Drew McIntyre on RAW: a mistake?


Best for (the Music) Business
For the record, I am a huge McIntyre fan. I've liked him since day one. However, RAW is usually the home of the main event guys. You got Del Rio, Cena, CM Punk, Miz, Mysterio, and Truth if they do something with him. The only guys that we will probably see in the main event picture anytime soon are Orton, Christian, and if he does get back in the main event, Seamus. Triple H has said that he likes McIntyre. With RAW having a title picture so full and crammed, I'm worried that the same thing that happened to Morrison will happen to him; he'll get lost in the shuffle. Albeit, Smackdown! didn't get completely raped at the draft, but they lost two contenders. Do you think McIntyre will become a WWE champion down the line, or become another one of those guys who deserve it, but just don't get it, a la John Morrison?
Definitely would've kept him on Smackdown. He could've quickly been elevated to one of the top heels on the brand and maybe get his push that we've all been waiting for. Now that he's on RAW, I feel like he may just get lost in the shuffle.
McIntyre is so boring and bland. On Raw, on Smackdown, on Superstars...

He is like Barrett, Swagger, Sheamus and most of the new "FCW" guys. They all sound the same in the mic, wrestle the same way...

I can't really understand how can anyone be a "huge fan" of him. I try (i really do) to enjoy the work of the "new blood", but i simply can't. They are bad right now.

A few years ago, he would be nothing more than a jobber in the WWE.

That's why they need to bring back a guy who hasn't wrestled in 7 years to main event Wrestlemania...
He is like Barrett, Swagger, Sheamus and most of the new "FCW" guys. They all sound the same in the mic, wrestle the same way...

Swagger is a technician, Sheamus is a powerhouse, Barrett is a brawler, and Drew is well.. average I guess, but I still think he should get a push cause he can be really entertaining as seen in his feuds with Teddy Long and Matt Hardy, Drew wasn't going anywhere on Smackdown, so moving him to RAW was a good move.
I have never been a McIntyre fan, he has some skill in the ring but to me he is just boring to watch. Maybe he needs a new gimmick IDK, but nothing about him scream whc to me, I really dont see him getting past the midcard level and the IC or US titles.
He hasn't impressed me at all really. I don't like his mic work and he is lacking a character/gimmick. Some guys can pull off a generic look and still make it to the big time, but I'm convinced McIntyre ain't one of these guys. He can put on a decent match, but that's about it. It may just be that the WWE creative team isn't helping enough who knows, only time will tell.

I think a draft to RAW is a start for him, but I really think he needs a lot more work done with him and I'm saying this as a life long WWE fan and a SCOTSMAN!
Dang, i would have really wanted to see a Randy Orton and Drew Mcintyre feud, it would have been great. It would have elevated drew mcintyre to a top heel or at least a highly respected feud. The closest thing to a top heel they have on smackdown is Mark Henry. The only thing i can see for Drew mcintyre is the tag team he had with jack swagger but i think that idea was scrapped for Swagger to stay in the Cole/Lawler angle.
I think you guys are kinda victims of the moment; I'm not an McIntyre fan at all, but he was better when he first debuted. Now they've just put him on the back burner. He like some of the guys you mentioned like Swagger, Barrett, Sheamus,etc. are being saved for the long run. I mean, truthfully, did we really take Shawn Michaels seriously when he first went solo, and look how long it to him to be the main guy. The Rock didn't just come in as the Rock, and may others legends were developed with time. McIntyre will be ok; he's gonna be world champion on one of the brands in the next couple years and the main focal point, just as Swagger, Barrett, Sheamus, and a couple others.
He is really getting buried!!!
Since his wife problem, he is getting buried a lot!

Moving to Raw and fighting on Superstars? At the level of JTG? He is by far better.
He really needs to turn face... RAW is full with major heels!

Drew McIntyre is good, he is only 25 years old!
Cody Rhodes and McIntyre should be the future, but no!! WWE prefers to push guys with more than 35 years old a.k.a RTruth and Mark Henry!

They don't have a clue on what to do with him and with more than 50% of the roster!! But fighting against Chris Masters on Superstars? Or they fire superstar, or they will push Chris Masters!

Drew McIntyre needs to turn face right now, or being drafted back to SmackDown, since McMahon said that he wasn't pleased with the draft, we could probably see Drew getting back to SD! in some sort of invasion against Orton!!
They need to shake him up, or pretend an injury, putting him some time off TV and sending him back to FCW!!
That can cause a huge push for him, but Drew is a great talent, no doubt about that!
While his debut came across as a big deal, he fizzled out rather quickly. I'd say that much like Kofi Kingston he is a "midcarder for life" no matter what brand he is on.
I like McIntyre "at times" and thinks he has "potential" but I think he will get lost in the shuffle. His only noteworthy accomplishments are competing in MITB at WM26 and "winning" the IC title from Morrison. Other than that, he has been a waste. The E had a good storyline set for him but they dropped the ball as usual and went to someone else. He was "supposed" to be the one who left Taker in the vegetative state but it went to Kane/Mysterio. Don't be surprised if he gets "future endeavored" and has a serviceable TNA or Japan career.
My God Morrison BLOWS. He does NOT deserve to be world champion. Mr. Perfect deserved to be a champion. Morrison is pretty good in the ring, that means he deserves to be champion? I can probably name 20 guys right now that are good in the ring (Primo comes to mind right away) does that mean they should all be World Champions one day?

Drew is OK in the ring but looks really wierd to me and his accent is brutal. Probably worse than Wade Barretts. I agree he is very bland as a poster above posted. He is where he should be, in the middle of nowhere, going nowhere.

Hell I think Michael Cole deserves to be champion more than Drew.(Sarcasm but you get the point)

Want a good champ? Take Big Show off of tv for awhile, have him come back as Paul Wight and have him have a chip on his shoulder. Don't let him talk, ala Goldberg at first and let him run rough shot on Raw, although Smackdown does need a good heel, Show could be that guy. Thats for a different post so I digress.
He is like Barrett, Swagger, Sheamus and most of the new "FCW" guys. They all sound the same in the mic, wrestle the same way...

I've been keeping my Barrett-ism annoying thing down lately, but let's be real here:

- Barrett is smooth as hot knife through butter on the mic and has really cut out a lot of stupid moves that make him much more vicious looking in the ring.

- Swaggie has a lisp and does the Kurt Angle impression minus the drugs and stupid moonsaults throw away spots.

- Sheamus doesn't cut many promos, but they are always about how proud of his heritage he is, and might be the best ass kicker on the roster.

- Drew, for all of his 'improvements,' still comes across as a nervous wreck on the mic and has an offense that stretches from "boring" to "is it over yet?"

Most people's career really go into limbo on Raw. That brand has always been for those people who can "hit the ground running" so to speak because once you get pushed, that's your chance to prove your spot. However, I think Drew not performing when he got his first big push is what really screwed him over. He couldn't even get over on a taped show.. Well, that and Drew just has nothing about him that makes people want to watch him. They have plenty of tall, muscular guys with good looks. What else does Drew have for him?

It may seem unfair to think of things that way, but when you got a platter full of young talent, there's no reason to try something that you didn't like the taste again.
Im not a huge fan of McIntyre, but what I will say is this, He's not really getting any type of opportunity to do anything. I think if he stayed on SD! he would have more of a chance to shine, but given the number of top level heels on the "A" show, he doesn't have too much of a shot. I don't know if turning him face is the way to go because he wasn't fully over as a heel. The old adage is if they are not over as a heel they will be even less over as a face. he needs to find a way to get back to SD! to make an impact.
I agree that McIntyre should turn face, feud with the new Nexus or Alberto Del Rio. Maybe see if Jack Swagger wins the U.S. Title and go after him. It would have been better maybe to have left him on Smackdown and take on Sheamus.
McIntyre will be ok; he's gonna be world champion on one of the brands in the next couple years and the main focal point, just as Swagger, Barrett, Sheamus, and a couple others.

Why? Just because is new?

Well, he could be a champion. Hell... If Swagger was champion everyone can be.

But, to me, he screams "boring" every single time.

Maybe in a few long years, he will improve.
McIntyre on RAW is a huge mistake. I agree he will be a main event heel champion, one day in the WWE future. But its not going to happen on RAW any time soon, where Drew is arguably considered the 8th best heel on the show (Cole, Miz, Del Rio, R-Truth, Swagger, CM Punk, Ziggler).

Drew would be best suited for Smackdown right now. A feud with Randy Orton would have been exciting and a refreshing change of pace.
Drew will get his chance but not right now just like Morrison. Both of these 2 will get a major push after the llikes of prob Mysterio, Henry, Cena or Orton get injured or retire on the 1st 2 just give it time. Look at long it took Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Stone Cold, Triple H, The Rock, Kane (aka Issac Yankem or "Diesel"), John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Edge, Christian to reach the top. McIntyre is just waiting it out a trying to stay relevant. I for 1 hated The Brock push of 2002 and Vince doesn't want to screw up that again. Go back and watch that 2 yrs and this is the reason why Drew or JoMo aren't gettin a big push yet but they will in the future as Shawn is big fans of Both of these 2.
As much as I'm still waiting for Drew to ride in on a white horse and carry me away, I can't say I'm optimistic about his chances of true stardom. It was discouraging to not see him at all this past Monday. I keep reading posts about how many think Drew will be a major star in the future......but does it really work that way? Does WWE truly keep a guy down with the idea that he can gain the top if he's a good boy and waits.....and waits? Or is Drew regarded as a guy who was brought in to the company with great fanfare; and that he essentially failed his big chance, relegating him now to glorified jobber status? They don't keep guys like that around forever (except Chavo).

Even some of you Drew-haters concede that the man has learned to work a match. His last matches on Smackdown (two vs Edge, two vs Mysterio) were terrific. It's especially hard to look good against Rey when you're one of the taller guys because wrestling Rey is different than anyone else; you have to alter your normal ring repertoire to line up and make sure you're in position for Rey to hit his spots. Guys like Batista and Undertaker looked bad doing it.....but Drew managed to look good while making Rey look good, too.

In addition, Drew sells like crazy (a weak point earlier in his career), he can brawl, he can exchange holds, and he has a gorgeous dropkick that we've seen only twice, but it's a marvel coming from a guy as tall as him.

To answer the original question, I don't think it matters which brand Drew is on; if the writers don't have the okay to make plans for him, he ain't going nowhere.
Think Drew will be released when they do the roster cuts. Such a shame imo. The Guy is good on the mic and great in the ring. Hopefully TNA picks him up.
As much as I'm still waiting for Drew to ride in on a white horse and carry me away, I can't say I'm optimistic about his chances of true stardom. It was discouraging to not see him at all this past Monday. I keep reading posts about how many think Drew will be a major star in the future......but does it really work that way? Does WWE truly keep a guy down with the idea that he can gain the top if he's a good boy and waits.....and waits? Or is Drew regarded as a guy who was brought in to the company with great fanfare; and that he essentially failed his big chance, relegating him now to glorified jobber status? They don't keep guys like that around forever (except Chavo).

Even some of you Drew-haters concede that the man has learned to work a match. His last matches on Smackdown (two vs Edge, two vs Mysterio) were terrific. It's especially hard to look good against Rey when you're one of the taller guys because wrestling Rey is different than anyone else; you have to alter your normal ring repertoire to line up and make sure you're in position for Rey to hit his spots. Guys like Batista and Undertaker looked bad doing it.....but Drew managed to look good while making Rey look good, too.

In addition, Drew sells like crazy (a weak point earlier in his career), he can brawl, he can exchange holds, and he has a gorgeous dropkick that we've seen only twice, but it's a marvel coming from a guy as tall as him.

To answer the original question, I don't think it matters which brand Drew is on; if the writers don't have the okay to make plans for him, he ain't going nowhere.

Great Post!! :worship:
If McIntyre gets future endeavored I will make a protest!!
No, just kidding!!

Vince will NOT fire McIntyre!! He is only 25 years old, he is already a one-time Intercontinental Champion, he is improving a LOT!
He was the few guys that we saw getting a crowd reaction, just by fighting against jobbers on SmackDown!! (London - McIntyre vs Masters)

He needs one thing only on RAW!! A face turn, i hope they make it!!!
Its the only way to make him be a huge star!!

Bring Kelly Kelly/ Drew story back!!!
Well, there is yours truly "Bret Hart" oppenly critiscised the WWE creative teams for their lack of use for the talent that is Drew McIntyre.

I don't think the guy has done a lot since he has been in the WWE, but I do see potential there. I'd really like to see the WWE work with him more and try and develop some sort of new character for him....he is another wrestler who can't pull off the generic llok and badly needs a gimmick to connect with the fans!

time will tell.
I praaaaaaaay that Drew will break out one of these days but it is so discouraging to see him do absolutly nothing every week. I believe he has the potential, I believe he deserves and pray he will be a World Champion one day. Creative needs to kick their stuff with Drew in gear, not only do many of the fans believe in D Mac but superstars and management as well. Guys like McMahon, HHH and Hart know that Drew has a bright future.I think that if anyone doubts Mac that they should remember that many superstars had rocky beginings in the WWE and went onto becomes legendary world champions(Rock, Jericho). But all we can do is wait and see what happens, I just hope whatever's gonna happen is soon becuase I am so tired of waiting!
Why was he drafted to raw if they wont push him or do anything different?

I would have much rather have him fight orton on SD! and chase the WHC.

and why the hell is he appearing on superstars??

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