Easy Listening


Staff member
Personally, I like to wind down and relax to some good music at the end of a long day and I also think that easy listening is the most underrated genre of music around at the moment. That being said, this isn't a thread that is designed to examine the ins and outs of listening to whale music. No, in fact, I prefer the softer sounds of some bands that you wouldn't expect it from and some that you would. You see, I go through phases where I want to listen to hard rock and then I decide that I want to chill out and if you are anything like me, then easy listening music will be the way forward.

Right now, there is a lot of music around that fill this criteria and whilst they may not be the typical "easy listening" genre, they calm me and let me chill out. Bands like Paramore have experimented with this genre and I think that it comes off brilliantly. Then you have people like Jason Mraz and Joshua Radin that have built a career on making people swoon over their soft melodies. This thread is here to examine these songs and hopefully allow the sharing of relaxing music. I'll start...

This is the song I was referencing when I mentioned Paramore a little earlier and I am completely in love with this song. I do not count myself as a big Paramore fan but I really like this song. It is so different from what they usually produce and really sets them apart from some of the more generic rock bands that are around at the moment. This song is just amazing and I can't get enough of it. The lyrics are really nice and it is relaxing overall.

Joshua Radin is not an artist who is exceptionally well known in the UK and this is basically the first song of his that I have actually rated. That being said, it is actually a beautiful song. I heard it on the radio when I was talking to my ex girlfriend and whilst it may sound pathetic, it really wrenched my heart. It's really fantastic and the lyrics can just relate to anyone that has loved before or loved and lost. I love it.


Athlete are another band that really didn't capitalise on the waves they made with this song. Apparently, it is all about the birth of the lead singer's daughter which is nice. Although it isn't technically classed as easy listening per se, I like to listen to it when I need to chill out or when I am sad. It's a great song and a sing-a-long classic, if there ever was one.

See, I told you it wouldn't be whale music.

Anyone else have any favourites?
I have to admit when I read the thread title I figured this would be a Trance / Techno based thread, but I'll go along, if you don't mind I contribute a little bit of Easy Listening trance if that's okay?

Hell, I'm gonna do it either way, this song was the first exposure I had to proper easy-listening trance, I had a Swedish friend, DJ, who's very hooked to this style, who slowly exposed me to more of this, but this is the very first, and one of my definite favorites:


And another Easy Listening Trance "group" that took advantage of the use of singers, something that could prove really soothing in my opinion, and I think the singer has an incredible voice, I'm not too knowing of her name sadly, cause I would love to hear more from her as a particular artist, either way, here it is.


But if we have to step into the more pop / rock based music genre, I have to say I have an insane love for the lyrical abilities that Jason Mraz shows, and I think while he's certainly exposed to the mainstream music business, I still consider him incredibly underrated as an overall talent.


Although I do believe Jason Mraz would be considered to be in the genre of (soft) Adult contemporary music genre if I'm not completely off track.
Either way, Jason Mraz has proved to be one of the rock / pop artists that I have considered INCREDIBLY relaxing to listen to, and therefore I will not leave him out of this thread.

Great thread Dave.
I've heard a lot of Joshua Radin's stuff on Scrubs. He is very good and easy to listen to. His song "Closer" is fantastic and is a perfect song to listen to and relax.

My favorite easy listening would be Jack Johnson. Hear his music and you can suddenly feel like youre relaxing on the beach. Its perfect for a nice drive with the windows down on a friday afternoon. I know it makes me smile and puts me in a great mood every time I hear him. Not to mention, it is very easy to enjoy his music, even if its not your style.

Regina Spektor's album Far is something I'd consider easy listening and perfect for what you described. I listen to it a lot when I need to unwind and it's just a beautiful, solid album altogether with a song for every mood. I distinctly remember lying on my bed one night and just staring at the ceiling while listening to this CD from start to finish- it completely zoned me out of real life.



And she's clearly a vocal goddess so that helps a lot. I love her voice.
Having listened to all of the songs that have been listed in this thread so far, I must say that I am glad that people have their own favourites when it comes to just relaxing and letting go. Of course, everyone is obviously going to have songs they listen to when they just want to chill out but I am someone who just loves grandeur in songs and the best way to execute that is to have a slow melody and beautiful lyrics that essentially lead up to a chorus that blows you away continually. Some of the songs listed are pretty God-damned good. Cookie, the songs that you listed are absolutely amazing and I thank you for that. I have already downloaded them and am completely grateful for you putting them up.

Anyway, I have the urge to give you some of my other favourite songs that fit this criteria. The first song is Newton Faulkner's "Dream Catch Me".


I fucking love this song. It was the song that I danced to with my date for my school prom and it just holds so many memories for me. It's not as traditionally slow as I would like but it is just a fun song that fills me with happiness from start to finish. Newton Faulkner is someone who really just has disappeared after this song. He went big with this song and I caught him at T In The Park last year but he wasn't anywhere close to the top billing which is a real shame, to be honest. He clearly has some talent and this song illustrates that wonderfully. It is just so beautiful and one of my all time favourites.

Truth be told, I am not a huge fan of Jack Johnson but I adore this song. I remember just being so into this song when it came that I would just constantly listen to it over and over. It is a great example of how Johnson can ge truly brilliant and the flow to this song is just fabulous.

This is a new song from a band that I have not heard a lot from, in all truth but I am in love with this song. You can probably suss out that I like songs that have a bit of guitar to them and just great vocals accompanied by wonderful lyrics and this is another one that meets that criteria. Perhaps some of the Americans could tell me more about them but I think they are very promising thanks to their début UK song.
I go through different stages of easy listening songs. Generally they tend to be slow paced with anthemic choruses- kinda a bit how you described the style which you like to listen to.

The first of these is by Placebo- a band I loved for a brief summer years ago before I discovered over listening to them tended to be a bit wearing. In short burts they can be really good though. My relaxing song is Follow the Cops Back Home- I really love the turn this song takes in the second half- the words seem to really cut home for me. Its powerful but in a really relaxing way- as if there is nothing you can do but let it wash around you.


My second over listened night time song is by The Sterophonics- Mr Writer. I really don't like the rest of this album and I generally never bother to listen to the band but again when I don't want to think and just lie back I find this is a great song.


Two other songs I really to chill with are Collect Call by Metric and Hysteric by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. I lumped both together here becuase they are pretty similar styles of songs- both female vocalists and both songs in which have really comforting nice choruses that I can help but smile with and lie back.



My last choice is rather simplistic but I find it very relaxing- a contant gentle piana riff slowly lapping around you which builds slowly but never explodes. I know Sigur Ros aren't to everyone's taste- but this is a more cut down simplistic song and very easy listening.

My musical tastes have a very wide range. One of my favorite bands incorporate classic rock with death metal and a touch of classical and experimental. Hell, I even listen to a lot of classic country. Honestly the only music I don't care for is techno and reggae. Every now and then I love to put on something a little lighter; something I could fall asleep to calm my mind. I'll give you an example of one of my favorite bands to relax to.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/hM_-L4tOQkg&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/hM_-L4tOQkg&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Minus the Bear is absolutely one of my favorite bands. Always relaxing but with awesome driving melodies at the same time. They have that perfect mix of mellow with mission. They aren't so simple that they're pointless, but simple enough to chill to and enjoy the moment.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2GHyLhbdzN0&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2GHyLhbdzN0&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Bright Eyes is a very hit and miss group for me. Connor is an awesome song writer but sometimes the songs come off very whiny and just too unpolished for me. When their songs are good though, they're REALLY good. This is a perfect example of a relaxing song to me. The whole atmosphere it creates if very optimistic to me.
So, my obsession for easy listening music continues and I would like to personally thank all of the people who have posted in this thread so far. I love easy listening music and all of the submissions thus far have been absolutely brilliant and I have downloaded most of them and put them into my personal collection. So, thanks a lot guys, I have repped all of you for your fantastic entries.

So, with that said, time to post some more of my own personal favourites. The next two songs are by one of my favourite bands of right now and that is the All American Rejects. I may have come late to the party that is the band but I feel as though they are definitely the kind of band that I will get into now and into the future. So with that in mind, let's get on with this.

I absolutely adore this song. I don't know what it is but I just cannot get enough of it. For me, it is probably the best song they have ever recorded and is a prime example of the sort of thing that I am looking for when I started this thread. The All American Rejects are not a band that I would have associated with this type of song but they really surprised me with it when I got their album.

This, again, is a bit of a surprise for me because I expected a little more tenacity from them, in terms of sound. However, I think it is the violin in this song that just sets the whole thing off for me. I think it is a wonderful addition to the song and everything seems to flow nicely together. Although this song is probably closer to Alternative Rock, I still like to listen to it when I have had a hard day.

Paolo Nutini is a Scottish singer that has found a lot of critical acclaim for his last two albums that have been a mix of soft, enchanting melodies, like the on above, and faster paced songs that get you tapping your feet along. He has been wonderfully successful over the last couple of years and has really tried to add a bit of variety to his albums and it has worked wonderfully. This song, is a prime example of how good he can be in this genre. It reminds me so much of my ex-girlfriend who absolutely adored him and this song in particular.
I can't believe I forgot all about the All American Rejects, while I haven't heard much of their songs, I have to admit I'm absolutely in love with this one.


First song I heard from them, and it stuck around with my impression of them, I think they're pretty good, and I'm actually listening to it at this very moment just because of it's kind of chill nature while not being completely chill.

Another one, while I'm not very affected by it or incredibly much in love with it, I feel that I can relax to this song.


You may recognize it, it's the song that's used in the Fallout 3 commercials, and while it may not be easy-listening, I consider it to be very chill, even if it's an incredibly old song, it remains interesting to me.


Yep, I can probably continue this thread for a while.. I'll try to limit it, Dido may not be considered too much of an easy-listening, but I consider this one to be particularly soothing to listen to.
One of my favorite "chill-out" bands is Bright Eyes. I agree with Armbar that some of his songs come off as "whiny," but he has so many songs that are incredible. For example, this song is the epitome of easy listening. It's got smooth vocals, great lyrics, slow and quiet percussion, and a relaxing guitar part. Enjoy.


If you like this song, check out some of Conor Oberst's (the vocalist/songwriter for Bright Eyes) solo work. Some of it's almost as mellow as this song is.
I never really would describe myself as someone into easy listening. However looking through my iPod there are probably a few easy listening bands/artists I like.
Bright Eyes has been mentioned a couple of times and I love them/him. This is probably my favourite Bright Eyes tune. It's really great song writing coupled with Conor Oberst's really fragile voice. It makes for beautiful songs. This one also has the country singer Emylou Harris on it who is pretty good.

Neil Young is one of those artists that I was brought up on (along with Bob Dylan and The Beatles). Like Conor Oberst, he has that fragile voice which gives the feeling of vulnerability and passion. This song is the unplugged version rather than the original which is a bit heavier.

Rilo Kiley is a band that I have gotten back into recently after not listening to their stuff for a year or two. Their latest album 'Under the Blacklight' is so good I would post every song from it. However, here is just one.

Finally, I thought I would put up a band from my home city, called Slow Club. Boy/girl combo who do quite acoustic, whimsical songs. Some might find it a bit too twee, but I absolutely love it. Perfect summer music to be honest.

When I hear the phrase easy listening, I always think of Michael Buble or something really dull like that. However this thread has widened my perception of what easy listening music is.

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