Dos Caras Jr. - vs - Alberto Del Rio


As many people know before Alberto Del Rio became the wrestler he is today, he was highly recognized in Mexico and around the world as Dos Caras Jr. Son of noted luchador Dos Caras, nephew of Mil Máscaras and Sicodelico, and cousin to Sicodelico, Jr. and Hijo de Sicodelico, Del Rio is part of one of the most well known Mexican wrestling families.


Del Rio confirmed that he had signed a three-year contract with WWE, stating that he would not have to go to Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW), WWE's developmental territory, but would go directly to the main roster. Furthermore, he would retain the rights to his name, mask and image but allow the WWE to use it for promotional purposes while he is under contract with them. He agreed to the contract since it addressed the main reasons why he turned down the WWE's offer in January 2009. Despite his claims, He was sent down to FCW and he later also went on to wrestle under the ring names Dorado and El Dorado. During a segment on ECW's Abraham Washington show at the August 6 taping, Del Rio revealed a new, unmasked wrestling character named Alberto Banderas. During Raw's WrestleMania Revenge tour in April 2010, Caras made numerous appearances in untelevised matches for the Raw brand. One night he wrestled as Dos Caras, but he did not wear his mask. He was presented as a villain in a losing effort against Christian. The following month Del Rio put his mask back on for WWE's tour of Mexico and worked as a hometown hero, prior to returning unmasked during untelevised matches for subsequent Raw and SmackDown shows. On the June 25, 2010 episode of SmackDown, Del Rio debuted on a pre-taped promotional video as the unmasked Alberto Del Rio.

Now my Question is..

Do you think that Alberto Del Rio's WWE career would have been better or worst if he kept his name Dos Caras Jr. and kept the mask on rather then his current gimmick?
I think Del Rio's career is better as his current gimmick without a mask. He is a charismatic heel who is decent on the mic and I don't think had he were to run with the Dos Caras masked gimmick he would have developed to where he is now.

The masked luchadores is popular in Mexico but not in the states... we've been indoctrinated to the WWE standard of professional wrestling.
Of course he's better off being Alberto Del Rio. I just don't think he would be entertaining as Dos Caras in the WWE. He doesn't have the size of a man that WWE like to have a luchador mask. Plus his Del Rio character is fantastic really. If he would have been Dos Caras Jr. I think his character would just be another bland luchador. I mean don't get me wrong those luchadores are great in the ring. It's just that they don't work well on the mic and their gimmick is always the same in the WWE. Ultimo Dragon, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara.. They all have that "little superhero for the kids" type of persona. And Alberto's gimmick is completely different from that which is a good thing when you think about it.
As a Del Rio fan and more as a Dos Cara's Jr fan, I feel it it safe to say Del Rio is a better gimmick, For the WWE ( this is key) WWE has had very few masked wrestlers, none of which ( minus mankind and rey) have real had a truly major career in the wwe. Curiserweight division was epic in WCW and look how mnay of the masked wrestlers came over to the WWE, a few got a shot but for the most part they were left behind.
The name Dos Cara JR. would have everyone wondering who was the senior plus the moronic announce team would have 6 variations f the name never really getting a great name across ( ask Sin Cara). WWE doesn't want to push masked wrestlers, because then they have as the miz said " a faceless champion". However what make the WWE so moronic in this aspect is money, you get a Masked wrestler over and you no0w have more merchandise.

It's just that they don't work well on the mic and their gimmick is always the same in the WWE. Ultimo Dragon, Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara.. They all have that "little superhero for the kids" type of persona. And Alberto's gimmick is completely different from that which is a good thing when you think about it.

Just to add to your list
Mankind, Blue Blazer, Aldo Montoya, Max moon, Juvi, the fat guy for the oddities.

Someone needs face paint these are supposed to be larger than life not guys you meet at the gym using real names is lame.
He's got too good a look to be under a hood... both mysterio and sin cara needs hoods because mysterio looks like an 8 year old kid and sin cara looks like a typical typecast mexican man, you can find pics unmasked of si cara and we all remember mysterio in wcw san mask... del rio is too good for a hood so to speak
Del Rio as a character is one of the best going for WWE's product right now, he's nearly guarenteed to be a world champion, he's a Royal Rumble winner (the first 40 man at that). I feel Del Rio filled the void of JBL's character when he left, which having a rich ahole on the roster is one of the gimmicks that will always draw heat.

He's really came out as one of the best heals, with a classicly revamped style.

Sin Cara is in the place Dos Caras jr. would be if he had used that gimmick, outside of Rey Mysterio (who's titles have had circumstances around them, another topic) you don't see wrestlers with the lucha gimmick breaking past the low to mid card very often.

Del Rio's facial expressions and mannerisms are so well done, they add to his character so much, that I think it's a big part of his charisma that's keeping him main event to upper card.

WWE puts such a high value on the Entertainment part, Luchadores are more on the Wrestling spectrum, and Vince loves to throw pure wrestlers near the bottom of the card, while boasting entertainment stars high.
This is my first memory of Dos Caras Jr

That is how Dos Caras stacks up against ADR, just imagine ADR is Cro Cop. :p
Though there would be no Alberto Del Rio without Dos Caras Jr. and he would not have the expeirience he has today without him, I think that the charecter of ADR is much better. Think about it, he plays a role that may have been done before (JBL) but in his own unique way. Even though i'm not a fan of him I do have respect for his charecter, and his in when it comes to his in ring work there is nothing to complain about. Besides Alberto is in the best place in the world for wrestling, and on top of that he's doing quite well there considering how new he is.
Without a doubt Alberto Del Rio beats Dos Caras Jr.
CM Punk proved in his feud with Mysterio that a heel can definitely don a mask and still draw plenty of ire from the crowd. I like the Dos Caras mask but I agree with some other posters here who say del Rio is too good looking to have his face hidden. His expressions are great, it really sells his cocky personality. I love masked wrestlers but I'm glad ADR isn't one of them, he comes off great without it.
CM Punk proved in his feud with Mysterio that a heel can definitely don a mask and still draw plenty of ire from the crowd.

CM Punk's mask was different. Punk was already an established heel, and the fact he wore a mask just drew more heat because he was hiding his bald head. I agree that a masked star can draw heat, but I don't think Punk is the right example here.

Anyway, I don't know much about the career of Dos Caras Jr to make a fair assumption, but judging on del Rio's capability of drawing heat, I think it would have helped WWE for him to don the mask. It would have set precedent in the new era that a masked wrestler can be a heel and bigger then a cruiserweight. However, Alberto is doing just fine in this persona, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Also, as a side note, I notice a lot of del Rio hate on this forum. I think that hate comes from a lack of character depth. Here's a trick for enjoying him; pretend that he has a deep, dark secret... he's a cannibal!. Trust me, it works! You'll enjoy him so much more! You're welcome WrestleZone!
I just wanted to say that, before reading your post, I thought you were presenting the idea of Alberto Del Rio having a feud with Dos Caras Jr. (think Kane versus Fake Kane). That would have been interesting, but bizarre to say the least.

Regarding your post, I do think it's better he came in as Del Rio (or unmasked). WWE seems to want another masked wrestler so that after Mysterio leaves/retires, they can bank off mask sales, but Del Rio has a good look and will be marketed better sans mask.
i like adr better because he has more to do when he is adr and not dos jr can u picture dos jr comming to the ring in a 2011 rose royse (sorry if i spelt it wrong) ???? well i cant if he stayed dos it would be less huge wins like the royal rumble and raw mitb and a raw version of sin cara doing moves that dont look right when someone his size is doing it or doing moves the wwe guys cant sell
Just to add to your list
Mankind, Blue Blazer, Aldo Montoya, Max moon, Juvi, the fat guy for the oddities.

Someone needs face paint these are supposed to be larger than life not guys you meet at the gym using real names is lame.

I'm talking about how the WWE use masked luchadores. Not just people with a freak gimmick and a mask to go with it like Mankind. Just think about Sin Cara, Ulitmo Dragon, And Rey Mysterio. They're the only masked luchadores I can remember that have been/are in the WWE. And they all got that same superhero persona.
Alberto Del Rio has great facials IMO and would never have came out had he been under a mask. The mask would have held him back greatly and the idea of him being the son of Dos Caras or nephew of Mil Mascaras would have run its course and he'd be jobbing or released by now. I honestly couldnt imagine a better way to handle him.
This is my first memory of Dos Caras Jr

That is how Dos Caras stacks up against ADR, just imagine ADR is Cro Cop. :p
Though there would be no Alberto Del Rio without Dos Caras Jr. and he would not have the expeirience he has today without him, I think that the charecter of ADR is much better. Think about it, he plays a role that may have been done before (JBL) but in his own unique way. Even though i'm not a fan of him I do have respect for his charecter, and his in when it comes to his in ring work there is nothing to complain about. Besides Alberto is in the best place in the world for wrestling, and on top of that he's doing quite well there considering how new he is.
Without a doubt Alberto Del Rio beats Dos Caras Jr.

Haha, I was thinking the exact same thing man, my memories of Dos Caras Jr. is Cro Crop destroying him, I have this fight as well as his loss to Kazahiro Nakamura on DVD, he actually fought Nakamura without the mask.

That being said, I think Del Rio is the way better character and has did way more for his career than Dos Caras would have in WWE. Del Rio is a great heel from his facials, his annoying personal ring announcer, his "I'm better than you attitude" I personally love the character. I think if he would have been brought in as Dos Caras, he would have been just another masked wrestler in the shadow of Mysterio. Sin Cara (Mistico) kind of falls in this category as did Ultimo Dragon during his short WWE run. There is no doubt in my mind that the Del Rio character has already achieved more success than the Dos Caras characters ever could have in the U.S.

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