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Ed Ferrara to TNA wrestling

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History beckons the Macho Man!
WrestleZone exclusively reported earlier today that former WWE and WCW creative team member Ed Ferrara will be making his debut as a TNA creative team member starting at tonight's No Surrender PPV.

I am personally excited about this, while Russo/Farrara did some less than amazing things in WCW(storyline wise), these are the two men, with Vince McMahon as their filter, who wrote the attitude era when it was at it's best 1997/1998/1999. I don't think they will be able to re-create the attiude era or anything, but I do think we will see some great Impacts, that will be alot more interesting coming up, especially since we are on the road to Bound for Glory V.

Additionally, WrestleZone has learned that while nothing has been set in stone, there is talk within TNA right now of setting certain ratings goals for both Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara. The two would then have to achieve those goals in order to remain on board with TNA and the creative team. Again, this has just been talked about, and is not in effect at this time. We will keep you posted as we learn more details.

I think that is a very smart thing to do by making them prove their worth, and if they don't achieve a ceratin goal TNA management has for them then ferrara or both gets let go. See what they can do. I think they have alot great talent to work with. Especially now that they seem to be focusing alot more on the younger talent. I'm looking forward to seeing where the road to Bound for Glory 5 takes A.J. Styles and Matt Morgan.

So what does everyone think? Good or bad for TNA? What do you think about Ed Farrara and Russo being a team again?
I am also thrilled about this. Best move Dixie Carter could have made as far as Creative was concerned. And her listening to Russo to bring Ferrara back shows that Russo has some influence with her. It's great to see the Attitude Era team back together again and I am expecting some great things from them.

Hopefully, they will go back to their formula of Russo concentrating on the Main Event and Upper Midcard while Ferrara works on developing the Midcard level talent. That's been a problem in WWE as far as not successfully developing performers outside of the Main Event, even though they seem to be addressing the problem now. However, Russo and Ferrara were outstanding at constantly developing talent and getting the audience to care about all members of the roster ... not just the Main Event, by giving everyone something to do.

Again, looking forward to some great things from this team.

However, someone has to plant a bug in Carter's ear that she really has to step up her game in advertising and promoting the product. Creative can only do so much, but she has to find ways to go out and make viewers know her product even exists, otherwise producing a great show won't mean all that much.

I want to see an Attitude-Era like product in TNA, because we obviously aren't going to get it out of WWE. And with those two working together, I know that will be the closest thing to that Era that we can get in this day and age.
So I guess TNA's finally given up. I mean, do we realize this is EXACTLY what the WCW did to Russo/Ferrara during the last legs of company? This is not going to work out. You still have mostly older WCW wrestlers in the main event who aren't going to listen to anything either one of them have to say. This could be a sinking ship that's treading water at this point. There's NO reason to hire Ferrara. He has no one to filter his creativity, just like in WCW and in all likely hood, will be fired sooner or later. Nothing against Ferrara. He's a great writer, but needs an editor or a higher up to filter his creativity. He doesn't have that in TNA.

This could be a bad move or a desperate move for TNA. I don't think it's going to work out.
I'm with Lariat here as I'm skeptical. Ferrara and Russo worked ONE time. Other than that, meaning in WCW, it simply didn't work. Now it could work, but I'm not sold. These two together means a lot of over the top stuff, which is exactly what TNA needs to get away from. At the end of the day, the great wrestling and storytelling is what gets wrestlers over, not wild antics. That's worked only a handful of times and I can't picture TNA being able to pull it off. I guess it's possible, but I just don't like this going back to a team that worked a long time ago philosophy.
I'm going to keep this short: they need a filter. If they have one to guide them, it could work. If they pull the WCW/Oklahoma! stuff, TNA will be in trouble. Let's hope they're serious about the ratings thing. Russo and Ferrara have one more chance to prove their claim that they had as much if not more to do with the Attitude Era than Vince McMahon. I personally don't think it'll work, but as a wrestling fan, I'm anxious to see where this goes.
Great, fucking Ed Ferrera? Is there a book of instructions on how to destroy your company that TNA is following now or something? Seriously, how can anyone be excited over Ferrara being brought into TNA? He makes Vince Russo look like the most relevant man in wrestling.

Stupid, stupid move. They need new blood, not the same people that fucked up one of the biggest promotions in wrestling history. TNA creative just got even worse.
Great, fucking Ed Ferrera? Is there a book of instructions on how to destroy your company that TNA is following now or something? Seriously, how can anyone be excited over Ferrara being brought into TNA? He makes Vince Russo look like the most relevant man in wrestling.

Stupid, stupid move. They need new blood, not the same people that fucked up one of the biggest promotions in wrestling history. TNA creative just got even worse.

Yeah, TNA was doing a pretty good job with the booking and pacing of the show which I give a lot of credit Russo for. I guess Russo realized he was Vince Russo, and his job was to be a moron and live in 1999.

I'm guessing after BFG we'll start seeing the ideas of the new team come to surface in a form of a poll match, or maybe Cody Deaner as The KO Champion.
Probelmni is people ALWAYS want con concentrate on the past and not see if people have learned from their mistakes. Now i remember when people were complaining about Russo being the head Booker an he has put an emphasis of younger talent and have done that. You got 2 Vets in Sting and Angle in the Main Event with 2 younger stars AJ Styles and Morgan and i believe they will deliever a good match.

Why not give them least 2 months before you crap all over them?
The Problem i see with this situation is two things:

Firstly Ed Ferrera and Russo are in need of someone to filter their "creative" (I use that term losely) Ideas through, and unless TNA is going to hire Vince Mcmahon (which will never happen) to do that, then their is no need for the pair in TNA, I loved what TNA have done so far with some of their storylines but most of the booking has still been sub par, I see this move as something that is supposed to create the same aura as the attitude era back in the late 90's, its not gonna work and i swear if they screw with anyones disabilities or medical conditions again I will switch off and never turn back on, and i believe that alot of current TNA fans will do the same, the utter crap they pulled on JR was beyond stupid, the man lost his mother for crying out loud and has been dealing with Bells pausey for the majority of his adult life, and the Oklahoman gimmick was totally in bad taste and was a desperate attempt at garnering ratings.

Secondly TNA creative needs fresh faces, new blood and a new take on the industry as a whole, the reason WCW and ECW got over was because they where doing something different, not rehashing countless storylines done to death prior or bad gimmicks, they offered fans an alternative to the WWE's product, and the fact is TNA isn't doing this, they are just attempting to bring in viewers with mindless garbage and it wont work.

I also want to say that Ferrera should never be allowed near a wrestling ring again, he should never have even attempted to go for the cruiserwieght title let alone win it, that shows you how much russo and ferrera are ready to go to fulfill their own selfish needs.

From the next PPV i believe TNA will be on life support and in serious need of a change
Thats my two sense on the matter.
I'm not holding my breath about this. I know that some people get all excited about anything that concerns the Attitude Era, but Ed Ferrara joining TNA is nothing to cream your shorts over. I enjoyed the Attitude Era, but it's over and done with for the time being.

I know that some feel that Ferrara and Russo are geniuses because of the Attitude Era but, let's be honest, they need a filter. They had Vince McMahon to ok everything that went on the air in those days. I know people want to shit all over McMahon, it's a highly fashionable thing to do after all, but the guy generally does know what he's doing. How many shit ideas did these guys push that McMahon didn't go for I wonder? We saw what happened in WCW without that filter and it's something I have no interest in seeing again.

Now, maybe we'll all be proven wrong on this. I certainly hope so, but I'm far from ready to sing the praises of Ed Ferrara just yet
Just a quick comment.

Regarding this so-called filter that Vince McMahon was serving to be .... I don't know about any of you, but Russo and Ferrara have been gone since 2001 and since then, it has been all Vince McMahon, still serving as that filter ... and for all intents and purposes, is actually the Lead Writer of WWE programming. Has anyone been particularly impressed with what Vince has put on your TV sets the past couple years? I know I haven't. The words I hear tossed around have been "Stale", "Boring", "Same Old ... Same Old", "No concentration on the Mid Card or Tag Team Divisions", "Out of Touch with the Audience", etc.

So I'm not sure what good that particular "filter" would be, especially if that filter has lost his touch and his name happens to be Vince McMahon.
Has anyone been particularly impressed with what Vince has put on your TV sets the past couple years? I know I haven't.

Yes, but you're only happy with "edgy" storylines. Quality, at least for you, is basically the Attitude Era and you won't be happy with anything other than the Attitude Era in general. The Attitude Era is gone and I highly doubt it's going to be recreated in TNA.

The words I hear tossed around have been "Stale", "Boring", "Same Old ... Same Old", "No concentration on the Mid Card or Tag Team Divisions", "Out of Touch with the Audience", etc.

Yes, I'm sure you've heard those words tossed around by people on this site, but the IWC doesn't make up nearly as much of wrestling's audience as some try to hype it up to be. You can't please everyone. And yes, I agree that the WWE hasn't concentrated on the mid-card or tag team scenes much in the past few years. There has been a change in that, however, to some degree. More needs to be done on Raw regarding the mid-card division, but some progress has been made overall.

So I'm not sure what good that particular "filter" would be, especially if that filter has lost his touch and his name happens to be Vince McMahon.

Why? Because he doesn't have Mickie James or Melina walk down to the ring with nothing more to cover them than a few Ritz crackers tied to a string? Because the middle finger isn't flipped seventeen times a night? Please, the WWE has had to change with the times and you can see that mostly by switching on television in general. Where are all the controversial shows that pushed all the buttons 5 to 10 years ago? Shows like Ally McBeal, The Practice, Sex and the City, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, etc. stirred up controversy, sometimes made people angry or uncomfortable. They "thought outside the box" and all that and they were fashionable. These were shows that got nominated for oodles of Emmys and Golden Globes and were hailed by critics yadda yadda yadda. Shows that did what they did, however, aren't really there anymore. They're not around because the audience has changed, television has changed. Like everything else on tv, the WWE has changed with the times. The general wrestling audience simply doesn't want smut wrestling these days. It wouldn't bother me in the least if the Attitude Era came back, but it's not. I'm entertained by a lot of what the WWE is doing overall, some of it leaves me a bit cold, but no promotion is going to give everyone everything they want. The Attitude Era changed a lot of the perception of what wrestling could be and wrestling became a fad again. Blame it on the fall of WCW, changing times or whatever, but those viewers moved on to the latest thing. Vince McMahon hasn't lost "touch" overall. Sure, he does some things that I don't like sometimes, but that's nothing new. I'd like everything exactly the way I have in my head, we all would, but it's not going to happen. It doesn't mean that he's lost touch at all, it means that he knows what he has to do to keep the WWE in business. If that means pandering to more family oriented material, then that's what he'll do. If it means that the WWE has to portray women as vaccuous sexual objects like they used to, or do a mock of the Crucifixion then that's what he'll do. But the general WWE audience just doesn't hold with your view, at least not at this time. Revenue is up, ratings are up so Vince is going to do what any businessman would do in his place.
I'm not holding my breath about this. I know that some people get all excited about anything that concerns the Attitude Era, but Ed Ferrara joining TNA is nothing to cream your shorts over. I enjoyed the Attitude Era, but it's over and done with for the time being.

I know that some feel that Ferrara and Russo are geniuses because of the Attitude Era but, let's be honest, they need a filter. They had Vince McMahon to ok everything that went on the air in those days. I know people want to shit all over McMahon, it's a highly fashionable thing to do after all, but the guy generally does know what he's doing. How many shit ideas did these guys push that McMahon didn't go for I wonder? We saw what happened in WCW without that filter and it's something I have no interest in seeing again.

Now, maybe we'll all be proven wrong on this. I certainly hope so, but I'm far from ready to sing the praises of Ed Ferrara just yet

This is true; Vince has always run the ship how he sees fit. Everybody who has worked with him [including Russo, Heyman, and Cornette]-all have said Vince is a control and likes to micro-manage everything. A WWE booking meeting [as described by JJ Dillon, Heyman, and Cornette] is a brainstorming session, where people go over ideas and Vince picks and choose what he likes, formatting a TV show that Vince approves is nothing like being a booker, in reality you're putting together the show Vince thinks will draw. Hell, most people until like 2004 had to filter their ideas through Pat Patterson, because he knew how to approach Vince. Russo was no different than George Scott, Chris Kreski [The most successful writer under Vince], Paul Heyman, Bill Watts, JJ Dillon, Brian Gerwitz, Hayes, Lagana, and Jim Cornette.

Ferrara and Russo together don't really have anybody to filter them, and as we've seen they're easily manipulated by wrestlers, WCW being an example.

Dixie can't really be a filter, because in all honesty she isn't a "Wrestling person" she has to depend on people that know the business, and she is easily worked because she is illiterate to how the business works. The guys booking the show are basically working her in to doing what they want, opposed to what is best for business, this was Jarrett's job for 7 years, and now it's Russo job, and really I don't see it ending to well. We've seen what Russo can produce the last 10 years he hasn’t been under Vince's thumb, and for the most part it has all been failure, he has recently become more competent, but I think that was more because his job was on the line, now that he is back in his comfort zone, he'll start losing focus and it will shine through on the product

Everybody isn't made to be a leader; Vince Russo is one of these people. The guy needs somebody to tell him what to do.
This is a very interesting subject... We all saw how miserably Russo and Ferrea failed in the last days of WcW... But with all due respect, that roster was just doomed from the backstage bull and lawsuits and everything else... The only thing that could've saved WcW was a stable leader, whoever it may have been, but thats another subject completely...

Now, lets look at today... We have Vince's stale, boring ole wwe... With their PG rating and lack of edgy stars like Austin and Rock... TNA is in a very good position to try the "attitude" area gimmick... Will it work with the same two guys that it did ten years ago? I doubt it, but the effort should be very interesting to watch... Vince has let WWE fall to an all time low creatively so I don't think him being a filter is a big factor because he needs creative help himself... And Not From Freddie Prince Jr. thank God he got fired.... But with their lame characters and storylines, more adult orientated wrestling TV would be a better option... That's what sold the most, at wrestling's hottest time period... Austin, DX, nWo and many others would not be possible in a PG rated TV show....

Who may have been a better option for TNA???

Paul Heyman.... The guy was a genius in ECW, with NO money!! think about it, nobody was better at making fans care about wrestlers that were nowhere near WWE quality... With the talent TNA has and Dixie's pocket book... I believe Heyman can produce way more risky TV than Ferrea and damn what a locker room sight it would be to have Heyman and Russo in the same creative table... But that's just my wishful thinking....
It will be interesting to say the least. I do not believe this will be some lifeblood for TNA, and I don't think it will kill the mild amount of good booking (compared to the mounds of crap) that has been done. It will simple make TNA a little better or a little worse. Lets face it, it has been better than it is so it can be better, and it has been worse and it could return there.

It is a 50/50 for me since these two have a 50/50 success rate. It all depends on just how they mesh. You know what they say, third time lucky.
Another thing about Russo and Ferrara it seems they want to book a wrestling company [well if teir shoot is any indication] with no wrestling, and only promos and nonsensical angles, that sounds like a Soap Opera. So why won't they just apply for a writing job on a Soap Opera?
Yes, but you're only happy with "edgy" storylines. Quality, at least for you, is basically the Attitude Era and you won't be happy with anything other than the Attitude Era in general. The Attitude Era is gone and I highly doubt it's going to be recreated in TNA.

I never stated that I would "ONLY" be happy with an Attitude Era product. If that is what you think, than you have grossly misconstrued my position. Hell, I've only had my signature up for a couple months so you could see what I actually advocate.

The Attitude Era is gone in WWE, however that doesn't mean that an Attitude Era like product can never be created again. And it will be. The wrestling business goes in cycles. If you think it's going to stay the way that it is forever, then I don't know what to tell you.

Yes, I'm sure you've heard those words tossed around by people on this site, but the IWC doesn't make up nearly as much of wrestling's audience as some try to hype it up to be. You can't please everyone. And yes, I agree that the WWE hasn't concentrated on the mid-card or tag team scenes much in the past few years. There has been a change in that, however, to some degree. More needs to be done on Raw regarding the mid-card division, but some progress has been made overall.

I'm curious how many casual fans you have actually surveyed that are actually thrilled with the WWE product? Listening to crowd ovations in arenas across the country and their overall enthusiasm level, I've been less than impressed.

Why? Because he doesn't have Mickie James or Melina walk down to the ring with nothing more to cover them than a few Ritz crackers tied to a string? Because the middle finger isn't flipped seventeen times a night? Please, the WWE has had to change with the times and you can see that mostly by switching on television in general.

WWE didn't have to change with the times. WWE changed because they had no competition and wanted a safer product that would be more attractive to advertisers. That was a conscious decision on their part. Nobody held a gun to their head and forced them to do anything.

At the same time, tell me when Women's Wrestling has ever been a proven draw? You want to see Women not treated like sex objects, however in a business dominated by Men. It is what it is. It may not be your cup of tea, but you can't hold a gun to people's heads and expect them to necessarily like what you like ... or in this case, be thrilled with Women's Wrestling.

I have no problem with a Women's Division, however I also have no problem catering the product to the interests of the primary target audience of Men Aged 18-34, as well as the interests that suits them. If you aren't interested in attractive women, than you certainly don't fit the normal interests of the primary demographic.

Where are all the controversial shows that pushed all the buttons 5 to 10 years ago? Shows like Ally McBeal, The Practice, Sex and the City, The Shield, Nip/Tuck, etc. stirred up controversy, sometimes made people angry or uncomfortable. They "thought outside the box" and all that and they were fashionable. These were shows that got nominated for oodles of Emmys and Golden Globes and were hailed by critics yadda yadda yadda. Shows that did what they did, however, aren't really there anymore. They're not around because the audience has changed, television has changed.

I would like you to support that claim that the "audience has changed" across television across the board. Cite something concrete that proves this claim, because it is a pretty bold one.

Like everything else on tv, the WWE has changed with the times. The general wrestling audience simply doesn't want smut wrestling these days.

You speaking for the entire wrestling audience is laughable. What this is, is nothing more than a pathetic attempt on your part to make a psychological ploy. And it isn't working.

If that is the case, then you tell me why the most controversial segments on WWE programming always produce the highest ratings. Stephanie McMahon getting abused by Orton did a 4.1.

Edge and Lita in the Live Sex Celebration scored above a 5.0 segment rating.

If the sexuality is there, it will sell. However, we have a case of WWE not catering to its target audience, but rather advertisers .... and therefore since there is no serious competition, simply expecting their audience to go along for the ride.

It wouldn't bother me in the least if the Attitude Era came back, but it's not.

Well, it's kind of hard for the actual Attitude Era to return, but don't be surprised to see an Attitude-Era like product return at some point. Which is exactly why people should be thrilled to see Russo and Ferrara together again in TNA to try to do what they can to give WWE some competition.

I'm entertained by a lot of what the WWE is doing overall, some of it leaves me a bit cold, but no promotion is going to give everyone everything they want. The Attitude Era changed a lot of the perception of what wrestling could be and wrestling became a fad again. Blame it on the fall of WCW, changing times or whatever, but those viewers moved on to the latest thing. Vince McMahon hasn't lost "touch" overall.

Sure he has lost touch. And he has become blind to the product. If he hadn't lost some touch with the product, then explain to me why even though he is the Lead Writer for WWE Television, why he has actually become frustrated with his own product, and can't figure out why he can't produce more stars? It's because he lost sight of pushing the Mid Card, developing talent, and actually trying to get them to formulate connections with the audience. Nobody is going to formulate a connection with the audience solely based on their wrestling skills, yet Vince didn't believe that to be the case, and keeps harping on the quality of matches. Well, as you can see, ratings certainly aren't going up by providing good matches on Free TV. Instead, something else is missing ... and that is the art of developing a feud, developing storylines, and giving the talent distinct personas to actually connect with the audience and get them intrigued enough to follow them weekly, and hopefully purchase PPV's.

Sure, he does some things that I don't like sometimes, but that's nothing new. I'd like everything exactly the way I have in my head, we all would, but it's not going to happen. It doesn't mean that he's lost touch at all, it means that he knows what he has to do to keep the WWE in business. If that means pandering to more family oriented material, then that's what he'll do. If it means that the WWE has to portray women as vaccuous sexual objects like they used to, or do a mock of the Crucifixion then that's what he'll do. But the general WWE audience just doesn't hold with your view, at least not at this time. Revenue is up, ratings are up so Vince is going to do what any businessman would do in his place.

Revenue is up because of rising prices across the board. However, that is a bubble and eventually the bubble will burst when the public gets tired of paying exorbitant prices. Hell, if he charged back in the Attitude Era what he was charging today, that Era would far surpass the PG Era in terms of profitability. However, running more Overseas tours, raising prices, and cutting salaries will certainly make for a more profitable product. So he is smarter managing budgets. That certainly isn't a reflection of the quality of the product.

What actually is a measurement of the quality of the product is attendance, ratings, and PPV buyrates. None of which is higher today as it was in the Attitude Era or even the Post Attitude Era.

All this comes down to is Vince trying to tell his audience what they "should be liking" as opposed to listening to his audience in what they want. Because if there was more competition, then Vince would be forced to cater to his customers, as opposed to his advertisers. The sad part about it is that wrestling fans still tuning into the product, even if they aren't happy with it, only proves Vince right in that he can tell them what they should be seeing, and they will be spoon-fed.

Another thing about Russo and Ferrara it seems they want to book a wrestling company [well if teir shoot is any indication] with no wrestling, and only promos and nonsensical angles, that sounds like a Soap Opera. So why won't they just apply for a writing job on a Soap Opera?

Because there are obviously a large portion of wrestling fans that want BOTH, wrestling and soap opera elements combined into one show. That isn't your cup of tea, because you would rather view wrestling as a legitimate sport, however there are many people out there that view wrestling quite differently than you do.

And welcome to Wrestlezone.
I'm not holding my breath about this. I know that some people get all excited about anything that concerns the Attitude Era, but Ed Ferrara joining TNA is nothing to cream your shorts over. I enjoyed the Attitude Era, but it's over and done with for the time being.

Thank you, thank you. That is what I was going to say. Everybody hypes the attitude era but like you say, it's done and over. They were in the right place at the right time ONCE and then proved they were nothing more than a flash in the pan. Considering the WCW crapfests these guys wrote, it is a slap to the face of the wrestling community that we would have to put up with these two guys together in the same place again. Hell, it would be like giving Joel Schumacher the chance to pen another Batman movie script for cryin' out loud! I think this will only hurt TNA because sooner or later they will be doing the same ******ed schtick and maybe stop TNA's forward momentum. Too bad they didn't go get somebody that's proven their love of the sport like, oh, Paul Heyman or something...
Because there are obviously a large portion of wrestling fans that want BOTH, wrestling and soap opera elements combined into one show. That isn't your cup of tea, because you would rather view wrestling as a legitimate sport, however there are many people out there that view wrestling quite differently than you do.

No, I don't really want wrestling to be a sport, I mean really I've always laughed at people whou thought it was anything but a carnival. If I wanted wrestling to be a sport, I would watch MMA. I just think a wrestling show is supposed to be booked like a wrestling show, I love gimmicks, hell, I watch old Memphis Wrestling Videos once a week and really they were all about wacky gimmics and were doing "Attitude" before there was an Attitude.

My taste varies.

Russo is just not capable of blending the two, unless he has somebody to tell what him to do, nothing wrong with that. That is why he as failed the last ten years.
Ed is pretty much the lowest of the low. Sure, Vince has done some pretty despicable things on TV, but Ed played the Oklahoma character, making fun of JR's bells Palsy, facial paralysis and all. Sure it was during the war years, but it was frankly too much.

And now, they want this same toxic guy in TNA? I can't name a single original angle that he personally came up with, unlike russo. Not to mention, TNA doesn't allow anything that WWE/WCW did during the attitude era, so most of his 'creative talent,' if it can even be called that, won't be able to be used.

If he can create something worth watching, then cool, but I think Ed to TNA is terrible idea.
Few would disagree that WCW was already going down long before his arrival. When you have egos running around with Creative Control and a stake in the Books like Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Flair with his antics behind the scenes .... then there is only so much that you can do.

After the merger with Time Warner, in which Time Warner was not supportive of a wrestling show being on TNT as Bischoff talked about in his book, all of that along with the behind the scenes crap killed WCW. Not Vince Russo.

What we have here is a bunch of people that either did not like The Attitude Era, or who are such marks for Vince McMahon, that they can not give credit where it was due ... in that Vince McMahon had no idea what to do with his company when Nitro went on the air, and he was going bankrupt. So, they blame Russo entirely for the fall of WCW, which in reality is asinine.

But let's see what Russo and Ferrara can do. Maybe Carter can actually get a decent Marketing/Advertising Department at some point down the line, since none of what they do will mean all that much without a competent department to promote the product. With Sting leaving, I would use his salary to invest in just that, as opposed to another talent.

With any luck Russo can convince Carter to ditch the 6 sided ring, as well.
Because there are obviously a large portion of wrestling fans that want BOTH, wrestling and soap opera elements combined into one show. That isn't your cup of tea, because you would rather view wrestling as a legitimate sport, however there are many people out there that view wrestling quite differently than you do.

That's true, but the problem with them is that Russo and Ferrara stated themselves, as Jack-Hammer mentioned, that they are for ALL soap opera elements, not both. If there is a balance, then that's all well and good, and maybe they could contribute a PORTION of the product. But without anybody to balance the soap opera with the wrestling, then it is one-sided and ricockulous. We need an element of cohesion, not a circus sideshow. Dramatic elements are great and tell a good story, but only if they're done right and mesh well into what the product is ultimately supposed to be about. And let's not forget what this is called, pro WRESTLING. So yeah, I would sure as hell hope that the people that watched it cared about the wrestling aspect which I believe they do when they show little to no interest in soap opera without the wrestling. It has to tie back into the wrestling or it becomes a pathetic shell of what is was started out to be in the first place. Kind of like MTV...
That's true, but the problem with them is that Russo and Ferrara stated themselves, as Jack-Hammer mentioned, that they are for ALL soap opera elements, not both.

Point me to a direct quote to support your claim that this came out of the mouths of Russo and Ferrara, themselves, if you would ... that states that they are "ONLY" for Soap Opera elements and "No wrestling". Somehow I think your claim that this actually came out of their very own mouths isn't very credible.

I also didn't realize that Jack-Hammer was their PR guy.
I'm sure that Russo fans already have their excuses lined up, if Russo fails once again. which I believe he will do. However the biggest excuse being Russo just isn't meant to be the head, nothing wrong with that, a lot of people need bosses.

Russo wasn't the reason WCW went out of business, he just didn't help matters and did a pretty shitty job. This also wasn't his fault, WCW should have had somebody watching over him, Russo was just being Russo, which is a guy with bad ideas, that doesn't really know how to put things together and make them make sense
Great, maybe now we can have Styles and Kong be an item and they can give birth to a hand. Or better yet how about a *********ing midget in a trash can.:disappointed:

Russo and Ferrara were not the only ones writing for the WWE during the AE. People always throw around their names like they themselves saved the WWE, they didn't. What saved the WWE was the charisma of guys like Austin and The Rock.

TNA is a joke that just keeps getting worse with no punchline in sight. I wanted competition eventually and now all I see is another fed making the same mistakes that other feds have made before hitting rock bottom. At this point it would be great if someone could get rid of Dixie Carter and put somebody in their who has a clue.
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