Echelon Facts


Reaper of Miracles
Hilarious that I've been here since 2006, yet I don't think really anyone knows anything about me, I guess that's my fault

Things you should already know about me

1. I'm from Nashville

2. I have Schizoaffective disorder - its a disorder where both a mod disorder and schizophrenia are present

3. My father passed away when I was 6

4. I spend most of my childhood and teenage years in and out of therapy and treatment

5. I am a republican

6. I enjoy listening to metal but I enjoy other forms of music as well - techno is a guilty pleasure for me

7. I am sexually attracted to pregnant women, but I don't consider it a fetish, as I can still get it up when the pregnancy is no longer present

8. I avidly enjoy women's pro wrestling, of all kinds

Things you probably didn't know about me

1. I am currently in college at Western Kentucky

2. I am an Engineering major with a Psychology minor

3. I plan to go into the railroading industry, I want to be a locomotive engineer

4. The railroading industry is a passion for me, I've dedicated the past years of my life to learning everything I can about them so I know quite a bit about not only the history of Railroads in the United States and Worldwide, but also the economy of railroads, the different Locomotives, and how they work.

5. I am a fanatic about cars; how they work, the economy and cars, and the history of the automobile

6. I watch a lot of the history channel and animal planet

7. I am also fascinated by paleontology, cryptozoology, astronomy, and warfare (particularly strategic warfare)

8. I spent 2 years living in Utah and a few months living in Wyoming

9. I enjoy skiing, mountain biking, white water rafting, kayaking, and camping

10. I am an avid NASCAR fan, although I also enjoy watching UFC, MMA (particularly brazilian jujitsu) as well as other forms of martial art such as Taekwondo and Sambo

11. I have a love/ hate relationship with my family
The one thing I learned from this thread:

1. Echelon is a big nerd. ;)

thats the first time I have been called a nerd LOL when I was younger, most people when they meet me often call me a psycho :( so I can say being called a nerd is a pleasant change

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