ECW GM is.........

Stickstar 16

I might just go extreme on you!!!!

Didn't see that coming at all, of course she's just the interim GM but its interesting with Teddy Long going back to Smackdown, which i think will be good for that brand. It will be interesting to see what will happen until they name a new GM or if Tiffany continues.

Don't think she can do any worse than Adamle did. People will cheer her, prob just because she's not wearing a lot, and will be the hottest GM since Steph.

What are your opinions on this change of situation?
She's the "interim" GM.
Course, last time that happened, we got Vickie Guerrero.

Anyone else see Tommy Dreamer becoming GM after he retires?

If it were up to me I'd pick Ted DiBiase Sr. but whatever.
Dreamer would be a good GM if he doesn't win the title by the time his contract expires. But back to Tiffany, this would be nice on her resume'; Posed for Playboy, fourth in the 2007 Diva Search and now an Interim G.M. I'm kinda excited to see if and what she brings to ECW. I doubt she'd bring the extreme back but what kind of matches and choices will she make. Someone could try and do what Edge did and get in a relationship with her. It'd be funny if Christian was the one who did it too.
Anyone else see Tommy Dreamer becoming GM after he retires?

I was hoping I'd be the first to bring this up. I originally figured that he would be the new co-host for Joey Styles on WWE 24/7. He was always just OK on the mic, but he's an ECW Original, and would fill Tazz's old role rather nicely.

Now that Tiffany is the interim GM, we'll get to see what WWE has planned for her. If this works, then she'll be the full-time GM, and if it fails, then she's gone. In steps Tommy Dreamer.

If he does become GM, I hope he quickly re-instates the rules. The current ECW should not be called ECW, and everyone knows it.
I'm pretty sure the W.W.E Creative writing staff have flipped their fucking lid on this one. I get and understand that hotness in a skirt and breasts popping out of a top two sizes too small is appealing, but she's not exactly screaming.. GM material.

Up until tonight's episode, I didn't even realize she had a brain. Honest truth.

Her character has been in love with Ricky Ortiz for months, and if this means he'll suddenly get another push.. I'm gonna be sick. On this note, the current "Backlash Chase" that's going on.. well, I don't think I have to explain it but I'm sure someone out there feels it was her idea.

Truth is, it doesn't really matter who you put in the role of General Manager. Because they aren't the ones behind actually making the matches. They just have to sell them, through mic skills. One quality.. Tiffany.. does.. not.. hold.

So why? Was Joey Styles just incredibly way too busy with writing a once a week internet column? Did Taz just absolutely not want to return until a special surprise role? And honestly.. Matt Striker is mic-GOLD.. and yet the girl with the fucked up smile gets the spot. I see.
She's only been the GM for one night and already all these responses. Yeah she'll need some practice and improvement, but this is something new. We've had WAY too many heel GM's. A hot diva for a GM will be something fresh and different. I think she'll be good, let's just wait and see.

I think Tiff will do okay I just hope Ricky O doesn't becaome a face version of Edge all though that would be interesting if the wreslter was any good, I think she just got hired becasue Vince realizes Sex sells it's simple cleavage you gained a couple hundred veiwers because of that it's sad but it's business. After hopefully it'll be TOMMY DREAMER he is ok on the mic and hopefully Vince wil then turn ECW a little more original ECWish becasue it would make sense with Dreamer as GM. Any way I think Tiffany will do fine it's Ortiz I'm worried about.

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