whether this was true or not, we will never know seeing as how the man is dead.

But that brings me to the question of this thread: What do you think the future would have held for Eddie had he not died back in 2005?

The question explains itself. There have always been arguments and predictions concering what would have been the future of Eddie Guerrero had he not died in 2005. Some claim he would have eventually made it back to main-event status and stayed there. While others claim that his future was ultimately reserved as mid-carder for life. Hell, there are even some that say that Eddie Guerrero would have had a similar path than that of our very own Chris Jericho.

Everyone has their own opinion. But what is yours? What do you think would have been instore for Eddie?
Honestly I think he would've been an upper midcarder for half a year or a full year before moving up to the main event status by winning the WHC.There he would've stayed and been champion multiple times and had great feuds.Eddie was one of those guys who knew how to excite the fans and could've gone on to do great things. If he was still alive today and was in the main event picture on Smackdown he could feud with the likes of Edge, who he already had a feud with in the past and their chemistry was amazing. He could feud with newcomers Jack Swagger and Alberto Del Rio in a feud with Swagger like the Angle/Eddie feud that led up to WM20. Alberto Del Rio could've feuded with him as Eddie wanted revenge for Alberto putting Mysterio out of action.
I think Eddie would have dropped back down to the mid-card for a while, we all know he was having problems dealing with the pressures of holding the WWE title, so I reckon another Intercontinental title would have been the best for him.

However, Eddie was so talented and over with the fans that I do believe he would have eventually won another World title in the WWE, and be better equipped to deal with the pressure of this 2nd time around. There would have been some ready made feuds for Eddie, with some great talents such as Edge, Orton and even Triple H (although we all know how that one would have turned out!). Hell, when Jericho returned to "SAVE US" he could have feuded with Eddie over the belt, that would have given us another great series of matches, perhaps a "best-of-five" series or something along those lines?

If Eddie was still with us today, he would be a role model to all the young wrestlers on the roster as an example of someone who overcame their inner demons and addictions and rose to the very top of their industry. Everyone would respect Eddie, and he could have feuded with Swagger, McIntyre, Sheamus and perhaps even Kane for the World Title.

There was still so much Eddie could have accomplished in the wrestling business, it is so sad that he is no longer with us. Had he continued as a top-level wrestler I think Eddie Guerrero would have been a multi-time World Champion and would have gone down as a true legend of the sport, he was that damn good!

RIP Latino Heat, you are sadly missed
I believe Eddie would of always stayed around the world title picture, defanately one of the wrestlers who took his time to get to main event status lik edge and jerricho and would still be there. You can tell he woulda stayed there as just before he died he was around the title scene wit batista. Eddie had the ability that few wrestlers have, he made the opponent look great, better than they actually are, and he always put on great matches for the fans. Anyone who is a main eventer at wrestlemania, mans WWE believed in EDDIE as a champ. eddie would defo be a mulitple time champ by now and on the current smackdown brand he could have an entertaining feud with kane. RTP eddie u are still missed in the wrestling world
the night Eddie died, he was going to become the new World Champion, but his death caused a shakeup in Mania plans the company had. Kurt Angle may have never went to Smackdown if Eddie died, and Mania 22's Smackdown Main-Event was going to be Eddie vs. Orton for the WHC.
I don't think there is much doubting the fact that he would have won a second WHC. Stephanie Mcmahon has gone on record saying that the November 18th Smackdown was supposed to be headlined by a match between Orton, Batista and Guerrero for the WHC and Eddie was supposed to win it as Batista had gotten injured.

Keeping that in my I think he would have feuded with Orton as a face until Batista returned. When Batista haad made his return I think Eddie would have turned heel knowing that he could not beat Batista in a one on one match.

I think Eddie's death was a big loss for wrestling. He was, as the OP says, extremely charismatic and could play a face or a heel with equal ease. He would have been either main eventing or perhaps involved in a great feud had he not died.

Plus I do not think we would have had to see Rey Mysterio as the World Champion.
Aw I remember before he died watching his last televised match with Mr.Kennedy, watching and laughing at Eddie doing the finish where he'd pretend Ken hit him with the chair. Eddie's selling of that was so brilliant and funny, thinking of it now makes me smile so much! He was just fantastic, great in the ring with bags of charisma.

As for what Eddie would be doing know, I think he'd actually be perfect in the upper midcard role Jericho is in now, able to easily flit between the main event and mid card without it seeming like a drop down. As people have said, Swagger and Del Rio would have been perfect feuds for him, I think a face Eddie and heel Batista feud would have been something special. Its interesting thinking about it, would Vickie have had a bigger or smaller role in the company if Eddie was still alive?
I doubt there would've been too much change in Eddie Guerrero's life if he was still alive. He would most likely have gotten one or two extra world titles, yet he wouldn't have done much more in the business in terms of the main event. He would've been an upper mid-carder or lower main eventer in terms of the way that Chris Jericho is. And he would most likely also have become just like Chris - Great "enhancement talent".

Eddie was great, there's no denying that. And he would've continued to be great. He would've continued to shine in a WWE ring, and he would've continued to have good feuds. Yet I doubt that he would've become much more than that. He would've most likely become like Benoit, a strong mid-card champion like he was after he lost his world title. The world of wrestling has changed a lot, and there's many big names around that Eddie would've needed to step aside to allow to shine. He would've helped them shine, yet nothing more than that.
November 13, 2005---It’s been 5 years since that fateful day. The day that one of the greatest wrestlers to ever walk inside a squared circle had passed away. We all loved him; we all cheered for him; we all marked out for him; we were all saddened by his abrupt death. I am talking of course, of none other than the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.

to each his own i guess, i was never really thrilled with eddie guerrero and never thought he was impressive. he was a GOOD wrestler no doubt.. but "great"? i hardly think so. i never loved him, i never cheered for him, marked for him, and quite frankly wasnt all that surprised by his death. maybe it's the cynic in me, but when i heard he died my first thought... and i am sure the first thought of millions of wrestling fans everywhere.. was "i wonder what drugs did him in this time."

Eddie Guerrero was one of those wrestlers that would only come once in a lifetime. There was just something about his charisma and personality that would make it hard for anyone to hate the guy. Always joking around, wanting to make people laugh, easy-going, out-going, you name it; Eddie was the definition of great man. To the same time, his passion for wrestling was immense. Always striving to entertain the fans at any cost; always delivering. I find it hard to believe how anyone could ever hate Eddie.

and i am assuming that you know this because youre a personal friend of his family and know what he was like outside of the ring, or even in the lockerrooms backstage? just because you "bought into" his gimmick, dont assume to know the man at all.

Unfortunately, came his untimely death. A death that [quite possibly] no one had foreseen coming. Before he died though, it was told that he was scheduled to be the leader of the Survivor Series team. There were also rumors that spoke of Eddie being scheduled to win the World Heavy-weight championship in the near future. Whether this was true or not, we will never know seeing as how the man is dead.

and i am sure it wasnt too much of a big surprise to those who REALLY knew eddie that he died. a shock, maybe.. but a surprise, i dont think so. the man had been abusing drugs for YEARS... in fact only a few years prior he had been suspended from the wwe for drug use (i believe it was cocaine tho i could be wrong). for ANY professional wrestler to say that theyre shocked at anothers "untimely death" is a load of crap.. they ALL know they abuse drugs on a regular basis and the "shock" is that one of them usually gets caught dead from using

But that brings me to the question of this thread: What do you think the future would have held for Eddie had he not died back in 2005?

i would think a lengthy stint in rehab, for starters... but i CAN tell you this much.. rey misterio would NEVER have held the world title and vickie would NEVER have had a job with vince. vinnie mac cashed in on the sympathy and perhaps you dont quite remember... but they wore the black armbands for over a YEAR of his death.. vince beat that cash cow into the ground, then stomped on it to make sure he got every last dime

The question explains itself. There have always been arguments and predictions concering what would have been the future of Eddie Guerrero had he not died in 2005. Some claim he would have eventually made it back to main-event status and stayed there. While others claim that his future was ultimately reserved as mid-carder for life. Hell, there are even some that say that Eddie Guerrero would have had a similar path than that of our very own Chris Jericho.

dont even BEGIN to compare eddie guerrero to chris jericho!

Everyone has their own opinion. But what is yours? What do you think would have been in store for Eddie?

well it would have to happen after he got out of rehab.. providing he actually WENT of course... but maybe a few more IC title reigns and tag title reigns.. i dont know about another world title though.
November 13, 2005---It’s been 5 years since that fateful day. The day that one of the greatest wrestlers to ever walk inside a squared circle had passed away. We all loved him; we all cheered for him; we all marked out for him; we were all saddened by his abrupt death. I am talking of course, of none other than the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.

to each his own i guess, i was never really thrilled with eddie guerrero and never thought he was impressive. he was a GOOD wrestler no doubt.. but "great"? i hardly think so. i never loved him, i never cheered for him, marked for him, and quite frankly wasnt all that surprised by his death. maybe it's the cynic in me, but when i heard he died my first thought... and i am sure the first thought of millions of wrestling fans everywhere.. was "i wonder what drugs did him in this time."

Eddie Guerrero was one of those wrestlers that would only come once in a lifetime. There was just something about his charisma and personality that would make it hard for anyone to hate the guy. Always joking around, wanting to make people laugh, easy-going, out-going, you name it; Eddie was the definition of great man. To the same time, his passion for wrestling was immense. Always striving to entertain the fans at any cost; always delivering. I find it hard to believe how anyone could ever hate Eddie.

and i am assuming that you know this because youre a personal friend of his family and know what he was like outside of the ring, or even in the lockerrooms backstage? just because you "bought into" his gimmick, dont assume to know the man at all.

Unfortunately, came his untimely death. A death that [quite possibly] no one had foreseen coming. Before he died though, it was told that he was scheduled to be the leader of the Survivor Series team. There were also rumors that spoke of Eddie being scheduled to win the World Heavy-weight championship in the near future. Whether this was true or not, we will never know seeing as how the man is dead.

and i am sure it wasnt too much of a big surprise to those who REALLY knew eddie that he died. a shock, maybe.. but a surprise, i dont think so. the man had been abusing drugs for YEARS... in fact only a few years prior he had been suspended from the wwe for drug use (i believe it was cocaine tho i could be wrong). for ANY professional wrestler to say that theyre shocked at anothers "untimely death" is a load of crap.. they ALL know they abuse drugs on a regular basis and the "shock" is that one of them usually gets caught dead from using

But that brings me to the question of this thread: What do you think the future would have held for Eddie had he not died back in 2005?

i would think a lengthy stint in rehab, for starters... but i CAN tell you this much.. rey misterio would NEVER have held the world title and vickie would NEVER have had a job with vince. vinnie mac cashed in on the sympathy and perhaps you dont quite remember... but they wore the black armbands for over a YEAR of his death.. vince beat that cash cow into the ground, then stomped on it to make sure he got every last dime

The question explains itself. There have always been arguments and predictions concering what would have been the future of Eddie Guerrero had he not died in 2005. Some claim he would have eventually made it back to main-event status and stayed there. While others claim that his future was ultimately reserved as mid-carder for life. Hell, there are even some that say that Eddie Guerrero would have had a similar path than that of our very own Chris Jericho.

dont even BEGIN to compare eddie guerrero to chris jericho!

Everyone has their own opinion. But what is yours? What do you think would have been in store for Eddie?

well it would have to happen after he got out of rehab.. providing he actually WENT of course... but maybe a few more IC title reigns and tag title reigns.. i dont know about another world title though.

It's obvious that you hate Eddie Guerrero, but I am sure you are aware that he was clean for a good while when he died right?

And as another poster said Eddie was suppose to win the title and was told a couple days before dying.

I don't think he would have been a Cena ME but he would have been in the cycle to upper midcarder to ME when they decide to freshen things up.
I don't think it's a huge secret that Eddie was getting the World Title from Batista, completing his full heel turn on Batista. I suspect that reign would have lasted to WrestleMania 22 as Batista was most likely going to be back before then and then beat him at the PPV. After that, he'd probably have floated around a little on SmackDown, maybe gone over to Raw and do what he did best; make people look good.

Eddie was a world class performer in terms of making people look great and by hook or by crook, he could make the worst wrestler in the world look credible. He was also fantastically entertaining, and a face Guerrero was probably one of the most over men in WWE, especially whenever the WWE was near large Latino populations. Hell, go back and watch his WWE Championship win over Lesnar in San Francisco and you'll understand.

Eddie's career was most likely going to start winding down post WrestleMania 22 anyway, due to his age and the love of his family. I would have seen Eddie lasting a few more years, doing what Jericho does, make people look good.

On a side note: RIP Eddie Guerrero; The Heat Lives On.
Eddie was a great in wrestling. He was a great wrestler and talented entertainer. As they have said before Eddie was supposed to win the belt at that next PPV. This would have made a big difference in WWE's landscape today and in my opinion for the better. If Eddie wouldnt' have passed away I personally do not think Chris Benoit would have snapped and killed his wife and son. So they would both still today be on top of there game. If you read any of the the Benoit killing books you know that he kept a journal to try and help him cope with Eddie's death. He would write to Benoit. If Eddie wouldnt' have passed away this wouldn't have happened and Benoit would still be here to.

I think both Eddie and Benoit would have been multi time champs and prob Eddie more than benoit because he was more entertaining. this would have cut the Cena, Orton, and Edge multi title reigns down some to. I think a main event Cena vs Eddie would have been a great feud and Eddie vs Orton would have been interesting. With Eddie messing with the mind of the Viper. Many other feuds would have taken place with the likes of Swagger, Sheamus, and CM Punk would have been interesting.
I believe he would have gone the way of Chris Jericho. Hanging around the upper midcard, and occasionly going into the main event. He would have held the Heavyweight title once or twice more, but more than likely would have been used to help the younger talent. And he was one of those superstars that would have stayed on Smackdown for most of his career, like the Undertaker and Rey. He was a great talent and was over big time with the fans, no denying that. And though he would have been mostly upper midcard, that's not a knock on Eddie. He would have had a great career.
November 13, 2005---It’s been 5 years since that fateful day. The day that one of the greatest wrestlers to ever walk inside a squared circle had passed away. We all loved him; we all cheered for him; we all marked out for him; we were all saddened by his abrupt death. I am talking of course, of none other than the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.

Eddie Guerrero was one of those wrestlers that would only come once in a lifetime. There was just something about his charisma and personality that would make it hard for anyone to hate the guy. Always joking around, wanting to make people laugh, easy-going, out-going, you name it; Eddie was the definition of great man. To the same time, his passion for wrestling was immense. Always striving to entertain the fans at any cost; always delivering. I find it hard to believe how anyone could ever hate Eddie.

Unfortunately, came his untimely death. A death that [quite possibly] no one had foreseen coming. Before he died though, it was told that he was scheduled to be the leader of the Survivor Series team. There were also rumors that spoke of Eddie being scheduled to win the World Heavy-weight championship in the near future. Whether this was true or not, we will never know seeing as how the man is dead.

But that brings me to the question of this thread: What do you think the future would have held for Eddie had he not died back in 2005?

The question explains itself. There have always been arguments and predictions concering what would have been the future of Eddie Guerrero had he not died in 2005. Some claim he would have eventually made it back to main-event status and stayed there. While others claim that his future was ultimately reserved as mid-carder for life. Hell, there are even some that say that Eddie Guerrero would have had a similar path than that of our very own Chris Jericho.

Everyone has their own opinion. But what is yours? What do you think would have been instore for Eddie?

Do you no Eddie personally? How do you he was a great man? All most of us know was what you read or what was on TV. Obviously Benoit is a perfect example of not really knowing anyone, albeit Eddie didn't kill anyone but you get my point. He wasn't one of the greatest wrestlers ever. He was good not great. But Eddie started to fade once the JBL feud kinda ran it's course, he lost the title, feuded and lost to Kurt Angle, teamed with big slow, was on the SS team and then the following year started feuding with several names like Kennedy, Mysterio etc. So basically he was starting to go back down to mid card status. None of these feuds or his last matches except what would have been survivor series 2005 had he not died were main event matches or feuds. He may have eventually won the title again, well never know but he most likely would've stayed in mid card status especially with his best feuds gone as in Lesnar left and JBL was on his way out..
I still miss Eddie. I don't think there was anyone more over at the time of his death. I've read that he was booked to win the world title when he died. And really you could tell he would have, his popularity was at a really high point in that angle with Batista. He would be in a similar place to Jericho I think.

One or two more world titles, and then a staple veteran of the upper mid-card. Oh, and Vickie probably wouldn't have been a heel character, screaming excuse me. But who knows. One of the most charismatic personalities of wrestling, and a master technician too. Not many like that today.
to each his own i guess, i was never really thrilled with eddie guerrero and never thought he was impressive. he was a GOOD wrestler no doubt.. but "great"? i hardly think so. i never loved him, i never cheered for him, marked for him, and quite frankly wasnt all that surprised by his death. maybe it's the cynic in me, but when i heard he died my first thought... and i am sure the first thought of millions of wrestling fans everywhere.. was "i wonder what drugs did him in this time."

Eh, well I guess I could go into convincing you other-wise and ridiculing how absurd what you said is but it's fine. Like you said, "To each his own"

and i am assuming that you know this because youre a personal friend of his family and know what he was like outside of the ring, or even in the lockerrooms backstage? just because you "bought into" his gimmick, dont assume to know the man at all.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I never said I did no him now did I? What I did was merely give some background information on the guy but in an emotional appeal. It's writers 101; you can't just discuss a topic without providing background information and evidence to support your claim (Same thing applies for making a thread). Oh, and what I said above was not buying into his gimmick. If you recall, his gimmick was "I lie, I cheat, I steal"...now how does what I said above resemble that? They are complete opposites. Also, that statement you quoted was more or less the words of Vickie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Jim Ross, Dean Malenko, and a couple of others. I merely translated what they said into my own words. So next time you want to assume----don't. You did a horrible job at it.

and i am sure it wasnt too much of a big surprise to those who REALLY knew eddie that he died. a shock, maybe.. but a surprise, i dont think so. the man had been abusing drugs for YEARS... in fact only a few years prior he had been suspended from the wwe for drug use (i believe it was cocaine tho i could be wrong). for ANY professional wrestler to say that theyre shocked at anothers "untimely death" is a load of crap.. they ALL know they abuse drugs on a regular basis and the "shock" is that one of them usually gets caught dead from using

Are you telling me that his death wasn't in the least bit shocking to you? Or is this more or less your way of saying you just didn't give a damn about Eddie? If so, don't go on about his drug use. Just stick to the topic at hand or don't visit this thread. It's that simple. If you hate Eddie so much, then just fuck off.

i would think a lengthy stint in rehab, for starters... but i CAN tell you this much.. rey misterio would NEVER have held the world title and vickie would NEVER have had a job with vince. vinnie mac cashed in on the sympathy and perhaps you dont quite remember... but they wore the black armbands for over a YEAR of his death.. vince beat that cash cow into the ground, then stomped on it to make sure he got every last dime

Ehhh...Well at least you answered my question to the thread. Though, I will say it was a shit response.

dont even BEGIN to compare eddie guerrero to chris jericho!

Are you kidding me? Eddie ranks in the leagues of Chris Jericho you know. Wait. I see. You're one of those guys that are only aware of what Eddie has done before going into the WWE. Well, listen here boy. Eddie comes from a long line of wrestling in his family. His father was the legendary Gory Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero is a true LEGEND in Mexico, defeating hundreds and hundreds of wrestlers including the child protege, El Hijo Del Santo. Now going into the states, Eddie journeyed to ECW here he established a major impact on the ECW crowd when he and Dean Malenko introduced their lucha libre style of wrestling to the hardcore fans----which they all took a major liking to. In WCW, Eddie started from scrap and rose to the top inch by inch until he became one of the top crusierweights WCW had to offer.

Now more importantly, you have the one thing that Eddie Guerrero was truly best at. And that was exciting the crowd at every turn. Eddie was a master of in-ring psychology. He knew exactly how to entertain the fans. If the fans were feeling sluggish, he would start off slow and eventually progress into more elegant and faster equipped moves. Every time pulling off an upset. Every time, getting huge pops from the crowd.

Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho are more alike then you think. I would go on a bit more but I feel this should be enough for you.

well it would have to happen after he got out of rehab.. providing he actually WENT of course... but maybe a few more IC title reigns and tag title reigns.. i dont know about another world title though.

There. Now how hard was it to just come up with a response. Everything else you said was really unessessary.

Do you no Eddie personally? How do you he was a great man? All most of us know was what you read or what was on TV. Obviously Benoit is a perfect example of not really knowing anyone, albeit Eddie didn't kill anyone but you get my point. He wasn't one of the greatest wrestlers ever. He was good not great. But Eddie started to fade once the JBL feud kinda ran it's course, he lost the title, feuded and lost to Kurt Angle, teamed with big slow, was on the SS team and then the following year started feuding with several names like Kennedy, Mysterio etc. So basically he was starting to go back down to mid card status. None of these feuds or his last matches except what would have been survivor series 2005 had he not died were main event matches or feuds. He may have eventually won the title again, well never know but he most likely would've stayed in mid card status especially with his best feuds gone as in Lesnar left and JBL was on his way out..

Another person who probably isn't aware of Eddie's background before going into the WWE. Do me a favor guy and read everything I said above. If you still have complaints or doubts, feel free to either quote me or direct a post to me. If not, well then all is good.
The truth is all of you guys are a being crybabies. You overrate someone because he died and you pretend to be so affected by it when the guy was a complete stranger to you. Honestly if you look at if from a technical standpoint he wasnt that great of a WWE product. Eddie didnt even get main event status in WCW which says how much they thought of him. Just because he had a faster more high flying approach to his perfomances doenst make him that great. The only reason other wrestlers praise eddie is because he was friends with most of them and they want to build his rep up to legend status since he died young. His whole gimmick at one point was 'lie cheat steal' and he had to fake an injury to trick the ref to win his matches. Thats a complete gimmick to attract attention to his latino heat character. Yes he was funny storyline wise but when he beat Brock that was a joke because the audience has to suspend disbelief and actually pretend like eddie could beat brock which in real life he couldnt. Basically he was no different than someone like santino with a character to play. The only reason Eddie made it in the business is because his family is famous and they got him in the buisness. If he was such an athlete and dedicated to the buisness why did he do all those drugs??? Anyways if he had lived he would have feuded with Batista and eventually would have went back down the mid card and probably be retired or in TNA right now.
The truth is all of you guys are a being crybabies. You overrate someone because he died and you pretend to be so affected by it when the guy was a complete stranger to you. Honestly if you look at if from a technical standpoint he wasnt that great of a WWE product. Eddie didnt even get main event status in WCW which says how much they thought of him. Just because he had a faster more high flying approach to his perfomances doenst make him that great. The only reason other wrestlers praise eddie is because he was friends with most of them and they want to build his rep up to legend status since he died young. His whole gimmick at one point was 'lie cheat steal' and he had to fake an injury to trick the ref to win his matches. Thats a complete gimmick to attract attention to his latino heat character. Yes he was funny storyline wise but when he beat Brock that was a joke because the audience has to suspend disbelief and actually pretend like eddie could beat brock which in real life he couldnt. Basically he was no different than someone like santino with a character to play. The only reason Eddie made it in the business is because his family is famous and they got him in the buisness. If he was such an athlete and dedicated to the buisness why did he do all those drugs??? Anyways if he had lived he would have feuded with Batista and eventually would have went back down the mid card and probably be retired or in TNA right now.

I think that is a bit harsh about him. Eddie was a good wrestler in the ring. But, you're right. Since his death, people made him out to be greater than he was. Would he get a few world title reigns? Probably. He'd be the go to guy when the real main eventers were injured. Face it, not one of you guys can honestly say you saw Eddie as a legit main eventer. And don't say he would've eventually reached that status. He was 38 years old when he died, if he was going to reach that status, he would've done it long before.

And as for the mark who mentioned his status as a Mexican legend, you're 16. There is no way you remember his pre-wcw days so don't bring up the fact that you youtubed a few of his Mexico matches.

I always saw Eddie as a career mid-carder, much like Dean Malenko and to a lesser extend Jericho and Benoit. None of them ever drew enough to be the main reason anyone would buy a PPV.
I think that is a bit harsh about him. Eddie was a good wrestler in the ring. But, you're right. Since his death, people made him out to be greater than he was. Would he get a few world title reigns? Probably. He'd be the go to guy when the real main eventers were injured. Face it, not one of you guys can honestly say you saw Eddie as a legit main eventer. And don't say he would've eventually reached that status. He was 38 years old when he died, if he was going to reach that status, he would've done it long before.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion and I’ll respect yours.

And as for the mark who mentioned his status as a Mexican legend, you're 16. There is no way you remember his pre-wcw days so don't bring up the fact that you youtubed a few of his Mexico matches.

This is what I wanted to respond to as it was directed to me.

I’m sorry, but youtube a few matches? :lmao: Listen, good sir, yes I am an Eddie mark. However, considering I am such a mark, don’t you think that I would be well aware of his background before jumping ships to WWE? Just because I didn’t exactly experience what happened [during that time], does not mean I don’t know jack-shit. I’ve seen countless Eddie WCW matches, countless Eddie ECW matches, and hell, countless Eddie matches when he was in Mexico as well as while he was in Japan---via Youtube, via DVD, via VHS, via LIVE---It doesn’t matter. As long as I know the facts, everything is dandy. And well, I do know the facts, so everything IS dandy.

I always saw Eddie as a career mid-carder, much like Dean Malenko and to a lesser extend Jericho and Benoit. None of them ever drew enough to be the main reason anyone would buy a PPV.

Not necessarily true. The fans---at the time---were hot for Eddie. I’m sure most fans would have bought the PPV just to see Eddie in the main-event. Of course, he doesn’t compete to the level of draw John Cena or Triple H make; but still, it’d have been a decent number.
People saying Eddie Guerrero is overrated because he's dead doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. If you watch his matches way back when he was in WCW they were saying he had the ability to be one of the all-time greats. That was 12-13 years ago!

Eddie may not have been a huge draw like John Cena, but only 2 other people in the history of the business can say they were that big a draws. Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. He was a major draw on Smackdown. He and Rey Mysterio were the 2 main reasons why that show was so popular amongst the Latino community.

You can't watch the match vs Brock Lesnar and the celebration afterward and say Eddie wasn't a draw with a straight face.

It's also incorrect to say that Eddie was on drugs when he died. He had been clean for years and didn't have any drugs or alcohol in his body when he died.

I think Eddie definitely would have one another World Title or to, maybe more had he been still alive. He was on tap to win his 2nd World Title when he passed.

Kinda sorta, but not really off-topic. I think that if Eddie hadn't passed away, Rey still would've been a World Champion. Maybe less people would be bitching about him being a World Champion, but he still would've been one.

Rey has always been a huge draw, and he was having Main Event type matches in the WWE before Eddie died. He definitely would've had an opportunity being one of the 3 top draws on Smackdown.

After Eddie passed away, somebody was gonna get that "I did it for Eddie" push. He had a lot of friends. Had it not been Rey, it probably would've been Chris Benoit, or Batista, or Chavo.

Eddie was always really fun to watch. He was a great heel, and a great babyface. He had that ability to make the crowd love him or hate him instantly. He could make the crowd turn on a dime.

He helped Americanize a style that hadn't really been seen in Mainstream American Wrestling.

Fuck who disagrees, Eddie was a GREAT wrestler! He could have good or great matches with just about anyone on the roster and that's what made him a great wrestler!
I'm answering your invitation to post here Mr. Awesome.

Actually, in a bit of a corny story, my first wrestling game was SvR 06, and I didn't even watch wrestling until a year later(go figure lol). I didn't know anyone in the game, but the favorite characters were Chris Benoit and Eddie, just by the way they looked, their music, and everything else. Anyway, I'm getting a bit off topic.

From what I hear Eddie was supposed to win The World Title from Batista in a triple threat with Orton on SD or something. If this is true, that's so sad as another reign from him would've been awesome. The way I see it, he probably would've won a few more midcard titles, maybe another World Title or two before mainly being used to help get the younger guys over, but I think he'd still be wrestling today, considering he'd be 43.

As far as people saying he's overrated, I agree but not that much. He was a great worker who gave his fans entertainment and feel good moments throughout his life, but I don't think he should be in The Hall of Fame.....yet. Maybe around now would be a better time for him to go in.

The bottom line is, Eddie was a grear performer who met an untimely death and will always be missed by his peers and his fans.

RIP Eddie. Lie, Cheat, Steal! Viva La Raza!!!

Talking to a lot of Canadians, eh? ;)

Anyway, I don't understand the point of answering a thread by saying shit about Eddie. Of course, it's your opinion, but why would you waste your time writing about how much you hate Eddie, or if he was better than Chris Jericho, or if he was the best wrestler ever? When someone makes a thread with a question, you answer it and you discuss! Simple.

Anyway x2, to answer your question, I think Eddie would have won the title sooner or later. Maybe in about 6 months after the incident. There were plenty of more people he could have feuded with. I'm pretty sure Rey Mysterio wouldn't have won the title. Eddie could have feuded with HBK, Kurt Angle, ect. Nothing too serious would have changed.

Thank you Eddie, for entertaining us. You are truly missed. RIP.
i think he would have won a mitb match in 07 or 08 and kept it for almost up to a year and cashed in at around no way out time. thts just eddie! and could have been a 4 time champ :)
thts just wut i think
I think he might have won the WWE or World Title a few more times over the next few years. There were times (Khali) that he could have really benefited from other people's injuries (Batista) and squeezed out a few decent reigns over the years.

But ultimately, he would have just been Eddie. He would have bounced between Heel and Face and probably would have been more than happy doing it. His feuds would have always remained riveting TV as he over-acted his ass off (lol). He would have had a hand in putting over many young superstars or superstars in the making.

His matches would have remained 5 star and he would have always had the shimmy.

He would have won the tag titles many times with many different partners. I think he would have had a crazy feud with Jericho. Probably a feud that would have been reignited every couple of years.

Damn I miss Eddie!!
Eh, well I guess I could go into convincing you other-wise and ridiculing how absurd what you said is but it's fine. Like you said, "To each his own"

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but I never said I did no him now did I? What I did was merely give some background information on the guy but in an emotional appeal. It's writers 101; you can't just discuss a topic without providing background information and evidence to support your claim (Same thing applies for making a thread). Oh, and what I said above was not buying into his gimmick. If you recall, his gimmick was "I lie, I cheat, I steal"...now how does what I said above resemble that? They are complete opposites. Also, that statement you quoted was more or less the words of Vickie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Jim Ross, Dean Malenko, and a couple of others. I merely translated what they said into my own words. So next time you want to assume----don't. You did a horrible job at it.

Are you telling me that his death wasn't in the least bit shocking to you? Or is this more or less your way of saying you just didn't give a damn about Eddie? If so, don't go on about his drug use. Just stick to the topic at hand or don't visit this thread. It's that simple. If you hate Eddie so much, then just fuck off.

Ehhh...Well at least you answered my question to the thread. Though, I will say it was a shit response.

Are you kidding me? Eddie ranks in the leagues of Chris Jericho you know. Wait. I see. You're one of those guys that are only aware of what Eddie has done before going into the WWE. Well, listen here boy. Eddie comes from a long line of wrestling in his family. His father was the legendary Gory Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero is a true LEGEND in Mexico, defeating hundreds and hundreds of wrestlers including the child protege, El Hijo Del Santo. Now going into the states, Eddie journeyed to ECW here he established a major impact on the ECW crowd when he and Dean Malenko introduced their lucha libre style of wrestling to the hardcore fans----which they all took a major liking to. In WCW, Eddie started from scrap and rose to the top inch by inch until he became one of the top crusierweights WCW had to offer.

Now more importantly, you have the one thing that Eddie Guerrero was truly best at. And that was exciting the crowd at every turn. Eddie was a master of in-ring psychology. He knew exactly how to entertain the fans. If the fans were feeling sluggish, he would start off slow and eventually progress into more elegant and faster equipped moves. Every time pulling off an upset. Every time, getting huge pops from the crowd.

Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho are more alike then you think. I would go on a bit more but I feel this should be enough for you.

There. Now how hard was it to just come up with a response. Everything else you said was really unessessary.

Another person who probably isn't aware of Eddie's background before going into the WWE. Do me a favor guy and read everything I said above. If you still have complaints or doubts, feel free to either quote me or direct a post to me. If not, well then all is good.

I see your a Guerrero fill in the blank. Did you no him personally? I doubt it so how would you no anything? I watched his WCW days as well as seen some of his New Japan days so i think i no enough, As i said he was good, not great. So don't act like I'm bashing the guy.

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