Dolph Ziggler: Has WWE Cooled On The Show-Off?

1. What do you think they have in store for Dolph Ziggler? In my opinion Ziggler will win the title in the next few weeks, possibly even tonight on Monday Night Raw.

That's what I've been thinking, although I was sure he was going to do it last night. Watching him get pinned in the tag title match, I was positive the loss there meant he would be cashing in during the Del Rio match.

Has WWE soured on Dolph? They've pushed him so hard in the past couple years. The losing streak he went on in recent months, even as he held the damn briefcase, seemed to indicate they had. Still, they had to do something with the MITB prize he carried every week, didn't they? Even if he was to lose in his cash-in appearance, they still have to address it, right? I was sure Wrestlemania was the time..... but his take for last night was a flat zero.

It seems he's held the briefcase forever. If WWE still sees Dolph as the future of the company, they ought to make it happen....or not happen.

Maybe tonight is the time, since the company's direction for the new year often takes place the night after WM.
I think WWE has miscalculated with Ziggler. They didn't want to push him to cash in the case and become a World Champion too quickly. However, now I think they've missed the time for him to cash in. They built him as a legitimate threat to the point where he was getting matches with Cena and ADR, even without the case. He should have cashed in right at the end of his fued with Cena. Now, they're screwing around with him and Big E Langston in a tag team? If he doesn't cash it in tonight then it's basically a 100% guarantee he cashes in at Extreme Rules. The WH title match will probably be Last Man Standing or street fight or something. All Ziggler has to do at that point is waltz down there at the end and cash it in.

If they really wanted to put Ziggler over, last night was the perfect opportunity at the "grandest stage of them all." I guess they really don't want to him that far over.
When Ziggler won The Smackdown Money In The Bank Ladder Match I thought it was his big break and he would finally break into to Main Event scene and become World Heavyweight Champion, unfortunately it looks like Wwe has cooled down on him in recent months and it makes me believe that Dolph will either lose when he cashes in the briefcase, or Only get a short run with the title and then drop back out of the Main Event scene.
^ Oh yeah absolutely .. the crowd tonight was awesome .. so many lively chants throughout the night

even during the Del Rio handicap match several loud "We Want Ziggler" chants could be heard.

**and with the Big E-Bryan match kicking off RAW maybe Ziggler can try to double up with the Gold as a Tag-Team champ

but then again Team Hell No came to Taker's aid against the Shield so WWE can take this several directions. hopefully they don't botch it.
After Wrestlemania 29's utter disappointment. I jumped off my couch when I heard Ziggler's music play. You just knew that as a fan of Ziggler our time was now!!! Seeing Dolph's emotion when he won made me feel like I was there. It just pumped me up. To finally see Dolph Ziggler NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! It was just awesome. This is the beginning of something great hopefully. Dolph's promo after winning was epic. ALL HAIL THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! Btw, let's petition for a new Ziggler shirt THE CHAMP IS HERE...TO SHOW OFF!!!
Dolphs treatment is textbook WWE. They use the same philosophy a lot,of guys use with women. You can't get a girls number, text her, go on a date, text more, and bang all in the same day. WWE gets the crowd into something. Then lets it simmer on the back burner, them brings it back and it gets a stronger reaction because they were wanting it more. Got a pretty ridiculous reaction.
ALL HAIL THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!! Btw, let's petition for a new Ziggler shirt THE CHAMP IS HERE...TO SHOW OFF!!!

I wanna see Ziggler shirt with an arrow pointing to the World HW Title and a graphic of the World HW belt.. just like Cena's new Super cool shirt with the WWE Title on it.

Because when Cena takes off his waist, the graphic of the title is still around his waist, because it's a graphic on the shirt

pretty neato!

end rant.
Hey rerun406 and Rhodes2TheFuture3313,

Since a fair bit of Anti-Ziggler fans like bringing this up, let's take a look at the promos Ziggler has cut as of 2012 and give feedback on them:

Promo in London:

WWE Downloads promo:

Raw Promo after he beat CM Punk in an upset:

Promo on AJ Lee:

Promo on Jericho:

I personally say that he's made a lot of progress and will keep improving especially if you compare it to the stuff he did when he first came on the scene as Ziggler with the "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler" segments.

Anyway what are your thoughts?
Ziggler is a bore on the mic and in the ring. All his matches are the same (No different with Cena matches, yet he gets booed), all of his promos are below average.

The IWC will turn on him eventually as they always do.
The IWC will turn on him eventually as they always do.

I disagree and here's why, it depends on what they do and whether or not they live up to the potential they have.

I remember at first people were saying Daniel Bryan was an internet darling and that he had no charisma and NOW people are praising him all around on both the internet and just regualr fans.

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