Dwayne Johnson Denouncing 'The Rock' Name


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Quoted from Wrestlezone.com
"While promoting his new movie Gridiron Gang Dwayne Johnson has noted that he will be dropping “The Rock” nickname. Dwayne wants to differentiate his acting career from his old wrestling career. It is said that he will drop the name with the release of another movie, Southland Tales."

Well I guess I have mixed feelings. The only thing I will comment on is that I was under the impression that the reason why his films have done so well is that people remember him as the wrestler, or am I talking s**t? Any comments?
I don't see anything wrong with him going back to his real name. It might take a while to adjust to calling him that - kinda like how it took a while for us to call the WWF the WWE - but it's not big deal. After all, he's not a wrestler anymore and most people know who he is. He's already a full time actor
Personally I don't really care what he calls himself as long as he doesn't do any more football movies. He's a really good actor but I'm kinda annoyed to see him jump on this bandwagon of true story insprational football movies.
That basically proves that Rock wont be coming back to wrestling... Dont really cares what he calls himself tho.. But if he wants to succeedd in his acting carear I dont think he should use The Rock..
I always thought it sounded stupid in movie trailers when they said The Rock, it's a wrestling name if he want's to be taken seriously his real name is the ony way to go.
yes it it... I wish he would have came back after awhile.. but He was great wrestler.. wish him the best but I am sad
This morning we broke news that Dwayne Johnson was dropping “The Rock” nickname. It appears this information was taken out of context from another reporter. Below are two submissions from readers contradicting the claim:

Shane Trotman Reporting:
This morning on Orlando's Doc and Johnny Morning show they had and interview with The Rock promoting Gridiron Gang. In it he said off the bat he is not dropping The Rock moniker, he said he was glad that he could not remember the journalist who was, since they also talked about Walking Tall and his other movies. He did say that they took it all out of context but he was always going to be the Rock just as he was going to be Dwayne Johnson.

Mike Ramos Reporting:
I live in Orlando, FL and on the way to work this morning the Rock was on a local radio station. (XL 106.7) They asked him about the report he may be dropping his name and he denied ever saying that. Something he said was completely taken out of context. It’s a false rumor and said he loves being known as “The Rock”.

I knew that wasnt true
he can make more money now that he is acting though, but as stated above if he wants to be taken seriously then he should use his real name, and he isnt a bad actor, i liked the movie walking tall
well he should drop the name. The rock is no longer a wrestler, and a one match a year guy at best. He has allready used the "Rock" name to propel himself in the Movie industry. Its an insult IMO, an insult to wrestling, to the company, to Vince, to his fellow wrestlers, and the fans. He is on doing bigger and better things. He doesn't care about the fans, he doesn't live and breath and bleed wrestling like some other wrestlers. He has no loyalty to the company, the man, and the fans who made him. Of course the Rock made himself more popular with his lines and catch phrases and all but for him to leave wrestling all together shows that as good and popular as he was, he didn't belong here to begin with. I know some you guys could care less, and really don't give a you know what, what he does but for me I think it's disgusting. I loved watching the man work, with the mic, and in the ring. He was very enteraining and leaving the ring temporarily for a flick or 2 didn't bother me. Making a living with it, and basically forgetting how much the fans loved and supported him is just not right. When he came back the time before the last one (or it might have been the last one) and he was on the titantron, it was pathetic. Cena claims he isn't going to do that, we'll have to wait and see. Jericho put many more years than the Rock did in Japan, Canada, WCW, ECW, and the WWE. The Rock is a third generation wrestler, what a shame that he chose to do movies instead of following in his dad's footsteps. he doesn't have to do it, it's his choice of course but he was good at it and I would have liked to see how different wrestling would be now, if he was still around. Sorry for all this ranting but some of you guys don't see it the way I do. I've been watching wrestling for over 20 years, and I see how "some" of these guys put everything they have into entertaining their fans in the ring and some on the mic. Dwayne has both skills and basically turned his back on all of us. He aint the Rock to me; to me he lost that name after he left the 2nd time.
The Rock actually came on a radio show in Philly last week, and he was being introduced as Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. I don't see a problem either way whether he drops "The Rock" or not. I can understand that he wants to be taken more seriously as an actor (hence justifying the name drop), and I can understand him keeping it because it gives him name recognition. Either way, that's up to The Rock to decide. It's his career so he could do whatever he wants with it.
Rock is a sell out and Hulk Hogan is a hero. Right! Too bad he does not want to be like Mick Foley or Kurt Angle. Love these guys but they are physically wrecked. So sense we live in a capitalist society he is suppose to not go for better working conditions and better pay?

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