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ECW Homecoming

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Can't believe there isn't a thread on this yet. This is a series of matches with the winners going on to an "Over-the-Top Rope Challenge" with the winner s facing Christian at the Royal Rumble. The name comes from a number of former ECW stars coming back to compete. So far the following matches have occured:

Evan Bourne def. Mike Knox
Matt Hardy def. Finlay
Yoshi Tatsu def. Jack Swagger
Vance Archer def. Goldust
Kane def. Zack Ryder
Ezekiel Jackson def. Vladimir Kozlov

The final two spots in the ECW Homecoming match will be decided and it has been announced that Chavo, Mark Henry, and CM Punk will be competing next week in matches for those last two spots.

So this thread is to discuss the concept and who you think will win. Like it? Hate it? Think you know who will win? Tell us about it without spamming here.
I like the ECW homecoming concept. It is a good way to freshen up ECW which can get repetitive pretty quickly with a roster of about 15 going out each and every week.

I see Mark Henry and CM punk earning the final 2 spots. As for who will win it, very tough really it can be anybody besides Evan Bourne and Yoshi ( already had a shot at Christian ). I would like to see it be CM Punk, because him and Christian would be an entertaining match, but there is no reason for Punk to be ECW champion or lose to Christian. Vance Archer and Jackson are not ready in my opinion. So I think its most likely to be Kane who will win ECW homecoming but put Christian over in the title match.
Kane or Hardy will win and hopefully have a nice feud with christian going into mania and christian finally drops the title and goes to smackdown or raw. really hardy and kane should go back to ecw. they arent donig shit now and will be much better off elevating new talent, much like goldust did with sheamus
I don't like the idea of Kane missing out on the royal rumble as he has 2 rumble records 9most appearances in a row and most eliminations in a single rumble). I do agree that he needs a fued because he hasn't done much for the last couple of month. As for the ECW Homecoming, I believe that Evan Bourne or Jack Swagger shoud win as they have no storyline at the moment and Swagger have had good matches with Christian before. Evan Bourn, on the other hand deserves to win a title and ECW is where he would be used best.
So, it's down to
Evan Bourne, Ezekiel Jackson, Kane, Matt Hardy, Vance Archer, Yoshi Tatsu, and probably CM Punk and Chavo/Mark Henry.

1) I could see Evan winning this, as he has the speed to make someone eliminate themselves from the battle royal, and he isn't really doing anything on RAW.

2) I don't see Jackson winning this, because his feud with Kozlov has to continue.

3) Kane has no chance at winning this, since they can't let him miss a Royal Rumble.

4) Matt Hardy, maybe, as he's been jobbing to CM Punk and other people on Smackdown recently.

5+6) Vance Archer and Yoshi Tatsu, I don't see them winning it, because they are on ECW and have something else to do. However, I see both winnning the ECW title sometime in 2010.

7) CM Punk- I am guessing that he will win his match, and won't be the battle royal winner, but will be the runner-up. He is needed on Smackdown!, too.

8) Chavo/Mark Henry- Either of them can win it, because Chavo recently ended his feud with Hornswoggle, and if you checked the P25 recently, Mark Henry and MVP are split up again.
(Down to Evan, and Chavo/Mark Henry.)
I think this tournament is a great idea and gives ECW some much needed "freshening up" I doubt Christian will lose at the Rumble no matter who wins this, but here are my thoughts on the potential winners:

Evan Bourne: He's got a pretty decent shot since he's doing next to nothing on Raw, but I don't see him winning this. He'll probably make it to the final 3 or 4 in the battle royal though.

Matt Hardy: one of the two that I think (and hope) wins this. He's a former ECW champ and has a ton of history with Christian. Personally, I'd love to see these guys go at it again and even though Matt won't win the title, making it that far would give him some much needed credibility after a terrible 2009.

Yoshi Tatsu: I don't see Yoshi winning this mainly because he already had a shot not long ago.

Vance Archer: it's a stretch, but the wrestler formerly known as Lance Hoyt/Rock as a decent chance of winning. They've been pushing him hard on ECW and they need new top heel on the show to challenge Christian. He'll definitely get a shot down the line, though I don't think it will be here.

Kane: they may let him win to help put Christian over, but as others said, he's a Royal Rumble staple and I doubt they'd exclude him from one of the few matches he still dominates.

Ezekial Jackson: no, only because he's still feuding with Koslov, who will probably screw Jackson out of the Battle Royal.

Chavo: Has as much chance to win as he does of getting his name bolded, but if by some miracle he even makes it to the battle royal, he'll be the first man eliminated.

Mark Henry: won't win. Period

CM Punk: the other guy I think will win this. I say he has less of a chance than Hardy because they need Punk on Smackdown and feuding with the ECW champ seems pointless for a big star like him. Plus he'd have to job to Christian, and losing is the last thing Punk should be doing right now. A Punk/Christian feud would be great, but let's hold it off for now.
I personally am loving this. It brings something fresh to the ECW product, and it means that ECW will be gaining some much needed pay per view time. I have no idea who is going to win this whole thing though. With CM Punk being on ECW this coming week , it makes me want to say that he will win his match and the whole thing, but he is needed on Smackdown more then ECW needs him.

I have to say that either Ezekiel Jackson or Evan Bourne will be winning this thing. Bourne is hugely over, and he rightfully belongs on ECW. He's always felt out of place on Raw and I believe Bourne could make for great champion if given some proper mic time.

Jackson on the other hand, is on the start of a push and feud with Kozlov. I believe if he were to win this, it could lead to a three way feud between Kozlov, Jackson, and Regal over the championship, ending with Regal --- the seasoned veteran --- putting these two monsters over.
So this thread is to discuss the concept and who you think will win. Like it? Hate it? Think you know who will win? Tell us about it without spamming here.

I think that the ECW Homecoming is a good idea because it gives former champions with nothing to do a chance to do something as well as giving the new guys an opportunity to step up. The idea that those who made it past the first few matches will go on to an "Over-the Top Rope Challenge" with the winner facing Christian at the Royal Rumble is a good idea too. I honestly do not know who will win it at this point. None of the guys who have qualified so far would make a better champion than Christian, so no matter who wins I hope that Christian retains because he is the best option as ECW Champion. It should lead to an interesting match at the Royal Rumble no matter who becomes the new #1 contender.
Alright with 2 spots left, we know 3 of the 4 guys that will compete this week. Them 3 being Punk, Chavo, and Henry. You have to figure the 4th guy is Shelton Benjamin. The guy just fought for the ECW title and he deserves to be in this thing, but that is for another day. I expect Punk and Henry to get the final 2 spots. And picking the winner is up in the air, as I can see any of the guys win it.

The idea is definitely awesome. It gives the guys who have been on ECW in the past a chance to go back, as they aren't in any serious storyline. It also could allow a full time return to ECW if one of the past guys won the title.

Kane could be the favorite, but Kane not being in the RR match just sounds wrong. He has been a dominant force in Rumble's past, so I definitely can't see him wrestling in any other match up. Right now I think I'd give the edge to Yoshi or Matt Hardy. Yoshi and Christian have good chemistry and it would give Yoshi some PPV experience. Plus it would be a solid opening bout for the Rumble. Matt Hardy winning could allow him to return full time to ECW and a match between him and Christian would be awesome. Christian did do commentary for Matt's match, so maybe that is a sign of things to come.
First post on the board.

About the thread itself, I think that everybody is overshadowing the fact that they didn't announce the fourth guy that will compete this tuesday night.

Like someone already said before, I think the fourth guy will be Shelton Benjamin, and I'm almost certain that Benjamin will win the Battle Royal so that they can do a good storyline heading to Royal Rumble, it will be the "rematch" that Shelton needs, and probably it will be his last chance at greatness.

If I could bet on somebody to win this ECW's Homecoming Battle Royal it would have to be Shelton.
If the fourth guy is Shelton, I can see him winning. However, if two of Chavo/Henry/Punk win, then I think it's safe to say Vance Archer wins it, unfortunately.

Yoshi had his match with Christian. It has no mystique to it. Bourne will most likely be in the Royal Rumble and not last long. Ezekiel will be screwed out of it by Kozlov (unless they plan on doing Kozlov teaming with Christian against Zeke and Regal until the RR, in which case Ezekiel has the 2nd best chance of winning), but at the same time, he's had tons of matches with Christian recently so I'd rather not see that. Chavo, no way. Henry, doubt it. Punk, Hardy, and Kane I'd write off completely as this rumble needs bigger names and those are 3 that fit the scale - even though none of those three will win the RR in the slightest way.

So yeah, Archer faces Christian, nobody gives a shit, Christian retains, and everyone forgets it was on the ppv by the next week.
So far we've had...

Evan Bourne def. Mike Knox
Matt Hardy def. Finlay
Yoshi Tatsu def. Jack Swagger
Vance Archer def. Goldust
Kane def. Zack Ryder
Ezekiel Jackson def. Vladimir Kozlov

and tonight are the final two, one being Mark Henry vs CM Punk
The other involving Chavo (I'm guessing vs. Shelton)

So let's just add
Shelton def. Chavo
CM Punk def. Mark Henry

Evan vs. Matt vs. Yoshi vs. Vance vs. Kane vs. Ezekiel vs. Shelton vs. CM Punk

I honestly have NO IDEA who this will go to. There are pros and cons of each choice.

Yoshi and Vance would be 'surprises' and instant new Main Eventers on ECW, but they are both new and not popular enough.

Kane and Matt are both upper-mid carders on another brand that have nothing really going on (although Matt and Punk should be a legit fued right now) and they both have been stuck in their spots for 10 years for Kane and 5 years for Matt. But winning this would be a step down for both.

Shelton and Ezekiel would be completely realistic because they are both on ECW and coming off up either turning on alliances (Zeek) or a fued with the champ (Shelton), but I think ECW is looking for someone to come over from another Brand to send Christian off to bigger things and Zeek is too new and Shelton already had this shot.

Evan may just be a jobber that people like but he could make a great underdog #1 on ECW because no one has faith in him elsewhere.

CM Punk...I think is just there for ratings and star power along with maybe Matt and Kane. But if he came back, it would be a good boost for his persona of Straightedge in the land of extreme. But, he's too big to come back, I think.

I really have no idea. But I can't wait to watch it on YouTube hours after it happens because I don't have cable in my dorm.
So now we have our eight for the ECW homecoming:
Evan Bourne
Matt Hardy
Yoshi Tatsu
Vance Archer
Ekezial Jackson
Shelton Benjiam
CM Punk

Now lets have a look at the possiblity of each superstar winning the match:

Evan Bourne: Evan Bourne is my personal choice for the title match. We know that Evan Bourne can put on a good match (Vs Matt Hardy, Cyber Sunday 2008) and since he hasn't got a storyline on Raw, it is a logical choice. Evan Bourne's career could have some point if he goes back to ECW and the belt could be a trial title for him.

Matt Hardy: Matt Hardy needs to gt his career back on track with a storyline. We know that Hardy and Christian can put on good matches and I believe that Matt Hardy was in the height of his single career last year as ECW. A very good choice to have a title match at the rumble.

Yoshi Tatsu: Tatsu has already had some good matches with Christian on ECW and the fans like him. I also belive that this is the only way that Tatsu would make it on the PPV as I don't think he would make the rumble. Another good choice.

Vance Archer: Would be a good push for him but isn't known by fans. It would be A bad choice.

Kane: Can't miss a rumble. Not gonig to happen.

Ekezial Jackson: Hasn't got the speed or skill to be on a wrestling match. Will properly continue fueding with koslov. A terrible choice!

Shelton Benjiam: Chrsitian Vs Shelton= Success. Most Likely choice

CM Punk: Would be a step back for his career but he did put on a good promo on ECW
So the contestans are:
Evan Bourne
Matt Hardy
Yoshi Tatsu
Vance Archer
Ekezial Jackson
Shelton Benjamin
CM Punk

The way I see it...it's up for grabs. Depends on how the WWE approaches it:

- Surprise everyone = Vance or Ezekiel win

- Get a Christian substitute (top face on ECW) = Shelton or Hardy

- Try and bring down some superstar to "revive him" = Kane or CM Punk

I am afraid Yoshi and Evan just aren't credible PPV challengers... so they seem to be out of the mix :(
I imagine they give it to Kane.. He is stale on SD! and there really isn't anthing for him on RAW either... either Kane or Matt Hardy.
I really hope that Evan Bourne wins this ECW homecoming and win the title from christian. it would be interesting to see him as a champion in WWE but if Christian manages to win I would still expect a great match. But I think that Shelton Benjamin has a good chance of winning too they had a great match on TLC and this is a chance for Shelton to gain the title. So my guess is either Bourne or Benjamin will have a chance to fight for Christians title and both of them really deserves to win.
Just like I predicted Shelton Benjamin is in it.

But right now its doubtful he will win, 'cause I think they are trying to build CM Punk back to ECW, and altought I would like Punk to face Christian for the belt, I think it wouldn't be good for Punk to lose to Christian right now if you think on what has Punk accomplished last year, it doesn't make any sense to make him look bad against Christian .

I hope that Shelton is still the guy to face Christian at the Rumble and I think he is the only guy on the list that should win the belt from Christian besides Bourne, but Evan Bourne doesn't really stand out for me, I don't like him as much as I liked him the first time he was on ECW.
Id like shelton or evan bourne to win. Shelton would have a good fued with Christian i think and moving Bourne to raw wasnt a very smart idea seeing as he gets beaten a lot, but putting him back on ECW would be good. That way, we might see him in a specialty match, hopefully something that suits a high flyer. but thats just my thoughts.
I'm liking this idea and its nice to see some new faces on ECW, with the whole Christian/Regal fued getting a bit dull. I personally am quite dissapointed that Zack Ryder was not involved in this, as I see him as a serious contender to Christian's title with recentley retiring Tommy Dreamer, when anyone could have done the job on ECW, but Ryder was chose. Despite having a recent shot, he would have more than a chance of stripping Christian of his title this time round so he can be able to leave to one of the bigger shows. Now to the homecoming contenders:

Evan Bourne: I can't see him winning a batte royal in his career to be honest, let alone one with Kane in it.

Matt Hardy: A hope for me, as in 2008 with the ECW belt he looked stronger than ever, and then dissappeared on both Raw and Smackdown. I don't think he would have a chance of beating Christian if he won, as when Christian drops the belt, i have a feeling it will be for someone younger like Tatsu or Ryder.

Yoshi Tatsu: As he has had a shot recentley i doubt he would win against Christian, although he would probably have a decent chance of winning this battle royal, after some form of shock elimination.

Vance Archer: Someone to be considered recentley due to his large push on both ECW and Superstars in recent weeks, and if he were to win the battle royal he would be made to look more than impressive against Christian, and due to the WWE's recent push of younger talent, I wouldn't be suprised to see Archer as ECW champion in the coming month.

Kane: Has to be a favourite going into the batte royal, but with the Royal Rumble coming up, i doubt that the WWE would have him in a title match that he is unlikely to win when he is normally a must be entrant. I can see Kane being the first eliminated through everyone ganging up on him at once.

Ezekial Jackson: With a fued with Kozlov ongoing, I doubt he will win this, but I can see him with a future title shot down the line due to his recent push on ECW.

Shelton: Doubt they'd give him another title shot in such short time, but if he is not some form of champion in the next year, this guy should jump ship to TNA. He has so much potential but the WWE do nothing with him. It's a shame really.

CM Punk: Can't see why he's in this to be honest. I mean only a matter of months ago he was world heavyweight champion. I can see him losing this battle royal and then him going to Smackdown, and fueding with someone like Morrison once he's done fueding with McIntrye.
I don't want Punk to win it. As much as I'd enjoy seeing him face Christian, I'd rather have him in the Rumble.

As for what I'd like to happen (not sure if it's what WILL happen) - Shelton Benjamin. Like others have mentioned, I think he has a shot at getting the belt and I'm looking forward to another match between the two.
I'm not sure who will win. Punk won't win it, as if there's a triple threat main event at the Rumble, they'll need some potential winners, of which Punk is one. Of the rest, Tatsu, Ryder and Benjamin have had their shots recently, and unfortunately, as much as I think he's the logical choice, Jackson looks like he might still be feuding with Kozlov. I hope not though, because he'd be an ideal contender, and crucially, it could set up an interesting dynamic between him and Regal.

If Jackson doesn't win, and I don't think he will, we are down to 4. Evan Bourne is a jobber extrodinaire, and probably won't win this. Kane has a Royal Rumble attendance record that they'll want to keep true I imagine. That leaves two, Matt Hardy and Vance Archer. If Archer wins, it is pretty much giving him exactly the same push Sheamus got on Raw, which seems lazy, but I wouldn't put it past them. Hardy therefore seems like the only option, and him and Christian have history. It will probably be Archer though, lazy as that is, but I think Jackson is the best development option and Hardy the best established one.
Maybe this little rant we had on from Evan Bourne (which may or may not be true) has gotten him exactly what he wants, that being a real push. I could see Bourne winning this thing on some kind of a fluke and having a really good showing at the Rumble but ultimately coming up short against Captain Charisma. He really has nothing going on with his career at the moment and this would breathe some fresh air into ECW.

The only people I could see winning this thing would be wither Matt Hardy or Vance Archer. I don't think Matt will win because doesn't he have some kind of feud going on with C.M. Punk and Luke Gallows right now? I also don't see Vance Archer winning this because like a month ago he said he wanted to take his time to "Paint his masterpiece of agony" or something like that. Why would he want to jump straight to a World Championship match after saying that?
For the over the top battle Royal who i think will win is, either Matt hardy or Vance Archer or maybe Evan Bourne, because Evan needs a push and i think he would be a good ECW champion. but who knows Really. Christian could have a good match or fued with any in the battle royal i cant wait to watch ECW.

this was a real good idea for ECW with the homecoming, made it fresh, and we can see alot of good fues come out of it.
Let's see here.

• Kane (Smackdown) vs. Zack Ryder (ECW)
• Ezekiel Jackson (ECW) vs. Vladimir Kozlov (ECW)
• Vance Archer (ECW) vs. Goldust (ECW)
• Yoshi Tatsu (ECW) vs. Jack Swagger (Raw)
• Matt Hardy (Smackdown) vs. Finlay (Smackdown)
• Evan Bourne (Raw) vs. Mike Knox (Smackdown)
• Shelton Benjamin (ECW) vs. Chavo Guerrero (Raw)
• CM Punk (Smackdown) vs. Mark Henry (Raw)

As it stands, this is the order of who I would like to see face Captain Charisma at the January WWE PPV.

1. Ezekiel Jackson (ECW) (1st shot)
2. Vance Archer (ECW) (1st shot)
3. Yoshi Tatsu (ECW) (already had a shot, but never held a Title)
4. Evan Bourne (Raw) (already had a shot, but never held a Title)
5. Shelton Benjamin (ECW) (already had a shot and already held a Title)
6. Matt Hardy (Smackdown) (I think Finlay should have won this spot)
7. CM Punk (Smackdown) (I think Mark Henry should have won this spot)
8. Kane (Smackdown) (I think Zack Ryder should have won this spot)

I’d much rather see one of the first 3 guys win, due to the fact that they are on ECW. Bourne is at the 4th spot only because he never held WWE Gold. Benjamin is in the 5th spot only because he never held WWE “World” Gold. Hardy, Punk and Kane SHOULD be used to put the new number one contender over…and that’s it!! Then again, a Christian vs. Matt Hardy Royal Rumble Main Event would be an awesome continuation to the Edge vs. Jeff Hardy Royal Rumble Main Event from last year. Hmmmm.
Let's see what we got here.

Ezekiel Jackson - He'd be a pretty good choice. Sure, he isn't all that interesting, but his theme song is badass and the WWE can always use a monster heel. Plus, it'll be fun to see Regal bitch at him for the title shot.

Vance Archer- Just no.

Yoshi Tatsu - It'd be a face v. face matchup and he's already had a shot, so I don't see him winning. Just doesn't scream "champion" to me.

Evan Bourne - Pssh. You think Bourne will win a match?

Shelton Benjamin- He just had a shot. Plus, it's not a ladder match, so it'd suck.

Matt Hardy - Meh, I guess Hardy isn't really doing anything at the moment, but I don't see any appeal to a Hardy/Christian feud at the moment.

CM Punk - Punk/Christain sounds very appealing, but I think Punk's outgrown ECW. Plus, he's too busy being Jesus on Smackdown.

Kane - He's a face now, right? Can't see this one happening.

Upon further analysis, Big Zeke seems to be the best and most logical choice. However, you never know what you're going to get with WWE booking, so we'll have to wait and see.
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