Don't know if they can fix this but.... They need Paul Heyman and Ryback back.

Rooster Smith

Dark Match Winner
They're too good. Between the two of them, Paul Heyman and Ryback have the best facial expressions in Pro Wrestling.

I remember a few weeks ago, Axel, Ryback and Heyman were filmed walking to the ring on RAW. This hilarious sight made me laugh out loud (literally, not internet talk.) as Paul had this big goofy look on his face, admiring his monster, the Paul Heyman guy, Ryback. The proposal was awesome, the kiss on the cheek was delightfully fucked up.

Now, I know there's some kind of issue with Ryback backstage but Jesus, I hope they can work it out. I understand if they can't. You gotta be safe, you gotta be dependable ... I don't know what the situation is and I don't wanna know ...

But Goddamn, Heyman and Ryback are good together. I hope they can work that out.
The problem with Ryback is that he has lost so much momentum that even Paul Heyman can't save him. While the pairing could've worked, it should've been done earlier. Ryback's backstage problems aside, he has lost so much that no one can take him seriously. Plus, Heyman can be used to elevate some other guys. Curtis Axel will come back at some point. And as for Ryback, he has to be built from scratch. Even if they keep Heyman and Ryback together, a lot has to be done to build Ryback back.
The problem with Ryback is that he has lost so much momentum that even Paul Heyman can't save him. While the pairing could've worked, it should've been done earlier. Ryback's backstage problems aside, he has lost so much that no one can take him seriously. Plus, Heyman can be used to elevate some other guys. Curtis Axel will come back at some point. And as for Ryback, he has to be built from scratch. Even if they keep Heyman and Ryback together, a lot has to be done to build Ryback back.

I disagree, I think he has the charisma, the move set ...

All they would have to do is put him in another interesting feud. That's it. Suddenly you have another interesting segment every week on RAW and a match people would look forward to for the PPV.

Obviously with wins and loses, you don't want anybody just losing all the time.

But that's easy to fix. Just make him win.

Heyman's awesome, and he's awesome no matter who he's with. But with Ryback those two were gold and that dynamic alone would make it very easy for Heyman to help him, I think.
I agree, in that the combination is fantastic. Heyman being in love with his monster was funny and fitted his character. However, Punk got to Heyman. Ryback didn't do his job so I'm guessing the entire dynamic changes. They would need to have something that fixes the relationship because there is potential there. Ryback is good enough in the ring and Heyman is fantastic on the mic. I really do hope it works because I'm a fan of both.
I'm kinda over Heyman & Ryback to be perfectly honest. As someone else already mentioned, Ryback's lost so much momentum that it's just difficult to picture him as being a genuine threat to any sort of top level guy these days. If he genuinely has the sort of heat backstage that's been reported over the past week, then I'd say that Ryback is strictly in the mid-card for the time being. It might be time to just move both of them on.

There's also a report that came out today saying that Punk vs. Heyman is officially over and that plans to extend the feud even into December have been nixed. There's talk, according to this report, that WWE might keep Heyman off television until it's time for Brock Lesnar to return. The same report also says that Heyman was backstage this past Monday at Raw and the feeling is that his alliance with Ryback is finished. The earlier reports I alluded to regarding Ryback's alleged heat also mentioned that there were serious considerations of splitting Heyman from Ryback, so it's looking to be the case.

Unless they decide to bring someone else up from NXT, to elevate someone on the mid-card or assign a tag team to work with Paul Heyman; then I'd say they'll probably just keep him off TV until Lesnar returns. That also helps sell the severity of the beating he got from Punk at HIAC.
I'm kinda over Heyman & Ryback to be perfectly honest. As someone else already mentioned, Ryback's lost so much momentum that it's just difficult to picture him as being a genuine threat to any sort of top level guy these days. If he genuinely has the sort of heat backstage that's been reported over the past week, then I'd say that Ryback is strictly in the mid-card for the time being. It might be time to just move both of them on.

There's also a report that came out today saying that Punk vs. Heyman is officially over and that plans to extend the feud even into December have been nixed. There's talk, according to this report, that WWE might keep Heyman off television until it's time for Brock Lesnar to return. The same report also says that Heyman was backstage this past Monday at Raw and the feeling is that his alliance with Ryback is finished. The earlier reports I alluded to regarding Ryback's alleged heat also mentioned that there were serious considerations of splitting Heyman from Ryback, so it's looking to be the case.

Unless they decide to bring someone else up from NXT, to elevate someone on the mid-card or assign a tag team to work with Paul Heyman; then I'd say they'll probably just keep him off TV until Lesnar returns. That also helps sell the severity of the beating he got from Punk at HIAC.

I was impressed with Lesnar's match against Punk. But Ryback is there everyweek. I like that. He fits the episodic mold better.

In wrestling, I believe the system is greater than the individual. So I'd rather watch a promotion or wrestler where the angle is good, than watch and individual flounder. And I think you see this a lot in ROH.

I agree, Brock coming back is gonna let Heyman shine.

But I don't think Ryback is so damaged that you can't do both.

But if I were a betting man, I'd bet on what you're betting on.
I'm sorry, but I don't believe anything this site says. two weeks ago they reported that ryback was going to beat undertaker at wrestlemania. now he's one step away from being fired. yeah, I believe that.:shrug:
I'm sorry, but I don't believe anything this site says. two weeks ago they reported that ryback was going to beat undertaker at wrestlemania. now he's one step away from being fired. yeah, I believe that.:shrug:


I don't know who went around saying that, but if you can provide evidence that one of the editors reported Ryback beating Taker at a Mania, I'll tip my hat to you.

As for Ryback and Heyman, I thought they were the perfect pair and should continue being a commodity. Even if CM Punk got his hands on Heyman, that didn't tear down managers and their clients in the 90s or even during the Millenium, so why should they put a stop to it now? Have Ryback feud with Ziggler or something. Get Paul Heyman involved. They could do several things here besides break away and leave Ryback looking worse than he did before.

Ryback still has potential. They just need to give him a steady direction.
Ryback's pairing with Heyman always had the possibility of being temporary. It was simply a filler to push the Punk/Heyman feud along until it ended.

Ryback/Heyman could've worked, but the timing (like all of Ryback's pushes it seems) was terrible. We're only about 2 months from Lesnar's likely return, and no way is Heyman managing both Ryback and Lesnar.

I agree that at this point Ryback needs to be built from the ground up. They've booked him awfully since his heel turn. I get a feeling he's going to flounder around a bit until they decide to give him a big push again. That push is going to require a big change. Maybe even another face turn.


I don't know who went around saying that, but if you can provide evidence that one of the editors reported Ryback beating Taker at a Mania, I'll tip my hat to you.

More than 2 weeks ago, but yeah it happened.
I thought the reports were false we were told that they were false. In regards to Heyman if he stays he should win a title or go back to begin face and win a title in that way. If they took Ryback out of the Paul Heyman picture I think they should have Dean Ambrose as the new Heyman guy and brake the shield up. But i think he should be a face again and get popular so he can win a Title.
I thought the reports were false we were told that they were false. In regards to Heyman if he stays he should win a title or go back to begin face and win a title in that way. If they took Ryback out of the Paul Heyman picture I think they should have Dean Ambrose as the new Heyman guy and brake the shield up. But i think he should be a face again and get popular so he can win a Title.

But he does the bad guy thing so well ... :worship:

But people did like him as a good guy. My problem with him as a good guy was the way they introduced him, beating up jobbers all the time.

It was nice of them to provide me with a bathroom break at No Way Out. (BTW, IZOD Center in New Jersey? Great bathrooms, barely any piss on the floor.) #LowerNorthEasternStandards #HashtaggingOutsideofTwitter

But if he was a good guy again I'd hope he'd have some good opponents lined up.
Maybe I'm alone in feeling this way, but I NEVER sensed any chemistry whatsoever with Heyman and Ryback. Heyman constantly giving Ryback this dazed and lovestruck look was good for a few cheap laughs, but that's about it. A natural, flowing Chemistry was the main reason why the heel pairing of Punk/Heyman worked so well, and well, Punk needed Heyman. Before Heyman joined up with Punk, a good majority of the live crowds were still cheering for Punk, but Heyman's slimy presence changed all that.

As FMB pointed out, the Ryback/Heyman pairing was a filler move, because Lesnar isn't coming back until 2014 to start up the Wrestlemania XXX build, and Ryback being a replacement guy was more painfully obvious as the weeks passed. On top of that, Ryback lost a ton of momentum last year, and it all started after the screwjob ending at Hell In A Cell. Everyone knew Ryback had no chance of winning the WWe Championship, because Rock was going to be the chosen one to dethrone Punk no matter what, and the constant losing crippled Ryback's mystique. And Ryback is no CM Punk or Brock Lesnar, so you can't expect a quick recovery with no bumps in the road.

There's still hope for Ryback in a singles run, but the Heyman/Ryback pairing is done, and it should be. Brock Lesnar is and always will be the 1# priority in the "Heyman Guys" stable, and everyone else is playing second fiddle to The Beast during his sporadic appearances and absences.
I don't know why ppl defend Ryback when there's nothing special about him besides being muscular. Any buzz he had died awhile back . For those saying he's better then Goldberg are kids who know nothing about wrestling in the 90's and early 00's . Both Ryback and Goldberg have limited wrestling moves and limited mic skills but Goldberg got over with the crowd and made a character out of himself which Ryback is still trying do. WWE tried making Ryback a face then a heel then gave him a manager and still nothing . Face it Ryback expectations will not be met.
I don't know why ppl defend Ryback when there's nothing special about him besides being muscular. Any buzz he had died awhile back . For those saying he's better then Goldberg are kids who know nothing about wrestling in the 90's and early 00's . Both Ryback and Goldberg have limited wrestling moves and limited mic skills but Goldberg got over with the crowd and made a character out of himself which Ryback is still trying do. WWE tried making Ryback a face then a heel then gave him a manager and still nothing . Face it Ryback expectations will not be met.

Nah, it's not about expectations. I don't have any expectations.

If I'm entertained by a guy, that's all it takes.

I just think Ryback's good. Much better than Goldberg. Never liked the streak. A very WCW thing to do. I think it's actually kids who would be more likely to like Goldberg.

Kids have this great thing about them where they don't care about flash so much, they just wanna root for the good guy. That was Goldberg.

Ryback in my opinion, actually has personality. I liked him NXT more than when they reintroduced and packaged him. But then he started doing the Bully thing and I liked that more.

I'll take the Ryback bet. I don't know what the backstage situation is but if he can get passed that, he'll be a big deal. If not in the WWE, somewhere else. He's too good.
As FMB pointed out, the Ryback/Heyman pairing was a filler move, because Lesnar isn't coming back until 2014 to start up the Wrestlemania XXX build, and Ryback being a replacement guy was more painfully obvious as the weeks passed.

I'll buy that. One of the biggest problems WWE knew they'd have in their part-time association with Brock Lesnar is what steps they'd have to take to keep some connection between the fans and himself when he was gone. Wisely, they hired Paul Heyman, which is something I thought Stephanie swore she would never again do. But Heyman was the best choice to keep Brock's name before us as much as he could, while still giving him stuff to do when Brock wasn't around.

Okay, Punk was a fine candidate for Heyman's managerial prowess.....and the fact that they gave Paul a luminary with the influence of Punk showed how highly they regarded Brock, imo.

After that, it was Curtis Axel and Ryback. That's a hell of a comedown from Brock and Punk, y'know. Neither one has anywhere near the goods necessary to fill the bill......and I really have to wonder who they'll try as a foil for Heyman if either Axel or Ryback are taken away from him.

As far as Ryback in the role, what else did we expect? If he was a great speaker, he probably wouldn't need Heyman as a mouthpiece. But, physically, technically and oratorically, Ryback hasn't developed much in the past months......with Heyman or without him. Ryback will still have a job as long as he doesn't piss off Vince McMahon too much......but I believe Heyman needs someone with a little more presence to accompany him.

Who's next?
As great of a performer Heyman is I don't necessarily it's a bad thing he's possibly taking time off. I think he over shadows Axel and Ryback has been a flop since he turned heel. Heyman has been apart of of top storylines a and I think has been a bit over exposed. Let him take a few months off and come back to help build Lesnar's Wrestle-mania program.
The problem with Ryback is that he has lost so much momentum that even Paul Heyman can't save him. While the pairing could've worked, it should've been done earlier. Ryback's backstage problems aside, he has lost so much that no one can take him seriously. Plus, Heyman can be used to elevate some other guys. Curtis Axel will come back at some point. And as for Ryback, he has to be built from scratch. Even if they keep Heyman and Ryback together, a lot has to be done to build Ryback back.

With Axel being injured, maye they can do something where Heyman awards the Intercontinental Championship to Ryback, and Ryback goes back to killing jobbers, but doing it as a champion, slowly getting built back up until someone like Big E Langston finally steps up and they can feud for the title.
With Axel being injured, maye they can do something where Heyman awards the Intercontinental Championship to Ryback, and Ryback goes back to killing jobbers, but doing it as a champion, slowly getting built back up until someone like Big E Langston finally steps up and they can feud for the title.

I don't like the idea of jobbers. But sounds good otherwise.

Sadly, I don't think they'll do it. It's a shame they didn't just make Ryback the Paul Heyman guy to begin with.

Three things bother me about Axel, while he's mentioned.

1. His fathers sheriff design is on the wrong side of his tights. AWA Henning used that design to great effect but when Axel does it, it looks like an arrow pointing at his junk.

Awesome if that's what he was going for but he's not.

2. Why don't they just call this guy Henning? That's what we want right? Why the fake name. Better than McGuillicutty but still.

3. The Mr. Perfect character isn't a hard one to play. You don't have to "Go Big" or be the best actor.

I'm not saying everyone wants to see Axel playing a version of that character but I thought it would be damn cool.

Anyhoozle, just random thoughts there.
I think the Ryback/Heyman partnership can still work if they can get Goldberg for Wrestlemania 30. Heyman can be a huge asset to help build for that match. Other than that, I think this partnership is pretty much done. I am a huge supporter of Ryback, but he has had the worst timing of any superstar I can think of when it comes to his push to the top.

I wonder if things would have been different had Ryback been chosen ahead of Axel.

Who's next?

Well, people swore up and down that Axel was good and he just deserved a chance. Look where we're at now.

It doesn't make sense to me for Heyman to go from guys like Lesnar and Punk to guys like Axel and to a certain extent Ryback. Axel is damaged goods and Ryback is on his way there. I felt it would have been better for him to raid NXT talent and build them up to be superstars. I still feel they should go that way for Heyman. It's not like they don't have the talent. Heyman looking for talent in NXT to bring up and being paired with Leo Kruger, Alexander Rusev, or Solomon Crowe is interesting. Heyman trying to revive Axel's career, not so much.
Ryback's biggest issue from the start is that I just don't think the fans have ever took him seriously. I know he got one or two big pops early on and crowds liked chanting "Feed Me More!" but even then there were still the derisory Goldberg chants during his matches as opposed to Ryback chants. It's odd because he has this big physique but just comes off kinda goofy like Biff Tannen and like Bobby Lashley he has no presence despite his size.

It's also fair to say that when you book a limited guy like Ryback you need to book him strongly as his size and look are 90% of what he has, however he has lost every feud he has been in, he failed against Punk on both sides of the face/heel dynamic, he failed against Cena and he was pretty much used as a stepping stone for The Shield, I mean how many times do you see heels screw the face, beat him up and then win both matches clean?

At this point I don't think there's a lot going for him, Big E and Roman Reigns both have higher upside's as the next top powerhouse and are going to go into their pushes without any baggage and with good momentum. I'd get a couple more jobs out of him and then take him off TV for a while and see if there's anything pops up down the line for him.

As for Heyman, I'm totally on board with giving him an NXT guy or two who will be a blank canvas for him to get over, and a tag team as well to maximize his talent and give him a stable.
The issue Ryback faces and if recent reports of him being in the ultra shit with Vince and the brass is true is that developmental or more time isn't gonna help.

It's not the first time that a top top name has been so far in the shit they've been booted from the roster. Both Big Show and Mark Henry were sent back to OVW for a year plus apiece. That's on their full million plus a year, working the tiny territory.

In Show's case it was his attitude and shape, in Henry's his abilities just hadn't appeared and in both cases it worked like a charm. The mix of embarrassment, training and reinvigoration saved both guy's careers and bar their regular health sabbaticals (they rotate in and out along with Kane regularly) they are permanent major players. Both gained immeasurably from the experience. but the key was neither spent much time in any development prior. Show went to the Power Plant but was never "on the bubble" he got the Gucci training to get him onto the WCW roster immediately. Henry got the same from the WWF.

Ryback?...hmmm He was in developmental HOW LONG? By my count he has been an actual employee for 7-8 years either injured, in development or on the main roster as Skip Sheffield, Silverback or Ryback. Now say what you want about Show or Henry but their issues were never about safety... that a guy with that long served is still looked at as being unsafe is a major issue, what the fans think about him or overness doesn't matter when the boys refuse to work him - how do you teach safety to someone that long into their habits short of letting him break a neck or two? how many top guys or even smaller ones once they refuse to work him do you see giving him the chance?

Ryback is in serious trouble, if people are even remotely looking at him as unsafe now then he will be soon gone. There is literally nothing sending him back to NXT would achieve or could. He was there long enough - sometimes people just don't "get it" and when you have the kind of money in talent invested it's easier to nuke Ryback than pay out compensation and insurance claims when he hurts someone (not if) and as he has a rep of being unsafe, those payments would be doubled by a court...

"So Mr. McMahon, you KNEW this man was a risk yet kept faith with him? despite the fact you were told? $100m to whoever he hurt".

Some guys just aren't worth it - Lashley wasn't, Kennedy wasn't, RVD of the time wasn't and Hogan in 93 wasn't. So you let them go...and I think that is coming Ryback's way VERY soon.
I didn't like the Ryback/Heyman lovefest from the start. Here are my objections, some of them have nothing to do with Ryback.

1) Too much of a good thing:
I'm starting to have enough of Heyman. He's one of an elite group of heels who garner heat, but it just feels like WWE is turning into the Paul E show. First it was Brock. Brock is still around and a looming threat. Then it was the business with Punk. I get it, Punk needed to get over as a heel (and still people cheered him against Undertaker at WM29). Heyman and Punk then develop the concept of a "Heyman guy" and Curtis Axel rolls in, having a combination 3rd generation wrestler and Heyman-guy as a gimmick (which is pretty mediocre, to be honest).

This means that if Brock has a match, Heyman will be his mouthpiece once a week during the build-up. It also means that Heyman will interfere or feature during Punk matches. Add to that him promoting Axel? Already, WWE is creaking under Heyman. Now, add Ryback to that as well? Holy hell, it's like a Paul Heyman invasion angle!

2) But what about Axel?
I'm not the one who decided to give Hennig a push. He's relatively small, he's balding and he's nowhere near the best prospect on NXT. However, the WWE decided to pull the trigger on him with wins over Cena and Trips. Now follow through with it, dammit!

It's bad enough that Axel is being used as a stop-gap between the big matches between Lesnar and Punk, but he's been totally relegated to "Heyman lackey #2". The segments are veering away from Axel (who isn't really an established character), towards Ryback. Axel will only be new and fresh for so long.

3) Ryback under the *****fication-ray
The Ryback character that made his debut crippling jobbers and eating sixteen large meals a day is a far cry from the Ryback of today. First they nerfed his physical ability by having him retire because of injuries, now they reduce his menace by having him in this male-on-male love story with Heyman for laughs. Don't get me wrong, Ryback has gotten a lot better on the mic and credit where credit's due, but he was a lot more over during his first months.
The whole incident with Ryback reminds me of when Ken Kennedy/Anderson got fired. Booker T apparently let him know that the whole "we have to let you go because you're too dangerous in the ring" thing is BS. If people like Punk are willing to work with him, I mention Punk because he definitely has a lot to lose if he does get injured, then he must be fine in the ring. I feel like someone backstage doesn't want Ryback around because they know he's a big man who has ascended the ladder rather quickly. The other excuse given for his problems backstage is his demeanor during interviews and media appearances. Its the same excuse given for Ziggler's troubles. I welcome you to watch interviews with either men and judge for yourself. As far as Heyman goes, the Ryback deal has worked better than Curtis Axel, but it remains to be seen if Heyman can do anything to help push Ryback. I imagine Heyman has some say in who he works with, and if he chose Ryback that means he sees some promise in him. We know Paul has gotten superstars through the backstage politics before, and hopefully he can do it with Ryback as well.

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