ECW: New Breed Revolution

Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu w/The Big Show
Confidence: 1
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio
Confidence: 4
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Confidence: 9
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Confidence: 5
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

ECW Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly(c) & AJ vs. The Bella Twins
Confidence: 6
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

ECW Crusierweight Championship
Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara
Confidence: 2
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

ECW Televison Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Elijah Burke
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

ECW Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & The Miz(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
Confidence: 8
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

ECW Championship
Extreme Lumberjack Match

Christian vs. RVD
Confidence: 7
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

Bonus Questions:
1. Name the order of the matches. Henry & Cor Von vs. Bourne & Tatsu, Kash vs. Cara, Dibiase vs. Mysterio, Tag Team Titles, Sheamus vs. Kingston, Television Title, Divas Title, Bryan vs. Punk, RVD vs. Christian
2. How many titles will change? 2 (1 if the ECW Championship doesn't count)
3. Will there be a surprise superstar coming on? (Yes/No)
4. What will be the shortest match of the night? (Divas match does not count :D) Kingston vs. Sheamus
5. What will be the longest match of the night? Punk vs. Bryan
Predictions Template
---The confidence points will be like Best's show with the confidence. But this time, choose from 1-9. Also, just bold your winners.

6. Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu w/The Big Show
Confidence: 2
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

5. Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio
Confidence: 9
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

7. Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

2. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

8.ECW Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly(c) & AJ vs. The Bella Twins
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

1. ECW Crusierweight Championship
Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

3. ECW Televison Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Elijah Burke
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

4. ECW Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & The Miz(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
Confidence: 1
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

9. ECW Championship
Extreme Lumberjack Match

Christian vs. RVD
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

Bonus Questions:
1. Name the order of the matches. Done.
2. How many titles will change? One.
3. Will there be a surprise superstar coming on? (Yes/No)
4. What will be the shortest match of the night? (Divas match does not count :D) Tag team match (not the Divas one).
5. What will be the longest match of the night? The ECW Championship match.

Prize: Rep for a week, and a review for your next show that I want to review.

Ok, there you go.
Predictions Template
---The confidence points will be like Best's show with the confidence. But this time, choose from 1-9. Also, just bold your winners.

1. Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu w/The Big Show
Confidence: 1
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

7. Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio
Confidence: 8
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

2. Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Confidence: 9
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

8. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Confidence: 4
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

3. ECW Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly(c) & AJ vs. The Bella Twins
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

4. ECW Crusierweight Championship
Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara
Confidence: 5
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

6. ECW Televison Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Elijah Burke
Confidence: 6
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

5. ECW Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & The Miz(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
Confidence: 7
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

9. ECW Championship
Extreme Lumberjack Match

Christian vs. RVD
Confidence: 2
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.):

Bonus Questions:
1. Name the order of the matches. Done
2. How many titles will change? 1
3. Will there be a surprise superstar coming on? (Yes/No)
4. What will be the shortest match of the night? (Divas match does not count :D) Kash vs Cara
5. What will be the longest match of the night? Christian vs RVD

Prize: Rep for a week, and a review for your next show that I want to review.
First off I'd like to apologize Jam for the lack of Theo in the thread. I do read the show and I do enjoy it. I'll be sure to give reviews and insights once the PPV is up. Best of luck Jam and here are my predictions.

ECW Crusierweight Championship
Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara
Confidence: 8
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu w/The Big Show
Confidence: 7
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Confidence: 4
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

ECW Televison Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Elijah Burke
Confidence: 2
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio
Confidence: 5
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

ECW Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & The Miz(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
Confidence: 6
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

ECW Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly(c) & AJ vs. The Bella Twins
Confidence: 9
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Submission

ECW Championship
Extreme Lumberjack Match

Christian vs. RVD
Confidence: 1
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pin

Bonus Questions:
1. Name the order of the matches. Done
2. How many titles will change? One
3. Will there be a surprise superstar coming on? No
4. What will be the shortest match of the night? Cor Von/Henry vs. Yoshi/Bourne
5. What will be the longest match of the night? Punk/Bryan​
Ok I know I am new around here, very new but I have read through your fed a little and just wanted to leave you some predictions... it has been great reading thus far man!

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Submission

ECW Crusierweight Championship

Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara
Confidence: 7
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Count Out

Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry
vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu w/The Big Show
Confidence: 5
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): DQ

Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

ECW Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly(c) & AJ vs. The Bella Twins
Confidence: 2
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Confidence: 8
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

ECW Televison Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Elijah Burke
Confidence: 9
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

ECW Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & The Miz(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
Confidence: 10
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

ECW Championship
Extreme Lumberjack Match

Christian vs. RVD
Confidence: 8
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

Bonus Questions:
1. Name the order of the matches. Done, See Above!
2. How many titles will change? 2!
3. Will there be a surprise superstar coming on? (Yes/No)
4. What will be the shortest match of the night? (Divas match does not count :D) Cor Von/Henry vs. Bourne/Tatsu w/ Big Show!
5. What will be the longest match of the night? Main Event - Christian vs. RVD!

- No opening promo? Straight into a match, must be a big one then? Err, OK, Kid Kash and Sin Cara. Get my point? 'Go Home' show needs a big opening to start it off, this doesn't work for me. And why are these two meeting days before they face off for the title anyway? Does Sin Cara earn the title shot by winning this? You don't make that clear enough IMO. Otherwise, you just gave away your PPV match on TV, not good booking!

- RVD/Christian/Heyman segment: Stipulation to be revealed at the PPV by Heyman, I like that. Suspense. Usual 'Go Home' main event idea of a tag match to mix feuds up. Fine with that.

- Daniel Bryan interview: What was the point of it? It didn't move the storyline on at all. And then you let Christian interrupt and Bryan just accepted that? IMO, this should have triggered the tag match but instead of Christian/Sheamus vs. RVD/Kofi, it could have been Christian/Punk vs. RVD/Bryan. Made Bryan look really weak and pointless here. I do like the 'Age of Christian' thing and the fact that there was no mention of Edge in this show. I have a feeling Edge may appear at the PPV though in which case he needed a mention but you might have left it out because people commented on it? I'll see what the PPV brings.

- Curt Hawkins beaten by Zack Ryder, attacks him and claims EXTREME. Standard build for Hawkins and Ryder here, establishing characters, good. :)

- Cor Von vs. Bourne, DQ finish thanks to Henry, good heat on Cor Von and Henry, I like it. Big Show out, he will be with Evan and Yoshi at the PPV. I don't get it. I'd have just gone with Cor Von and Henry vs. Show and Evan, Yoshi Tatsu seems a bit of a spare add-on part here.

- Morrison vs. Benjamin, fine. I do have issues with your description of it as a 'Match of the Year' candidate - if it is, why is it on TV in recap form? I want to read that! On a PPV! 8:48 for a MOTY candidate, blimey, how bad are the matches on the PPV going to be?!!! :D Do you get what my point is? Don't use that description, man. Have a belter of a PPV match, use your writing skills to make the reader realise it is a MOTY candidate and then describe it as one on TV afterwards. By saying it like you did, you're forcing it on us. I have to imagine that match now because (a) you say it was a MOTY candidate and (b) you didn't write it.

- Liked Elijah Burke coming out and 'pinning' Shelton. Cheap heat but it works, good moment there!

- David Hart Smith makes Swagger tap out to make DHS and the Dynasty look strong as they head for their Tag Title shot. Not happy about Swagger 'jobbing' to DHS though. :(

- Rey Mysterio taken out backstage, not DiBiase (so he says) so he can't partner Daniel Bryan. Kane comes out instead and gets the win over Teddy-boy. Hmm. Bit of a momentum kill on TD, I like to see heels going over in the 'Go Home' show usually. I've got a feeling that it was Kane that took out Rey-Rey ...

- In your rundown of the PPV card, you describe RVD and Christian as an 'Extreme Lumberjack Match' ... Err, isn't that the stipulation that Heyman is going to announce on the PPV? Noooooo. D'oh! I think you've spoiled it there.

- Sheamus and Christian vs. RVD and Kofi, again the face goes over the heel. Kofi could have taken that 'hit' because he is the face. Christian pinning Kofi and then attacking RVD would have worked better for me ahead of the PPV. The way you did it killed off all the heat that Sheamus has going in. Heels need to look strong going into PPV so faces can knock them off their perch on the PPV or later down the line.

- Overall, I'd say your BT is improving and I am looking forward to the PPV. Your booking is a little obvious still and I think the 'natural' results in the PPV are a little obvious too. I suspect you'll throw in some swerves as you 'build' your company and your roster, beware of too many of these though. Make sure the PPV is written in full with high quality matches throughout.


Predictions Template
---The confidence points will be like Best's show with the confidence. But this time, choose from 1-9. Also, just bold your winners.

2. Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu w/The Big Show
Confidence: 8
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

6. Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio
Confidence: 9
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

4. Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston
Confidence: 3
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Countout

1. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan
Confidence: 1
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Submission

3. ECW Divas Championship
Kelly Kelly(c) & AJ vs. The Bella Twins
Confidence: 2
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

5. ECW Crusierweight Championship
Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara
Confidence: 5
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

8. ECW Televison Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Elijah Burke
Confidence: 4
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

7. ECW Tag Team Championship
John Morrison & The Miz(c) vs. The Hart Dynasty
Confidence: 7
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

9. ECW Championship
Extreme Lumberjack Match

Christian vs. RVD
Confidence: 6
How will this match end(pin, submission, DQ, countout etc.): Pinfall

Bonus Questions:
1. Name the order of the matches. Done, see numbers before matches!
2. How many titles will change? Just the one, Sin Cara winning the Cruiserweight!
3. Will there be a surprise superstar coming on? (Yes/No) I would imagine so!
4. What will be the shortest match of the night? (Divas match does not count :D) Cor Von and Henry vs. Bourne and Yoshi
5. What will be the longest match of the night? Punk vs. Bryan

Prize: Rep for a week, and a review for your next show that I want to review. :( Not a fan of this. You should review people's shows regularly anyway.

EDIT: One thing to add. Don't think that every feud on your show HAS to result in a PPV match. You've got 9 matches on this PPV but maybe a couple of them could blow off at the PPV? I'm guilty of this too, I want every feud to end at a PPV but it's not possible once you start getting multiple feuds going. An in depth roster with stories running through it will not necessarily have them all ending at PPV and that's a good thing. For Vengeance, I have 9 feuds going into matches at the PPV (I think it's a couple too many and I may yet cut 1/2) but I have other stories that are going on in the background that will just be on TV. It is a good thing as it shows you have a good depth IMO. Maybe the Divas Title match and the Cor Von/Henry vs. Tatsu/Bourne match could have finished on TV after the PPV and just have seven big matches on the PPV? Just a thought! GCB
SHOCKING NEWS: Mr. McMahon has bought ECW, once again! McMahon said that he was wrong to let go of the third brand. He said that it was a good way to bring up some young stars (i.e Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne) and bringing them up to Raw and Smackdown!

Mr. McMahon contacted this unknown source and offered a huge amount of money that was hard to decline. Heyman was consulted with this as well, and he couldn't do anything but let the deal go through. Vince has gotten rid of the TV title, Tag Team titles, Crusierweight title, and Divas title, so the only remaining title is the ECW title. He also announced that ECW will be on Syfy for an hour starting at 9/8 C.

Vince has taken some of the ECW stars and let them go while bringing the others to Smackdown! and Raw and signing some new guys that will be coming in as well. Vince stated that Christian will stay on ECW as the face and will be the leader in the locker room with him being the ECW Champion that he won at Barely Legal. Vince says that the unique PPVs will still be on schedule but will be contested under extreme rules only when he says so. Vince McMahon is excited to have ECW again and hopes this deal will turn out for the better.

Superstars To Raw:
The Miz
Daniel Bryan
Big Show
Kelly Kelly
Bella Twins
David Hart Smith
Mark Henry
Vladimir Kozlov

Superstars To Smackdown!
CM Punk
John Morrison
Kofi Kingston
AJ Lee
Mark Henry
Ted Dibiase
Rey Mysterio
The Usos
Gail Kim

With the new direction ECW is going, the originals and some superstars asked to be released.

Released from ECW
Rob Van Dam
Joey Styles
Paul Heyman
Elijah Burke
Kid Kash
Craylen Croft

In addition to this new ECW Roster, Vince McMahon has given new General Manager, William Regal, the liberty of choosing ONE superstar from the entire WWE that he wants on ECW. That superstar is Alberto Del Rio

Current ECW Roster:

Alberto Del Rio (GM's Pick)
Chavo Guerrero
Curt Hawkins
Drew McIntyre (Moved from RAW)
Evan Bourne
Ezekiel Jackson
Heath Slater (Moved from SD!)
Justin Gabriel (Moved from SD!)
Marcus Cor Von
Ricardo Rodriguez
Shelton Benjamin
Sin Cara
Trent Barreta
Tyler Reks
Tyson Kidd
William Regal
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder

ECW Champion: Christian

General Manager: William Regal
Announce Team: Matt Striker and Josh Matthews
Backstage Interviewer: Todd Grisham
Ring Announcer: Tony Chimel

Barely Legal Results: (Match number + winners in bold)

2. Kid Kash(c) vs. Sin Cara

1. Marcus Cor Von & Mark Henry vs. Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu

4. Ted Dibiase vs. Rey Mysterio: No Contest

3. Elijah Burke vs. Shelton Benjamin

6. Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston

5. Kelly Kelly & AJ Lee vs. Bella Twins

8. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

7. Morrison & Miz vs. Hart Dynasty

9. Christian vs. RVD​

Writer's Note: I just didn't have the drive to write for that kind of ECW anymore guys, sorry :S Also, school has started so might be a bit busy, but I won't make that the case, hopefully. For my BT, I just wanted to build up characters and not have to deal with those veterans. Still got a few veterans on board but that's good because the young guys need them. Hope you all understand and keep reading my BT. I don't wanna start another one, gonna stick with this, for now. Lol. As for the prize, rep will be given to everyone who got their predictions in and reviews will be coming around for you guys, but I'm pretty sure Proph won. Please still come back and read! :D
WWE has granted the release of two ECW superstars, Shelton Benjamin and Marcus Cor Von. The WWE wishes them the best in their future endeavours and have added Mason Ryan to the ECW Roster.

In other news, Vince McMahon has gotten a deal with SyFy to keep airing ECW on Tuesday nights at 9/8 C. If the brand proves to be a great draw, it's time length might be increased to two hours. With this in mind, WWE will be looking to work very hard as they feel ECW can and will be great once again.


Writer's Note: Hey guys, this BT isn't dead FYI. Just didn't have the drive to write it and school has kept me pretty busy. With it being Senior year, it's killer. So yeah, watch out for my next show to come up! :D

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