DX or MITB which one did you enjoy more?

Which PPV did you enjoy more?

  • Destination X

  • Money in the bank

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok last week before the Destination X PPV i posted a thread and poll asking which PPV you were more excited for.

Now that both PPVS have been and both lived up to expectations which PPV did you enjoy more? Which PPV was worth your dolla and if you could only choose one which would you have rather watched?

I loved both PPVs and both had there disappointments.
DX no names returning,The open challange match and the Abyss match was poor.
MITB DB not cashing in the MITB when Christain was clearly out and the Kelly Kelly match was poor aswell.
But both PPVs had amazing matches
DX had ultimite X and the fatal 4 way which stole the show
MITB had 2 amazing ladder matches.
Add in both shows hour long main events and the shows were almost mimicking each other.

Im having trouble picking but I would have to say MITB was slightly better those guys went so hard i beleive there was no less then four superstars that got hurt and some of the spots were just out of this world. Also I dunno if it was Chavos message to Cena,the crowd hating on him or even Punk just being the better wrestler but even Cena picked his game up and tryed new stuff which i will always welcome.

Discuss :)
I enjoyed Destination X. I enjoy X Division wrestling. It had good matches (I loved Daniels/Styles), but it also had it's low points. For example, a completely pointless Generation Me vs. Eric Young and Shark Boy match. Still, Destination X was good. But will it remembered? No. Hell, I can't even remember all the matches.

On the other hand, Money In The Bank will be remembered for years to come. There was also not a single bad match. The Divas match was an above average women's match while Big Show vs. ark Henry far surpassed my preconceptions. However, the two MITB matches and two world championship matches were the ones off the charts. The SD MITB match and Punk/Cena are easily match of the year candidates while the other two would stand out on any other PPV. The quality of wrestling is not the only reason while MITB will remembered. It will also be remembered for the incredible surprises. Daniel Bryan winning marked my socks off, and needless to say, Punk winning blew my mind.

Money In The Bank and it isn't even close.
BTW If Daniel Bryan cashed in MiTB then it would not make sense as he's a face and shouldn't take advantage of them situations hence him using it at Mania. The One that surpassed my Expectations the Most was Destination X so that's what I'm going for.
Destination X... hmm. Let's see, the ultimate x match, the x divisions marquee match was between three guys no one knows, and alex shelley. Who's winning that match? And why was THAT not the main event? And why was THAT not for the X division title. Instead, we got brian "no on gives a shit" kendrick, huge draw btw vs abyss??? Why was abyss on an x division ppv? Cool, you wanted to have the x division guy go up against the odds to take back the title against the monster, I get it... but The Brian Kendrick is the guy you picked? Just because he was in WWE doesn't mean people give two shits about the guy. 4 way match for a contract = gold ill give credit where its due. Cd vs aj was solid as well. But the holes are too great.

Meanwhile...MITB really speaks for itself. What can I say that hasn't already been said? This ppv proved that WWE is still the #1 promotion in the world. It proved that they still have the best talent in the world. Sorry ROH, but MITB proved that WWE is "the best in the world". There has not been a WWE ppv with such good in ring work since 01 - 02. That's how good it was. And it stood the ultimate test which is I watched it with non wrestling fans and THEY were even into it with the OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH's and whatnot.

The difference? One was sloppily booked, and felt rushed. One was well thought out. Both had five star matches. Both had four star matches. One was groundbreaking. One was earthshattering. One is the potential launching point for new storylines and maybe a new generation moving forward. One has barelly been mentioned and has all but been swept under the rug and has ushered in NO change in the way the product is booked. You take your pick. I'm going with mitb on this one guys.
I'll be honest. I preferred Destination X. I won't take anything away from WWE's Money In The Bank. One of the best shows I've seen from them in years and best they've done period this year. However, TNA had huge shoes to fill. They've been plagued with hyping big and in many's eyes not delivering. But on this one occasion, they did indeed deliver and have continued doing so. Destination X may have set the pace for this new "Wrestling Matters" direction TNA has going even though the slogan iff older than that. WWE was high and only gained the notch of a good PPV, but TNA turned things around for itself in terms of wrestling quality. And I enjoyed TNA prove they can indeed do it.
Which PPV did I enjoy more? Money In the Bank. Which PPV was worth spending money on if I could only choose one? Money In the Bank.

Look, TNA/Impact Wrestling does put on some great enjoyable shows in their PPV's but they really screwed up this time around. How can you not have a world title match on PPV? Isn't it supposed to be the most important prize in the federation? TNA/Impact Wrestling has been plagued by strange booking for a few years now, but this show takes the cake. Other than doing Hardcore Justice last year at all, not having a world title match is probably one of the worst decisions they have made when it comes to PPV's.

Then there's Money In the Bank. They gave us an obvious but good choice in Del Rio. They shocked us with Daniel Bryan. Christian got a victory that was unexpected and a second World Championship reign. CM Punk did the impossible. This was a REALLY good show, arguably the best PPV of the year so far. So you mean to ask me if I preferred the top PPV (so far) of WWE this year, or the worst PPV (so far) of TNA/Impact Wrestling so far this year? That's a tough one (sarcasm) but I'm gonna go with MITB due to it actually being a PPV worth buying, while Destination X only ended up being an example of why trying to figure out the booking of that federation gives people migraines.
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