Draft Lottery

I DEFINITELY THINK they need to stop the brand split all together. That way, they can have ALL different feuds that the fans want to see without having to worry about changing a wrestler to a different brand to do it! They can still spotlight all the superstars they need to. This will also improve the tag team divisions and create the possibility for a tag team tournament or tag team battle royal. The title hunts will be a lot more interesting and the stupid "Loop Hole" thing with the Royal Rumble & all will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!

Hey guys am pretty new to these forums. You will find any my points posted in the Hell in a Cell thread. I mean the draft split is obviously opinion and personally I hate it. I mean WWE wont change it but if yous started a petition online and get names of people on it. I mean I know yous think that will be stupid but the Internet is a powerful tool and if you ask me there is tens of million of WWE fans online. If you were to start like a proboard board or something. Something independent and everyone against the split signed there name up. You would get a host of names.Think how many people here post. Theres load of sites like this like wrestleview.com amongst others. think how many post there aswell. Also WWE.com how many post there. All these numbers start to add up. Yes its a crazy idea that would be destined to failed but if you don't try it, will you ever know?
I dont like the bran split either but i think the only reason u have done it is so you can see more of your wrestlers in stead of having like edge the main event on both raw or smackdown you can have more people to be shonw personally i was interested in the idea of smackdown going and wcw coming back ... i dont like wcw and now i odnt really like smackdown because it bored me but just think back to the ecw, wcw vs wwe the ratings were high and i think it would be a good idea but thats me
staff06 said:
I dont like the bran split either but i think the only reason u have done it is so you can see more of your wrestlers in stead of having like edge the main event on both raw or smackdown you can have more people to be shonw personally i was interested in the idea of smackdown going and wcw coming back ... i dont like wcw and now i odnt really like smackdown because it bored me but just think back to the ecw, wcw vs wwe the ratings were high and i think it would be a good idea but thats me

I agree it's better to be split if you don't like it Watch TNA

Oh and Smackdown better then Raw so please stop it with the insult to Smackdown
smackdown is in no way better than raw at all!!!!!......what is with this royal king booker nonsense...couple months ago he was sayin suckaaa this n was the blackest man around.....smackdown is on friday nights!!!! friday nights are party nights...night to go out and enjoy yourself...i dont want to be watchin tv on a friday night from 8 till 10.....its a taped show also....raw is live....raw has guys like hhh and shawn....cena...and edge...appearances by OTHER smackdown superstars and thee supposed ecw champion so clearly its better than smackdown....GET RID OF THE BRAND SPLIT!!! its the only thing to do now...they are running out of ideas....change smackdown to a different night cause friday isnt cutting it.....if they get rid of the brand split we can see fresher storylines characters we want to feud actually feud...we would come up with so many more ideas if they rid of the brand split....the people who main event raw doesnt mean they will have to main even smackdown...it will give more opputunities for everyone to get on air time....and for those who dont that week...that will make us watch more next week to c if they will make an appearance i think they really need to think about doing this.....
i used to love wrestling until the brand split it at the start i thought it was a good idea but i think form there its gone down hill it might be i want it to be like the atitude era where anything and the story lines are just crap i think the only good thing about the brand split is how they can push a super start because if that had never happened many wrestlers myt not have been who they were today. but the problems is because of this brand split you dont have hardys side by side aand like some pointed out earlier you cant see like triple h fued with the undertaker for example .... so i dont know what to think of it really my thoughts on smackdown is that atm some wrestlers should be on raw because its a show with the higher rates and people cant see what gopod wrestler they really are
Hye guys on an earlier post I was saying about starting an online petition against the brand extension. I just started a board up to do so. So please sign up and leave your name. It will be appreciated. Once I get addiquete amount of names I will forward it to WWE.


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