Don West's heel turn

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Resident Hip Hop Junkie
Since I don't see a thread on this then i'm gonna start it anyways(if you see another thread about this then either close this one or merge it with the other thread).

On Impact last night Don West turned heel by acusing Mike Tenay of not sticking up for him in a private meeting about his future & telling Tenay to stick the microphone up his ass & not returning to the announcers table for the rest of the show.

I for one am very interested to see where this heel turn is gonna go as maybe he is either not gonna be on the commentary team anymore or something else. Anyways what are your thoughts on Don West's heel turn?
Well, to me, Don West never belonged in the analyst's chair, anyway. The best analysts are the ones who have been there, done that and I don't think Don has wrestled a day in his life, has he? That's what makes Lawler and Tazz so good. Matt Striker is good because of his speaking skills and not necessarily his limited in-ring time. I think an interesting twist with this heel turn would be if he starts trying to take Tenay's job. Me personally, I think Tenay is much better as the 3rd man at the booth much like he did in WCW. TNA needs to bring Tony Schiavone in to do the play-by-play, have Al Snow, Hugh Morrus, or even Mick Foley do the analyst stuff, and then have Tenay as the objective 3rd party.
Kevin Nash doesn't have much left in the tank, i'd love to see him join the announcing team. So Awesome.
I doubt Mick Foley would wanna do announcing, after his bad experience with Vince McMahon. Yes announcing in TNA wouldn't be as bad, but i'm sure Vince left a sour taste in Mick's mouth (and ear).
Best thing that could happen, is that West gets off the announcing team, they could replace him with just about anybody.
don wests voice gets on my nerve and he isnt even an ex pro wrestler so he isnt even that knowledged about wrestling, to me jim cournette could work or a current veteran like booker t (1st black commentator possibly?) kevin nash (1st commentator who is a beast?) or one of the dudleys as they are good on the mic and there oppurtunitys are limited now they have done everythin in the tag team division and arent good enough to go single
Now, I see all you people enjoy what is potentially going to come out of this: Don West disappearing. And I understand that since I hate the man, or at least his role in the company, myself. But do you forget that there is bound to be a storyline or even a feud emanating from all this and I can't help but ask myself: What is worse? A Don West turning heel or actually Mike Tenay playing the babyface as his counterpart? I sincerely do not believe the wrestling world is ready for more of Tenay's holier-than-thou, self-righteous attitude. In everything he has ever done, he has always acted or obviously seemed like he felt he was better than the other. I'm talking interviews especially.

So, please really consider which would be the most excruciating to watch: Poor Don West trying to act like the bad guy or Mike Tenay reacting as the pure and saintly victim of foul play? Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it and I just hope that they don't drag this thing on too long like they so love to do because in the end, everybody simply wants a new announce team not an uninteresting saga that might prove utterly useless, tasteless and baseless...
Anyone hoping that Don West turning heel means he'll leave the announcing position is wishful thinking and it's not gonna happen. I predict West to either somehow join the M.E.M. as their personal announcer, or he'll just continue announcing next to Tenay, and they'll just argue a lot more.

I have to be honest, I'm more shocked they didn't turn Tenay heel. He's a prick anyways, and even looks like one with those faces he gives when listening to other people's thoughts and opinions. When he called out M.E.M., and Nash mentioned him working for Jarrett, Tenay didn't do anything other than glare at him and look like the world's biggest prick.

West turning heel is gonna do nothing for anyone, other than possibly add one more on-air commentator to the mix of using foul language in an attempt to get him more over with the teenage audience.
I think Don West's Heel turn if done right will be a great boost to the TNA product . Teney is a prick and everyone knows it so turning him Heel wouldn't do anything to futher a storyline beacuse everyone knows Tenay is a big prick but West comes off as babyface period and hasn't given any indication to fans that he is anything else .
Did I miss something with this? Maybe I didn't see the whole thing but I didn't think of it as a Don West heel turn. I just thought of it as an angle for the announcers and actually thought it made Tenay the heel. I felt that West was "defending himself" and calling out Tenay.

On another not, West is a nice guy, but I just don't think he belongs as a commentator.

Either way, I think we all know that this won't help TNA in any way.
As long as Mike Adamle isn't the replacement....

Adamle would be a step up from West, I find West annoying as hell and feel that replacing him for a few shows of Impact will raise the ratings and justify replacing him permanently, he could still work for TNA behind the scenes, but he drags their product down as an announcer because of his amateurish acting and overreaction to each and every event. Tenay may be a prick, but he knows his shit, I'm sick of hearing West saying "Well, he hit him with some sort of move ! I think he's hurt or something !".
It will be nice to see Joey Styles in there. If TNA happens to go back to there fast pace wrestling. Styles will be the best guy to announce that.
Finally something interesting regarding the commentary team. and about the only remotely interesting thing Don West has ever said in the entire time i've watched TNA.

Mike Tenay, crappy as he is, is far better and handled the rest of the show fine by himself.

He didn't dwell on his "friend" cracking the shits and leaving for too long either, did ya notice :)

Hopefully they get rid of Don West and maybe put Mick in the chair. He did a great job as commentator on Smackdown, regardless of what Vince thought.
I agree.This is the best time for TNA to bring in a real color com.Nash is the obvious,He can be really funny at times & maybe Tenay can feed him lines & unlike Booker let him get a word in!! Mainly anybody TNA want to get over could join.
I always thought Dons shirt collar looked too tight & his reign would end after one shouting commentary too many when his head finally exploded!
Don West cut a better promo than A.J and Joe's promos put together.

This is a good point, haha.. I think Don did a great job... i heard some of it came out of reality as well. I really enjoyed it and I have no idea where it's going but when I read the spoilers that came COMPLETELY out of left field

As TNA started the angle, I"m sure they know where they're going with this and I'm curious to see where it goes.. anything differnt is good. The same old wrestling match done over and over again is boring bullshit. empty arena match with top names got people itnerested. Something like this will get people interested.

Every week - do something different that might get people talking - ala the Vince Russo formula. Wade Keller's stupid comments on the quarterlys - he can take his "expert analysis" and stick it straight up his ass!
I just watched the promo...what makes people think that West is turning heel? If anything, Tenay looked like the asshole, not West. Not sticking up for your friends is one of the worst things that someone can do in the minds of many people, and so when someone backstabs you like that, you have every right to tell them off.

Don West on color commentary is a GOD. Anyone who says differently doesn't have very good listening skills. What more could you want than a guy who sells offense and selling, someone who is excited to be there, and someone who works so hard at being better with every show that he does?

Don West > Mike Tenay
The problem with West is he's too entusiastic. He sells Taylor Wilde putting on her bra backstage the same as he does Brother Ray using a pizza cutter on the face or Hernandez.

If he's turned heel instead of saying ''AWESOME ARMBAR BY A.J. THERE MIKE'' he should say ''I really didn't rate that armbar at all Tenay''.
Man, that was one funny promo. I was watching some naked chick on a different channel during the commerical break before the promo. Then I changed it back to iMPACT and saw Don West randomly having a dummy spit. I missed the first 20 seconds of the promo, and I was already lost as to what in the holy fuck West was bitching about.

Anyway, I can't see what this will do for anyone. Don West ain't going to sit next to his "friend" who wouldn't back him up, so who else will take his place? Then I thought of something, isn't Kevin Nash injured despite walking as slow as a fucking turtle? Yeah, he could take his place. I dislike Don West on commentary. He oversells things that don't matter, he undersells things that actually matter, and he just talks about anything random during an important match such as the main event of the show.

Not to mention he is just plain annoying. Now, it could work since he is now meant to be an annoying heel, but it just didn't work as a babyface. I think TNA just needs new commentators, and hopefully this Don West heel turn means he doesn't have to talk at the commentary box ever again. Though I highly doubt that.
As some of you may know, and most of you probably wont, West is an acclaimed salesman. If anyone can make you believe "what they are selling" it is West. He is great on the mic, as he proved this week. Anyone who thinks otherwise is too used to being a failure themselves. He would make a great mouthpiece for someone like Matt Morgan or any other good westler, who is terrible on the stick.

I think this will be a good chane for DW....cant beleive i called him that
I don't think it was necessarily a heel turn. This will make Tenay look worse if anything else. Not defending a close and personal friend is something the fans can symphatize with and will turn on Tenay. I'm curious to see what will happen on Thursday's IMPACT. If West isn't there, maybe Borash will fill in for him.
I really liked teh whole angle between West and Tennay, it just came out of nowhere.

I have never seen why so many people hate West, yeah he can be a bit much at times but you would never know he came from a tv sales channel considering how well he knows his moves and history.

As for the angle i hope they turn Tennay heel, even though i like him as a commentator he really does come across as a smug holier than thou bastard so it wouldnt feel forced at all.

Also i loved how West ended it "I learnt that your a selfish Prick!"
fantastic :)
I think this will be a good chane for DW....cant beleive i called him that

"Arthur" ftw

I just watched his heel turn on YouTube, and it was hilarious; FUCKING HILARIOUS. It sorta reminded me of Joey Styles' whoopin' promo a couple years ago, except it was no where near as good.

God, the one episode of Impact I miss and it would be the one featuring the funniest, most random heel turn ever. What purpose does this serve? Is Don West gonna pull a Shane Sewell and start wrestling or something? I guess he could join the MEM and be their commentator but....why? Unless it's building toward.....

DESTINATION X - Don West vs Mike Tenay: Headset on a Pole Match.
This is one of those things that makes me wonder what TNA is thinking. Why even bother with something like this? It takes away television time from the product to push your announcers.. what good reason can there be to do that? People don't watch TNA because they want to see Don West or Mike Tenya (especially since a large portion probably don't even like the commentating like so many who have been vocal in the past). I just don't see how this is possibly beneficial for anything in TNA.. selling ppvs, pushing talent, etc. And because its not, why waste time and effort? Seems pointless to me, and another bad decision from those behind the scenes in TNA.

The only thing beneficial to doing this I could see is if they're actually going to change their commentators and bring someone new and good in. But, I'll hold my breath on that one.
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