

It's goin' down forreal!
Hey guys, here's another interesting thing that I thought we could discuss: DREAMS. Ever had a dream that was so awesome that you didn't want to wake up? Share it here! It could be any interesting dream you had whether it was a good one or a bad one, just share it here.
Yeah, i had two pretty lucid dreams recently. I'm not sure how much i'll remember, so these wont be very long.

Pretty standard intro dream here... I had magic. A strange kind of magic, done through drawing a glowing symbol in the air and pushing it. I could do things like slow time (drawing an 11) of shoot fire or turn invisible.

I'm a firm enough believer that dreams are shaped by whatever youve been seeing (and maybe a little by what you are about to see?) so i'm gna blame this one on reading too many novels from the dresden files series (Detective Noir Urban Fantasy series, I recommend for anyone who like a good story) and playing too much skyrim.

The story itself was a classic raid the castle, kill the king (my dad) and save the princess (GF). The princess turned out to have a sword though and I had to kill her too in the end! Still.... Free castle!

The most damning part, and i should explain that I have a pretty bad fear of the dark and struggle to fall asleep till maybe 5AM each night (cause I cant close my eyes, so I wait for the sun to come up) so I only dream in the early morning after i wake and go back to sleep. Because of that waking and sleeping I actually get to control alot in the dream (or thats my theory) and often dont know when Ive woken. When I woke from this dream, I am proud to say, that I tried out some of the magic symbols.

I was alone in the house, and the street outside was empty, so who's to say I didnt slow down time??

The dream I just finished a few hours ago now involves me committing a murder and trying to get away with it.

Starts there was a music festival at my house, I have a pretty big garden so its not too unbelievable, and in my front lawn was a "mosh pit derby" where I got beat up for a while.

Skips ahead and I'm talking to a beautiful lady (who I didnt recognise, strangely) and she's in a small sort of police office kind of thing (small room, gladd on the door) and I'm wearing a grey hoodie up over my head) her husband the cop walks in, and I start to leave, but lock them in. I tell the cop that the room is filing with poison and she will soon be dead.

Skips ahead and the cop is free, i'm on the floor, no longer wearing the hoodie, and the woman is dead. The cop begins interrogating me (he's my dad now) about how i wound up on the floor and what i saw etc. I tell him the guy in the hoodie knockd me out. He pulls out a cassette tape and says he recorded the whole thing.

He plays the tape, mostly its music, then the earlier conversation starts up. I sound like i'm doing a bad DeNiro impersonation. I'm afreid to talk, but the cop asks what do I think, so i tell him it sounds like deNiro, and we laugh about that for a minute.

The dream had this weird vibe that it was happening in cycles, like I had been in the cops position earlier, and someone had done the same to me. And now the cop would be next to do it. At one point I thought I had woken up and gotten out of bed to find my room covered in money... Which I could only pick up with my toes.

Thank you for reading!

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