Drake Callahan

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Wrestler's Real Name: Drake Callahan
Wrestler's Gimmick Name: Drake Callahan
Wrestlers Nickname: None
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 215 lb
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio
Billed From: Cleveland, Ohio


Harrys: Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!

Harrys: And the challenger, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!

Harrys: Making his way to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing 215 pounds, Drake Callahan!

-----------Hair color/length: Shorter, black.
-----------Eye color: Brown
-----------Facial Hair: Full black beard.
-----------Ring Attire: Platinum tights with his name printed in gold across the back.
Attire: Drake usually wears an expensive suit when backstage, though he is occasionally seen in designed jeans and a polo.
-----------Physical Features: Well built and tan, physically fit, strong.
-----------Tattoos: Drake has a black Chinese dragon across his back, with the head ending at about his right shoulder and running diagonally towards his left hip.
Alignment(Face, Tweener, Heel): Heel
Gimmick: Reformed alcoholic; corporate representative of the Powers Talent Agency.
1. Drake is adept at mental manipulation; he loves to manipulate his opponents in and out of the ring and is a master at it.
2. Drake is skilled at promos and charismatic; while most of the WZCW Universe won't love what he has to say, he'll get his point across and have them questioning whether or not he isn't right after all
3. Agile light heavyweight with a suite of aerial maneuvers.
4. Thanks to recent training, his skill in MMA-style fighting and submissions has gone up, adding a new and dangerous attitude to his game.

1. Overconfidence is a problem and may result in him trying to get himself over instead of getting the job done
2. Has little to no filter; can dig himself in too deep with his opponents.
3. As a light heavyweight, larger wrestlers can leave him vulnerable.
4. Personal insecurity and slight mental instability leaves him vulnerable to distraction and mental manipulation.

Trained By: Ohio Valley Wrestling
Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: Drake is the WZCW arm of the Powers Talent Agency, an experienced veteran wrestler now entering his prime and ready to take on the world. He is a reformed alcoholic and formerly a party boy, but he has overcome his past to become a polished champion caliber wrestler. His motivation is his legacy, as well as avoiding his past, both recent and further back in the murky past. He has unresolved issues with his former trainer and girlfriend, and his past as a street prophet has left many unanswered questions. Additionally, a possible mental issue has manifested itself in the form of an infrequently seen mental persona known as "Outis." Drake primarily attempts to mask his past and mental insecurities with his day to day wrestling and the money and lifestyle brought on as a main event level WZCW star and a Powers Talent Agency client.

Title History: WZCW Eurasian Championship (1), WZCW Mayhem Championship (1), WZCW World Heavyweight Championship (1)
Entrance Music:
Entrance description: A slow walk to the ring; if he has a championship belt he'll show it off cockily to the crowd. In any case he'll yell various insults into the crowd as he grins his way into the ring.
Finishers: “Faded Memory” – Brainbuster/”The Bitter End” – Horns of Aries
15 Most used moves:
1. Scissored Armbar
2. Diving Elbow
3. Standing Moonsault
4. Forward Russian Legsweep
5. Corner dropkick
6. Sidewalk slam
7. Standing shooting star
8. Belly to back suplex
9. Running big boot
10. Single leg Boston crab
11. Tiger suplex
12. Snap DDT
13. Falling reverse DDT
14. Enzuigiri
15. Figure-four leglock
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