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ECW, WCW and WWF. Who was better, at what?


Championship Contender
During the 1990's ECW, WCW and WWF were the major players in the wrestling industry. Arguably they were the big 3 companies, now granted many have argued that the WWF was the hands down best of the 3 due to them eventually driving the others out of business. That being said, just as many people will aruge and can argue that the one who makes the most money isn't always the best product (for a comparison, terrible movies often make a lot of money, despite being terrible). So my questions are;

Of these three companies who do you feel performed best in each of these areas and why;

Story development?

General wrestling content/match quality?

Character development?

Match ingenuity?

Storyline ingenuity?

Willingness to take risks? (not just matches but, risky storylines and characters)

note:I will post my personal choices in a separate post.
Story development?
Depends on the time. 95-96 it was ECW (Raven Vs Dreamer/Raven Vs Sandman). 96-97 it was WCW (nWo was gold) and, 98 onwards it was WWE. Each company had good storylines throughout but, each company deffo had their time to shine.

General wrestling content/match quality?
Undercard matches it was clearly WCW while WWE, in general, kicked ass in the main even.

Character development?
Overall I'd give this to WWE but WCW did some good jobs too but any company that develops Austin, Rock, Triple H, Foley, Undetaker (even more) and Kane at the same time has gotta win.

Match ingenuity?
ECW for me. They pretty much created the Three-way-dance and the fact the other two companies stole their ideas says who was the more creative.

Storyline ingenuity?
Again it depends on the time. ECW was amazing for a period, as was WCW, and WWE. I can't pick a clear winner here.

Willingness to take risks? (not just matches but, risky storylines and characters)
I think it was WWE because, although ECW did crazier stuff, WWE did it within Network guidelines that meant they could exist on TV and turn a profit. If Heyman had managed that ECW would've won but, the WWE roster could be just as hardcore, and a helluva lot safer in the ring then ECW. WCW was really hampered by the Turner bigwigs as to what they could and couldn't do.

top thread by the way
WCW in terms of general wrestling content, match quality, storyline ingenuity, and even risk were all good. Anything to do with class was #1 in the 90s. WCW just felt like a good sport with entertainment. I truly felt that their titles meant more than other titles in the industry at the time because the presentation was top notch and the way Tony Schiavone always referred to WCW and wrestling as a sport, "in this sport of professional wrestling" had a lot to do with how I felt about it. The booking of the cruiserweight division was great and WCW rosterwise was like TNA of today, they had the best roster assembled and everything gelled well in WCW until 2000 came. NWO until this day is 1 of the greatest booked storylines in wrestling history that until this day and age, basketball players can be referred to as the NWO. Until this day we see NWO shirts. It's a testament how great they were.

ECW I would say had all of the above. Unlike WCW, ECW's roster wasn't so huge so Paul Heyman had more focus and was able to zero in on things and give more details to things that WCW's booking committee or WWF's booking team would overlook. Hell if you watched TNA, you can see that Heyman's writing was so good that a feud like Raven/Dreamer can be rekindled over a decade later and it is simple enough for a new viewer to understand and be caught up. And match quality wise, ECW was the first to introduce many styles in the US that the mainstream adopted. Heyman brought in the hardcore, the luchas, you name it.

WWF had story development, story ingenuity, character development, and took risk but it was the weaker of the 3 imo. They evolved Undertaker in the Attitude Era, they created Kane, made Austin, Rock, HHH, etc. Storyline wise, Austin/McMahon was great and they followed through with it for years. the storylines with Austin/Pillman, Bret Hart being anti-American, Pillman/Goldust were daredevil but that's where it stopped. Everything else about WWF in the competition era of the late 90s was tawdry, cheesy, or classless. Wrestling wise in the 90s, the WWE was shit especially the late 90s with the exception of hardcore matches and main events. The undercard in the WWE late 90s wasn't very strong until the 2000s. The product was just pure Russoriffic but back then the shock value mixed in and introduced to the mainstream made it ok because it was new but really it was shit imo. It seemed as if all the matches had interference and ref bumps and didn't go over 3-5 minutes. WWF's strong part was their willingness to do shock value so indeed they took risk in the ring and in storylines. Character development wise, I didn't think Attitude era was that strong outside the uppercard in the late 90s. The year 2000 was different. WWE was well booked in 2000 but in the 90s, the character development wasn't that strong. Mae Young giving birth to a hand? Really? Vince McMahon winning the WWE title. The Odditites, DX's childish antics, a fake Hall & Nash as Fake Diesel & Fake Razor, a Goldberg parody named Gildberg. The WWE in the 90s was good because we look at the good things but for the most part it was a joke. Back then, they threw shit at the wall with all the WWF In Your House PPV's. Fortunately enough, they found something that stuck with the edginess they borrowed from ECW and ran with it renamed as Attitude.
Story development?

I would have to say WWE early on here because you had the whole Kliq situation before Nash/Hall went to WCW, then the whole Montreal Screwjob and then Austin/Mcmahon feud. Then later on, WCW had the whole NWO storyline and the Undefeated Streak of Goldberg.

General wrestling content/match quality?

I would go with WWE/WCW because they were the 2 on TV all the time, even though I didn't watch WCW (as I have said before) but from what I have seen (from the Scarrcade matches) that WCW did have some good matches.

Character development?

For me, it would depend on how you define character development. From the aspect of cutting a promo, you hardly ever saw one from ECW from what I recall, the only one that I know of is Austins' when Heymen allowed him to cut loose on WCW and his situation there. Overall, I would say all 3 of them. WWE gave us guys like The Rock/Undertaker/HBK/HHH/Kane, WCW gave us guys like Sting, Goldberg, DDP, the cruiserweight division, and ECW gave us guys like The Dudley Boyz, Tazz, Rhyno, The Sandman, etc.

Match ingenuity?

I would give it to WWE/ECW. ECW had all those hardcore matches, but that was expected with them. WWE came up with the Royal Rumble, then WCW tweaked it and we got World War 3. WWE also came up with the elimination chamber, hell in the cell and those kinds of matches. WWE also perfected the ladder match, even though both WCW and ECW did probably have some good ones.

Storyline ingenuity?

This one would have to coincide with the first question for me.

Willingness to take risks? (not just matches but, risky storylines and characters)

WWE/WCW here. Like letting Harvey Whippleman win the Womans Championship and allowing Chyna to win the Intercontinental Championship and Jacqueline win the Cruiserweight title. WCW allowing David Arquette win the Heavyweight title. Also the 1998 Royal Rumble having Mick Foley come out as Cactus Jack, Mankind and Dude Love in the same match was unique for sure.

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