Drew McIntyre on RAW: a mistake?

I would have much rather have him fight orton on SD! and chase the WHC.

and why the hell is he appearing on superstars??

Worse!! He is appearing and jobbing on superstars...
I think that doesnt mean good news for McIntyre!!

And since i'm part of the Drew Crew, i can only feel disapointment and anger to WWE Creative Team!!!

How bad could Drew be by turning him face?
He improved a lot and one think i noticed he managed to turn his strong accent in something good and funny!
At least he did that with Orton!!

He isnt bad in the ring at all, he has all the moves to be a main-eventer...
I am really looking forward to see what are they doing with him...

He got Bret Hart attention, so we can hope that VKM ears Bret and make good things happen!!!

Drew Crew > Cenation and Team Bring It TOGETHER!!
Well reports do say that Bret Hart has high praise for McIntyre. Whether that will translate to anything on television or not, well we'll only have to wait and see. Of course, considering that he didn't appear on RAW this past weak I'm not really optimistic at the moment. RAW is usually a place where midcarders can only thrive if they have momentum going into the show and are hitting the ground running. Last time we saw McIntyre on Smackdown, he ate an RKO from Orton. In my opinion, it doesn't really matter what show McIntyre is on. What he needed wasn't getting drafted to RAW but a decent feud with a credible superstar. Ever since Wrestlemania season, McIntyre has pretty much been put on the backburner. I do think the earlier storyline he had with Kelly Kelly awhile back had potential and could still work since they're both on the same brand. A feud with Kofi Kingston and a strong US title reign could give him back his momentum as well.
RAW is hell for midcarders xD

anyways it was nice for drew to come to RAW but not good for DB to leave RAW a fued between the 2 would be great! Drew can be like a high guy there and has been inn the main event and will surly be put there in time but now hes got fueds with evan bourne if they make that happen then HURRA
I think Drew to Raw is a mistake as well. RAW has a lot of strong personalities and stars that require the spotlight even if they dont necessarily deserve all of it. Smackdown is a place where the other guys can learn and grow if given the right direction and storyline. I mean even though Del Rio has only been on RAW for a few weeks he is already lost in the shuffle of Miz-Cena, where on Smackdown he was in the title picture.

I think Drew could benefit from a HHH type of personality. He already has the snobby look and entrance with the slow walk to the ring. I think he would play well with a Female valet the same way HHH had. He could do a slow burn towards a more aggressive style. This usually leads to being hated then into a fan favorite when you start getting the push. WWE needs to look at past characters and what made them successful and modify them. Cena is the new Hogan, Orton is in a "Stone Cold" type loose cannon personality and even the SES was a modern Right to Censor. I think a McIntyre version of HHH's character into more of a badass one would do him good. Just not on RAW.

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