ECW has now become a vehicle to make Bobby Lashley a superstar

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RIP Benoit - Truly One Of The Best
ECW has now become a vehicle to make Bobby Lashley a superstar. Vince McMahon is determined to make Lashley look as strong as possible. The new idea is to make Lashley into an unstoppable, dominant champion. The ECW brand is now the catalyst that gives Lashley the credibility to be one of the company's top stars. ECW as a concept is pretty much dead, only surviving because they have a television commitment on Sci Fi to live up to. The main point of the brand is that when it's all over, Lashley can be moved over to one of the other brands and be seen as an equal to the other world champions.

Considering that WWE wants Lashley to look as strong as possible, that pretty much explains why Lashley beat Test cleanly the week before their match at the Royal Rumble. Also, McMahon had given up on Test as being taken as a serious contender by the time of their 1/23 match. His future as an ECW headliner seems to be in doubt, especially considering that Gene Snitsky has taken his place. McMahon was trying to overcompensate for Lashley's lackluster performance at the 1/16 show. After seeing that show, which featured a three-way match between Lashley, RVD and Test, McMahon became so enraged that he vowed that the show would never be aired live again. He also exclaimed that there wasn't a single guy on the ECW roster that knew how to work. Although, he's probably changed his mind since then as the show has been live the past few weeks. McMahon was particularly upset about the main event as he felt that Lashley sold too much when he's supposed to look strong. Arn Anderson, who was the agent for the match, took heat for how bad it was laid out. However, Anderson said that the problem with the match was that Test and RVD insisted that they get their trademark moves in, and thus there were a lot of spots in which Lashley had to sell.

reason behind Lashley being constantly put over on ECW TV is because WWE now wants to use the brand basically to make him a superstar. Vince has his mind set on making Lashley look as huge and unstoppable as possible. COURTESY OF WZ.

Vince must have a real hard-on for this guy. i feel sorry for the whole ECW locker room now we know Lashley will never loose the title & the whole roster & shows job is to make Lashley into a "Superstar", what a bunch of bullshit. they coulda fixed ECW into a good show but i guess they woild rather use it to make one guy into a star. fucking idiots by by ratings.
They are iditots if they can push him to be a star in a brand that has no name power to beat him. Look at it in the idea that noone can beat him then its boring or the fans there and at home watvhing it so the can say bye to everything in WWE cause this could be the first of many nails.
The ECW Originals need to leave and disperse between TNA and WSX. The ECW Extremists need to disperse between Raw and SmackDown. And the ECW brand needs to die. That's all, period.
If Lashley or Vince think that being the champion of the new WWECW means anything to anyone they are both dumber than I thought. That carries about as much weight as winning your third-grade spelling bee. I hope Vince keeps pouring his money into the new ECW blackhole. Lashley is a joke.
I've always thought it would be nice to retire the WWE Women's Title and bring the ECW Championship to Raw to replace it. A newer, fresher, "ultraviolent" title, not like the WWE Hardcore Title. No "24/7" rule or whatever. Besides, women's wrestling sucks... But that's another topic for another thread another day.

I agree 100% with you, Suzymbc. This brand should end, as it's only a "blackhole" for WWE. It's the new XFL, in my opinion.
they can keep ECW just repackage it to be what it is not what it isn't. Then they can have all the WWE type superstars they want and noone would care that it is dragging ECWs name through the mud. Lashley still hasn't done his time and yet CM Punk is in the Doghouse for disagreeing and getting into a little argument with Arn Andersen.
I don't know why Vince McMahon is in love with Bobby Lashley. There really is nothing special about the guy, as he is just Goldberg without the spectacular entrance and music. It's going to take more than a generic hard rock theme, a couple of pyro blasts and the constant reminding from announcers that Lashley is "the real deal" to get me to support him. So much is made of his amateur wrestling background, and I'm so glad to see the way he draws upon it with his Greco-Roman punches, kicks and spears. The rest of his moves also come straight out of Wrestling 101. He has impressive muscle mass, I'll give him that. Perhaps he would do well to become a bodybuilder and enter competitions. But from what I've seen of him he just isn't cut out to be a wrestler, let alone a World Champion. Yeah, he's carrying the ECW Championship that looks like a child's toy, but it's still a World Title and he doesn't deserve it. His wrestling arsenal is poor, he does a poor job of selling, his mic skills are beyond terrible, he looks and sounds like Wayne Brady if he were juicing - need I say more? For crying out loud, they're even running vignettes now to help win Lashley the adulation of the masses, talking about what a great family man, friend and athlete he is ... who the hell cares? It's a waste of time that's on par with that Extreme Expose crap. Keep pushing people that no one gives a damn about and airing total wastes of time and space like Kelly Kelly and Kevin Thorn, and ECW will be WWE's weakest program by a mile.

Long story short - there have been tons of wrestlers just like Lashley that have come and gone quickly. What makes him so spectacular? It's been over a year, and I'm still waiting to find out. WWE should have done this with Ahmed Johnson instead. He was far more talented and popular with the crowd, and would have been far more convincing as a dominant force than the incompetent Lashley.
I don't know why Vince McMahon is in love with Bobby Lashley. There really is nothing special about the guy, as he is just Goldberg without the spectacular entrance and music. It's going to take more than a generic hard rock theme, a couple of pyro blasts and the constant reminding from announcers that Lashley is "the real deal" to get me to support him. So much is made of his amateur wrestling background, and I'm so glad to see the way he draws upon it with his Greco-Roman punches, kicks and spears. The rest of his moves also come straight out of Wrestling 101. He has impressive muscle mass, I'll give him that. Perhaps he would do well to become a bodybuilder and enter competitions. But from what I've seen of him he just isn't cut out to be a wrestler, let alone a World Champion. Yeah, he's carrying the ECW Championship that looks like a child's toy, but it's still a World Title and he doesn't deserve it. His wrestling arsenal is poor, he does a poor job of selling, his mic skills are beyond terrible, he looks and sounds like Wayne Brady if he were juicing - need I say more? For crying out loud, they're even running vignettes now to help win Lashley the adulation of the masses, talking about what a great family man, friend and athlete he is ... who the hell cares? It's a waste of time that's on par with that Extreme Expose crap. Keep pushing people that no one gives a damn about and airing total wastes of time and space like Kelly Kelly and Kevin Thorn, and ECW will be WWE's weakest program by a mile.

Long story short - there have been tons of wrestlers just like Lashley that have come and gone quickly. What makes him so spectacular? It's been over a year, and I'm still waiting to find out. WWE should have done this with Ahmed Johnson instead. He was far more talented and popular with the crowd, and would have been far more convincing as a dominant force than the incompetent Lashley.

Finally, someone with a brain who sees this whole Lashley thing for what it is. He is a great athlete, but not a great "professional" wrestler. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole and I'm so sick of this guy being pushed down my throat every week. He's what. He was in the Military...thanks for serving our Country but that doesn't make you a wrestler. He is a nice guy...he still has no mic skills. Thank you for having a realistic perspective on this Code Red.
Not only do I not see what the big deal is about Bobby Lashley, but I get more and more disgusted with what ECW has become. And the way they're saying how Vince is determined to make Bobby Lashley a big star, it's like Determined? More like obsessed. Vince has lost the focus of what he wants his wrestling product to be. He just doesn't give a damn anymore. That's why he's putting the belts which have become completely worthless around guys like John Cena, Batista and Bobby Lashley. Now I was supportive of Batista, don't get me wrong. But he hasn't been as big since his Triple H rivalry. In fact, the only other good match he had after that was against Eddie Guerrero (God rest his soul). John Cena's wrestling ability I think we established many times how bad he is. And the fact that when Edge won the belt that they kept the spinner belt, it's disgraceful what they done to their own world title. The ECW belt I refuse to recognize as a world title. It holds about as much value as a replica foam title belt that you pick up at a Target.

Vince is putting his entire company in the hands of Batista, Bobby Lashley, and John Cena. How doomed are they?
(In regards to my comment) - i believe that this has to be the smartest thing said on this entire thread.

Thanks, man. It's just what needs to happen. That's all there is to say, haha. That's what must happen before WWE digs itself an even DEEPER hole.

It's because of all of this and more that I haven't watched WWE since, maybe, 2002. For some reason, when the :wwf: changed their name, bad things started to happen...
Well at least Batista has some charisma, when Lashley comes out, he has slow boring music and a slow boring entrance.
Not to mention an undetermined finishing manuver, he goes from the Dominator to just a dumb ass powerslam???
Hell, Kane has had a powerslam in his main moveset for as long as I can remember!
Lashley needs to be sent back to DSW for a repackaging and either Sabu or RVD need to win the title, to boost ratings, and build WWECW on their backs.
It's time for Vince to realize the worth of RVD as the next Peoples Champion and Sabu as the next Mankind!
I completly agree with the bad guy. Lashley was pushed way too soon. ECW would have been alot better if it had been even remotley like the original. Sabu and RVD and the other originals are way underutilized.
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