Marijuana has been proven to kill cancerous cells. All those other types of drugs cause all different types of side effects when there are so many less side effects from marijuana
There are documented studies that say otherwise. Marijuana decreases reaction time, increases ones heart rate, causes anxiety, depresses motor activity, causes audio and visual illusions, and much more. I'm all for the legalization of marijuana, don't get me wrong. But to pretend as if there aren't serious side effects from marijuana usage is just silly.
Further, there are marijuana related deaths in the United States every year. Just like when someone drinks and drives and kills someone, it's an alcohol related death. People have killed others just the same from smoking marijuana and driving, be it because of slowed reaction time or visual disruptions. Just like with alcohol, there's the potential to overuse.
It's not an addiction when it's used for medical purposes it's the only medicine that helps her live comfortably I hate for you to be in her situation and they called you an addict because you smoke every 2 hours.
This makes no sense whatsoever. Addiction is addiction, regardless of the reason you're addicted. I feel terribly for this woman, but if it's a necessity to take a chemical substance every so often or ill effects occur, it's addiction.
That's not inferring it's a bad thing. It's simply stating a fact. It's not putting the woman down, it simply falls under the category of being addicted.
More reason why hospitals should have rooms for medical marijuana patients to smoke from a vaporizers Marijuana I feel it should be legal in all 50 states theres so many different forms of taking it too.
You can't legistlate to all hospitals what they can and cannot do. Some are privately owned, religious facilities, for example, who believe smoking marijuana is wrong. It's not as simple as you make it out to be. There are some hospitals that do permit it, and in this case, she should have gone there. As the article says, UCSF has a clear no-smoking policy. She violated that policy. It's a shame she had a seizure, but she broke their rules, and they had every right to remove her.
You can eat it although some people have claimed when you eat it that it takes a little longer to kick in. Eating is the safest way to consume marijuana and vaporizers are the safest way to smoke it. You can also juice it as a supplement similar to wheat grass. So there are many ways you could smoke marijuana in a hospital and not cause any harm to anyone.
But that wasn't the case in this situation. She wasn't eating it or juicing it as a supplement, she was smoking it.
Why change when it's working just fine for her she really doesn't have much time left so it should matter if she lives more comfortably with marijuana all those prescription drugs can turn a human into a human zombie
Because like it or not, people have to adapt to society's rules. I'm sure that the hospital would have provided her with something to keep her comfortable or prevent seizures such as benzodiazapines while she was there if she was compliant with their policies. That's the part you're not getting. It's not the hospitals job or responsibility to change their policy or bend their rules for one person. While she's in the hospital, her Primary Care doctor isn't in charge of her medication orders, it's the hospital doctors.
that little reply you left from what you quoted on what I said makes you sound like you like it when people die from cancer.
Did she die from cancer? No. Was he mocking her for her disease? No. He's simply stating facts: She was kicked out of the hospital and had a seizure because of her doing, not the hospital's. She had choices, and she chose to defy the hospital.
There are so many less side effects with marijuana then any prescription drug.
That's an incredibly bold statement. Then ANY prescription drug? I listed just
some of the side effects of marijuana above, and that was off the top of my head.
when with marijuana with one plant you can have so many medical benefits that can do a lot of good with very few side effects I think the thousands of deaths caused by prescription drugs each year and the fact not even one person died from smoking marijuana
People DO die from smoking marijuana, as I pointed out above. They use it, they drive, their sense of awareness is lessened, and they wreck. There's a mural outside of my old neighborhood gates for a girl I went to high school with who was killed by someone who was driving high. He died as well. What do you attribute those deaths to?
And the reason people die from prescription drugs is the same reason they die from marijuana use. Abuse. It's not the narcotic aspect of prescription drugs that kill most, that's a common misconception. In cases like Vicodin or Percocet, for example, it's the Tylenol in them that you can buy over the counter that causes an overdose, not the hydrocodone or oxycodone.
I can guarantee any secondary physician would also say that she should be smoking marijuana for medical purposes.
Don't make guarantees you can't prove, because it makes you look very foolish. Do you even know what a secondary physician is? Fact of the matter is this; Her primary care doctor shouldn't even be the one prescribing her the marijuana, it should be her secondary care doctor. The fact that it is her primary care doctor creates doubt that her secondary care doctor believes she
needs it. Why else aren't they prescribing it? Primary doctors are a jack of all trades, master of none. Which is why a secondary care doctor, or a
specialist, should be the one prescribing the marijuana. He/she isn't, which raises red flags to me as to how much she truly needs it.
Well maybe you should you'll see how she goes into a seizure in the middle of the interview because she did not have her marijuana
This right here is the definition of dependency and addiction! Whether it be for medical purposes or not makes no difference, something bad happening because you don't have a drug is addiction.
If hospitals had a medical marijuana section we wouldn't have to worry about putting other patients at risk.
Why should they be forced to shell out incredible amounts of money for just a select few? What sense does that make?
Why not take some money out of the military budget we already waste too much money for military just look at all the money that when in to providing that pointless war where so many people were killed and we continue to waste money on the world's biggest failure the war on drugs. I say instead of wasting all this money why spent the money on something that can provide good.
You make it sound so simple. Funding for one branch doesn't just transfer to another branch at the snap of a finger. Don't derail this thread by turning this into bashing the money spent on the military or what you consider to be a "pointless war." That's a different topic for a different thread.
Prescription pills prescription drugs just about the same medicine thousands of people still die each year from prescription drugs and once again let me tell you the amount of people who died from marijuana 0.
People die from both, as Ive already shown you. Prolonged abuse of marijuana has also caused or contributed to schizophrenia, Bi-Polar disorder, and severe depressive conditions, which have caused people to take their lives. That's the effect of abuse of any drug. Argue it all you like, you're wrong. Marijuana kills. Just because its not in the way you're thinking of doesn't mean it's any less true.
That link gives a lot of information a lot it says how it causes fewer side effects and is much cheaper. Theres a lot more in the link give it a look for yourself if you want. I think the high quality evidence is the medical marijuana patients. Here are people who tried all this pain meds and different types of drugs that didn't much for them but when they started smoking marijuana it was a night and day difference. These people really need it like I said before there not smoking to get fucked up they smoke because it's the only medicine that helps them live.
I agree that there's concrete proof out there that medical marijuana can help to contribute to the
quality of life of cancer patients. There's no disputing that. But marijuana, just like painkillers, don't keep people alive, they simply provide a more comfortable life from great sufferring.
I'm not denying that Ms. Raich gains usefulness from it, and it helps her quality of life by providing comfort, and even controls her seizures. But to say that marijuana keeps someone alive is as silly as you saying that people havent died as a result of marijuana.
If you were to take away some of these peoples medical marijuana they wouldnt be the same. They wouldnt be able to function properly without so they do need marijuana to live.
No, their quality of life would be less. But you keep confusing quality of life with keeping someone alive. You can throw all the links and articles at us about the positives of medical marijuana that you like, but until you show me one case study where marijuana is shown to keep someone alive, I'm calling B.S.
It annoys me when it just comes to the idea of legalizing marijuana when you hear people say things like marijuana is a fickle subject, my answer to that is no it isnt and grows up and learn some facts it's been around forever hasn't killed anyone provided many health benefits it has. The same plant you can also produce hemp which can easily be said is the most useful crop in the entire world I feel that not enough people are properly educated on what marijuana is really like.
Fickle means to change one's mind frequently. Are you sure you didn't mean controversial?
You tell people to grow up when it comes to legalizing marijuana, yet you're the one who sounds like a child by insisting that everyone accepts your point of view. You don't put a second of consideration into the viewpoint of others.
Further, it is, a fickle, or controversial, whatever you care to call it, subject. Yes, hemp can be used to produce gasoline. Yes, it helps people with serious conditions out. But it also is an addictive substance, in thatlong-term marijuana users can't stop using it even when it interferes in other areas of their life. There's a dependency factor, there's an abuse factor, and there's psychological and physical effects as well.
I get that you're trying to push an agenda here, and you're using Ms. Raich's condition as your vehicle for doing so. You're passionate about it, so more power to you. But all that can be said about this has been said already.
Bottom line: Ms. Raich knowingly broke a hospital rule. There are other medications that can treat seizures that kick in right away such as benzodiazapines that I'm pretty darn sure the hospital would have used if she had followed their rules and not gotten herself kicked out. But she didn't, and because of the choice she made, she had a seizure.
I feel awful for the poor woman that she has a brain tumor and is dying. But that doesn't excuse her from responsibility here.