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As we all know the surver recently went down which meant the owner had to reset it so i want to know did he notice that your in the Admin User group and did he give you the Admin powers to go with it? Or has he still blatently ignored it and just reset the surver?

Pastie Out
question to my friend and respected elder dysturbed will the jackass that owns this site ever give you the power you need to run this place right?
Similar question. Did the jackass that owns the site even know it went down. Or was it up to someone else to fix all his problems.
If everyone agrees that Dysturbed should get Admin powers, instead of sitting here and calling the owneer of this site names, why dont you all try to contact him in some way, like I've said before if even a few of the Senior Members here go to him or one of the Site Owners with requests that Dysturbed gets Admin Powers it would make the case even stronger.
St Jonny said:
If everyone agrees that Dysturbed should get Admin powers, instead of sitting here and calling the owneer of this site names, why dont you all try to contact him in some way, like I've said before if even a few of the Senior Members here go to him or one of the Site Owners with requests that Dysturbed gets Admin Powers it would make the case even stronger.

because like it has been said on numerous occasions the owner dosen't care what happens to this website and when people have tried speaking to him he dosen't reply
St Jonny said:
If everyone agrees that Dysturbed should get Admin powers, instead of sitting here and calling the owneer of this site names, why dont you all try to contact him in some way, like I've said before if even a few of the Senior Members here go to him or one of the Site Owners with requests that Dysturbed gets Admin Powers it would make the case even stronger.

that was actually tried last year. For about 6 months we tried to email him, we tried to PM him, we tried to AIM him, we went through Matt Boone, Andy, and former admins and everytime he ignored it.

He then shat on the board saying that he did not care, that we were his like 20th biggest board.

I am not exaggerating either.

I've seen his posts about the Board and the like. But like I said sitting here and insulting the guy isnt going to accomplish anything, maybe trying to contact him wont work, but at least its doing something constructive. At least it has a chance of working, you dont know that it'll be the same.
If he didnt listen once i hardly think he would listen to anyone this time. IF he dont care about the board he mayas well just put everyone out of there misery and close it. He lost alot of business being a fuckwit last time and forcing people to make a new forum he really aint doing much for his rep this time round with newer gen people either.
I really don't care to be honest. I don't spend as much time as I'd like to at you know where due to various reasons so having to admin this place with all of the bs isn't worth the hassle. Over there we have three admins to do the biggest stuff. Doing all of the big stuff here whether would get on my nerves at this point.
But like I said sitting here and insulting the guy isnt going to accomplish anything, maybe trying to contact him wont work, but at least its doing something constructive.

I think thatt= the best way is to call him names.. He doesnt care. Why should you? Or anyone else for that matter.. Hes not going to give anyone admin powers and that is that..

At least it has a chance of working, you dont know that it'll be the same.

Hmm.. Probably no chance.. He didnt care the first time, why would he now? And if anyone knows on how this brian character works, its Dysturbed..

don't spend as much time as I'd like to at you know where due to various reasons so having to admin this place with all of the bs isn't worth the hassle

I dont blame you one bit.. After all the shit every supermod here has been through I dont know how you didnt do this sooner..

I really dont post here much anymore, for basically the same reasons as Dysturbed.. Tho i'm not a mod, or a supermod or anything along those lines, I myself as well as a numerous amount of Senior Posters have giving up.. It really isnt worth it anymore.. This place is ran by Supermods, theres not one admin here to fix anything, to add anything, to actually help run things.. Whats the use anymore.
St Jonny said:

I've seen his posts about the Board and the like. But like I said sitting here and insulting the guy isnt going to accomplish anything, maybe trying to contact him wont work, but at least its doing something constructive. At least it has a chance of working, you dont know that it'll be the same.

How is it constructive?

6 months, nothing happens. Board goes down for a few months. He comes back, blames everyone else, says he will fix it. 6 months later, finally fixes it, then the board starts going down again.

Bitching about him is a lot more constructive at this point, because at least it lets some steam out.

If you do not think that these guys have been trying perpetually to contact him, then you are out of your mind. To think that it could even be a possible option anymore is completely myopic.

I mean I am not here trying to stir crap up (even though I probably am). But if you are going to try to tell me, us, or anyone else to try to talk to a person who refuses over and over again to talk to us, then I have to say something, because you obviously have no clue about the true situation.
why od i see all the mems that insulted dysturbed banned? repct the man some mems call him a bully or a Jack-a** but he's not he is the admin and he deserves respect for that
why od i see all the mems that insulted dysturbed banned? repct the man some mems call him a bully or a Jack-a** but he's not he is the admin and he deserves respect for that

Dysturbed isnt an admin.. Hes under the Admin Permission Mask but doesnt have access to ACP.. Hes repeated this over and over again.
why od i see all the mems that insulted dysturbed banned?

I'm not sure why you think that you see that since people don't get banned if they insult me, they get banned if they bring drama to the forum as a whole. If that involves insulting me that doesn't make it the primary reason, or anyhthing close to it.

repct the man some mems call him a bully or a Jack-a** but he's not he is the admin and he deserves respect for that

Even though you didn't take a shot at me there, I shall clarify that there are two reasons why anyone would consider me a jackass here. 1) Something I say in a wrestling post or 2) because I have the nerve to enforce rules to that this place can be better.

There are reasonable explanations for both.

For the first...If I ask a question or point out the obvious reason behind certain things, one might conclude that I'm picking on them but if they think about it, why do people ask questions? They do it to get answers. So those situations involve me asking something to get a better undeserstanding of their viewpoint as opposed to me saying that they're wrong. It's common sense really, but often misconstrued. I've never had the I'm right your're wrong attitude, in fact I despise it. I have the I may be right or wrong and you may be right or wrong but that there's no set answer cause WWE doesn't revolve around our personal views attitude.

I like what I like, I dislike what I dislike but never to such an extent that it consumes me, (although there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the majority being otherwise). If I watch a show and see something idiotic or stupid I recognize it and deal with it. If I like something or love something I get happy about it but I don't have to force myself to post as if I'm orgasming over it simply because that's not my style. (again others can do as they please).

So I look at the big picture rather than act like things are good when they personally benefit me. I’m not selfish enough to think that something is wrong if it doesn’t go my way therefore I don't post as if that's the case. People get pissed if I point out the obvious as to why something may have happeend simply because they're so caught up in their view being the proper way, that someone stating otherwise is considered wrong.

As for the second thing, out of all of the hate threads that myself or anyone has received over the years there haven't been many where the posters were willing to take responsibity for their own actions. If someone is warned, banned, etc it's within justifiable reasoning as proven time and time again. Spineshank (Grungy) admitted to such with his situation as have others. So really I'm no bully, I'm simply doing the right thing. I understand that it may come across a certain way but really if people look at things from my perspective they'll have a lot better understanding of any warnings. That applies to people's views towards any mod here.

To reiterate I'm not admin. Other threads go into details but I'm a supermod just like a few others. They are my equals. Somehow many banishments, closed threads that offer no explanation, etc are pinned on me by some posters just because I guess I'm a recognizable name here over the years and one of the only known WZ names to come around here from time to time.. I'm used to it though.

o well still he has my respect

Thank you

As for what St. Jonny... What he said makes perfect make sense under normal circumstances to have the quit bitching and do something about it attitude, but where this site is concerned, the attempts to do something about it have been fruitless, hence Advocate saying that people may as well vent.
I still don't understand why you guys even bother trying to help this place out anymore. It's a lost cause.
^^^^ I agree with you now. It took me awhile but this place is fucked beyond all recognition now. Dysturbed, Peopleschamp Etc - can only do so much but i dont really think they can do anymore.

Its a sad way to see something go but it looks alot like its death knell time for wz.
lol yeah my bad. I didnt see the obvious. Shame really met some pretty funny people during my times here too. Real Shame indeed.
I'm here and I'm open to sugggestions. JP seemed reliable but I guess not?

-The Jackass who owns the site
The only suggestion I believe is really to apoint of member of the forum as an admin that knows how to run a forum, due to the fact that you cant always be on and the board really needs someone with access to the acp to keep this place running nicely... 6 supermods and 2 reg mods really doesnt cut it... 1 supermod is on once in a blue moon and one doesnt kno what hes doing.. Not mentioning names tho.. As for reg mods, there only in the Book this Forum and the GFX Forum, oh and theres one in Bar Room for no apparent reason.. And once again, she never comes on either..

Like I stated there needs to be an admin thats on almost always and another supermod or some reg mods...

I dont beleive you have to worry about an admin "taking over" the site due to almost everyone here being loyal, such as Dysturbed, PC and Kapp and a few others. But its a definant must so people can actually request name changes, new forums, IP Banning etc..

Basically the feedback section is pointless without an admin..
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