Dream Job...and Your Reality

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
What's your dream job, and what are you stuck with right now?

Personally, my dream job is to work for the Courier Mail in Brisbane as one of the head journalists. It's always been something that has interested me (journalism) and if I could make it to one of the huge papers, that would be awesome. Journalism is something that really interests me and seems a lot more exciting than most other jobs. Chances of this happening...I did get an A+ for a newspaper article I wrote last year (best in the grade *shakes head cockily*) but making it to this paper, the chances are slim at best.

And reality I am faced with right now you ask? I wish you didn't. I'm working at Atherton IGA (a supermarket chain.) I absolutely despise this job. All we do is move stock from the back to the aisles, which we then have to stack on the shelves. That's on Weekdays. On weekends, my jobs include: doing the most disgusting jobs they can think of for me to do, going around the store and cleaning the pen marks off the price strips, filling milk fridges (you wouldn't believe how much that stinks), filling the bread and dealing with every fucking old person that comes in the store! Seriously, no one can look for their own thing. And when they ask for the price of certain things and they are 'too expensive', it's somehow my fault! Please people, have some compassion for supermarket workers, and actually get out of our way when we are doing work. IGA makes the Courier Mail just that much more tempting. Hell, even doing a paper round sounds inviting when you have my job.

Hourly sum: $8.50. Don't laugh. Because that's worth crying over.

Thankfully, I'm not one of those people stuck in this type of dead end job, because I'm working casually there, and am getting out of it whenever the hell I can (I may get myself fired...I couldn't care.)

So where do you want to be?
Working at a supermarket sucks, The customers aren't the problem where I work it is the Grocery MAnager that makes my life hell, Ive taken the position of where he is trying to get me to quit, because I disagree with him, hes an asshole.

As for my dream job, either as a music producer, working in Wrestling to some degree, preferably a Wrestler but a member of WWE creative wouldn't be bad either. Then again I may end up as a teacher. I have no idea what I want to do.
Dream job woud prolly be a commentator in wrestling or working for a pro baseball or nfl team in player personell.

As for what I do now I work for my city at a recreation center. Its not a bad job other then the fact I have to clean the weight room from time to time and that's gross. But some good things are I get to see good looking chicks come in hardly wearing anything, get to see some milfs, and some local indy wrestlers come in a work out and I have become cool with them. So all in all not a bad job just wished I was paid more.

I work in a local gym. Its a decent job, get to see fine looking ladies everyday and I really don't do much except when I have to clean the equipment which sucks, that is gross from peoples sweat and body hair. Also another not so fabulous part of my job is seeing old man balls.. These old guy wear some short ass shorts and ride on a stationairy bike so next thing you know there balls fall out the side of there shorts and are just flappin in the wind. Also another sweet thing is some local indy wrestlers work out here and I have gotten to know them.

Now as for my dream job it would a couple of things. One being a wrestling commentator would be fucking sweet. I have been told that I have a tv\radio voice.

The second be working in the front office for either a pro baseball team or NFL team.
Well my dream job would be a sportscaster for ESPN or anyjob invloved in the 3 major sports of basketball, football, and baseball. but as of right now I'm going to school to become an educator and in two years i will be a teacher. But long term goal is to become a principal. As teaching is something i find a great reward in so thats why I'm doing it.

Now i just work with kids and I love that but before that i worked 3 plus years as a store manager of a Quiznos. I have to tell that working for the public is such crap as when ever someone had a complaint they were always like , "let me speak to the manager" and i have to be nice and what not.So glad i'm not doing that anymore as working with food sucks.
It was never my dream to sell porn. I just saw an open market and the oppertunity to make lot's of money.

I wanted to be a photographer for years. Until I actually got a job as a photographer. It was a hobby until I did it evey day. And you might be surprised but taking picture of topless women can get a bit boring and tiring.

I like that I work in a show and have a lot of down time. I've always fancied myself as a bit of a writer. My job requires me to do nothing, pretty much. So I get the oppertunity to try my hand at it. I'm not stupid I realise that I probably wont get any of my work publised. Possibly due to the fact I've never made any effort to get it published, and It's probably shit. But I feel like I've achieved something when I write.

Question: Would you see a film called Killer Squirrels? It's my first film script. Bear in mind it's supposed to be stupid.
It would be my dream to be an entertainment mogul. TV, music, movies, sports, whatever, just be a big shot who does anything related to entertainment. I know that sounds vague but i guess it makes sense in my head, lol.

Like write and produce movies and TV, star in them even (I got a pretty face after all), produce music maybe, host a radio show, sports related programming like AJ mentioned, any or all of that shit, lol.

I constantly think of TV shows or Movies that I would write and do but that would only be possible if I were insanely powerful, which is where this stems from.

In reality, i'm a student with 2 part time jobs. One with my dad, 8 bucks an hour net of tax, which is pretty good for mostly computer work where I surf the net half the time, and another one at a retail/department store chain where I work cash/customer service, etc, about 9 bucks an hour.

I'm on a pretty good road though, graduating from university within two years and going to work for an accounting firm hopefully straight after while I get a higher accountancy designation.
Professional wrestler... period.

I couldn't stand to do anything else other then wrestle, and my goal of course is the WWE.

IF that fell through, i would be a weatherman.
My dream job? Maybe The Shockmaster could explain it better, as i always wanted to be an Archaeologist, exploring all the Egyptian territory and beyond, maybe at the very center of Africa, trying to discover more of our roots and seeing things that people maybe never will see.

Feeling the cold, bitter, bitching, hard knock of the reality, i work for a company who does Background investigations and verifications for employment purposes, i see and process an average of 200 jobs applications a day, half of the time i'm stucked between WZ forums and a cup of cheap Colombian coffee, and the other half, well...Working.
The dream career will always be for me either a major recording artist, putting concert after concert on for thousands upon thousands of metalheads (shred guitar ftw!), or working in the studio helping other bands with their albums as a manager or just as a head of the recording process.

Alas, at the moment I'm in a piss poor situation with an instrument / music store part time with college majoring in sound engineering. The damnable real world it is.
My dream job would easily be a successful musician who didn't have to worry about money ever again. I've played the drums since I was four and have spent pretty much all the time after high school (seven years and counting) playing music and trying to get setup with a group of guys that are motivated and talented (like finding a needle in a stack of needles).

As for what I'm currently stuck with? I work at a fitness center running the front office, being a manager and doing a little personal training on the side. I pretty much live there. It's not a horrible job, but it definitely isn't my passion. Most of the time I can keep my discomfort with normal job activities to a bare minimum, but every time I turn on MTV Cribs and see some talentless ******** living in a mansion, I get pissed off like Bruce Banner and have to go practice for an hour just to get my thoughts in order.
My dream job and my actual one are pretty close to being the same. I want to be a high school teacher, and a head high school basketball coach. Right now, I am an assistant junior high, and assistant varsity basketball coach and a head freshman and head JV basketball coach, and I was recently hired to start a teaching job, beginning in January 2008, right after I graduate.

So, for me, the two are pretty much the same.
My dream is to be a future women's champion but i sadly don't see that happening hence the state of the current women's division. I want to wrestle and i refuse to act like a **** like Candice. Shame.

Right now i work at Target, its an okay job, beats working in fast food like my old job LOL.
MY dream job would be to work in jornalism. or an author, I love writting, I wrote a short story for my creative writting in english, but a got into crap wi it cos it were "too dark"

My current job, office admin at a marine insurance company. nt all bad. pretty relaxed and a get access t internet at work
My dream job is to be a child psychologist.To be able to help all the children whose parents dont care about them.I guess living where I do I could become a junenile probation officer since law enforcement is also an interest of mine.
Right now I am taking nursing classes and have a massage therapy licence.
My Dream Job is to land a front office position for a professional Sports Association. Probably Advertising or Ticket Sales. I would be prefer it to be with the NFL but if it comes down to working for another company than it wouldn't bother me. As long as it's sports.

Right Now, I just graduated from high school back in June. In the fall I will be attending a community college
my dream job is to be a creative writer for the WWE to write the feuds that ppl want to see. Right now im a manager at a McDonalds
My dream job is something in sports entertainment I was in training before I lost my job, now I can't afford the training but I'm gonna try and get a new job to save up enough to go to school in a year or two. I still don't know what else I wanna do other then sports entertainment ... and I'm not working right now, I'll be looking for a job in a few weeks once I'm off of probation.
My dream job....... I don't have a dream job, but I do like what I do now I work with money and lots of it *not in banking* and the odd occassion of being adj hitting tunes and watching people bounce back and forth to beats.
I want to possibly be a concept designer for video games

At this point in time i have just finished an Art and Design Course at college and
im about to start a two year Graphics Design course at college which im able to do because i passed last year.
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