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Drew Mcintyre: He's heading up but how?

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
Drew mcintyre is currently locked into a good tag team with absolutely no competition so he could be there for a while until WWE decides to create a) a tag team and b) one good enough to beat drew and cody. But when drew gets out of their he has been proffessed by vince mcmahon as a future world champion and that is pretty much a sealed guarantee (unless you believe he would go back on his word if drew started losing heat, I personally don't as drew is good enough to go top rung for me, only thing lacking is his feminine voice but thats not major).

So that said, if you do believe drew is destined for the big belt, how is he going to get there? I only ask because I am having a little trouble envisioning him reaching it, although I think he could becuase I'm just trying to think of the right competition for him. Personally I think when bryan unifies the mid-card titles, drew should go after him as a starting point becuas I think they could have a more than decent feud. And surely down the line will be a drew-sheamus feud except they are both currently good heels so it's going to be interesting how it comes about.

As a side note you can discuss whether you think drew is good enough, and what you like and dislike about his character and the way drew plays his character as two starting points.

Well what are you waiting for........go on!......

side note: ignore what I said about him being locked in the tag team belts, wht a weird way to lose, cena and otunga! but i digress.....
Up? Hell no, I hope Drew is heading down, down, down. Drew is one of the most boring, no-personality wrestlers this side of Ted DiBiase Jr. He's not the future. He's not even the present. Putting him in a team with Dashing is just another way for him to be carried by a much better and more charismatic partner. It's just like when he was teaming with Barrett in FCW!

I'll admit that McIntyre has improved since he entered the WWE, but it doesn't mean he's very good. Boring, bland, uninteresting, untalented. All he has going for him is his hair and his accent. He wasn't able to carry the Intercontinental Championship well - how is he expected to carry the World Heavyweight Championship?
I'm actually beginning to like him, before, I didn't really like him at all, but I'm sure most of you didn't like him either, before, he would'nt even get a reaction from the crowd, it was just dead...Now its not as bad, atleast hes getting a damn reaction..Whether its a cheer or a boo..
I liked drew as soon as he appeared, not for how he spoke obviously, he can't speak well. But when he debuted and attacked r-truth and delivered what is a very good finisher then in the weeks following went to attack truth again brutally and without remorse, I really saw potential in that aspect of his character, the overly violent scottish guy. I'll admit when he talks I kindof wish that his balls had dropped by now, but the whole teddy long storyline and the fact vince came out to condone him, I find it hard to make a case for him not being on the rise...and the two belts he's won since he's been here are just to top up his tally before he finally goes for the big belt. I'm talking 2/3 years down the line but I don't see how he WONT be a player then.
I dont see what Vince saw in McIntyre in the first place, and I think he's realizing that now.

His biggest "feuds" so far in WWE have been with Matt Hardy, and Teddy Long. Those aren't exactly guys who are going to "elevate" you in any way. He obviously wasn't ready for his IC title reign as Kofi completely owned him and carried him in their matches.

All of the mention of Drew being the "Chosen One"? We dont hear that much anymore, do we? Here's why.

1. He's not shown much improvement in the ring. He even screwed up just the ATTEMPT to latch in the Future Shock last night. He was being carried in a tag team by a much better wrestler, and theyve had the belts taken off them already. The only team they ever beat as a tag team were the bland, generic Hart Dynasty.

2. Who does most of the talking for the tag team? Cody, whose no star on the mic himself, but is vastly better then Drew. Other then belittling Teddy Long, what mic presence has McIntyre ever displayed? I just don't see it man.

3. He's yet to develop even a moveset to establish himself, let alone elevate himself. Other then strikes, kicks, irish whips and the FS DDT, what does Drew do well in the ring? He just cant carry himself in the ring well enough to establish himself.

He generates alot of "go away" heat and has been passed by vastly by other heels like Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. He wasn't considered good enough to be one of the Smackdown 7 at Bragging Rights that he was even passed over by Tyler Rekks, who just re-debuted. I just don't see much in McIntyre except his look and a kick-ass theme song. I don't see him as a rising star anymore, and certainly not a threat to win a major title, even 2-3 years down the road. So I don't see a path for him to the big belt.
I actually like McIntyre a lot and think he will be a big star in the future, especially if he stays on SD.

Think about it, who is there on SD? Edge, Kane, Taker and Mysterio are all on their way out.

McIntyre is a better all-round package than Cody, MVP, Reks, Mark Henry etc. He will be the future of SD alongside Ziggler, if only because there is no-one better to do the job.

(Yes, I have read the reports that Vince wants SD to become the number 1 show, but he WILL NEVER take the big names off Raw unless SD starts going out live instead of being pre-recorded)
Drew McIntyre bores the shit out of me, sorry. The only thing I like about him is his entrance music and maybe his finishing move.
Unless Drew McIntyre gets a serious character revamp (much like Cody Rhodes did), I don't ever see him carrying a world title or being pushed. He's Smackdown's version of Ted DiBiase. Bland, boring, and generic. His IC title reign was forgettable as was his tag team title reign. The only thing keeping him relevant is teaming up with a far better yet criminally underused wrestler in Cody Rhodes. I've tried to like him but he's not doing it for me. If VKM is still as high on McIntyre as he was when he first signed him, I guess a world title reign is still possible but I'm expecting it to be just like every title reign McIntyre has had since he debuted: forgettable.
Unless Drew McIntyre gets a serious character revamp (much like Cody Rhodes did), I don't ever see him carrying a world title or being pushed. He's Smackdown's version of Ted DiBiase. Bland, boring, and generic. His IC title reign was forgettable as was his tag team title reign. The only thing keeping him relevant is teaming up with a far better yet criminally underused wrestler in Cody Rhodes. I've tried to like him but he's not doing it for me. If VKM is still as high on McIntyre as he was when he first signed him, I guess a world title reign is still possible but I'm expecting it to be just like every title reign McIntyre has had since he debuted: forgettable.

Unless cody rhodes did. Seriously? Cody rhodes had to make do with one of the most outdated gimmicks in all of wrestling. In fact the last person who can truly have been considered to carry that gimmick is HBK in 92-94. Drew has a FAR, FAR better gimmick than cody. Therefore if you have any problem with drew it's simply with himself becuase th character is stone cold promise. Honestly how often do you see the owner personally endorse a man, drew has one of the best gimmicks out there.
i have liked him from the start and i do believe he will go up, I see him doing the exact same thing the miz did(he will be champion here soon), Smackdown is the only place he will do it though... if he moves i agree with everyone else... the whole tag team thing was really good for him in genreal.... but cody rhodes i thought wasnt the person to do it with... but again it wont be for awhile, so yes i do think he is doing well and will go up
Unless cody rhodes did. Seriously? Cody rhodes had to make do with one of the most outdated gimmicks in all of wrestling. In fact the last person who can truly have been considered to carry that gimmick is HBK in 92-94. Drew has a FAR, FAR better gimmick than cody. Therefore if you have any problem with drew it's simply with himself becuase th character is stone cold promise. Honestly how often do you see the owner personally endorse a man, drew has one of the best gimmicks out there.

I'm sorry but I don't even know what his gimmick is anymore. He's one of the most boring wrestler's on the roster. Cody Rhodes has at least tried to do something with the gimmick he was given.

The only two good things about Drew McIntyre are his music and finisher, between them, you can almost hear crickets chirping. He's Smackdown's version of Ted DeBiase.

I don't ever see Drew getting the belt, unless most of the roster retires or quits and even then it's a long shot. He really isn't as good as he was made out to be. I know a guy who used to wrestle against him in Scotland and he is amazed at what a failure Drew has become.
Unless cody rhodes did. Seriously? Cody rhodes had to make do with one of the most outdated gimmicks in all of wrestling. In fact the last person who can truly have been considered to carry that gimmick is HBK in 92-94. Drew has a FAR, FAR better gimmick than cody. Therefore if you have any problem with drew it's simply with himself becuase th character is stone cold promise. Honestly how often do you see the owner personally endorse a man, drew has one of the best gimmicks out there.

And what exactly is McIntyre's gimmick? Being VKM's endorsed chosen one? VKM endorsed Ellijah Burke back when ECW was revived and he's not even on the roster anymore. Ask anyone on here. They'll tell you McIntyre has the personality if a dialtone. The only decent promo I've seen out of him was when he yelled at Teddy Long to get on his knees and call him the chosen one. And that wasn't even that good.

As for Rhodes, at least the guy is showing SOME personality outdated gimmick or not. While he's not drawing massive amounts of heat, he is drawing more of a reaction from the crowd than McIntyre is (see his "Dashing" gimmick debut promo). This isn't to necessarily say McIntyre can't be as good. He needs to improve on his mic skills for sure. From what I see, there is no connection between him and the crowd whereas Rhodes has no trouble doing that with his egotistical "I'm better looking than you" gimmick.
Drew reminds me (not character wise push wise) of Val Venis, Golddust and the GodFather in the late nineties...Almost at the belt, but yet so far away.

Drew is only one or two steps away and sadly he will probably reach it (size) but don't forget there are several others before him that deserve a shot at the belt on SD.

I'd rather have a Kofi Kingston title reign than a Drew one.

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