Does WWE need a backup plan?

Does WWE need a backup plan/Which card looks better (Vote one of each)

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That N Word

Actively evolving
I was thinking that WWE may need a backup plan for WrestleMania in case Reigns doesn't make the cut. Both on Raw and SummerSlam he recieved a few boo's. And I feel the fans honestly. I was Reign's biggest supporter until Summerslam. Like i've said before the kid is talented but his gimmick won't allow him to do more moves. As a face he is more like Kane back in the day in the ring now. Back in NXT he reminded me of a little bit more talented version of The Rock in the attitude era in the ring. IN NXT he was also great on the mic. But he was a heel when he was. So if Reign's doesn't work out as the top face. Why not make him the top heel so the push isn't for nothing. Just don't bury him like they did Ryback. And in about 4 or 5 years make him the face of WWE. But that isn't all my original plan would be having Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns for the WWE world heavyweight championship at WrestleMania. But that's if Reign's can adapt then after have him go over Rock at Summerslam and John Cena at WrestleMania 32. After can be when Cena turns heel because Reign's will has cemented him self as "the guy." My second plan if Reign's can't adapt would be to make Dean Ambrose "the guy." Ambrose is the most ready out of all the new guy's even Bray at this point. He is perfect on the mic and great in the ring. He is great at selling and acting dramatic with everything. So the way I would book him is to have Brock Lesnar vs The Rock for the WWE world heavyweight championship at WrestleMania 31. I would have Dean Ambrose vs Triple H at WrestleMania. Brock and Dean goes over and Trips raises Dean's hand up(if Lesnar stay's for at least the next night.) The next night on Raw (if Lesnar stay's) I would have Lesnar (well Heyman anyway's) say he is leaving WWE with the World Heavyweight title. Dean Ambrose comes out and say's you want to leave with the belts you have to go through me. Paul tell's Dean "no" but Brock tells him "yes." Dean Ambrose defeats Brock on Raw. Brock stands on the ramp with Paul Heyman pissed screaming "I quit!, I quit!" The next week Triple H congratulates Dean shake his hand then pedigree's him. Seth comes down to cash in but Dean kicks out of everything. Triple H distracts the ref long enough for Rollins to hit him with a chair. Rollins then hits curb stomp for the win. The two feud for the belt until MITB. At MITB Dean wins the belt back only for Roman (new MITB winner) to cash in on him. At Summerslam Roman goes over and Dean moves on to take out Triple H once and for all and succeeds. He then takes out Rollins again at TLC and wins the Royal Rumble. At WrestleMania he beats Roman for the belts and holds it until Extreme Rules 2016 . I didn't do any booking for Reign's because it is the same each time.

But any way's I would do something like:

Plan A:Mania Main Events
Brock Lesnar(c) vs Roman Reigns (WWE hvt. title)
John Cena (heel) vs Daniel Bryan
Bray Wyatt vs The Rock
Triple H (tweener) vs Dean Ambrose
and possibly Sting vs The Undertaker

Plan B: Brock Lesnar vs The Rock
Dean Ambrose vs Triple H (heel)
John Cena vs Roman Reigns (newly heel)
Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins
and possibly Sting vs The Undertaker
and if neccesary Plan C:

Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan
Roman Reigns vs. The Rock (heel)
John Cena vs Seth Rollins
Evolution triple threat
and possibly Sting vs The Undertaker.

Do you thing they need a backup plan. And if so what cards.
To the question posted in the title, they already have them. You have Reigns, Ambrose, Rollins and Bray all getting a decent push right now. If Reigns stumbles you just push up one of the others :P

If anything I say don't make any rash decisions to cut Reign's push till Royal Rumble. You have the MitB on Rollins for a reason, he can take the push whenever needed.

Plan A: The way I see the current plan going i.e Plan Reigns
Reigns v Lesnar(C)
Ambrose v Triple H I don't know about this, seems like HHH putting another guy over
Rollins v Rock I like this because it could help cement Rollins as a next big guy
Cena(face) v Bryan(face) I could buy into this match as them both faces, a battle to see who the best guy is
Orton v Cesaro(face) This was they both have something to do, plus I could see this being a good match
Bray(face) v Kane? Not gonna lie I wouldn't like this but it's a match
Reigns would be world champ, Ambrose would be built as a contender as would Rollins, and whoever wins the Cena/Bryan match. Orton would win being as they keep burying Cesaro and Bray would win. You'd basically have 4 contenders

Plan B: If Reigns push gets stopped(which is all speculation and I doubt would happen) i.e. Plan Ambrose
Ambrose v Lesnar(C) Simple, you just substitute Ambrose winning the rumble instead of Reigns
Reigns v Rock Didn't Rock say he wanted to put Reigns over? This could help Reigns immensely
Rollins v Bryan In terms of wrestling, this match would probably be one of the best on any of my cards
Cena v Triple H We could finally acknowledge that Nikki is Cena's gf so he turns on the authority
Orton v Bray(face) I'd appreciate this, think Orton punting Rowan or Harper in the skull and it would be good I think
Cesaro(face) v Kane? Cesaro turns on the authority and gets this match with Kane
Ambrose is champ, Reigns gets a great rub from Rock, match of the year candidate from match 3, classic Cena match 4, Orton beating Bray so he can stay relevant and a contender for Ambrose...Cesaro needed a match xD

Plan C: If Reigns push stops but Ambrose's does too i.e Plan Bryan
Rollins(C) v Bryan If Rollins cashes in at Rumble, he'd have won the rematch and Bryan would return win the rumble
Ambrose(heel) v Reigns Ambrose turns on Reigns for not helping him, bam
Brock v Rock I've heard rumors about this match, I don't like it but if the WWE wants to here's how
Cena v Cesaro(heel) They had a good match on Raw and I could see Cesaro thinking Cena is the enemy to his push
Triple H v Orton v Bray(face) I could see the WWE trying to push Bray by him winning against 2 HoFers in 1 night
Bryan recaptures the title, heel Ambrose goes over Reigns, the match Vince wants for match 3, Cena would win so he could fight for the belt, Bray beats the authority pretty much single handedly pushing him to the top quickly

Plan D: Plan C but they don't give it to Bryan i.e Plan Rollins
Rollins(C) v Bryan This plan he retains, leaving Wrestlemania as the heel world champ(he'd prolly get extra boos for blocking Bryan
Reigns v Brock This would be to slap the rub on Reigns...this plan is much more face friendly than plan C
Ambrose(face) v Rock Rock is a part timer so give the win to Ambrose
Cena v Triple H v Orton A classic Cena overcomes everything match or Orton face turn/end of authority
Bray v Cesaro Both as faces and the WWE could decide the finish by who the audience cheers for the most
Rollins holds the belt, Reigns gets that rub for the streak which will make him a contender later, Ambrose gets a huge rub from Rock making him a contender, hopefully match 4 is the end of the authority one way or the other, match 5 would be to decide who to push next year ;)

Basically they're all in order of how likely I think they are, I don't think Reigns will be depushed but if he is Ambrose is there to catch the push. Which if that fails you can have Bryan re-win it in a classic match. But if you don't like that, slap the belt on Rollins for longer ;) dare I say, they'd have to really be trying to screw next Mania up
Niether Reigns or Ambrose looks ready to headlind W-Mania today, but we are half a year away. Booking long term is important in scripting TV and establishing match finishes, but WWE isnt stuck with any long term plans. They cancelled any thoughts of an Ultimate Warrior World Title win at S-Series 92 6 weeks out from the event. They added an extra Hulk Hogan title reign and an unexpected face turn after the crowd response for W-Mania 18, they switched gears and went all in on D. Bryan after all signs pointed to a coronation of the returning Batista based on audience reaction.

Ambrose might be a plan B. Bryan is the best one, he is the ultimate nemesis for on screen villains Triple H & Steph, and plays the 'Never Say Die' underdog character better than anyone today, and he is the uncrowned champ, having never lost the belt in the 1st place. There is also Cena, in 'Win or Retire' style scenario where he is chasing history (16th World Title), possibly w/ Flair in his corner, giving him approval for tying his record while serving as a neutralizer for Heyman & maybe HHH. Plus, do we know for sure Rock wont be back, he said before he is interested in another return...

There are plenty of marketable scenarios that could make $$ as the main event if Reigns doesnt look like the guy.
Definitely would go with Plan A as the card for WrestleMania 31 but honestly if Reigns is nowhere near ready for the main event then yes WWE does need to have a backup plan and here is hoping they go with your "Plan B" with Brock taking on Rock as the main event
the way I see WM 31 will be Reigns vs Lesnar for the World Title as Reigns will beat Lesnar then Lesnar knocks out Reigns afterwards and Rollins cashes in the Bank at WM to walk outta Silicon valley w/ The Gold.

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