ECW in need of a mid card title?

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Dark Match Winner
In discussion at various forums, I've found myself bringing up the fact that there is talent on the ECW roster, unused talent. There's pretty much only three feuds going at the moment (Punk/V, Burke/Dreamer and Balls/Miz.. four if you count the kinda finished Stevie/Thorn), which leaves spare space on the roster and the need for filler matches.

Instead of having matches with no meaning to them whatsoever, I think what ECW needs is to bring back the Television title. The TV title would give several unused wrestlers a meaning for the show and seeing how the TV title is usually booked on every show, it gives wrestlers a lot more TV time. Wrestlers like Kevin Thorn, Stevie Richards, Mike Knox, Balls, Miz and even Nunzio can benefit from competing in title matches, or feuds leading up to a title push

I agree with you man, I definitely think the ECW brand needs another title but I also think they need a few more wrestlers on the show. Confidence was restored though when I read the other week on Wrestlezone that WWE were looking to expand the roster of ECW however rather than use established names they are going to use talents from their development. Use ECW as a breeding ground, it gets them TV exposure and experience before throwing them onto one of the A-Shows. It's a good idea.
I definitely agree with that. I feel that some of the talent in OVW would be worth calling up. Paul Birchall (I think that's how you spell it) could be a MONSTER heel to CM Punk. Shawn Spears is so so. Mike Kruel would be a good one too. They also have the DCW wrestlers to back up who they would lose to ECW. Do I feel that they should have a midcard title? Well if its supposed to be a brand then they should have tag team titles AND a TV title. I also feel that it should be expanded to 2 hours be I guess we'll see...
BRING IN SYDAL!!!! FIRE THE MIZ!!!!!! a TV title and a decent tag team division would be great in ECW. but that would on be addressing a few of the problems they are having with ECW. KEEP THE BELT ON PUNK, at a time when the WWE is being blasted for having a bunch of juiced up superstars it would be ideal to keep the belt on a guy who dosen't use drugs period (not even for recreation). push alot of the unused talent, a stable or two would be nice, you got Ace and Colt waiting to get on TV (second City Saints reuion would be excellent). the return of the TV title would give a lot more meat to the mid card and give a lot more meaning to ECW (considering they only have one belt). and tag divsion would add a lot to a mid card.
i think its a great idea the should also bring back those tag titles and maybe a extreme rulez/hardcore title where all matches are in extreme rules expand the roster put some women,cruiserweights,and tag teams on the roster and then maybe scfi would expand ECW to 2 hours someday
A title would be great to add either it be tv or tag(even tho there is no good tag division in wrestling ring now) but they need a roster i would hate to see 2 belts for a roster of like 10. Build of freaking roster already wwe god or just kill it cause right now its worthless. I would love to count the ecw title as a world title but when u give people like johnny nitro then u bring john cena and squash him u just kill it more. When they first had it and people like big show, lashley, angle, rvd, sabu, sandman. Now u have punk(which is great but is not WORLD title material), morrision(suspended), dreamer, thats your main eventers that aren't even main eventers.
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