Drew McIntyre: The Arrogant Playboy?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Taken from WrestlingInc & multiple other sites I've seen it on;

At this time there are no plans to drop Drew McIntyre from the SmackDown roster. There is talk of giving him a makeover, making him an "arrogant playboy" over the coming weeks.

What?! I know Drew was having a bad time as the "chosen one", but surely this can just go all kinds of wrong. It depends on who remembers his chequered past with Tiffany. Then again, just have Drew McIntyre, not Drew Hefner, please. This, yet again sounds like another bad decision by the WWE, but who knows what happens? He has the long hair & feminine looks.

Arrogant, brash, cocky.....those are the adjectives WWE uses to describe the majority of the heels on the roster.

"Up next on NXT, the arrogant and malicious Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks in action!"

Ugh, it gets so annoying hearing the announcers describe nearly every heel the same way.

As for Drew McIntyre, they should've taken him off TV a long time ago. It makes Teddy Long look like an incompetent buffoon that he hasn't "fired" Drew yet. I'm not sure how I'll feel about this gimmick he'll supposedly receive. Maybe WWE should reach into their bag of silly (yet fun and colorful) gimmicks of the early to mid nineties. Can you imagine Drew McIntyre as the next person to play Doink the Clown?
but who knows what happens? He has the long hair & feminine looks.
... I think you're reading it wrong. he isn't going to come out and act like he belongs in a centre piece for the actual playboy magazine.

As someone said on the main page. "any way to see drew wrestle is a good idea" I wouldn't mind seeing Drew come out with a new gimmick if it involved him getting another push. Not so sure about the "Arrogant" part it is getting done to death, but the playboy look could work, every girl I know that watches wrestling finds him hot and with his accent, If given the chance it could be something different then every other wrestler, I guess in a way it could even lead to another Diva being in the playboy magazine, or even have him coming out with actual playboy bunnys. Who wouldn't want to see that?
How many times do I have to explain this? Drew is going to have to find a way to keep his job. Teddy is going to have Drew do him some 'favors'. The implication will be that Teddy is pimpin' Drew to the ladies. Drew will not be happy about these 'favors'. Later in a vignette we will find out that Drew has been posing on romance novel covers. Thanks to Aksana eventually Drew embraces the idea that he has the fullest chest and silkiest hair in the world and becomes a Rick 'the model' Martel/Rick Rude/Fabio hybrid of a man who uses his arrogance to piss off the men and win over the ladies. He will come to the ring escorted by a couple of different 50 year-old cougars every week. His ring entrance attire will vary from Zorro Capes, smoking jackets and Paul Birchell's old swashbucking pirate costumes.

Just book it and accept it WWE Universe. Drew sucks and he needs something to help him stand out. Eventually he will be the next notch on Vicki's bedpost and go on to feud with a regressing face Dolph Ziggler. He will win that feud and go on to be next notch in Cena's bedpost, lose that feud and go back to being the buried vanilla guy he is today.
I think it's a great idea, it's not like trying this is going to hurt a successful run right now because he isnt doing shit. The ladies already love D Mac so why not play to that? I honestly believe that this is the role that he will break out in, it fits him well and it's not something we have had for a while in the WWE. He's going to be our next Rick Rude and the girls will eat it up, I'm very excited and I can't wait to see what he does with it.
Drew is a good looking guy so this might not be a bad idea for him. It can't get much worse for him anyway so this can't hurt him. In addition, it'd be a really interesting and possibly over the top gimmick which is so few and far between these days. Anything to help separate him from the pack and stand out because right now he's not doing jack shit. If this helps him get over, then I say go for it. Drew's got little to lose at this point.
It can't hurt things. McIntyre is someone that I think's improved a lot. He's a much better guy in the ring and promo wise now than when he was Intercontinental Champion. What I mean as far as his improved promo abilities is that his use of body language and facial expressions when he speaks are vastly improved, such as when he shows frustrations with his current situation during segments with Teddy Long.

I don't know if this gimmick will work but, as others have pointed out, he doesn't have anything to lose at this point. He might even be great in this role. Stranger things have happened after all.
Its not really an original gimmick but it might work. He tried the sinister/evil type of gimmick and couldn't pull it off.
I thought he pulled off the sinister/evil type pretty well, it's just he was an unknown then and only people are starting to give him credit now. The problem is they have no story or direction for him so it looks like he is going to change or tweak his gimmick to see if this will work.
They may as well try this and see how it pans out, as I've said before if it is like his indie character then it will be great! :)
I think this is a great choice for McIntyre. I see this gimmick being more in line with the Model Rick Martel. I mean, for the last few weeks, I've been unsure what McIntyre's gimmick is, so that's not helping. WWE obviously want to use him so this may be a step in the right direction.
McIntyre is someone that I think's improved a lot. He's a much better guy in the ring and promo wise now than when he was Intercontinental Champion.

It's interesting to see how WWE handles a guy who is young and has a big upside, yet is thought to have "failed" in his initial gimmick. Do you get rid of him? Do you give him another chance?.....and if he's to get another chance, how long does he have to wait for it?

Take Jack Swagger. His initial push involved winning the world championship! Apparently, the company decided his reign was a failure and they took the title away, yet Swagger never faded from the scene or was either ignored or made to do humiliating things, as Drew McIntyre was. Different people are handled in different ways and although we speculate as to what the company is thinking, we never really know.

For a long time, I thought Drew's days in WWE were numbered. Now, it finally appears they're going to do something with him. It's ironic that some members of this forum thought Drew was close to being released after he was made to job to Funkasaurus at the Royal Rumble.....but I saw it differently: he was given a singles match at a major pay-per-view. Better that than being left off the damn show altogether, no?

But it's apparent now they're doing something with McIntyre. Personally, I wanted to see him turn face, but after all the months of inactivity, I'm just happy he's going to get any kind of action. If the company wants to run with an arrogant playboy image, all I can say is Drew has the looks and physique to bring it off; after all, they need a legitimate "pretty boy" to make it look real, and they've got the right guy for it. (If you don't hear from me after this starts, you'll know I've gone into a coma).

Will it work? Who knows? In some ways, it seems contrived because we already know Drew; it's not as if he's coming to WWE for the first time with a unique gimmick. But then, Rick (The Model) Martel didn't start out as a pretty boy, yet they brought it off.

Some programs work, some don't....but with Drew's vastly improved skills and work ethic, his time may have arrived.

Keeping my fingers crossed.:gasp:

Couldnt be worse than what hes already doing...still dont see the fascination with this guy...yea he has a cool theme song but wtf else does he have..everybody is on his mushroom tip like hes the second coming...talking about main eventin Mania...hes no where near close to be even considered for that..hes not even considered for MITB...Ill say that he has potential but damn the guy is young, let him grow...as far as the arrogant playboy, there would have to be divas available right? AJ is involved with D Bryan...Coudnt see Beth or Natalya or even Kharma for that matter lol..Taminas not built for that role...Eve is busy...all the other faces have won some sort of title so it would hurt their image in some sense..wait a minute let me take back these are divas were talkin about....they might as well lol
WTF have they not done this already? These clowns in "Creative" should just pop in tapes from mid 80's to early 90's WWF and they could find some great gimmicks to recycle, since they can't come up with one on their own. Giving DM a Rick "The Model" Martel or "Ravishing" Rick Rude type of gimmick could work really well. I'd be excited to see it. First the "Funkasaurus", and now a real gimmick for Drew McIntyre? Don't work too hard there "Creative"!
I think it's a great idea, it's not like trying this is going to hurt a successful run right now because he isnt doing shit. The ladies already love D Mac so why not play to that? I honestly believe that this is the role that he will break out in, it fits him well and it's not something we have had for a while in the WWE. He's going to be our next Rick Rude and the girls will eat it up, I'm very excited and I can't wait to see what he does with it.

I agree, I think this could be a good thing for Drew. It is DEFINITELY an improvement on being a jobber, and a Rick Rude/Rick Martel kind of character always has a place in a wrestling company. Drew is good looking, women like him, he is decent in the ring...the gimmick seems a perfect fit in my eyes.

I look forward to seeing this happen, if indeed it is something that WWE are going to go ahead with. Drew McIntyre is more than capable of being a credible Intercontinental or US champion, and giving him a push with this gimmick is a good way to get him back in the mix. I say go with it.
I'm not even sure the SD creative even know what they are doing with Mcintyre, he has great potential but is in a losing streak story with no real direction?
I think the playboy idea is great, but they need to go somewhere with this story they have started on SD and at least give it purpose otherwise it's going to make them look bad and as if they don't know what they are doing....Mcintyre too and being made to look bad has to come to something sooner or later.
There are plenty of potential fueds on SD, so why aren't we seeing them? Just Big Show, Mark Henry and now DB is in the mix.....with the added Orton and Sheamus and a bit Barrett, surely the Roster is bigger than that...come on now WWE lets have some more variety and start some new fueds.....it is 2012 after all......what else do you have to lose??? :p
Another arrogant heel in WWE? That means we got...15?

I love how people say Brodus Clay shouldnt have been a monster heel because "that role was taken by Mark Henry" no **** Sherlock, that still dosent mean you cant have another!

Anyway on a lighter note, they really need to come up with new ways guys can be heels, not everyone has to be a chiken**** heel, who tells the fans he is better than them, bla bla, it dosent ever work, people hardly even boo at it.
Why do people still care about him? He's not that good. Ever think that the whole "chosen one" stuff was just a GIMMICK?? He was never that good. He's bland sauce. He doesn't play his character well at all. He just talks, and walks, and wrestles, and NONE of it has any personalized characterizations at all. It doesn't matter what gimmick you give him, he's horrible at bringing the characters to life. Some guys like Cody Rhodes you can have do anything and they'll make it work. Some guys you give them some thing simple and they fall flat, like Drew.
Why are people assuming that because he's being repackaged as arrogant, he's going to be a heel?

Some of the most over faces in recent memory have be arrogant as hell, and even had heelish tactics in their repertoire. I'm thinking of Eddie Guerrero, Edge, CM Punk, and to an extent Orton now, just to name a few.

Now, I'm not saying that Drew is on par with these superstars, nor that he should be shot to main event level to prove himself. However, what these names have in common is that they did their rounds in the mid-card for years before getting to the top, as well as holding the Intercontinental Championship at least once.

Does Drew have it in him to reach this tier? Yet to be seen. However, people should not postulate that because he is in a losing streak that he is being buried. Just because he is suffering a loss every week on television does not mean he is in the doghouse. Someone high up must see something still in Drew to give him the airtime.

Furthermore, did anyone else the great reaction Drew got by eliminating Tyson Kidd from the battle royal last week?

So long as he doesn't shit in McMahon's or Triple H's shoes, I can see Drew having a long path in WWE.
The playboy gimmick is always something that will garner heat for a star that may know how to talk on the Mic; however simply hasn't gotten the fans to truly care about them just yet.

For example Cody Rhodes was just coming out of Legacy and while the Legacy gimmick was working better for his partner Ted DiBiase, it was not working so much for Cody Rhodes. DiBiase was on his way to feud with Randy Orton, and was getting some decent pops for the crowd; all the while it seemed Cody Rhodes was going to be the Marty Jannetty of Legacy.

However Cody Rhodes changed his gimmick to "dashing" Cody Rhodes, or in other words a true playboy in all reality. This is what helped him in his first step of many in order to help him get some heat from the fans. He then went on to become the "Disfigured" Cody Rhodes, and now he's simply Cody Rhodes! Intercontinental Champion for nearly 200 days now?

Clearly the Chosen one gimmick is NOT going places for Drew McIntyre. He is barely getting a reaction from the crowd, and even some of the hottest crowds in the entire nation are barely reacting for "The Chosen One." Maybe if McMahon had stuck with him to be his manager The Chosen One gimmick would have worked out, however not even a handshake from Vince upon introduction is going to garner you 2 years of heat. Why is that supposed to make us care that Vince likes this guy? Aren't we supposed to believe that every single superstar today has Vince's backing? Otherwise, why would they be on television.

I think this is just a stepping stone for Drew McIntyre, and he has the abilities to pull this off. Give it time, see if this gimmick works. It's worked on people like Cody Rhodes, Val Venis, Buddy Rose, etc. before. This gimmick isn't a permanent gimmick change for Drew McIntyre, and he will drop it sooner or later; it's not a Main Event caliber gimmick these days. To garner heat however? This gimmick will be PERFECT for Drew McIntyre.
Well I've just been reading he has started his gimmick on the SD house show in Honduras?
Supposedly kissing or blowing kisses to men in the crowd and brushing his hair mid match...any thoughts on this?
I'm a bit surprised, but I will wait and see if it makes it to the SD tapings before I make any harsh comments. :p
Well I've just been reading he has started his gimmick on the SD house show in Honduras?
Supposedly kissing or blowing kisses to men in the crowd and brushing his hair mid match...any thoughts on this?
I'm a bit surprised, but I will wait and see if it makes it to the SD tapings before I make any harsh comments. :p

Personally, my opinion when I first read this was a bit off putting.

But after really thinking about it, I've been really kinda enjoying Mcintyre lately. Sure he has lost for a while now (His last win was against John Morrison on Superstars last year.), so maybe this is a way to get him face. Just because he's "arrogant" doesn't mean he'll be thrown into a heel position. So really, it all goes well, we might just get a face turn.
Supposedly kissing or blowing kisses to men in the crowd and brushing his hair mid match...any thoughts on this?

Blowing kisses to men? Where did that come from?:disappointed:

Someday, I hope we get an explanation as to whatever in hell WWE has been doing with this poor guy the past year. Having him lose a bunch of matches recently is still better than not appearing on TV at all. I figured the true turning point was the battle royal in which he finished in the final four; he was a maniac during that and I believed his time had finally come. So what happens? He gets squashed by Khali......after a show of total cowardice they wouldn't force a rookie to do!

If there is a push coming, I hope it's a big one, not only because he's a fine talent with a great look......but for all the garbage he's soldiered through since his "Chosen One" days ended.

Ahh man blowing kisses at guys in the crowd?Combing his hair in the middle of a match? Sounds like a super Dashing Cody Rhodes! I gotta admit I am looking foward to it lol.
Blowing kisses to men? Where did that come from?:disappointed:

Someday, I hope we get an explanation as to whatever in hell WWE has been doing with this poor guy the past year. Having him lose a bunch of matches recently is still better than not appearing on TV at all. I figured the true turning point was the battle royal in which he finished in the final four; he was a maniac during that and I believed his time had finally come. So what happens? He gets squashed by Khali......after a show of total cowardice they wouldn't force a rookie to do!

If there is a push coming, I hope it's a big one, not only because he's a fine talent with a great look......but for all the garbage he's soldiered through since his "Chosen One" days ended.

I'm sure he's just trying it out for the house shows, it might not even make it to the main tapings? If it does I'll have to wait and see what it's like before I laugh or cry hard!!! :rolleyes:
Dear members of the Drewish faith,

Can we all just agree that WWE may not be using my idea 100%, but they do seem to be building an overly PG sexualized heel who uses his silky feminine hair as part of his gimmick? I know the Drewids are expecting the overly aggresiive tough guy that is nothing but business inside and outside of the ring or sympathetic face just looking to turn around his career but that does not seem like what is happening. He is going femboy heel to help get a reaction out of the fans.

I expect all of your apology cards in the mail along with my royalty checks from WWE.

Warmest Regards,

P.S. - Now all WWE needs to do is turn Alex Riley in to a John Cena parody and we can confirm that someone from WWE is trolling my posts in this forum for ideas.
Well its not "play"boy but it certainly rhymes with play. I would really love to see where WWE gets its gimmicks from. First farting now a "gay" guy that we all know was married and flirted with the Divas on camera not long ago. Its like they signed a bunch of middle schoolers to the writers team. How does WWE expect anyone to take the product seriously when they have a flatulence problem ridden diva, a Funkasaurus, and the "stereotypical" homosexual on the roster. Although I really want to see where they're going to go with this character. Whats the last time they had a full blown gay person on the roster who didnt try to come back as a biker after a horrible wedding scene?

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